Innovation management



What is the Unicist Approach to B2B Market R&D Labs?

The discovery of the unicist ontogenetic intelligence of nature allowed defining the triadic structure and the complementation and supplementation laws that underlie any entity.

These discoveries established the groundings to develop the unicist double dialectical logic that underlies all systems in nature.

The use of the double dialectical logic made the emulation of the organization of nature possible, developing objects to install into human adaptive systems to make them faster, safer and reliable. 

The Unicist B2B Market R&D Labs are based on (*):

1) The installation of a prototyper that allows launching the Lab with real commercial processes.

2) The use of the unicist business positioning segmentation.

3)  The use of the unicist business model segmentation, institutional roles segmentation, personal role segmentation and  relationship segmentation.

4)  The use of unicist country scenarios.

5) The triadic functional product segmentation.

6)  The use of virtual collaboration technologies.

7) The use of a Unicist Corporate University to catalyze commercial processes.

8) The use of object driven marketing.

9) The use of commercial objects, semantic objects and semiotic signs.

10) The use of client centered management as a meta-model.

11) The development of a unicist scorecard to monitor the metrics of the processes.

(*) A condition to manage the unicist approach is to go beyond the use of dualistic logic and use the double dialectical logic in order to be able to emulate dynamic processes in mind. It implies leaving behind the use of the disjunction “or” substituting it by the use of the functional conjunction “and”.

You can access the book on “Introduction to Ethical Intelligence in Business” by Diana Belohlavek at:

Unicist Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.


What is the Unicist Approach to B2C Market R&D Labs?

The discovery of the unicist ontogenetic intelligence of nature allowed defining the triadic structure and the complementation and supplementation laws that underlie any entity.

These discoveries established the groundings to develop the unicist double dialectical logic that underlies all systems in nature.

The use of the double dialectical logic made the emulation of the organization of nature possible, developing objects to install into human adaptive systems to make them faster, safer and reliable. 

The Unicist B2C Market R&D Labs are based on (*):

1) Defining and managing the different segments of clients in order to allow developing a commercial community using the triadic segmentation integrating the functional, psychological and conceptual segmentation.

2) Defining functional clusters using the triadic structure of the functional segmentation to build internal and external product/service synergy.

3) Using the triadic structure to define clusters based on the type of relationships established in order to use semantic objects.

4) Using the triadic conceptual segmentation to expand the boundaries of the market segments to grow.

5) Using the triadic anthropological lifestyle segmentation to establish the possibilities to expand markets.

6) Using the triadic structure of commercial objects, semantic objects and semiotic signs to develop an object driven marketing process.

7) Using the triadic structure of brand power to build external synergies to establish commercial alliances.

8) The use of adaptive customer relationship management (unicit adaptive CRM).

9) The development of destructive tests, non destructive tests and market pilot tests.

10) The development of a unicist scorecard to monitor the metrics of the processes.

(*) A condition to manage the unicist approach is to go beyond the use of dualistic logic and use the double dialectical logic in order to be able to emulate dynamic processes in mind. It implies leaving behind the use of the disjunction “or” substituting it by the use of the functional conjunction “and”.

You can access the book on “Introduction to Ethical Intelligence in Business” by Diana Belohlavek at:

Unicist Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.


What is the Unicist Approach to Market Catalysts?

The discovery of the unicist ontogenetic intelligence of nature allowed defining the triadic structure and the complementation and supplementation laws that underlie any entity.

These discoveries established the groundings to develop the unicist double dialectical logic that underlies all systems in nature.

The use of the double dialectical logic made the emulation of the organization of nature possible, developing objects to install into human adaptive systems to make them faster, safer and reliable.

The market catalysis is based on (*):

1) The use of Unicist Corporate Universities to provide conceptual knowledge to expand the boundaries of the products and services provided.

2) The use of virtual learning objects to expand these boundaries without establishing teacher-pupil relationships.

3) The development of an integrative participation with members of the market that allows exceeding the level of the buyers of the products and services.

4) The development of an innovation driven community.

5) The establishment of business relationships that exceed the customer/providers role.

6) The development of a unicist scorecard to monitor the metrics of the processes.

(*) A condition to manage the unicist approach is to go beyond the use of dualistic logic and use the double dialectical logic in order to be able to emulate dynamic processes in mind. It implies leaving behind the use of the disjunction “or” substituting it by the use of the functional conjunction “and”.

You can access the book on “Introduction to Ethical Intelligence in Business” by Diana Belohlavek at:

Unicist Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.


Launching of an Academic Alliance for COOs in Healthcare

An Academic Alliance agreement has been closed with the Weston Group to provide Unicist Strategic Diagnostics Programs for the COOs of Hospitals and Clinics.

These programs are developed with the Unicist Business Residencies technology and are focused on upgrading the Healthcare Organizations with the business objects included in the Unicist Standard.

Access the Programs at:

Although the target market is the US, it is open to English speaking COOs from all over the world. It is an upgrade in simplification, and energy saving for Hospitals and Clinics.

Access the unicist standard contained in the Unicist Standard Search Engine:

Request more information:

Diana Belohlavek
VP Knowledge Management
& Communication

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is the major research organization in the world in its specialty based on more than 3,000 researches in complexity science applied to individual, institutional and social evolution. The applicative researches are based on the discovery of the Ontogenetic Intelligence of Nature and the consequent Unicist Theory of Evolution.

Unicist Strategy

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Learning from Procter & Gamble using the Unicist Standard

The notorious capacity of Procter & Gamble is given by the way it manages the social insertion of innovations.

We recommend watching the following two short presentations of Procter & Gamble at:

Innovation is the basis for economic growth.  Essentially, countries, cultures, institutions, and individuals grow only in the fields where they are open to innovations.

The purpose of innovation is to overcome scarcity. That is why only people or cultures that have the will, find the way to overcome scarcity.  This is the cultural context that fosters innovation.

The driver of innovation is human creation. The word creation is used in the sense of recreation. Humans create based on the existing energy.

The maximal strategy of innovations drives towards the solution of a scarcity. Therefore innovative organizations have the perception that they add value to the environment. But this is only true if the minimum strategy is also fulfilled.

The minimum strategy implies inserting the innovations into the social capital of the environment. Social capital is defined by the strength of the bonds that integrate the members of a community.

Commercial innovations need to be only one step ahead of the habits of the environment. If they are more than one step ahead they fail, unless there is an extreme need and they are, implicitly, a “back to basics”.

In this field Procter & Gamble is a notorious benchmark.

Access the unicist standard contained in the Unicist Business Search Engine:

Request more information:

Diana Belohlavek
VP Knowledge Management
& Communication

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is the major research organization in the world in its specialty based on more than 3,000 researches in complexity science applied to individual, institutional and social evolution. The applicative researches are based on the discovery of the Ontogenetic Intelligence of Nature and the consequent Unicist Theory of Evolution.

Unicist Strategy

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Benchmarking Procter & Gamble: Unicist Innovation

Procter & Gamble is a world leader in innovation. This allows learning from P&G how to manage innovation to make it successful in the markets.

The Unicist Standard includes a fundamental approach to deal with innovations that allows integrating fundamentals with technical analytical knowledge to produce successful innovations.

The question we are posing is: Which are the fundamentals of innovation?

You can find information on how Procter & Gamble deals with innovations presented by Robert Bob McDonald, COO of Procter & Gamble. There are two short presentations at:

In one week you will find a response to the fundamentals of innovation on this blog.

Access the unicist standard contained in the Unicist Business Search Engine:

Request more information:

Diana Belohlavek
VP Unicist Knowledge Bank

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is the major research organization in the world in its specialty based on more than 3,000 researches in complexity science applied to individual, institutional and social evolution.

Unicist Strategy

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General Electric, a world leader in innovation

As Nikola Tesla laid the groundings for
Innovative Research Laboratories”,
Thomas A. Edison laid the groundings for
“Product Development Laboratories.”

The unicist standard for business strategy allows defining the fundamentals of General Electric’s business in order to benchmark its experiences.

General Electric was born together with the “Product Development Laboratories” of Thomas A. Edison. Thus General Electric’s business concept is driven by research in all the fields where it considers there is a possibility to generate added value to the market.

In the development of innovations, the minimum strategy drives toward the building of social capital. This is the central fundamental of General Electric and it is sustained by the diversified “Product Development Laboratories” they have around the world.

General Electric is a leading firm in the different fields it works because, besides being extremely innovative, it is Market Value Adding focused.

Being focused on market value adding allows developing useful researches and strengthening the market bonds by improving the social capital in the environment.

The structural approach to innovations developed by General Electric is an “extreme” benchmark for innovative businesses.

Access the unicist standard contained in the Unicist Business Search Engine:

Request more information:

Diana Belohlavek
VP Unicist Knowledge Bank

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is the major research organization in the world in its specialty based on more than 3,000 researches in complexity science applied to individual, institutional and social evolution.

Unicist Strategy

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Benchmarking General Electric: The Nature of Innovation

Managing the nature of innovation is basic when dealing with growth. This is something General Electric manages since the era of Thomas Edison.

The Unicist Standard in Innovation Management deals with the object driven technologies that are necessary to manage innovations.

You will find the information on the nature of innovation between the lines of Jeff Immelt’s lecture, CEO of G.E:

Next week we will be providing the ontology of innovation in order to help benchmark General Electric.

Request more information:

Diana Belohlavek
VP Unicist Knowledge Bank

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is the major research organization in the world in its specialty based on more than 3,000 researches in complexity sciences applied to individual, institutional and social evolution.

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