Unicist approach



Unicist Market Expansion: The confrontation of conquest

The natural path for innovations is the confrontation of conquest.

A confrontation of conquest begins when a new product with no synergy with the pre-existing products is launched. There is also a confrontation of conquest when new markets are sought.

When the products that have been launched do not belong to an existent category and satisfy non manifested needs, the confrontation of conquest begins with the weakening of some occupied niches to introduce the new product (guerrilla confrontation).

The unicist confrontation of conquest requires an empty space occupying strategy when non manifested needs are being satisfied.

The confrontation of conquest requires beginning with niches, continuing with segments and finally covering the market.

Confrontation of conquest implies a differentiation based on a strong preexistent credibility.

The Confrontation of Conquest fails when differentiation is not perceived by the market or when the influence cannot sustain the credibility of the proposal.

Conquest is based on:

  • Empty space occupation
  • Speed
  • Credibility

The first step to conquer is the occupation of empty spaces. The confrontation of market conquest begins based on the positioning in these niches.

To do so there is need for a previous action to open these niches. The action requires a non evident functional or ethical flank attack of the competitors’ solutions. Competition is lost if this flank attack is perceived.

A key factor in this confrontation is having a superior speed than that of the market leader. Higher speed is necessary to penetrate. If conquerors are slower than the market leaders they will just accumulate wishes and costs.

The conquest of markets is based on credibility. First choice positioning can only be achieved having a brand with the necessary objective and subjective attributes.

Thus empty spaces can be occupied with highly differentiated products and having a superior speed than the market defendant.

When a war of conquest is lost, the conqueror becomes a marginal competitor in that market.

Unicist Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a global decentralized world-class research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.


Unicist Turnkey Solutions for End-Users in Business

From August 2012 on, only turnkey solutions will be provided to end users in business. This implies that the unicist ontology based and objects driven technologies will be only provided to Corporate and Professional Partners. No technologies will be sold to end-users.

This implies that end-users only need to manage the operation of the business objects / business units / business processes that are installed.

The partners who participate in the development of solutions will have the Unicist Knowledge Object Manager, the Unicist Fact-book and the Centralized Quality Assurance Services available.

As the Unicist Confederation deals with the adaptive aspects of businesses, the core aspect is the definition of the actual possibilities of a business defined in its diagnoses. Therefore we recommend that you access the book on “The Unicist Standard for Ontological Business Diagnostics” at the Unicist Library:

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a global decentralized world-class research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.


The Power of Intellectual Capital

Intellectual capital is what allows building the long term strategies of companies because it represents the intangible assets of an organization that allows generating differentiated added value in a market.

Assessing Intellectual Capital (IC) without diagnosing its nature always turns out to be a fallacious path. The unicist approach to IC building structures the concept of IC in order to define its nature and catalyze its development.

Intellectual capital is defined as the capital that is based on differential knowledge which can be materialized in human capital and objects.

This work presents the unicist ontology of Intellectual Capital as the integration of: Objects, Human Capital, Credibility and Innovation.

In this sense, human capital is represented by the individuals’ capacity to improve efficacy, synergy and the return of investment to a point where the strategic goals, the mission and the vision of the company are achieved or fulfilled

Access the book on “The Unicist Ontology of Intellectual Capital” at the Unicist Library:  http://www.unicist.com/books-pages/en/intellectual_capital_en10.php

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a global decentralized world-class research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. https://www.unicist.org/conceptual-thinking/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/turi.pdf


The Unicist Approach avoids miscarriages in business

Before the Unicist Approach to businesses existed, 80% of the new businesses disappeared in less than two years.

The Unicist Approach induced the possibility of managing the nature of businesses, defining the nature of the markets and developing business objects that accelerate business processes while they save energy. This provided a new starting point to launch successful businesses.

“More than 500,000 companies are founded every year in the US and about 80% of them cease to exist within the next two years.

This was the triggering cause to research what we named the “Butterfly Companies”. These companies took such name because of the beauty they have for their founders when they are born and their ephemeral life.

As Sun Tzu said, “battles are won or lost before they are fought”, and the same happens in business. When a new company is created the success or failure has already been defined.

This R&D e-book will be explaining why these “Butterfly Companies” are so ephemeral. It will drive you into the world of business viruses and how to build immune systems to avoid their damages.

These companies are born with a deadly virus that needs to be cured as soon as possible.

Consider that all the mistakes that are done when developing the company are not such: they are fallacies.

And fallacies are extremely unconscious. Only the confrontation with results and groundings allows getting rid of them.

This research showed the nature of butterfly companies and their cure. We hope you take your time to profit from it.

We expect that this technology can avoid 50% of the disappearance of new companies with the consequent social and individual benefits.”

Access it at: http://www.unicist.com/books-pages/en/unicist_business_therapeutics_en3s.php
First you need to register: http://www.unicist.com

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a global decentralized world-class research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. https://www.unicist.org/conceptual-thinking/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/turi.pdf


Spin-offs: The Unicist Research Institute’s Growth Model

The purpose of a technological spin-off is to provide a world-changing solution for a market. It requires having developed an innovative unique technology.

Technological spin-offs require the participation of three agents:

1)      The provider of the innovative solution

2)      The marketplace builder

3)      The investor

“By definition” innovations require the development of a new marketplace which needs the necessary investment to develop it until the new value adding solution is part of the establishment of a market.

When corporations develop the spin-offs the investor and the marketplace builder might be one.

Spin-offs are successful when the innovative technology solves an extreme scarcity by providing solutions that were not possible before. That is why the spin-off business is meaningful when it provides “world-changing” technologies.

See example: http://sri.com/about/spin.html

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a global decentralized world-class research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. https://www.unicist.org/conceptual-thinking/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/turi-1.pdf


Doer's Ethics – A Unicist Ecumenical Approach

Doers Ethics – A Unicist Ecumenic approachIn Christianity and in other religions individuals may commit two types of sins:
sins of commission and sins of omission.

Sins of commission are the result of human actions. Sins of omission are the result of human inaction.

Doers necessarily commit both sins. They commit the sin of omnipotence when they try to do what belongs to “God’s territory” and the sin of omission when they do not do what they could have done because they considered that it belongs to “God’s territory”.

If you cannot deal with being a sinner you cannot be a doer. That is why the value added is the only possible measurement of doers’ deeds.

Happy New Year!

Peter Belohlavek

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