Unicist Business Talent Development – The paradox of “gifted minds”
A gifted person has superior functional intelligences (*).
That means that the individual’s intelligences are:
a) functional to a specific value generating process
b) superior than average people’s.
(*) Kinesthetic, intrapersonal, interpersonal, mathematical intelligences are just examples of functional intelligence.
The paradox is that when gifted people work in an environment where their functional intelligences are irrelevant, they naturally enter in a superiority complex creating a parallel reality to sustain their dominating position. This generates lack of value generation and endless power games promoted by the person who needs to sustain a dominating role.
Access the Unicist Business Search Engine to learn about this research led by Peter Belohlavek and how to empower business talents: www.unicist.com
Your comments are welcome
Diana Belohlavek
VP Unicist Knowledge Bank
& International Relations
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