The Unicist Research Institute (TURI) was founded in 1976 by Peter Belohlavek, introducing a groundbreaking approach to understanding the causality of adaptive environments through the functionalist approach to science. This method emphasizes the unicist ontological nature of systems, focusing on their purpose, active function, and energy conservation, structured within a triadic model. It employs a double dialectical approach based on the unicist ontogenetic logic that drives the intelligence of nature.
TURI is one of the few organizations in the world that research the roots of causality in adaptive systems and environments to understand their functionality, dynamics, and evolution:
Max Planck Institute – The Harvard Causal Inference Center – The Norwegian Causation in Science Project – Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) – Santa Fe Institute – Stanford Causal Science Center – The Unicist Research Institute.
TURI's mission is to explore and apply unicist functional principles, using unicist ontogenetic logic to understand and manage the functionality, dynamics, and evolution of adaptive systems. Through dedicated research and innovative methods, TURI advances the knowledge of adaptive environments, ensuring they are managed effectively and practically.
TURI has a Business Division and an Academic Division to introduce the causal approach to the market.
Unicist Logic as a Framework for Unified Field Development in Physics
The use of Unicist Logic as the framework for developing a unified field in physics is a back-to-basics approach to understanding the complexities of the universe.
The Unified Field of the Macro- and Microcosm
The objective is to confirm the existence of the Unified Field in the realms of Physics, Biology, and Social Behavior, bridging the Macro- and Microcosm.
The Functionalist Structure of Quarks
The objective is to validate the hypothesis that unicist logic and its rules also apply when explaining the functionality of quarks and the unified field in physics.
Collaborative Research on the Causal Approach to Business
Development of agreements with leaders of companies to introduce the causal approach to business based on the use of functionalist principles, binary actions sustained by the use of the Unicist Virtual Advisor.
Development of a Framework for Educating Gifted Individuals at a Postgraduate Level
Value-adding actions propel gifted individuals to a higher level of consciousness, ultimately enhancing their skills. The ability to fail is crucial, as these failures lead them toward complementation.
Enhancing Conscious Reasoning of Adolescents
The objective is to confirm that the utilization of language facilitates abductive reasoning, which in turn enhances conscious reasoning when integrated with unicist logic.
Development of Next Generation Drugs for Healing
The objective of this research is to forge a new approach to health functionality that streamlines healing processes by integrating biological, psychological, and energetic dimensions.
Expansion of the Application Field of Functionalist Knowledge
The objective of the research is to delineate fields where the integration of the "know-how" and the "know-why" of their functionality is imperative.
Development of the Enterprise 5.0 Model
The objective is to articulate the natural organizational model that succeeds the business paradigm for the 4th Industrial Revolution.
The Functionality of Conscious Collective Intelligence
The objective of the research is to confirm the functionality of collective intelligence that manifests in adaptive environments guiding decision-making and actions.
Basic Research: The Unicist Functionalist Approach to Science - Research on Intelligence: Functionality of Human Intelligence – Social Research: Unicist Social & Economic Laboratory - Healthcare 4.0 - Unicist Future Research Lab – Business Research: Managing the 4th Industrial Revolution - Unicist Business Strategy - Unicist Functionalist Marketing - Unicist Functionalist Management - Unicist IT & Business Cobots - Unicist People Management 4.0 - Unicist Conceptual Engineering - Unicist Financial Strategies
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The Unicist Research Institute