Developing Consciousness



Consciousness is the capacity of individuals to deal with reality. The more complex the reality, the more need for a conscious approach.

The purpose of consciousness, at an operational level, is to ensure that the difference between what an individual thinks or says about reality and the real facts is minimal.

Human beings emulate the external reality in their minds in order to manage it when it has been considered as a complex adaptive system.

There is no need to emulate it when instinctive and intuitive behavior suffices to act.

The risk of building a parallel reality when emulating an adaptive system is high.

Consciousness is the general system an individual has to emulate the actual reality without introducing elements that do not exist.

The purpose of consciousness

The Unicist Ontology of Discrimination Power

The purpose of consciousness is to discriminate reality in order to be able to differentiate the outside an individual needs to deal with, from the inside the individual uses to emulate the external environment.

And this has to happen with the necessary timing in order to be able to do something within the environment.

The achievement of the necessary discrimination power is the goal of consciousness.

The maximal strategy is based on having the necessary timing to deal with reality and the minimum strategy, which ensures the goal, is the capacity of the individual to differentiate the outside from the inside in order to avoid the “inner mirror” distorting the external stimuli when emulating the outside to decide to act.

The Ontogenetic Map of Discrimination Power

The ontogenetic map defines the steps to be followed to be able to achieve the goal of true discrimination of reality. This ontogenetic map provides a rational description of extremely fuzzy concepts that need to be apprehended in real life before being able to use this map as a guide.

Discovering the differentiated outside as a purpose

The Unicist Ontogenetic Map of Discrimination Power

The purpose of the discrimination power is given by the building of a functional complementation in mind which will take place later on in the actual environment. This complementation building is the driver for the development of the discrimination power.

This purpose is put into action by the perception of the outside which needs to be fallacy-free in order to be functional and based on the true influence an individual has on the external environment.

The discrimination begins when these aspects are given. Having the need to build a complementation is the first aspect that needs to exist. That is why discrimination is fully related to complementation conflicts which are the central aspects of evolution.

Therefore, it can be said that discrimination is driven by a complementation conflict that needs to be solved before a discrimination process begins. When the complementation conflict is not faced the discrimination is transformed into the definition of a parallel reality where the individual doesn’t need to enter into a conflict.

Timing defines the maximal strategy for the discrimination power

Timing is the active function of discrimination. Its purpose is synchronicity with the environment which implies having the necessary acceleration to impact on the environment to influence it and the speed to be able to develop synchronic actions.

Speed is the catalysts for the minimum strategies and establishes the necessary limits to the inner processes of individuals. Speed is based on the inner time of individuals, synchronicity is based on the universal time of the external trends and the necessary acceleration depends upon the external time.

The differentiation of the inside defines the minimum strategy

The perception of the inside is the purpose of the minimum strategy. It allows defining the mirror a person uses in order to deal with the environment.

Personal complementation is the active function of the minimum strategy. This implies that both strategic intelligence and the logical type of thought are complemented and are used in an integrated way.

This requires the integration of contractive and expansive intelligences and types of thought in order to be able to apprehend reality in its oneness.

The Unicist Ontology of Personal Will

The will of an individual is the entropy-inhibiting function of the minimum strategy. We consider useful to enter in the ontogenetic map of will because it is frequently left aside as something that is given.

The existence of the necessary will to decide to approach reality in a conscious way is based on the need to achieve an ideal the individual has which requires influencing reality.

The individual needs to have assumed the responsibility to represent the role model for the function s/he wants to exert, and needs to have the necessary energy focused on the external reality in order to be able to apprehend its nature.

Complementation requires expansive ethical intelligence

Internal and external complementation is necessary to be able to access a conscious approach to reality. Complementation requires having the energy focus on a solution which, by definition, includes the need to build a better complementation.

Expansive ethical intelligence is defined by the value-adding ethics, foundation ethics and the conceptual ethics. The minimal level that is necessary to build complementation is the value-adding ethics because it allows the individual to focus on a solution for others which is a basic condition for finding the complementation.

Contractive ethical intelligence such as value-earning ethics, survivors’ ethics, and stagnant survivors’ ethics necessarily drive towards a supplementary -competitive- approach to reality which naturally reverts the energy towards the individual in order to ensure her/his supremacy.

The steps to define the necessary discrimination power

  1. Define the unified field of reality that needs to be differentiated.
    A) Define the aspects that need to be perceived in their functionality.
    B) Define the influence the individual has on the environment.
    C) Define the functional complementation that needs to be achieved.
  2. Define the different actions that will need to work in a synchronic way.
  3. Define the acceleration and critical mass that has to exist in order to be synchronic.
  4. Define the necessary speed to act in order to be synchronic with the environment.
  5. Confirm the potential synchronicity that needs to be achieved.
  6. Approach the self-perception in order to know the aspects you will consider to emulate the outside.
  7. Define which aspects need to be complemented in order to be able to apprehend the external reality.
  8. Confirm that you have the real will to enter a process to expand your consciousness is this field.
  9. Confirm that the perception of your inside is functional to deal with reality and that you are aware of the conflicts you are facing.
  10. Make the necessary destructive and non-destructive pilot tests to confirm the definition of the necessary discrimination power.

The Ontogenetic Map of Consciousness

Consciousness is a process, not a state, that allows apprehending the nature of something in order to define its essential functionality. It implies being able to discriminate a reality, introject it, and deal with it using the ontointelligence integrated by the ethical and strategic intelligences and the logical types of thought.

The Unicist Ontology of Consciousness

We define three levels of consciousness that are homologous to high, medium, and low levels of consciousness. It has to be said that consciousness can only be evaluated after something has been done by an individual or group of individuals.

If what has been done belongs to the field of adaptive systems and the results are near what was said or planned, then we can say that there was a true consciousness of the actions and the individual reached a high level. Adaptive systems are complex and require apprehending their functionality with a conscious process to define the actions.

If what has been done belongs to the field of systemic systems, and the results occurred within the scope of what was planned, it can be said that there was a true medium-level consciousness. A systemic system only requires being aware of its operational aspects and following the rules and methods to deal with it.

If the distance between the planned actions and the results is significant, it can be said that there was a low level of consciousness.

Zero Consciousness

The Unicist Ontology of Lazy Minds

There is one case in which there is no possibility to achieve consciousness. This is the case of what we have called “Lazy Minds” which are those people who prefer to live in a parallel reality sustained by their pre-concepts, having created the necessary fallacies to think that they are in the actual world.

People who need to live in a parallel reality cannot have a conscious approach to reality. This is the case of addicts, fundamentalists, people with absolute ideologies, or people who are marginal in an environment.

Consciousness is based on personal power. Without personal power, there in no possible conscious approach to reality.

The Process of Consciousness Building

Consciousness requires beginning by establishing the goal of being able to discriminate the outside from the inside within the limits of adequate timing in order to produce results. This objective needs to be very carefully established in order to define a possible goal in the process of approaching reality consciously.

Without a possible goal, the process will become a utopia.

The active function to access consciousness

The Unicist Ontogenetic Map of Consciousness

The active function of consciousness is the assimilation/introjection of the reality that has been decided to be approached. This requires being able to emulate that reality in mind which happens by emulating the operational reality which is the maximal strategy, having the modeling of the essential reality as the minimum strategy.

Emulating implies being able to build a figurative representation in mind that fulfills the same function of the external reality. To emulate a reality it is necessary to have ontological benchmarks to confirm the validity of the emulation.

Maximal strategies are based on operational modeling. This implies that there is no possibility of having consciousness in a field where the operation is not fully managed. It requires a lot of conscious experience to have the complete information of an operation model.

The minimum strategy is based on the modeling of the nature of a reality. This implies modeling the ontogenetic algorithm of a reality which requires managing synthetic and conceptual approaches to describe reality. The essential modeling of a reality is the catalyst or inhibitor for consciousness building. If this model cannot be built, consciousness cannot be achieved.

The energy conservation function of consciousness

The energy conservation function of consciousness is what allows guiding the process in order to save energy. It has to be considered that this is the most energy-consuming process of the human mind. It needs to integrate all the aspects involved with the reality that needs to be managed.

The purpose of ontointelligence, which is the energy conservation function, is the ethical intelligence that provides the focus, the time management to ensure timing, the possibility of inner and external complementation, and the value added to the environment. This requires having necessarily an expansive ethical intelligence that makes these processes possible. Contractive ethical intelligence inhibits consciousness.

The active function of the energy conservation function is the expansive strategic intelligence that allows approaching reality as a unified field and managing conflicts based on the building of complementation.

Strategic intelligence defines how individuals deal with conflicts. Expansive strategic intelligence uses the complementation conflicts, innovation conflicts, and negotiation conflicts to evolve.

The energy conservation function of the consciousness building process is given by the unicist thinking approach. The unicist thinking approach allows emulating the double dialectical behavior of adaptive systems but also includes the necessary logical type of thought to apprehend the reality that is being approached.

The unicist thinking process is at the same time the entropy inhibitor of the whole process. This means that if the double dialectical approach is not used there is an extreme risk of being unable to apprehend the unified field of a reality.

Stages of the Consciousness building process

The stages are the following:

  1. Define the reality you will approach in a conscious way.
    A) Define the synchronicity that has to be achieved.
    B) Define the personal complementation you need to build.
    C) Define the external complementation that needs to be built.
  2. Define a homologous reality in which you are fully conscious.
  3. Define the operational model of the unified field.
  4. Define the ontogenetic maps of the model of the unified field.
  5. Emulate the unified field.
  6. Define the ethical intelligence-driven aspects to be considered.
  7. Define the expansive strategic intelligence that is functional.
  8. Define the double dialectics that needs to be managed.
  9. Confirm the functionality of the ethical intelligence
  10. Develop the destructive and non-destructive tests of this process.

Consciousness at an operational level

At an operational level, there are different drivers to approach reality consciously. These drivers are accumulative because the development of consciousness follows the ontogenetic rules of maturity.

The Unicist Ontology of Consciousness

The different drivers allow dealing with different levels of consciousness.

Operational consciousness implies a need-driven or will-driven approach. Functional consciousness requires a value-adding or aesthetics-driven approach.

There are four segments to define the approach to consciousness:

  1. Need driven
  2. Will driven
  3. Value adding driven
  4. Aesthetics driven

1) Need driven segment

These are the individuals who enter consciousness because there is an unsolved problem. This segment is integrated by individuals who cannot solve the external problem because they lack personal complementation of their intelligence and types of thought. This segment is based on the use of expansive strategic intelligence to apprehend the unified field. In this case, the discrimination power will be limited by the perception of the problem that has to be solved.

2) Will driven segment

These are the individuals who enter consciousness because of an ideal. This ideal defines a role of the individual in the environment. This segment is driven by a rational decision of an individual and it tends to a rational approach to consciousness. It is based on being able to build an actual double dialectical model that allows apprehending the logic of the unified field. In this case, the discrimination power will be limited to the role the individual wants to achieve in the environment.

3) Value adding driven

These are the individuals who enter consciousness based on the decision to add a certain value to the environment. As value is defined by the recipient, they are focused on the recipient’s needs in the process. This includes the need to build or improve the complementation of the environment. This complementation needs to be based at a functional (essential) level. In this case, the discrimination power will be focused on the development of added value to the environment.

4) Aesthetics driven

These are the individuals who enter consciousness based on the decision to build a stable relationship with the environment. They look for an aesthetic solution that completes the needs of the environment, is desirable in order to generate attraction, and harmonic, in order to establish a stable relationship. This segment is based on the integration of both the operational and the essential aspects of aesthetics. The discrimination power of this segment is focused on the establishment of stable relationships with the environment.


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