Discoveries in Linguistics: The Mutation of Languages

This research on the evolution of languages, led by Peter Belohlavek at The Unicist Research Institute, was finished in April 2020. It deals with the personal use of written and spoken languages and was developed since 2005 when the ontological structure of subliminal communication was discovered.

As languages are the code used by conscious intelligence, the type of language is associated with the functionality of the intelligence of an individual.

The type of languages is therefore associated with human ontointelligence that drives the adaptive behavior of people. The type of languages is directly associated with the type of logical thought to provides the codes that are needed to think consciously.

The type of language also defines the limits of the boundaries of an individual’s strategic actions, which are driven by a conscious approach using the strategic intelligence.

The deepest aspect of intelligence, that is associated with the use of language, is the ethical intelligence that defines the ethical mask of the basic languages and is the catalyst that establishes the functional space for their functionality.

The driver of the evolution of languages is, in all the cases, the need for intrapersonal an interpersonal communication.

Functional Research

The research on the functionality of languages, from which this research on the evolution of languages is part of, has been ongoing for 30 years, basically driven by the need to improve the functionality of human actions, which is driven by intrapersonal language, and the functionality of social relations, which is driven by interpersonal language.

From a functional point of view, the purpose of language is to provide the code for intrapersonal and interpersonal communication. On the one hand, this enables personal actions and, on the other hand, it enables communicating with others. Both needs are part of the basic needs of human life.

The Evolution of Personal Languages

The written and spoken language a person uses defines his/her capacity to adapt to the environment. Adaptive human processes imply having a conscious behavior and therefore require having the functional language that is needed to manage the internal thinking processes and the external interpersonal relationships.

The basic driver that enhances the mutation of a language is produced when an individual loses his capacity of adapting to an environment, both from an emotional and from an intellectual perspective, and has the courage and will to overcome the threat that is implicit.

In this case, there is a possibility that the person assumes that a superior ethical intelligence, materialized in a superior added value, is necessary to generate the value the environment expects.

This means that the upgrade, mutation, of the level of language of an individual depends on his/her capacity to enter an extreme discomfort zone that makes his/her interpersonal and intrapersonal communication fully dysfunctional.

This mutation is hindered, if the individuals build the necessary fallacies that allow projecting their problems on others or on the environment.

Assuming that the individual faces her/his dysfunctionality, it has to be said that the language adults use, is part of her/his neural circuits and that the upgrade of languages requires activating new circuits, which requires time and effort. It requires following a “baby steps” method.

By watching how people recover from a stroke, one can see how a new circuit is installed. Upgrading towards a new functionality in the use of language requires a continuous focused effort. The problem is that this effort needs to be validated by results, which are only evident after long practice. The building of fallacies is a natural palliator of this process that hinders the evolution of language.

The Functionality of Languages

Pastime Language

This language is needed to develop activities that allow sharing with others in order to behave within the rules of a non-differentiated community. Its purpose is to fulfill the fallacious myths of the environment, which are defined by the ethical mask. The maximal strategy is based on managing a fluent communication with others and the minimum strategy is based on ensuring the understanding by using plain language.

  • Functionality: Operational and/or pastime activities
  • Implicit Ethical Intelligence: Survivor ethical intelligence
  • Implicit Logical Type of Thought: Operational thought
  • Implicit Benefit: Recognition
  • Evolution Driver: The extreme need for generating concrete results when communicating
  • Involution Driver: The avoidance of responsibilities

Work Language

This language is functional to develop tasks that are focused on the need of earning value. This language allows having the code to manage the functional intelligences that are needed to develop tasks. The value earning activities are focused on establishing a complementation with people based on the development of tasks that fit into the needs of a demand.

  • Functionality: Analytical and Operational activities
  • Implicit Ethical Intelligence: Value earning intelligence
  • Implicit Logical Type of Thought: Analytical and operational thought
  • Implicit Benefit: Security
  • Evolution Driver: The need for managing complex problems
  • Involution Driver: Fallacy building to ensure the comfort zone

Knowledge Language

This language is functional to manage adaptive systems and environments based on the capacity it has to manage the ambiguity of the processes. It allows managing maximal and minimum strategies to grow and ensure results while it is sustained by a complementary communication that ensures the synergy of the participants of the process. This language allows approaching reflection processes to manage the concepts of adaptive environments.

  • Functionality: To deal with systemic environments and adaptive environments
  • Implicit Ethical Intelligence: Value adding ethical intelligence
  • Implicit Logical Type of Thought: Systemic, analytic and operational thought
  • Implicit Benefit: it enables a strategic approach
  • Evolution Driver: The need to ensure results in adaptive environment
  • Involution Driver: The need to satisfy the beliefs of others regardless of their functionality

Research Language

This language is functional to find the triggering, limit and root causes of problems in adaptive environments. It allows finding the objects that are implicit in complex adaptive systems and defining their functionality. It permits defining the functionality of all types of adaptive environments that have been experienced before. The figurative language allows developing the necessary metaphors to make this knowledge accessible.

  • Functionality: To forecast the evolution of adaptive systems
  • Implicit Ethical Intelligence: Foundations ethical intelligence
  • Implicit Logical Type of Thought:  Conceptual, systemic, analytical, and operational thought
  • Implicit Benefit: it allows expanding boundaries
  • Evolution Driver: The need to find the concepts of new fields
  • Involution Driver: Rationalism

Reflexive Language

Reflexive language is the language that allows developing reflection processes. It manages figurative language fluently, to make the concepts of things reasonable, understandable, provable and manageable. It is the language necessary to design conceptual methods to find the fundamentals that allow managing adaptive systems. It uses the unicist reflection to establish a bridge between knowledge and facts. 

  • Functionality: to develop timeless strategies and structural solutions
  • Implicit Ethical Intelligence: Conceptual ethical intelligence
  • Implicit Logical Type of Thought: Unicist thinking (that integrates all other types of thought)
  • Implicit Benefit: it allows dealing with future scenarios
  • Evolution Driver: The generation of value to the community
  • Involution Driver: Pride


Expanding the use of language is the natural way to enhance conscious thinking and to empower the authoritative role of an individual. This applies to all types of languages, being they natural, mathematical, musical or unicist standard languages.

The involution of languages is a degradation that diminishes conscious reasoning. The degradation of language needs to be avoided when dealing with adaptive environments, it drives to facileness and the consequent need for building fallacies to avoid facing the risks that are implicit in adaptive behavior.

When people demand the use of plain language to deal with technical issues, it is because they are only interested in dealing with the operational aspects of something. The tutorials you can find on Internet, are a demonstration of the use of plain language.

The understanding of the evolution of languages allows categorizing the understanding of what happens in communication processes, and how to improve it. It requires establishing the necessary trade-offs to deal with what is possible to be achieved.


Country Archetypes Developed

• Algeria • Argentina • Australia • Austria • Belarus • Belgium • Bolivia • Brazil • Cambodia • Canada • Chile • China • Colombia • Costa Rica • Croatia • Cuba • Czech Republic • Denmark • Ecuador • Egypt • Finland • France • Georgia • Germany • Honduras • Hungary • India • Iran • Iraq • Ireland • Israel • Italy • Japan • Jordan • Libya • Malaysia • Mexico • Morocco • Netherlands • New Zealand • Nicaragua • Norway • Pakistan • Panama • Paraguay • Peru • Philippines • Poland • Portugal • Romania • Russia • Saudi Arabia • Serbia • Singapore • Slovakia • South Africa • Spain • Sweden • Switzerland • Syria • Thailand • Tunisia • Turkey • Ukraine • United Arab Emirates • United Kingdom • United States • Uruguay • Venezuela • Vietnam