Business objects



Unicist IT Architecture: an In-company Clinic

This clinic provides the guiding idea to design and build IT Architectures. The maturity achieved by the IT technologies allowed making the next step, the integration of hardware and software with peopleware.

The unicist ontology based and object driven IT architecture is based on using the knowledge of the nature of a process, its components and its context to develop a system.

This allows generating the results defined by the business model. This technology uses a structural functionalist architectural approach to define the processes and the business objects that are needed and reliable to achieve the predefined results.

The Mutation of IT Architecture

The evolution of Information Technology generated its own mutation towards an upper level technology that manages hardware and software but allows the integration of peopleware to provide optimal solutions for work processes.

Peopleware is defined by the structure of objects that individuals have in their minds which define the models they use when dealing with hardware and software at work.

The Mutation

This mutation requires changing the way IT Architecture has to be designed. Peopleware is what allows integrating hardware and software providing the true driver of a work/business model. When peopleware has been defined, an adequate design of an aesthetic software architecture with a solid hardware architecture will make business processes operational.

Peopleware is perhaps the most significant development to provide business operational solutions. It allows integrating administrative systems and adaptive systems to upgrade work processes when managing businesses as unified fields.

Peopleware is part of an IT architecture applied to work process design. Therefore, it requires having or achieving a sound knowledge of the business/work processes that are being modeled.

We strongly recommend taking advantage of the mutation generated by the evolution of the information technologies.

Access more information at:

Diana Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.


Presentation of the Adaptive Project Management Technology

This Seminar provides the guiding idea to design and manage adaptive projects. The Unicist Project Management (UPM) was designed to manage adaptive projects in which the dynamic interaction with the environment requires managing feedbacks that change a project significantly.

This is the case, among others, of business processes, commercial processes, research processes and organizational processes.

These projects need to behave simultaneously as systemic projects, producing what depends on them, and as adaptive processes, in order to interact with the environment.

The unicist architecture of adaptive project management can be defined by the use of a business objects based execution that is driven by a solution approach.

The development of adaptive project planning includes the use of plans A, B, C and D to manage the adaptive project.

Adaptive Planning to Manage Adaptive Projects

Plan A

Plan A is the basic plan that follows the ontogenetic map of the solution of a project. It is the most participative project planning and management because it is based on the influence the manager exerts on the project.

Plan B

Plan B is a superior plan that includes plan A plus an entropy inhibiting object for the resistance. It is based on inhibiting the entropy by using expertise driven objects and the management of the peopleware of the project.

Plan C

Plan C is a superior plan that includes plan B plus a catalyzing object to accelerate the change. It is based on the use of a technology that allows establishing a superior, although less participative solution for the project.

Plan D

Plan D is a plan to abort the project if the possibilities of success are not given. It includes the development of a succedaneous solution.

Access more information at:

Diana Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.


Information for Newcomers – Adaptive Automation Business

Today, as scheduled, the Unicist Confederation started its “multiplication” process. It implies building a worldwide organization that is able to deal with dynamic (complex) and not only static (simple) problems. This is an approach that can only be managed by leaders.

LeadershipAs it is self-evident, leading requires adapting, which implies dealing with complex adaptive problems and transforming them into simple solutions that can be followed by dualistic minds.

Going beyond dualism requires activating neural circuits until individuals can use their “gamma” waves to apprehend and adaptive aspect of reality it its functional oneness. “Alpha” waves are the “stars” of dualistic thinking and “Beta” waves are its “heavy duty workers”.

This logical approach is based on the main discoveries we made in the field of the drivers of individual behavior: conceptual thinking, integrative logic, double dialectical logic, ethical intelligence, logical thinking, strategic intelligence, fallacies and collective intelligence.

This requires a personal decision; it is not a business decision. Leaders need to use the double dialectical logic in order to develop reasonable, understandable and provable solutions that can be used by dualistic thinking followers.

It has to be considered that followers do not need to adapt; they just over-adapt by dominance, submission or opposition. Leadership is the world of having the foundations of what has been decided and not only the justifications.

Followers, by definition, judge the leaders to achieve the perception that they are in power. Please recall the saying “eat excrements; millions of flies cannot be wrong”. Results are the only acceptable judges in the field of complex adaptive solutions.

As this is a personal question you have to become a user at a personal level before you can consider transferring the use to the business world. It is like any other universal approach: mathematics, language, etc. It demands time, because a new neural activity needs to be activated until it becomes a habit.

We know that professional education fosters dualism and inhibits integrative thinking. People are taught to seek for answers instead for the questions that drive to the answers. This inevitably produces dualism: right or wrong.

Please bear in mind that the unicist logical approach is a breakthrough for leaders but a meaningless complication for followers.

Here, at the Unicist Confederation, you follow no-one; that is why it is a Confederation; what needs to be defined is your role in the organization.

This is a business objects and client centered organization of doers, developed by doers and for doers. You only have to follow an “object” during the learning processes but only until you achieved your “adolescence” in a specific field.

You are welcome if you see the opportunity and are willing to pay the prices.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.


What is the Unicist Approach to B2B Market R&D Labs?

The discovery of the unicist ontogenetic intelligence of nature allowed defining the triadic structure and the complementation and supplementation laws that underlie any entity.

These discoveries established the groundings to develop the unicist double dialectical logic that underlies all systems in nature.

The use of the double dialectical logic made the emulation of the organization of nature possible, developing objects to install into human adaptive systems to make them faster, safer and reliable. 

The Unicist B2B Market R&D Labs are based on (*):

1) The installation of a prototyper that allows launching the Lab with real commercial processes.

2) The use of the unicist business positioning segmentation.

3)  The use of the unicist business model segmentation, institutional roles segmentation, personal role segmentation and  relationship segmentation.

4)  The use of unicist country scenarios.

5) The triadic functional product segmentation.

6)  The use of virtual collaboration technologies.

7) The use of a Unicist Corporate University to catalyze commercial processes.

8) The use of object driven marketing.

9) The use of commercial objects, semantic objects and semiotic signs.

10) The use of client centered management as a meta-model.

11) The development of a unicist scorecard to monitor the metrics of the processes.

(*) A condition to manage the unicist approach is to go beyond the use of dualistic logic and use the double dialectical logic in order to be able to emulate dynamic processes in mind. It implies leaving behind the use of the disjunction “or” substituting it by the use of the functional conjunction “and”.

You can access the book on “Introduction to Ethical Intelligence in Business” by Diana Belohlavek at:

Unicist Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.


What is the Unicist Approach to B2C Market R&D Labs?

The discovery of the unicist ontogenetic intelligence of nature allowed defining the triadic structure and the complementation and supplementation laws that underlie any entity.

These discoveries established the groundings to develop the unicist double dialectical logic that underlies all systems in nature.

The use of the double dialectical logic made the emulation of the organization of nature possible, developing objects to install into human adaptive systems to make them faster, safer and reliable. 

The Unicist B2C Market R&D Labs are based on (*):

1) Defining and managing the different segments of clients in order to allow developing a commercial community using the triadic segmentation integrating the functional, psychological and conceptual segmentation.

2) Defining functional clusters using the triadic structure of the functional segmentation to build internal and external product/service synergy.

3) Using the triadic structure to define clusters based on the type of relationships established in order to use semantic objects.

4) Using the triadic conceptual segmentation to expand the boundaries of the market segments to grow.

5) Using the triadic anthropological lifestyle segmentation to establish the possibilities to expand markets.

6) Using the triadic structure of commercial objects, semantic objects and semiotic signs to develop an object driven marketing process.

7) Using the triadic structure of brand power to build external synergies to establish commercial alliances.

8) The use of adaptive customer relationship management (unicit adaptive CRM).

9) The development of destructive tests, non destructive tests and market pilot tests.

10) The development of a unicist scorecard to monitor the metrics of the processes.

(*) A condition to manage the unicist approach is to go beyond the use of dualistic logic and use the double dialectical logic in order to be able to emulate dynamic processes in mind. It implies leaving behind the use of the disjunction “or” substituting it by the use of the functional conjunction “and”.

You can access the book on “Introduction to Ethical Intelligence in Business” by Diana Belohlavek at:

Unicist Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.


What is the Unicist Approach to Outsourcees and Providers?

The discovery of the unicist ontogenetic intelligence of nature allowed defining the triadic structure and the complementation and supplementation laws that underlie any entity.

These discoveries established the groundings to develop the unicist double dialectical logic that underlies all systems in nature.

The use of the double dialectical logic made the emulation of the organization of nature possible, developing objects to install into human adaptive systems to make them faster, safer and reliable. 

The empowerment of outsourcees and providers is based on (*):

1) The use of the unicist ontological structure of outsourcing processes.

2) The use of Client Centered Management as a meta-model.

3) Giving access to the unicist object driven quality assurance technology.

4) Giving access to the object driven continuous improvement approach.

5)  The use of Object Driven Organization to optimize processes.

6) The development of a unicist scorecard to monitor the metrics of the processes.

(*) A condition to manage the unicist approach is to go beyond the use of dualistic logic and use the double dialectical logic in order to be able to emulate dynamic processes in mind. It implies leaving behind the use of the disjunction “or” substituting it by the use of the functional conjunction “and”.

You can access the book on “Introduction to Ethical Intelligence in Business” by Diana Belohlavek at:

Unicist Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.


What is the Unicist Approach to Process Improvement?

The discovery of the unicist ontogenetic intelligence of nature allowed defining the triadic structure and the complementation and supplementation laws that underlie any entity.

These discoveries established the groundings to develop the unicist double dialectical logic that underlies all systems in nature.

The use of the double dialectical logic made the emulation of the organization of nature possible, developing objects to install into human adaptive systems to make them faster, safer and reliable.

The unicist process improvement is based on (*):

1) Diagnoses that include the third dimension of what is possible to be achieved.

2) The knowledge of the triadic structure of the business functions and their fundamentals that define the concept that regulates the processes.

3) The use of driving objects to insert into the processes and catalyzing objects in order to accelerate them and ensure results.

4) The double dialectical change management approach integrating small, medium and big changes in order to minimize change resistance.

5) The use of the double dialectical logic integrating participative and non participative improvements.

6) The double dialectical integration of preparation and change management groups to ensure implementations in real time.

7) The use of the unicist standard to manage adaptive systems and the adaptive aspects of the processes.

8) The use of the triadic structured quality assurance objects to manage the functionality of processes and their output.

9) The use of Object Driven Organization and Client Centered Management as a metamodel to optimize the business processes.

10) The development of a unicist scorecard to monitor the metrics of the processes.

(*) A condition to manage the unicist approach is to go beyond the use of dualistic logic and use the double dialectical logic in order to be able to emulate dynamic processes in mind. It implies leaving behind the use of the disjunction “or” substituting it by the use of the functional conjunction “and”.

You can access the book on ”Introduction to Ethical Intelligence in Business” by Diana Belohlavek at:

Unicist Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.


Unicist Logical Approach: Launching of Unicist Adaptive CRMs

The Unicist Research Institute developed the necessary technologies to build adaptive systems to manage automatically the feedback from the environment. One of the paradigmatic areas where adaptiveness becomes necessary is the commercial activity.

That is why the Unicist Adaptive CRM becomes the next stage for commercial organization. It uses the unicist logical information provided by the ontogenetic maps or the markets, its segments and of each of the commercial functions.

Adaptiveness is based on the existence of drivers that make it possible. The level of the drivers is the following:

1)      There are analogical drivers that are based on the recognition of patterns.

2)      There are rule based drivers that include the preexisting and add rules that correspond to the activity.

3)      There are empirical drivers that include the preexisting and add empirical information obtained using mathematical models.

4)      There are objects based drivers that include the preexisting and add concept based objects as intrinsic adaptive systems.

Unicist Adaptive CRMs are developed by in-company or outsourced Market-Labs and the rules it managed are patented for each company.

The implementation is in charge of members of the Unicist Confederation who are CRM experts.

Unicist Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized world-class research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.


Teaching vs. Learning: the use of Unicist Learning Objects

Teaching is the cost of education and learning is the generated value. The use of unicist learning objects diminishes the cost and increases the value of what is being learned. A positive side effect is that learners assume the responsibility to adapt to the environment and not only to the teacher.

The purpose of a learning object is to install an adaptive knowledge object in the mind of the learner. Learning objects build a bridge and integrate theory with practice that allow individuals to use them and recycle them if necessary.

This implies that the learning objects drive the accommodation process to accept new aspects that were not managed before and integrate these new aspects in mind through an assimilation process which requires storing this integration in the long term memory of individuals.

Learning objects are complex adaptive systems that have been designed to drive the learning processes of the learner without needing external support when working within functional learning environments.

A functional learning environment exists when there is a need of a specific knowledge to do something, the necessary capacities of an individual are available and accessible and the objects have the necessary authoritative role to be accepted.

Learning objects cannot work when these conditions are exceeded and then the participation of a counselor becomes necessary to substitute these objects by personal action. This is homologous to the autopilot of an airplane which needs to be substituted by the pilot when the conditions of the external environment exceed the possibilities of the object.

Diana Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized world-class research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.


Cooperative Corporate Universities as Business Catalysts

This is the case of In-company Unicist Corporate Universities to drive the clients towards an upper level of business or technology management.

They require proposing conceptual approaches to the restricted context of a business. When they deal with operational aspects of a business they generate no catalyzing effect.

They have to compete with the business giving conceptual solutions that provide a superior solution that makes the complementary value proposition of companies desirable.

They necessarily have to provide information that is above the operational level avoiding competing or providing recipes to the clients.

Two simultaneous actions are needed to make the competitive triangle work: develop maximal strategy driven processes and then minimum strategy driven processes.

Unicist Corporate Universities as business catalysts require managing them as part of an innovation marketing process. Driving companies to an upper level implies innovation.

The Unicist Logical Approach to Innovation Marketing

For any businessman or woman it is self-evident that marketing implies competition with the alternatives the potential customers have in their minds. This implies seeking for the positioning as a first choice in a segment or if possible in the whole market.

But this cannot be done when an innovation is being marketed. Innovations have no substitutes; the alternatives the potential customers can have in their minds are either succedanea or inaction.

In competitive non-innovation markets the active role of sellers is to compete and the energy saving function is given by the capacity they have to cooperate with the prospects. These are naturally demand driven markets because the alternatives are already in the mind of the potential buyers.

In innovation marketing there is no substitute; therefore the proposal stands alone to sustain its validity and cannot be compared. This has two evident consequences.

On the one hand, the core of the approach to the market is the cooperation with the buyer which transforms the competitive capacity with the succedanea or inaction into the energy saving function.

On the other hand, this is a supply driven market which demands a sound knowledge of the subjective value of the innovative proposal in terms of its use value, its referential value which defines the succedanea that are considered, and the opportunity value which deals with the “urgent” need this proposal satisfies.

These structural differences between innovation marketing and non-innovation marketing explain why companies need to separate the management of supply driven markets from demand driven markets.

It is self-evident that innovation marketing is more energy consuming than demand driven markets. But this is compensated by the prices of innovative products.

Innovation marketing will be managed as demand driven markets when both market actions are mixed without separation. They belong to different species and cannot be integrated.

The final problem is that after the innovation has been absorbed by the environment, the supply driven market is transformed into a demand driven market.

This is a mutation that requires reorganizing the marketing process. And the innovation wheel begins to rotate again.

Unicist Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using a logical approach to deal with evolution and became a private global decentralized world-class research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.
