Inner Freedom

The Unicist Ontology of Inner Freedom

Inner freedom is the capacity of individuals to assume the responsibility they have, making conscious adapted decisions.

Unicist Ontology of Inner FreedomInner freedom can be earned by those individuals who are able to assume responsibility for their adapted actions in an environment being able to leave aside their own needs when making decisions.

People have lost their freedom when needs drive their actions.

Therefore, inner freedom is something people gain step by step if they are able to pay the prices or lose step by step if they need to impose their rules.

It can be said that inner freedom is a utopia when instinctive needs, emotional needs, and social values are sort of inhibitors for inner freedom.

Individuals who achieved inner freedom can make accurate decisions based on their capacity to do and to discriminate their inside from the outside which allows them to assume individual, social, and transcendent responsibility.

Different perceptions of inner freedom

Basically, there are three perceptions of inner freedom:

  1. The one that considers inner freedom an intellectual/spiritual approach.
  2. The consideration that inner freedom is based on the actions of individuals.
  3. The integration of both is the unicist ontological approach.

The unicist ontological approach implies that real internal freedom will be achieved when an individual can make adapted conscious decisions.

Unicist Ontology of Inner FreedomA decision can be considered as adapted depending on the results of the actions that have been decided. Therefore, only after a decision has been implemented the inner freedom of an individual can be evaluated.

“Opportunity favors the prepared mind” implies that opportunities can only be taken if an individual has the inner freedom to be open to them.

Maximal strategies imply producing adapted decisions based on the need to do what an individual has in mind, the courage to take the risk that is implicit in freedom, and the prices that have to be paid to make adapted decisions.

Adapted decisions always imply paying prices that are evident and the benefits of paying them are hypothetical. That is why inner freedom implies the courage to assume the responsibility of deciding only what is possible. Utopias and fallacious myths hinder internal freedom.

The minimum strategy implies achieving consciousness to be able to discriminate the outside from the inside of an individual.

This implies that the individual needs to surpass the need to project on the external reality and needs to introject the external environment grasping it with her/his ontointelligence (logical thought, strategic intelligence, and ethical intelligence) to achieve a level of internal harmony that integrates the external reality in its oneness.

The catalyst of the evolution of inner freedom is the capacity of individuals to pay prices. The higher the threshold for paying prices the faster the evolution of the inner freedom.

The entropy inhibitor is given by the capacity of individuals to apprehend the nature of what is happening, meaning the ontointelligence. Depending on their characteristics individuals need to make more or less effort to be able to reflect, and apprehend the nature of reality. This reflection capacity is what inhibits the individual from losing focus on the expansion of inner freedom.

The ontological algorithm of inner freedom

  1. Unicist Ontology of Inner FreedomDefine the responsibility you are willing to assume (not as an obligation but as a right).
    A) Define personal responsibility in terms of the minimum strategy you want to assume.
    B) Define the social responsibility you need to cover.
    C) Define the transcendent goals you are fulfilling.
  2. Define the fields where you naturally need to do without feeling the effort you need to do.
  3. Evaluate if you have the courage to overcome the fears that are implicit in an adaptation process.
  4. Consider the prices you will have to pay and see if you have the capacity to pay them.
  5. Confirm your will to do something specific (consider that inner freedom is not universal, it is gained “field by field”).
  6. Define if you are willing to deal with the actual reality leaving aside your projections.
  7. Define the aspects from the outside that you need to introject and the time you need to do it. Introjection is needed in the field of apprehending the ontology of reality. And unicist reflection is the necessary approach to introjection.
  8. Evaluate you natural intelligence in order to use it to make the way towards inner freedom.
  9. Confirm the aspects of the external reality that need to be apprehended in their nature.
  10. Do the necessary pilot tests in order to confirm the possibility of developing your inner freedom.

About Pseudo Freedom

We call Pseudo Freedom the anti-concept of Inner Freedom. Paradoxically, it appears as to be providing more freedom to individuals because it is driven by their beliefs and needs. Ordinary people consider they are free when they are able to confirm their beliefs and needs.

Unicist Ontology of Pseudo FreedomPseudo Freedom can be defined as the integration of free will decisions of individuals to satisfy their needs and beliefs. Individuals have no capacity to adapt to the environment when they are driven by needs or beliefs.

Individuals have no inner freedom but pseudo-freedom when they need to do what they want. Paradoxically, fostering freewill decisions drives people towards “slavery”.

Both poverty and abundance foster pseudo-freedom. Poverty generates pseudo-freedom because extreme needs prevent individuals from making adapted decisions. Survivors cannot be free.

On the other hand, abundance implies the perception of winning and the need to sustain it. Thus, it is very difficult for inner freedom to expand in an environment of abundance.

Inner freedom is based on the perception of scarcity.

Pseudo-freedom is driven by stagnated social, individual, and universal beliefs that establish the boundaries individuals cannot surpass. Thus they build parallel realities to confirm their personal freedom.

The need to exert power is the catalyst of pseudo-freedom and stagnated spiritual needs is the entropy inhibitor to avoid inner freedom. The need to win exceeds the need to adapt to the environment.

Fundamentalists are paradigmatic examples of pseudo-freedom.

Unicist Ontology of Pseudo Freedom6Pseudo Freedom Segments

Ontologically, we can define four segments: individualists, rationalists, conservativists, and liberalists.

The maximal strategy of Pseudo Freedom is given by the feeling that individuals have that they are making decisions based on their free will. These decisions are driven by the need to win, based on sound justifications, and are implemented with a seamless exertion of power. Two segments are defined in the maximal strategy:

  1. The conservationists, who need to win based on exerting power.
  2. The liberalists, who need to win by doing whatever is necessary.

The minimum strategy is based on the satisfaction of needs driven by emotional, materialistic, and stagnated spiritual needs.

Two segments are defined in the minimum strategy:

  1. The rationalists who are driven by their stagnated spiritual needs (whatever their kind).
  2. The individualists who are driven by their materialistic needs.


People can apprehend the nature of reality only in the field they are internally free. That is the meaning of the metaphor:

…to oppose is easy 
…to obey is simple 
…to adapt is complex 
…to be free is …..


Country Archetypes Developed

• Algeria • Argentina • Australia • Austria • Belarus • Belgium • Bolivia • Brazil • Cambodia • Canada • Chile • China • Colombia • Costa Rica • Croatia • Cuba • Czech Republic • Denmark • Ecuador • Egypt • Finland • France • Georgia • Germany • Honduras • Hungary • India • Iran • Iraq • Ireland • Israel • Italy • Japan • Jordan • Libya • Malaysia • Mexico • Morocco • Netherlands • New Zealand • Nicaragua • Norway • Pakistan • Panama • Paraguay • Peru • Philippines • Poland • Portugal • Romania • Russia • Saudi Arabia • Serbia • Singapore • Slovakia • South Africa • Spain • Sweden • Switzerland • Syria • Thailand • Tunisia • Turkey • Ukraine • United Arab Emirates • United Kingdom • United States • Uruguay • Venezuela • Vietnam