Unicist thinking



Integrating Abductive, Inductive and Deductive Reasoning

Unicist cognitive systems were developed to manage the root causes of processes, the root causes of their evolution and the root causes of the behavior of the participants. The unicist cognitive systems emulate processes to provide solutions using the unicist evolutionary approach. The unicist evolutionary approach is based on the discovery that human actions are driven by the concepts they have in their minds, which are triggered by the conceptual short-term memory (CSTM).

Unicist ReasoningThis approach manages the concepts and fundamentals of processes and is synthesized in the unicist strategy and the unicist conceptual management that emulate the intelligence, organization and evolution of nature to develop maximal strategies to grow and minimum strategies to ensure results.

It uses abductive, inductive and deductive reasoning to forecast, produce and ensure results. Abductive reasoning is used to access the concepts of things and define the possibilities of what can be achieved, inductive reasoning is used to develop destructive tests to confirm the limits of the validity of knowledge and deductive reasoning is used to develop validation tests and manage the operation.

The unicist artificial intelligence was developed to empower cognitive systems, integrating abductive, inductive and deductive reasoning to develop logical inferences based on the ontogenetic maps of the unified field of the concepts and fundamentals of adaptive functions while learning from the environment through pilot tests.

The unicist cognitive systems emulate processes in adaptive environments based on the definition of the unified field of their fundamentals to confirm what is possible to be achieved, how to make it happen and manage their evolution.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.


Presentation of the Adaptive Project Management Technology

This Seminar provides the guiding idea to design and manage adaptive projects. The Unicist Project Management (UPM) was designed to manage adaptive projects in which the dynamic interaction with the environment requires managing feedbacks that change a project significantly.

This is the case, among others, of business processes, commercial processes, research processes and organizational processes.

These projects need to behave simultaneously as systemic projects, producing what depends on them, and as adaptive processes, in order to interact with the environment.

The unicist architecture of adaptive project management can be defined by the use of a business objects based execution that is driven by a solution approach.

The development of adaptive project planning includes the use of plans A, B, C and D to manage the adaptive project.

Adaptive Planning to Manage Adaptive Projects

Plan A

Plan A is the basic plan that follows the ontogenetic map of the solution of a project. It is the most participative project planning and management because it is based on the influence the manager exerts on the project.

Plan B

Plan B is a superior plan that includes plan A plus an entropy inhibiting object for the resistance. It is based on inhibiting the entropy by using expertise driven objects and the management of the peopleware of the project.

Plan C

Plan C is a superior plan that includes plan B plus a catalyzing object to accelerate the change. It is based on the use of a technology that allows establishing a superior, although less participative solution for the project.

Plan D

Plan D is a plan to abort the project if the possibilities of success are not given. It includes the development of a succedaneous solution.

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Diana Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.


What is the Unicist Approach to B2C Market R&D Labs?

The discovery of the unicist ontogenetic intelligence of nature allowed defining the triadic structure and the complementation and supplementation laws that underlie any entity.

These discoveries established the groundings to develop the unicist double dialectical logic that underlies all systems in nature.

The use of the double dialectical logic made the emulation of the organization of nature possible, developing objects to install into human adaptive systems to make them faster, safer and reliable. 

The Unicist B2C Market R&D Labs are based on (*):

1) Defining and managing the different segments of clients in order to allow developing a commercial community using the triadic segmentation integrating the functional, psychological and conceptual segmentation.

2) Defining functional clusters using the triadic structure of the functional segmentation to build internal and external product/service synergy.

3) Using the triadic structure to define clusters based on the type of relationships established in order to use semantic objects.

4) Using the triadic conceptual segmentation to expand the boundaries of the market segments to grow.

5) Using the triadic anthropological lifestyle segmentation to establish the possibilities to expand markets.

6) Using the triadic structure of commercial objects, semantic objects and semiotic signs to develop an object driven marketing process.

7) Using the triadic structure of brand power to build external synergies to establish commercial alliances.

8) The use of adaptive customer relationship management (unicit adaptive CRM).

9) The development of destructive tests, non destructive tests and market pilot tests.

10) The development of a unicist scorecard to monitor the metrics of the processes.

(*) A condition to manage the unicist approach is to go beyond the use of dualistic logic and use the double dialectical logic in order to be able to emulate dynamic processes in mind. It implies leaving behind the use of the disjunction “or” substituting it by the use of the functional conjunction “and”.

You can access the book on “Introduction to Ethical Intelligence in Business” by Diana Belohlavek at: http://www.unicist.org/deb_ieib.php

Unicist Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.


What is the Unicist Approach to Talent Development?

The discovery of the unicist ontogenetic intelligence of nature allowed defining the triadic structure and the complementation and supplementation laws that underlie any entity.

These discoveries established the groundings to develop the unicist double dialectical logic that underlies all systems in nature.

The use of the double dialectical logic made the emulation of the organization of nature possible, developing objects to install into human adaptive systems to make them faster, safer and reliable. 

The Unicist Talent Development is based on  (*):

1) The discovery that the concepts individuals have drive their attitudes.

2) The knowledge of the conceptual structure of the different roles included in business processes.

3) The knowledge of the concepts that sustain the talents of individuals and how to empower them.

4) The diagnostics of the talents individuals have based on the facts they produce.

5) The possibility of developing individual talent development programs.

6) The use of the unicist ontology of learning to manage adaptive aspects of businesses.

7) Unicist coaching processes based on functional fallacy-shooting.

(*) A condition to manage the unicist approach is to go beyond the use of dualistic logic and use the double dialectical logic in order to be able to emulate dynamic processes in mind. It implies leaving behind the use of the disjunction “or” substituting it by the use of the functional conjunction “and”.

You can access the book on “Introduction to Ethical Intelligence in Business” by Diana Belohlavek at: http://www.unicist.org/deb_ieib.php

Unicist Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.


Unicist Standard: The power of a Nation is in its Archetype

The R&D e-book “Unicist Country Archetypes”  by Peter Belohlavek has been published.

The Power of a Nation provides a gravitational force for its external relations in the public and private fields that defines the level of synergy of the culture and establishes the standard for social, economic and political behaviors in terms of their capacity to influence the environment.

We are entering in one of the most obscure aspects of social behavior that deals with the power that cultures have and transfer to their members.

Essentially, the power of a Nation is synthesized in its archetype which has a level of energy that allows the Nation to follow a common goal with a natural path to achieve it.

The first obscure aspect is to accept that different countries have a different level of energy to influence the environment to transform nature for the benefit of their members.

Defining these differences is implicitly the explanation of the different levels of development of countries and explains also why the solution towards a higher level of power to influence the environment has to come from the inside and not from the outside.

This R&D e-book is the result of more than 30 years of researching and forecasting the evolution of countries until the fundamentals that define the power of Nations were refined and proven that they have no exceptions.

Access the unicist standard contained in the Unicist Standard Search Engine: http://www.unicist.com/

Request more information: n.i.brown@unicist.org

Unicist Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is the major research organization in the world in its specialty based on more than 3,000 researches in complexity science applied to individual, institutional and social evolution. The applicative researches are based on the discovery of the Ontogenetic Intelligence of Nature and the consequent Unicist Theory of Evolution.

Unicist Strategy

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Unicist Market Laboratory and Alliance with Heracles

A Unicist Market Lab has been implemented to expand the distribution of Heracles in the Hispanic market.

The Market Lab includes the development of business catalysts to accelerate the market expansion.

These catalysts have been implemented and the expansion is ongoing. The objective is to triple the sales within one year.

On the other hand a Unicist Corporate University has been implemented to provide Unicist Strategic Diagnostics Programs for board members of large sports institutions.

Access the unicist standard contained in the Unicist Standard Search Engine: http://www.unicist.com/

Request more information: n.i.brown@unicist.org

Unicist Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is the major research organization in the world in its specialty based on more than 3,000 researches in complexity science applied to individual, institutional and social evolution. The applicative researches are based on the discovery of the Ontogenetic Intelligence of Nature and the consequent Unicist Theory of Evolution.

Unicist Strategy

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Managing Power: Avoiding the friction caused by inaction

Work implies producing a displacement of something in the real world. Every displacement generates a friction that needs to be managed.

When two people are doing something in a working environment and one of them produces work and the other is inactive, the friction produced is extremely destructive.

It produces a paradoxical situation because:

1) There is an extreme conflict if the friction is not eliminated.

2) If the parts are “lubricated”, there will be no friction but the person who is inactive will continue doing nothing.

3) The inactive person needs to judge what the other part is doing because that judgment sustains her/his self-esteem.

4) Finally, the one who does the work ends up being judged by the one who cannot do it and the conflict escalates to the maximal level.

Therefore inaction needs to be banned from the business world in order to generate added value. “Opinators” are not welcome and intentions do not count.

Access the unicist standard contained in the Unicist Business Search Engine:

Request more information: n.i.brown@unicist.org

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is the major research organization in the world in its specialty based on more than 3,000 researches in complexity science applied to individual, institutional and social evolution. The applicative researches are based on the discovery of the Ontogenetic Intelligence of Nature and the consequent Unicist Theory of Evolution.

Unicist Strategy

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Free Access to the Unicist Theory of Evolution

The Unicist Theory of Evolution changed the approach to evolution allowing dealing with the nature of reality to exert influence on it.

You can access a free library and open programs on this theory at the Open Unicist Corporate University:

English:  http://unicist.org/ucu-en/

Portuguese: http://unicist.org/ucu-br/

Spanish: http://unicist.org/ucu-es/

This theory has been the basis for the development of the Unicist Standard that made the diagnoses, future scenario and strategy building reliable.

We hope you can take advantage of it.

Access the unicist standard contained in the Unicist Business Search Engine:

Request more information: n.i.brown@unicist.org

Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is the major research organization in the world in its specialty based on more than 3,000 researches in complexity science applied to individual, institutional and social evolution. The applicative researches are based on the discovery of the Ontogenetic Intelligence of Nature and the consequent Unicist Theory of Evolution.

Unicist Strategy

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Unicist Strategy: Developing Academic Alliances

We are negotiating alliances with different institutions to expand the unicist approach worldwide for the next generation leaders.

The Unicist Standard implies dealing with the nature of businesses. It is a logical approach that provides a reasonable ontological structure to deal with businesses.

Although empirical approaches are included at an operational level, this approach is a breakthrough to them, providing the fundamentals to deal with the nature of businesses.

Access the discovery of the Unicist Ontology of Adults’ Learning Context at: https://www.unicist.org/conceptual-thinking/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/learning_context_en.pdf

The Unicist Strategy Programs at The Unicist Corporate University are analogous to medical residencies. In medical residencies real patients are being cured while physicians learn to manage their specialty. A Unicist Business Residency is an environment in which complex problems of real clients are being solved while participants learn to manage the technologies to approach them. Only clients that “pertain” to the participants, who obtain the benefit for their success and pay the price of failure, work as real clients.

Access the unicist standard contained in the Unicist Business Search Engine:

Request more information: n.i.brown@unicist.org

Martin Alvaro
Marketing Manager

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is the major research organization in the world in its specialty based on more than 3,000 researches in complexity science applied to individual, institutional and social evolution.

Unicist Strategy

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Unicist Strategy: The Archetype of the USA

The Archetype of the USA is a paradigmatic example of how a culture can be leading in the world while strengthening its identity.

For this case, it is strongly recommended listening to the lecture you can find at: http://www.unicistinstitute.net/blog/unicist-future-research-the-archetype-of-the-usa/

Based on the research on the Archetype of the USA, its purpose is growth and its active function is given by the propensity to dare while achieving its “dream” within a credibility context.

The Maximal strategy implies that the culture is driven by daring actions to achieve its cultural “dream” within an institutionalized context.

The catalyst of the evolution of the American archetype is its institutionalization that accelerates its evolution. Institutionalization is materialized in the democratic rules of the society.

The icon of the cultural dream is the American Flag. Daring implies doing in terms of concrete operational actions to achieve growth and surpass the well-being achieved by the preceding generations.

The social pressure towards growth within a context of being a leading culture in the world generates uncertainty in the coming generations that fosters the need for addictions to avoid the responsibility to produce growth.

The minimum strategy of the archetype fosters thinking, driven by the personal objectives and within the limits of the personal credibility. That is why the USA archetype includes a multi-minority approach.

This minimum strategy provides the necessary context to develop hard technologies that sustain the economic activities of the maximal strategy.

Personal credibility is the entropy inhibitor of the American archetype. As wealth sustains the perception of security, personal credibility requires having solved the necessary financial situation that makes an individual credible.

Daring, dreaming, credibility and thinking integrated to achieve growth require a strong ethical environment that needs to be sustained by the judiciary system. Lying is unacceptable because it destroys the credibility and transparency of the archetype.

Understanding and respecting the archetype of the USA will be extremely useful to develop global and local businesses.

Access the unicist standard contained in the Unicist Business Search Engine:

Request more information: n.i.brown@unicist.org

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is the major research organization in the world in its specialty based on more than 3,000 researches in complexity science applied to individual, institutional and social evolution.

Unicist Strategy

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