Unicist Diagnostics Centers



Unicist IT Architecture: an In-company Clinic

This clinic provides the guiding idea to design and build IT Architectures. The maturity achieved by the IT technologies allowed making the next step, the integration of hardware and software with peopleware.

The unicist ontology based and object driven IT architecture is based on using the knowledge of the nature of a process, its components and its context to develop a system.

This allows generating the results defined by the business model. This technology uses a structural functionalist architectural approach to define the processes and the business objects that are needed and reliable to achieve the predefined results.

The Mutation of IT Architecture

The evolution of Information Technology generated its own mutation towards an upper level technology that manages hardware and software but allows the integration of peopleware to provide optimal solutions for work processes.

Peopleware is defined by the structure of objects that individuals have in their minds which define the models they use when dealing with hardware and software at work.

The Mutation

This mutation requires changing the way IT Architecture has to be designed. Peopleware is what allows integrating hardware and software providing the true driver of a work/business model. When peopleware has been defined, an adequate design of an aesthetic software architecture with a solid hardware architecture will make business processes operational.

Peopleware is perhaps the most significant development to provide business operational solutions. It allows integrating administrative systems and adaptive systems to upgrade work processes when managing businesses as unified fields.

Peopleware is part of an IT architecture applied to work process design. Therefore, it requires having or achieving a sound knowledge of the business/work processes that are being modeled.

We strongly recommend taking advantage of the mutation generated by the evolution of the information technologies.

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Diana Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.


Unicist Standard in Diagnostics: Reliable Knowledge

Businesses are an example of adaptive systems and require dealing with their integrity in order to influence them to achieve objectives. A paradigmatic case is to “make” an adaptive system grow, e.g. a business.

It is necessary to have an integrated knowledge to influence the evolution of adaptive systems. Changes in adaptive systems cannot be pulled nor pushed. Evolution needs to be catalyzed in order to achieve possible goals.

Catalyzing implies installing objects in the processes that work as “strange attractors” to produce the results they were created for. To do so it is necessary to develop a conceptual design of the problem in order to integrate all the elements that are part of the system.

To achieve the goal of having reliable knowledge of an adaptive system it is necessary to have both the fundamental knowledge and the technical analytical knowledge.

Fundamental knowledge

The knowledge of the fundamentals of a reality is basic for individuals’ actions. It is stored in the long term memory and allows spontaneous actions in real-time.

The conscious knowledge of the fundamentals of a given reality has the following characteristics.

1) Defines possibilities
It defines the field of what is possible to be achieved.
2) Allows front-view
It makes the perception of the final picture of actions possible.
3) Destructive tests
It requires making the necessary destructive tests of their validity in order to measure the limits of their functionality.
4) Sustains maximal strategies
It allows going beyond the boundaries of the present situation because it works in homologous fields.
5) Backward-thinking: Pert thinking
It is based on seeing the solution and starting from the conceptual output when developing taxonomic action plans.
6) Future oriented
In the short or the long run all living beings will act according to their nature. Understanding the nature, defined by the fundamentals,  allows forecasting the future.
7) Systemic & Conceptual thinking
Systemic and Conceptual thinking are necessary to apprehend the fundamentals using conceptual thinking to develop taxonomies using systemic thinking.

Synthesis: Fundamentals are action driven
Fundamentals are necessary to develop activities in real time having the needed speed and acceleration to influence reality.

Technical-analytical knowledge

1) Defines the probabilities
It allows making the analysis of the experiences to define the probabilities of occurrence of facts.
2) Allows rear-view
As it is based on facts and theories it is necessary to analyze the past in order to learn from it.
3) Non-destructive tests
Technical-analytical knowledge works within predefined boundaries. Therefore the knowledge is only valid within these limits. There is no need for destructive tests.
4) Sustains minimum strategies
Minimum strategies require a strict procedure to make things happen without depending on external elements. Technical analytical knowledge allows developing these procedures within the boundaries individuals can manage.
5) Forward-thinking: Gantt thinking
It defines the elements that need to be built and integrated following a step by step approach. It implies dividing reality into “independent” objects to integrate them afterwards.
6) Past & Present Oriented
Analysis requires the existence of elements that are being observed, measured and analyzed. Therefore it is based on the pre-existence of these elements.
7) Analytic & Systemic thinking
Analytic thinking is necessary to divide reality into manageable elements and systemic thinking is necessary to reintegrate them in a functional unit.

Synthesis: Technical-analytical knowledge is control driven
Technical analytical knowledge is necessary to measure and compare the existing facts with the objective that had to be achieved.

Producing growth

A system grows when it appropriates more energy than it has spent to produce it. This implies that it needs to generate an added value to the environment that is higher than the cost to produce it.

Growth problems are always big changes

A big change is necessary when an adaptive system, e.g. a business, wants to grow beyond the natural growth driven by the trends of the environment.

Big changes are energy consuming. Therefore it has to be clear if the energy is available. The use of objects is an energy multiplier. Objects are a mass that provides a source of energy to influence change.

The energy available depends on the technology and the knowledge to make use of the technology. Objects are part of the technology that has to be available.

Most of the failures in growth happen because the energy required is not available. This might happen because of the lack of hardware (including objects), software or peopleware.

Knowledge includes the human factor and defines the possibility to generate additional added value to go beyond the existing boundaries to expand the vital space of the system in order to make growth happen.


Managing both the fundamental and the technical-analytical knowledge is necessary to influence adaptive systems to grow.

The knowledge of fundamentals will give you the front-view to produce the growth and the technical-analytical knowledge will give you the rear-view to control the process.

Access the unicist standard contained in the Unicist Business Search Engine:

Request more information: n.i.brown@unicist.org

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is the major research organization in the world in its specialty based on more than 3,000 researches in complexity science applied to individual, institutional and social evolution. The applicative researches are based on the discovery of the Ontogenetic Intelligence of Nature and the consequent Unicist Theory of Evolution.

Unicist Strategy

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Unicist Diagnostics Alliances with Banks

We are negotiating with Banks the development of a diagnostics business to evaluate businesses possibilities and provide the fundamentals for risk management.

Unicist Ontological Business Diagnoses are based on the conceptual structure of the market that was researched and developed to build the essential groundings that underlay the nature of a business.

Diagnoses are made based on facts, considering their underlying ontological structure. To do so there is a specific fact-book for all the activities included in the business.

Unicist technologies use the development of object driven solutions to build optimized object driven processes with quality assurance.

Free access to the discovery of the Unicist Ontology of Fundamental and Technical Analysis: http://www.unicist.org/d_fa.php

Diagnoses include the development of prognoses and action plans. They are supported by the Blue Eagle X-pert System which is the most advanced expert system to deal with the ontology of businesses to make diagnoses, build scenarios and strategies and simulate alternatives.

Access the unicist standard contained in the Unicist Business Search Engine:

Request more information: n.i.brown@unicist.org

Martin Alvaro
Marketing Manager

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is the major research organization in the world in its specialty based on more than 3,000 researches in complexity science applied to individual, institutional and social evolution.

Unicist Strategy

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Presentation of the Flag Unicist Diagnostics Center

The Flag Unicist Diagnostics Center (UDC) has been presented. It is managed by Peter Belohlavek and, in its condition as the Flag-UDC, it includes his consultation services. This UDC is focused on large local and global corporations worldwide, providing diagnoses, strategies and unicist object driven organizational technologies.

As it is known, Peter Belohlavek is also responsible for the complexity science research of The Unicist Research Institute.

This UDC leads the expansion of UDCs worldwide. The planned revenue of this UDC for 2010 is 1,2M USD. This year the plan is to open 100 UDCs and 300 Scientific Dissemination Centers.

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Martin Alvaro has been promoted to Marketing Manager

2010 has been defined as the year of the global expansion of the Unicist Confederation based on Unicist Diagnostics Centers and Unicist Scientific Dissemination Centers.

This requires the implementation of a marketing and communication strategy to access all the “doers” of the world, integrating them in the Unicist Confederation as part of our business network or as users of the Unicist Technologies.

Martin Alvaro has been promoted to Marketing Manager to implement this expansion strategy.

His former role, Business Intelligence, has been fully automated as a part of the Blue Eagle X-pert System. This improvement has significant consequences in the internal quality assurance activity of the Unicist Confederation and the external Unicist Project Management with clients.

The Unicist Business Search Engine works as the avant garde technology to expand the use of the Unicist Object Driven Technologies: http://www.unicist.com

Three Scientific Dissemination Newsletters have been focused on this expansion process:

English: http://unicist.info/sdc-en/
Portuguese: http://unicist.info/sdc-br/
Spanish: http://unicist.info/sdc-es/

Please let us know if you are interested in developing a Unicist Diagnostics Center:

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Executive Committee

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Unicist Business Search Engine

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Unicist Business Talent Development – The paradox of “gifted minds”

Unicist Talent DevelopmentA gifted person has superior functional intelligences (*).
That means that the individual’s intelligences are:
a) functional to a specific value generating process
b) superior than average people’s.

(*) Kinesthetic, intrapersonal, interpersonal, mathematical intelligences are just examples of functional intelligence.

The paradox is that when gifted people work in an environment where their functional intelligences are irrelevant, they naturally enter in a superiority complex creating a parallel reality to sustain their dominating position. This generates lack of value generation and endless power games promoted by the person who needs to sustain a dominating role.

Access the Unicist Business Search Engine to learn about this research led by Peter Belohlavek and how to empower business talents: www.unicist.com

Your comments are welcome

Diana Belohlavek
VP Unicist Knowledge Bank
& International Relations

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Accuracy of the Unicist Diagnostics – Quality Assurance

Unicist Quality AssuranceThe main characteristic of unicist diagnoses is their accuracy. During the past two decades their reliability and their accuracy were guaranteed by the Blue Eagle X-pert System that has been evolving from version 1.0 to version 8.2
From January 2010 on, the diagnoses delivered by the Unicist Diagnostics Centers of the Unicist Confederation will have a certificated quality assurance process that guarantees their accuracy. The objective is to deliver reliable solutions to our clients.

This is the final formal step preparing the worldwide expansion of the Unicist Standard in order to fulfill the goal of our vision:

“We consider that every doer in the world has the need and the right to have an objective technology to simplify the complex problems s/he has to solve.”

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Executive Committee

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Unicist Business Search Engine


Unicist Confederation’s business plan 2010

The business plan 2010 is based on an “explosive” worldwide expansion of the Unicist Diagnostics Centers (UDC) and the Unicist Scientific Dissemination Centers (USDC). The objective is to multiply the activity of Unicist Diagnosticians and Leaders of Scientific Dissemination Centers in order to install the Unicist Standard worldwide.  Every UDC and every USDC needs to have a budget that ensures the profitability of their business.

On the other hand, alliances are being built with corporations to develop Research Consortia and Unicist Diagnostics Centers.

Unicist Scientific Dissemination Center - WEB SITE MODELThe Unicist Scientific Dissemination Centers are in charge of implementing affiliate programs with professional or business Chambers, Associations or Federations in their region, while developing affiliate programs with complementary blogs and websites worldwide.

The USDC websites models are:
English:  http://www.usdc-model-en.unicist.net/
Portuguese: http://www.usdc-model-br.unicist.net/
Spanish: http://www.usdc-model-es.unicist.net/

Unicist Diagnostics Center - WEBSITE MODELThe Unicist Diagnostics Centers are based on the unicist approach integrating both fundamental and technical analytical knowledge to develop accurate diagnoses, forecasts and strategies for businesses. It is a multilocal activity developed by the Unicist Diagnosticians who have been certified in The Unicist Corporate University. All the Unicist Diagnostics Centers also run a USDC but not vice versa.

The UDC websites models are:
English: http://www.udc-model-en.unicist.net/
Portuguese: http://www.udc-model-br.unicist.net/
Spanish: http://www.udc-model-es.unicist.net/

If you are a user of unicist technologies and would like to enter the business of the Unicist Confederation, please contact: martin.alvaro@unicist.net

Your comments are welcome

Executive Committee

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