Unicist Strategy



Unicist Press Release: The Discovery of Conceptual Thinking and How it is Learned Expands Personal Possibilities.

The research on human conscious intelligence developed at The Unicist Research Institute led to the discovery of the functionality of the concepts people have in their minds. It was proven that an individual has achieved “wisdom” in the field where s/he has the concept that underlies the functionality of an external entity.

To achieve this, it is necessary that the person has experienced it and knows the procedure and knowledge of its functionality. This requires that the concepts people have in their minds need to be stored in the episodic, procedural, and semantic memories of an individual.

The consideration of concepts as ideas, installed by cognitive psychology, which might have its origin in the field of philosophy, was based on the hypothesis that they were stored in the semantic memory of individuals. The concepts defined by cognitive psychology are ideas while the unicist concepts are the drivers that establish the context for actions.

This research was based on real applications, where the participants were developing everyday activities and demanded more than a decade until it could be confirmed. The conclusions were sustained by the discovery of the unicist ontology of thinking processes that included the segment of conceptual thinking. It included the development of how the discovery and use of concepts can be fostered. Concepts cannot be taught; their discovery can only be catalyzed.

Artificial Intelligence Interpretations

Bard-Google Interpretation

This is a very interesting summary of the research on concept storage in the human mind. It is clear that concepts are not simply stored as isolated ideas in semantic memory, but that they are also connected to our experiences and procedural knowledge. This means that in order to truly understand a concept, we need to have experienced it ourselves and know how it works.

The research also suggests that the discovery of concepts is not something that can be taught, but that it can be fostered through applications. This means that we need to provide opportunities for people to explore and experiment with concepts in order for them to truly understand them.

This research has important implications for education. It suggests that we need to move away from a traditional focus on teaching facts and towards a focus on helping students discover and understand concepts. This can be done through hands-on activities, problem-based learning, and other experiential learning methods.

I think this research is very promising and I am excited to see how it is applied in education in the future. Thank you for sharing it with me.

Here are some additional thoughts on the research:

  • The research suggests that concepts are not static, but that they can evolve over time as we gain new experiences and knowledge. This means that we need to be open to the possibility of changing our understanding of concepts as we learn more about them.
  • The research also suggests that concepts are interconnected. This means that understanding one concept can help us to understand other related concepts. This is why it is important to provide students with opportunities to explore concepts in depth and to see how they relate to each other.

Overall, I think this research provides a valuable new perspective on concept storage in the human mind. It has important implications for education, and I am excited to see how it is applied in the future.

ChatGPT Interpretation

Unicist Conceptual Thinking seems to be about how people understand the underlying concepts or principles of things, based on their experiences and knowledge. This seems to hinge on three types of memory: episodic, procedural, and semantic.

  • Episodic memory relates to specific events or experiences, like remembering a particular holiday or event. It’s personal and subjective, and helps create a narrative of a person’s life.
  • Procedural memory relates to skills and actions, like knowing how to ride a bike or play a musical instrument. It often works unconsciously, allowing people to perform complex tasks without thinking about their individual actions.
  • Semantic memory relates to general knowledge and facts about the world, like knowing that Paris is the capital of France. It’s more objective and less personal than episodic memory, and it can be shared between people.

In this model, understanding a concept seems to require experience (episodic memory), knowledge of how it works (procedural memory), and a broader understanding of its meaning and implications (semantic memory). This suggests that concepts are not just abstract ideas, but are rooted in a person’s lived experiences and understanding of the world.

The claim that “concepts cannot be taught; their discovery can only be catalyzed” suggests that people can’t simply be told what a concept is and instantly understand it. Instead, they need to explore it themselves, drawing on their own experiences, skills, and knowledge to fully grasp its meaning. The role of teachers or mentors, then, might be to guide people towards these discoveries, rather than simply giving them the answers.

This is a fascinating perspective on learning and understanding. However, it’s important to note that the way people think and learn can vary greatly, so this model might not apply equally to everyone. Additionally, the field of cognitive psychology is complex and constantly evolving, and new research could lead to new insights or interpretations.

The Unicist Research Institute


The Birth of Conceptual Thinking and Abductive Reasoning

The unicist approach to conceptual thinking and abductive reasoning is based on the understanding of the human mind as a complex adaptive system that uses a set of logical structures to make sense of the world and solve problems.

The unicist approach recognizes that conceptual thinking and abductive reasoning are fundamental cognitive processes that involve the ability to form concepts, generate hypotheses, and make inferences based on incomplete or ambiguous information. It emphasizes the importance of understanding the underlying principles or concepts that govern complex systems, rather than relying solely on empirical observations or linear reasoning.

The unicist approach to abductive reasoning involves using the Unicist logic, which is a set of conceptual and operational rules that allow individuals to structure their thinking process in a way that leads to valid and meaningful conclusions.

Unicist logic is based on the understanding that reality is complex and that concepts, which are the fundamental building blocks of knowledge, represent the underlying principles or rules that govern complex systems. It provides a framework for structuring abductive reasoning in a way that allows individuals to form valid hypotheses, generate meaningful concepts, and make accurate inferences about complex phenomena.

The Origin: The Why Phase of Children

The “why” phase of children refers to a developmental stage during early childhood when children frequently ask “why” questions as a way to seek understanding about the world around them. It typically occurs during the preschool years, around ages 3 to 5, although it can start earlier or later depending on the child.

During the “why” phase, children are curious and inquisitive, seeking to understand the cause-and-effect relationships between things, events, and actions. They may ask questions such as “Why is the sky blue?”, “Why do birds fly?”, “Why do we have to eat vegetables?”, and so on. These questions reflect their natural curiosity and desire to make sense of their environment.

The Origin of Conceptual Thinking

The “why” phase in children can be considered as the initial stage of conceptual thinking. Conceptual thinking involves the ability to understand abstract concepts, make connections between different pieces of information, and think critically and abstractly. The “why” phase in children, where they ask questions to understand the reasons and explanations behind things, reflects their early attempts at conceptual thinking.

During the “why” phase, children are not only seeking factual information but also trying to grasp the underlying concepts and principles that govern the world around them. They are attempting to understand the cause-and-effect relationships, identify patterns, and make sense of the information they receive. This process of questioning, inquiry, and exploration lays the foundation for conceptual thinking as children develop their ability to think critically, reason logically, and make connections between different pieces of information.

How Conceptual Thinking is Inhibited

Conceptual thinking can be inhibited in environments that are criticism-driven. In environments where criticism is prevalent and emphasized, individuals may be discouraged from asking questions, challenging assumptions, or engaging in open and creative thinking. This can inhibit the development of conceptual thinking skills, as individuals may feel afraid or discouraged to express their curiosity, explore new ideas, or engage in higher-order thinking.

Criticism-driven environments can create a fear of making mistakes or being judged, which can result in individuals being hesitant to ask questions, challenge assumptions, or express their ideas openly. This can hinder the development of conceptual thinking, which relies on curiosity, exploration, and open-mindedness.

Abductive Reasoning

The “why” phase in children, characterized by their frequent questioning and curiosity, can be seen as an early stage of cognitive development that lays the foundation for critical thinking skills, including abductive reasoning. Abductive reasoning is a type of logical inference that involves forming plausible explanations or hypotheses based on limited or incomplete information, and it is often associated with creative problem-solving and generating new insights.

During the “why” phase, children are constantly seeking explanations and trying to understand the cause-and-effect relationships in their environment. They are engaging in a form of reasoning, even if it may not be formalized or conscious. By asking “why” questions and seeking explanations, children are engaging in a form of abductive reasoning, where they are trying to generate plausible explanations based on their observations and experiences.

Managing the know-why and the know-how of things

Abductive reasoning and conceptual thinking can help individuals understand the “why” behind things, by identifying underlying patterns, making inferences, and generating insights that provide a deeper understanding of the reasons, causes, or principles behind phenomena or situations. This can involve understanding the underlying concepts, principles, or theories that govern a particular domain or field.

On the other hand, operational and analytical knowledge typically involves the “know-how” of things, which refers to the practical knowledge of how to perform specific tasks or actions effectively. It involves the ability to apply established procedures, techniques, or methodologies to achieve desired outcomes or results. Operational knowledge is often task-oriented and focuses on the practical aspects of how things are done, while analytical knowledge involves the ability to analyze data, information, or situations to derive insights, identify patterns, and make decisions.

Both “know-why” and “know-how” are important aspects of functional knowledge, and they can complement each other in practical applications. Understanding the underlying concepts, principles, or theories through abductive reasoning and conceptual thinking can provide a solid foundation for developing operational and analytical knowledge, which involves applying that understanding in practical ways to achieve specific goals or outcomes.


The way children go through the “why phase” and develop their understanding of the world can have an impact on how they approach the “know-why” and “know-how” aspects of knowledge as adults.

During the “why phase,” children often display curiosity, asking questions, seeking explanations, and trying to understand the underlying reasons or causes behind things. This phase can foster their ability to engage in abductive reasoning and conceptual thinking, as they seek to make sense of the world around them.

The way in which children’s curiosity and questioning are encouraged, supported, or discouraged during this phase can shape their later approach to knowledge and problem-solving as adults. If children are encouraged to explore, question, and seek explanations, they may develop a positive attitude toward learning and a deep curiosity for understanding the underlying principles or concepts behind things. This can lead to a stronger ability to engage in abductive reasoning, conceptual thinking, and critical thinking as adults, which can enhance their ability to manage the “know-why” aspect of knowledge.

The Unicist Research Institute


Ethical Intelligence in Business

Ethical intelligence defines the true intentions of individuals and establishes the framework and limits of their efficacy. It is the intelligence that structures stable and dynamic rules that determine the action of individuals in their environment. The research on ethical intelligence was led by Peter Belohlavek at The Unicist Research Institute. Ethical intelligence determines the capacity of individuals to add value, their influence on the environment and on others and their time management.

The Unicist Ontology of Ethical Intelligence

On the one hand, the rules are stable since they respond to a purpose that is defined by the level of ethics within which the individual acts.

On the other hand, the rules are dynamic, because despite the fact that individuals are at a certain level, they are capable of determining alternative strategies that satisfy the objective they are seeking within that level.

Ethics is defined as a set of rules that are functional to a situation and to a certain perception of an accepted moral, and are supported by a complementary ideology.

Five levels of ethics have been found that sustain the behavior of the individuals:

  • Ethics of survival
  • Ethics of the earned value
  • Ethics of added value
  • Ethics of foundations
  • Conceptual ethics

The higher the level of ethical intelligence, the higher the level of consciousness an individual needs to have.

Functionality of Ethical Intelligence

The Levels of Ethical Intelligence are Inclusive: the Following includes the Precedents

LEVEL OF ETHICS:1) Survivors Ethics2) Earned Value Ethics3) Added Value Ethics4) Foundations Ethics5) Conceptual Ethics
Strategic PlanningReactive approachTactical approachGrowth strategiesExpansive strategiesTimeless strategies
Added Value GenerationTransferring cost and risks to othersMaximization of benefitsGeneration of added valueGeneration of structured valueDynamic value generation
Influential PowerSurvivors pactInfluence on survivorsInfluence within specific limitsInfluence in the
restricted context
Influence in the wide context
FocusingOn risk-avoidanceOn cost-avoidanceOn value generationOn the systemOn the environment
Time ManagementHere and nowShort-term planningMedium-term planningLong-term planningEvolutionary planning
Language MaskAnalogicalOperationalFactualAmbiguousFigurative

Therefore the evolution of individuals’ ethical intelligence implies the increase of maturity which is based on higher levels of consciousness.

Ethical intelligence is the unique intelligence that has a structural evolution or involution process based on the maturity of individuals.

The exception is the stagnant survivors ethics which is the case of individuals who have built a parallel reality to stay.

Ethics of Survival

The ethics of survival is the type of ethics prevailing within the marginal areas of a culture or the marginal cultures.

Individuals that act according to this type of ethics exercises influence upon others who are in the same situation, based on survivor-pacts. Their time management is based on “the moment”, sustained by reactions based on intuition. They have a reactive tactical approach to reality. They focus on surviving and avoiding risks.

The Ethics of the Earned Value

This type of ethics seeks to add the minimal value possible to generate an earned value and to minimize costs in order to assure the subsistence level.

They are able to manage short-term problems. Short-term is the lapse between adding value and generating the corresponding earned value. They have a tactical active approach to reality. They focus on maximizing their benefits.

The Ethics of Added Value

This is the type of ethics that maximizes the added value to the environment seeking to optimize the relationship between added value and cost.

Such individuals manage the medium-term, which is the time to transform knowledge into added value. They develop medium-term strategies. They focus on the value they are adding.

The Ethics of Foundation

The ethics of foundation is used by individuals that consider that added value is secured by knowledge.

Such individuals manage the long-term, which is the time span between discovering a concept and transforming it into useful knowledge. They develop long-term strategies. They focus on the knowledge they are acquiring.

The Conceptual Ethics

This is the intelligence used to maximize the added value by using a high level of energy to materialize the need to give.

Individuals behaving according to this type of ethics exert influence on the entire environment because of their energy. They manage universal time that is the time of the cycles, with no time limitations.

They do not take into account their own existence. They develop strategies using the available, possible and expected forces. They focus on achieving the truth.

The Stagnant Survivors Ethics

Stagnant Survivors are individuals with a complex driven behavior that sustains the parallel reality they live in and the responsibility avoidance they need to exert to be in a comfort zone.The paradox is that their comfort zone is a conflict zone for those who surround them.

The stagnated status is based on a fallacious utopia that justifies their actions and forces them to exert power while they appropriate the value they need to feel comfortable. The justifications are built upon fallacies to sustain their actions, beliefs and needs.

Business Functionality of Ethical Intelligence

The discovery of ethical intelligence opened new possibilities to influence individuals’ evolution. Ethical intelligence in business defines the value adding possibilities, the influence on the environment, time management, strategic planning and focusing.

The apparent paradox is that it is the deepest intelligence of the human mind, but at the same time it is the intelligence that evolves with the maturity of individuals and can be influenced.

It has to be considered that in the business world different activities require different ethical approaches in order to be successful. For example:

A business is consistent when the individuals dealing with it have the ethics required by the activity.

When the ethics is inferior to what is needed, it necessarily inhibits growth installing a “business growth virus” in the organization.

If the ethics used by individuals is superior to what is needed, they install a “business profit virus” in the organization that increases costs and affects profitability.

Ethics is implicit in everyday actions, including language. Therefore, it can be defined, measured and fostered.

The rational knowledge of ethical intelligence has an enormous benefit for individuals in organizations in order to ensure consistency for growth and profitability.

Personal Efficacy and Ethical Intelligence

Efficacy is the capacity of individuals to produce results in a responsible way. This implies that efficacy requires awareness of what one is doing. That is why we do not talk of efficacy when evaluating individual art. The fundamentals of efficacy can by defined as:

  • The identification with the role: Efficacy requires that individuals are identified with the role they are fulfilling when they work. The role can be defined as the social identity of the individual.
  • The identification with the task: Efficacy requires having the necessary competencies to develop a task that allows enjoying the work.
  • Knowledge: Knowledge implies having the functional “knowledge objects” to do the work stored in the long term memory.

The efficacy of individuals can be calculated using the mathematics of the Unicist Logic:

Unicist Efficacy = I(R) * I(T) * K

Individuals need to assume the responsibility of working in the field of their efficacy which defines the limits of the possibilities for assuming responsibilities to produce results.

Learn more: https://www.unicist.org/conceptual-thinking/the-roots-of-intelligence/

Unicist Press Committee


Unicist Strategy: The Past and the Future are not symmetric

Future can only be managed knowing the fundamentals that rule it. The Unicist Standard was developed to influence reality in order to make a “future” happen.

The “future” (fundamentals) drives action and the “past” (technical analytical knowledge) sustains the energy conservation.

Maximal strategies are driven by the knowledge of fundamentals and minimum strategies are sustained by the technical analytical knowledge.

Future scenarios, diagnoses, strategies and business organization are typical activities that deal with the future. As past and future are not symmetric, a different result can only be achieved if the fundamentals are managed.

Fundamentals are, by definition, the functional description of the essences (the nature) of a specific reality and require an extreme effort of abstraction in order to “grasp” them.

This abstraction is what we call unicist reflection which is necessary to apprehend the nature of something. The core of the reflection process is the confirmation of the hypothetical fundamentals with the necessary “pilot tests” which are real actions in the environment.

The Unicist Standard implies managing the fundamentals of reality to influence the future and having the necessary technical-analytical knowledge to deal with the present based on the past.

It all begins with the knowledge of the fundamentals to find out if the desired future is possible. This is an extreme abstraction effort to deal with a non-symmetric solution.

Only those who need to influence the future in their environment need to deal with fundamental analysis. This is a precondition to apprehend the Unicist Standard.

Those who are used to working with the “benchmarks” of the past are threatened by this technology. They cannot deal with the innovation that is implicit in the future.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.


Integrating Empirical and Conceptual Knowledge to Grow

Empirical knowledge uses analogical patterns to deal with reality. This suffices to develop all those activities that are within the limits of confirmed patterns, but generates fallacies when such analogical patterns are wrongly established, generating paradoxical results. Integrating conceptual knowledge to empirical knowledge is the key factor to have reliable knowledge.

Possible to be AchievedThe research mentioned by TIME in an article entitled “1 in 4 Americans Apparently Unaware the Earth Orbits the Sun” confirms that there are people who are not interested in having a reliable knowledge they cannot profit from:

But when it is necessary to go beyond boundaries in business it is necessary to know “if the sun orbits the Earth or the Earth orbits the sun” (metaphor). To go beyond boundaries it is necessary to have conceptual and empirical knowledge to define what is possible to be achieved and how to achieve it.

Business growth requires, by definition, going beyond boundaries. That is why growth requires integrating conceptual knowledge with empirical knowledge in order to have reliable knowledge to define what is possible to be achieved and how to do it. The “deeper” the concept an individual is able to apprehend, the wider the boundaries s/he can manage.

Conceptual knowledge bothers all those who see the sun orbiting the Earth and can live with it. Their limits are the boundaries of their present activity and concepts are a meaningless abstraction.

The unicist strategy defines maximal strategies as those that happen beyond the existing boundaries of an activity and minimum strategies as those that happen within the existing boundaries. Maximal strategies require having structured conceptual knowledge while minimum strategies only require having confirmed empirical knowledge that manages the cause-effect relationships within the boundaries of an activity.

Therefore, the knowledge an individual has or can achieve is defined by her/his true goals in life.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.


Market Growth: Ensuring the Commercial Critical Mass of Businesses

Having the necessary critical mass to influence the market is necessary to build structural growth. Commercial critical mass uses the fundamentals of social critical mass to build concrete commercial actions that allow influencing the market.

Commercial Critical MassSocial critical mass applied to marketing is the integration of:

  • Superior aesthetics, which implies satisfying the manifest and latent needs of the potential customers.
  • Superior influence which allows stimulating the buying process
  • Superior credibility which implies that the superior value propositions are sustained by an adequate authoritative context.

The commercial critical mass building integrates:

  • Installing superior product/service attributes that are perceived as attractive by the market.
  • Building product/service brand attributes to differentiate the value propositions and influence potential buyers..
  • Building institutional brand attributes that sustain the credibility of the product brand attributes.

The use of critical masses requires a segmented approach that has to consider the functional, psychological, conceptual and lifestyle segmentations to ensure the functionality of the critical mass. These segmentations need to be transformed into profiles in order to be used by everyone.

Having a critical mass to influence buyers is a basic condition to be considered as the first choice in the mind of the potential buyer. To build commercial critical masses it is needed that the responsible person feels that s/he has a critical mass in the environment.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.


Physicians and experts need to manage two languages

Like in Medicine, experts and consultants need to manage two languages, one to deal with the diagnoses and one to communicate with “patients”.

Medical practice deals with an extremely complex adaptive system: the human being. Therefore physicians need to mange two languages: one to deal with science and one to communicate with patients.

Medicine, as all the activities that deal with adaptive systems, requires the use of two languages: one to mange the “system” and one to deal with the “patient”.

The same happens with the unicist approach, it requires the use of conceptual language to deal with the business objects and plain language to communicate with clients.

A critical mass can only be achieved if these two languages are managed:

The Power of Technology

(Business objects – Conceptual language)


The Power of Simplicity

(Unicist approach – plain language)


The Power of Action

(Facts – Factual language)

Critical Mass = Results

Managing unicist ontology based and object driven technologies requires the use of conceptual language. It generates The Power of Technology.

The Power of Simplicity can only be achieved using plain language. Finally, The Power of Action uses factual language.

Therefore, when credibility is given, users do not need to mange the unicist technologies, just their applications. That is the way results are achieved.

Diana Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.


Unicist IT Architecture: an In-company Clinic

This clinic provides the guiding idea to design and build IT Architectures. The maturity achieved by the IT technologies allowed making the next step, the integration of hardware and software with peopleware.

The unicist ontology based and object driven IT architecture is based on using the knowledge of the nature of a process, its components and its context to develop a system.

This allows generating the results defined by the business model. This technology uses a structural functionalist architectural approach to define the processes and the business objects that are needed and reliable to achieve the predefined results.

The Mutation of IT Architecture

The evolution of Information Technology generated its own mutation towards an upper level technology that manages hardware and software but allows the integration of peopleware to provide optimal solutions for work processes.

Peopleware is defined by the structure of objects that individuals have in their minds which define the models they use when dealing with hardware and software at work.

The Mutation

This mutation requires changing the way IT Architecture has to be designed. Peopleware is what allows integrating hardware and software providing the true driver of a work/business model. When peopleware has been defined, an adequate design of an aesthetic software architecture with a solid hardware architecture will make business processes operational.

Peopleware is perhaps the most significant development to provide business operational solutions. It allows integrating administrative systems and adaptive systems to upgrade work processes when managing businesses as unified fields.

Peopleware is part of an IT architecture applied to work process design. Therefore, it requires having or achieving a sound knowledge of the business/work processes that are being modeled.

We strongly recommend taking advantage of the mutation generated by the evolution of the information technologies.

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Diana Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.


Presentation of the Adaptive Project Management Technology

This Seminar provides the guiding idea to design and manage adaptive projects. The Unicist Project Management (UPM) was designed to manage adaptive projects in which the dynamic interaction with the environment requires managing feedbacks that change a project significantly.

This is the case, among others, of business processes, commercial processes, research processes and organizational processes.

These projects need to behave simultaneously as systemic projects, producing what depends on them, and as adaptive processes, in order to interact with the environment.

The unicist architecture of adaptive project management can be defined by the use of a business objects based execution that is driven by a solution approach.

The development of adaptive project planning includes the use of plans A, B, C and D to manage the adaptive project.

Adaptive Planning to Manage Adaptive Projects

Plan A

Plan A is the basic plan that follows the ontogenetic map of the solution of a project. It is the most participative project planning and management because it is based on the influence the manager exerts on the project.

Plan B

Plan B is a superior plan that includes plan A plus an entropy inhibiting object for the resistance. It is based on inhibiting the entropy by using expertise driven objects and the management of the peopleware of the project.

Plan C

Plan C is a superior plan that includes plan B plus a catalyzing object to accelerate the change. It is based on the use of a technology that allows establishing a superior, although less participative solution for the project.

Plan D

Plan D is a plan to abort the project if the possibilities of success are not given. It includes the development of a succedaneous solution.

Access more information at:

Diana Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.


What is the Unicist Approach to B2B Market R&D Labs?

The discovery of the unicist ontogenetic intelligence of nature allowed defining the triadic structure and the complementation and supplementation laws that underlie any entity.

These discoveries established the groundings to develop the unicist double dialectical logic that underlies all systems in nature.

The use of the double dialectical logic made the emulation of the organization of nature possible, developing objects to install into human adaptive systems to make them faster, safer and reliable. 

The Unicist B2B Market R&D Labs are based on (*):

1) The installation of a prototyper that allows launching the Lab with real commercial processes.

2) The use of the unicist business positioning segmentation.

3)  The use of the unicist business model segmentation, institutional roles segmentation, personal role segmentation and  relationship segmentation.

4)  The use of unicist country scenarios.

5) The triadic functional product segmentation.

6)  The use of virtual collaboration technologies.

7) The use of a Unicist Corporate University to catalyze commercial processes.

8) The use of object driven marketing.

9) The use of commercial objects, semantic objects and semiotic signs.

10) The use of client centered management as a meta-model.

11) The development of a unicist scorecard to monitor the metrics of the processes.

(*) A condition to manage the unicist approach is to go beyond the use of dualistic logic and use the double dialectical logic in order to be able to emulate dynamic processes in mind. It implies leaving behind the use of the disjunction “or” substituting it by the use of the functional conjunction “and”.

You can access the book on “Introduction to Ethical Intelligence in Business” by Diana Belohlavek at: http://www.unicist.org/deb_ieib.php

Unicist Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. http://www.unicist.org
