Smart Social Behavior

Smart Social Behavior vs. Cunning Social Behavior

The objective of this research, which began at The Unicist Research Institute in 1998, was to find the roots of social behavior that allow both teamwork and participative reflection processes to develop solutions in adaptive environments. It drove to the understanding of cunning social behavior, which is the anti-concept of smart social behavior.

About Smart Social Behavior

The purpose of smart social behavior is to achieve the necessary level of consciousness to make reality reasonable, understandable, and predictable. Intelligent social behavior implies the use of conscious intelligence and genetic intelligence to achieve the necessary level of consciousness to adapt to the environment.

Conscious intelligence

Conscious intelligence allows adapting to the environment, which requires having the knowledge of the concepts of what is being managed.

It is based on the use of the value-adding ethical intelligence, the complemented strategic intelligence styles, and the complemented types of logical thought. This intelligence is functional for adaptive behaviors, to influence the environment while being influenced by it. It is the internal “tool” for strategy building.

Genetic intelligence

Genetic intelligence uses reactive intelligence (IQ, EQ, Speed of Resilience) and natural functional and interpersonal intelligence to deal with the environment.

It is sustained by the use of the surviving or value-earning ethical intelligence and the use of the non-complemented strategic intelligence and types of logical thought. The genetic intelligence is based on a dualistic approach that is functional in non-adaptive environments and sustains dominant, submissive, and oppositional behaviors.


The purpose of consciousness is to discriminate reality to be able to differentiate the outside an individual needs to deal with, from the inside the individual uses to emulate the external environment.

And this has to happen with the necessary timing in order to be able to do something within the environment. The achievement of the necessary discrimination power is the goal of consciousness.

Empathy is the Gravitational Force of Smart Social Behavior

Empathy is what makes smart social behavior possible. Empathy is the capacity to understand others and share with others. It is based on the capacity of being able to emulate them and understand their needs and feelings, being able to contribute to their well-being.

It requires being able to introject the feelings of others, and understand their cognitive approach and their consequent needs. As the following examples show, empathy is part of nature and not the consequence of moral teaching.

Value-Adding Ethics Catalyzes Smart Social Behavior

Value-adding ethics is the way empathy is acted out in concrete actions. Smart social intelligence requires that the person seeks to adapt to the environment by giving first. Value-adding ethics implies that the individual is focused on generating value for others and benefiting from the counterpart. 

Value-adding ethics includes the management of the necessary functional knowledge of what is being done to increase the value to be delivered and diminish the necessary costs.

Examples of Smart Social Behavior in Nature

The Empathy of Chimpanzees

Empathy can be widely defined as the capacity to understand the emotional, visual, or cognitive perspective of another individual and is perhaps reliant on the ability to attribute mental states. Behavioral events that may indicate empathy in chimpanzees, Pan troglodytes, are collated using a questionnaire and from the literature.

These case studies are classified in a taxonomy of empathic acts in which empathy is categorized as visual empathy, emotional empathy, concordance, and extended empathy. In addition, the circumstances surrounding the empathic acts are discussed: whether the recipient of the empathic act was a relative, an unfamiliar individual, or a heterospecific.

The cost to the animal showing empathy, whether it displayed any levels of intentionality, and if it communicated to a third party are also analyzed. Rescuing of an individual from a dangerous social or physical situation is the only category where the animal shows empathy under all the specified conditions. From this preliminary analysis it seems the chimpanzees may be capable of showing empathy across a wide range of circumstances.

Abstract of the Paper of:
Sanjida M. O’Connell

The Empathy of Parrots

In a clear-walled laboratory compartment, an African grey parrot faced a heap of metal washers. A human waited nearby with her hand outstretched. If the washers were given to the human, she would hand back delicious walnuts — but the parrot couldn’t reach her. It could reach its neighboring parrot, though, whose compartment had an opening.

The parrot started picking up washers in its beak and passing them to its neighbor. At least one of them would get some walnuts today.

“They were quite intrinsically motivated to help another,” said Désirée Brucks, a cognitive biologist at the Max Planck Institute for Ornithology in Germany.

She had trained the parrots to exchange metal tokens for treats. Then she put them into paired compartments with a little opening between them. Only one bird had tokens, but only the other bird could reach her hand. From the very first trial, which was described Thursday in the journal Current Biology, the parrots with tokens gave them away, even though they got nothing in return. They’re the first non-mammals observed helping each other in this way, suggesting other animals have evolved the ability to act selflessly.

Elizabeth Preston
The New York Times

The Empathy of Rats

Whereas human pro-social behavior is often driven by empathic concern for another, it is unclear whether non-primate mammals experience a similar motivational state. To test for empathically motivated pro-social behavior in rodents, we placed a free rat in an arena with a cagemate trapped in a restrainer.

After several sessions, the free rat learned to intentionally and quickly open the restrainer and free the cagemate. Rats did not open empty or object-containing restrainers. They freed cagemates even when social contact was prevented. When liberating a cagemate was pitted against chocolate contained within a second restrainer, rats opened both restrainers and typically shared the chocolate.

Thus, rats behave pro-socially in response to a conspecific’s distress, providing strong evidence for the biological roots of empathically motivated helping behavior.

Abstract of the paper of:
Inbal Ben-Ami Bartal, Jean Decety, Peggy Mason

About Cunning Social Behavior

Cunning Social Behavior is basically a non-conscious behavior to obtain benefits. Its objective is to profit from an environment where an individual is unable to adapt.

It is based on the use of genetic survival intelligence to obtain benefits, in an environment in which the individual can use the available IQ to diagnose how to obtain benefits and his manipulation capacity can exert influence.

Greed is the Gravitational force of Cunning Social Behavior

Greed is the compulsive need for obtaining benefits from the environment. There are three types of greed that influence human behavior:

1) The emotional greed
2) The materialistic greed
3) The intellectual greed

The purpose of emotional greed is to obtain love and recognition; the purpose of materialistic greed is to accumulate, and the purpose of intellectual greed is to be right and recognized. The purpose of greed is acted out by the exertion of power and sustained by manipulation to ensure the achievement of results.

Stagnant Survivor Ethics Catalyzes Cunning Behavior

The stagnant survivor ethics is based on appropriating from the environment to ensure survival. Stagnant survivors are marginals of the environment that need to profit from it without needing to deliver a counterpart.

Their actions are always justified by the fallacies they build, which are difficult to detect when they have a high IQ. They need to exert power to obtain their benefit. This exertion of power can be based on actions or active inaction to exert pressure.  

When greed and stagnant survivor ethics match, cunning behavior is unavoidable. Cunning social behavior frequently drives to corrupt relationship-building to obtain benefits.

Facileness is a Social Context that Fosters Cunning

Facileness degrades, marginalizes, and kills social evolution. As is has been researched, facileness is the root cause that underlies involving environments and business failures. It oversimplifies reality by transferring risks and costs to others and avoiding conflicts.

It installs distrust in the environment and reinforces an extremely individualistic behavior Facileness, as an addiction, is fully unconscious and develops the necessary defenses to maintain the status quo while it fosters the building of fallacies to avoid changes.

Facileness drives towards corruption. Corruption allows individuals to profit from the environment through illegitimate actions while they disintegrate the system they are part of. It is based on a “parasitarian” complementation that uses value judgments to justify the degradation of the environment they do in order to profit from it.

Corruption is an individual and social addiction that is installed in environments where the participants do not have the necessary critical mass to influence the environment and adopt facileness as a solution.


About Innate Intelligence

When we fall face down to the floor, we stretch our hands so as to avoid hitting our face. This action, which is commonly called reaction, is very logical although there seems to be no chronological time to perceive the information, analyze it, to eventually stretch out our hands.

This is an intelligence that exists in our body and in all living creatures. All animals have the reflexes necessary to their survival. Land animals know which heights they must not jump from.

It is fear: fear of heights, fear of being hunted by another predator, fear of fire, etc., which are instincts shared by all animals. These fears are intelligence elements, and so are reflexes.

We are born with no knowledge at all. The innate knowledge that is available to us at birth is called instinct. By instinct we mean the innate knowledge that can be used without being aware of.

For instance, babies are genetically programmed to recognize their parents. What appears to be necessary for the baby is to acquire the knowledge of how to discern those details that tell the difference between parents and non-parents. Genetically speaking, the baby knows where to find those details that will help him determine the difference and how to “process” them.

In humans, the whole intelligence is part of them. From the environment, they receive information transmitted by photons with sub-atomic particles. The information does not contain implicit intelligence. It has no sense. To have sense, it must be decoded and analyzed. Intelligence is what man adds to information.

Intelligence has a genetic base

People decide which relationships can be established between the information received and their intelligence. Sometimes this relationship is easily established when the problem corresponds to experiences previously undergone.

But there are times when it is exceedingly difficult to establish an accurate relationship between the information received and genetic intelligence. When we are watching or listening, our non-conscious intelligence decodes what it believes lies in front of our eyes.

Intelligence processes a huge amount of new information before any observation in the environment.

For example, people choose words and they cause understanding. It is not noticeably clear how this occurs. Teachers communicate with their students using words. Teachers speak and write because they believe they are teaching.

It is generally believed that true learning occurs by means of the senses. In other words, what we learn comes from the outer world.

This belief raises some problems. One of them is that the codes of the processed information should previously exist in the individual before he receives such information. Another problem: it is necessary to carry out a logical processing before applying it.

Therefore, the logic used to process information has to be previous to any contact with the world. Even at birth, information can be coded only if this logic exists. The problem is that we cannot learn from experiences by means of signs.

Knowledge of experiences must previously exist within our intelligence, before signs may acquire any meaning. Experiences need to be anticipated by our body so that signs may have any meaning.

Excerpt of the book
The Unicist Theory of Evolution
Peter Belohlavek


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