Functionally, psychology is defined as the neural process that manages the intrapersonal, interpersonal, and environmental relationships of individuals.
This is a functionalist approach to psychology, which implies finding and managing the concepts that drive the functionality of human behavior, based on the fact that the concepts people have in their minds drive their actions. Therefore, “neurotic behavior or neuroticism” also has an underlying concept that defines its functionality.
In the social field, we propose to eliminate the word neurosis or neuroticism and replace it by unbalanced thinking that defines the mental process in which the adaptability of individuals in their environment is lost.
The Research
The research on the solution of the problems generated by unbalanced thinking demanded more than 10 years and was led by Peter Belohlavek at The Unicist Research Institute.
The success of the use of this knowledge is mostly based on the building of safe environments that avoid uncertainties, where people do not need to enter a parallel reality to feel. At the same time, the applications also demonstrated the limits of the solutions.
This knowledge allows enhancing human potential if people are exposed, step by step, to risks that can be managed with the skills they have.
The Structure of Intrinsic Unbalanced Thinking
The intrinsic concept of unbalanced thinking is defined by the rational and emotional drivers of thinking processes. It needs to be considered that unbalanced thinking includes the rational, emotional, conscious, and unconscious aspects of psychological processes.
The Wide Context
The functionality of human complexes leads to avoiding the adaptive process of individuals, generating a parallel reality and creating a comfort zone to live in.
The Restricted Context
Dualistic fallacies are aprioristic fallacies that trigger the fallacy-building processes of people. Aprioristic fallacies are fallacies of the collective intelligence of an individual. They are the consequence of using dualism in adaptive environments.
The Intrinsic Concept
The purpose of unbalanced thinking is to build a safe environment that avoids anxiety, fears, obsessive thoughts, compulsive acts, dissociative states, depressive reactions, etc. As it was mentioned, this behavior is sustained by complexes that also sustain the omnipotence/impotence of individuals.
The active function that drives unbalance is dualistic thinking. Dualistic thinking is a process where decisions are sustained by the use of exclusive disjunctions “OR” because the alternative actions that are “seen” make all actions appear incompatible. This dualistic thinking is based on true-false options instead of being driven by the functionality of actions.
The energy conservation function of the unbalanced thinking process is given by the rationalization of the decisions where individuals build a fallacious reasoning framework that makes them feel right.
The safe environment that is finally built by the integration of dualistic thought and rational justifications allows people to avoid the risk that is implicit in any adaptive behavior.
The Extrinsic Concept of Unbalanced Thinking
The extrinsic concept of unbalanced thinking is defined by the consequences of this type of thinking process in the environment. As it was mentioned, it is important to consider that unbalanced thinking includes the rational, emotional, conscious, and unconscious aspects of psychological processes.
The Wide Context
The uncertainty of the environment defines the wide context for unbalanced thinking. It might have two causes:
- It might be a functional uncertainty of the environment.
- It might be the lack of knowledge or skills from the people involved.
People lose psychological balance as soon as they face an environment that they consider uncertain, without feeling that they have the capacity to make it manageable.
The Restricted Context
Adaptive thinking processes require using the collective intelligence of individuals, always considering that their intelligence is influenced by the fallacious myths of the culture where they are acting.
These fallacious myths of a culture, cover its weaknesses in the environment, which cannot be borne, and establish the boundaries of acceptable thoughts and decisions. They work as the catalyst that fosters unbalanced thinking.
The Extrinsic Concept
The purpose of unbalanced thinking is to avoid the responsibility for producing something. Unbalanced thinking naturally transforms the media into an end in itself, to avoid dealing with the environment that is considered a threat.
To achieve this objective, unbalanced thinking processes use the intrinsic mechanism of using dualistic approaches and rationalization to build a safe environment to establish a comfort zone that is sustained by the fallacious myths of the culture, which allows avoiding the assumption of responsibilities.
To avoid the reaction of the environment it becomes necessary to exert power. The exertion of power adopts multiple shapes according to the circumstances, including both active power exertion and passive power exertion.
Pilot Tests Driven Reflection Hinders Unbalanced Thinking
Conflicts and the loss of functionality are the consequence of unbalanced thinking processes. Considering this consequence, unicist pilot test driven reflection was developed to ensure functional thinking processes. Unicist reflection is driven by the testing of the actions generated by decision processes. Unicist reflection uses unicist logic to test the functionality of actions, hindering the appearance of any kind of fallacy and the consolidation of aprioristic fallacies.
Aprioristic fallacies can only happen in dysfunctional environments, in which the participating members need to build a parallel reality to have a place. In this context, there are three aprioristic fallacies that need to be avoided: rationalistic, recognition, and truth fallacies.
Each aprioristic fallacy has its own nature: while rationalistic fallacies are sustained by “heroic” actions, recognition fallacies are based on “subjectification”, and truth fallacies are driven by “messianic” beliefs.
The use of pilot tests establishes a safe environment where dysfunctional results are the steps towards developing functional actions. Unicist reflection is driven by destructive and non-destructive tests in the real world that define the validity of knowledge. The use of unicist reflections avoids the loss of balance in decision processes.
The Q Method drives the Evolution of Human Adaptability
The Q method is a procedure to foster the integration of apparently incompatible solutions and is functional to avoid dualistic thinking and consequent dysfunctional behaviors.
The unicist “Q” method was developed for two different but compatible purposes. On the one hand, it was developed to solve the problem of dealing with apparent incompatible solutions, because it integrates them at a superior level.
On the other hand, it is a method to empower intelligence by integrating incompatibilities. It drives to a superior level of intelligence by driving towards a superior ethical intelligence, which generates the complementation of thinking processes and enhances adaptability.
Executive Committee
The Unicist Research Institute
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