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Architecture, conceptual design and process automation

The first aspect to be considered is to relate the architecture of a given reality with its conceptual engineering. Conceptual engineering defines a problem’s architecture. To do so it is necessary to structure the ontology of that reality.

Architecture is used to define the concepts of a reality materializing them as solutions, within the possibilities of existing knowledge.

Redesigning the automation of a process implies restructuring its functionality in terms of effectiveness.

Effectiveness = Efficiency*Efficacy*Automation

The concept of effectiveness was discovered at the beginning of the seventies.

The first approach to effectiveness was adding efficiency plus efficacy to achieve the best possible result.

It was an empirical solution developing work processes optimizing the efficiency of the systems and the efficacy of humans.

In those times people were trained to develop the necessary skills to manage the working processes.

The results of this theory were inconsistent. “Change resistance” was the natural explanation for inadequate results.

The research of effectiveness, considered as a complex system, showed that its components should not be added, but integrated. Integration means conjunction. Conjunction, in mathematical terms, means multiplication.

This was the first approach to ontological analysis of working processes, integrating its three components, considered in those times as variables, which at the end were defined as the functions of a concept.

Analyzing a working process from an ontological point of view implies recognizing a different reality of workflow. It is much more flexible and offers much more possibilities than the empirical addition of efficacy + efficiency.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.


Peopleware: the integrator of hardware and software

Peopleware is defined by the structure of objects that individuals have in their minds which define the models they use when dealing with hardware and software at work. It  provides the necessary information to transform business architectures into operational business models.

Peopleware is what allows integrating hardware and software providing the true driver of the business model.

It is necessary to understand the organizational equilibrium laws, the natural organization and the object driven business model in order to manage peopleware.

When peopleware has been defined and adequate aesthetic use of software with a solid hardware will make business processes operational.

Peopleware is perhaps the most significant development to provide business operational solutions to companies.

It allows transforming administrative systems into adaptive systems to upgrade work processes when managing businesses as unified fields.

Peopleware provides the utility to operational business models allowing software to be user friendly (aesthetic for the user) and the functionality of hardware to become solid.

By definition, an approach that deals with the deepest human drivers to work is abstract. This abstraction needs to be apprehended in a reflection process to approach solutions for work processes.

Peopleware is business architecture applied to work process design. Therefore, it is for people who have a sound knowledge of the business that is being modeled.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.


Reorganization of Butterfly-Companies

Finally it was decided to enter the business of restructuring small and mid-size businesses that suffer the syndrome of being butterfly-businesses.

Butterfly Enterprises are businesses that have been built with the implicit “butterfly virus” which kills the business after a conjuncture ended.

The research on the nature of the Butterfly Company began in 2001. These companies were named Butterfly because they are extremely beautiful and ephemeral for their owners.

Their main observable characteristics are the lack of: business planning, ROI, image building and use of adaptive systems. They cannot behave as an adaptive system and depend on the efficacy of their owners.

They are companies that disappear when the external conjuncture changes or the owners die.

The condition to restructure these businesses is that during the transition period an interim management is installed. This interim management needs to be hired by the company owners. The Unicist Confederation needs to have the veto for the hiring of the management.

This is an extremely valuable business focused basically on Family Businesses.

We invite you to be our guest at the Unicist Library to access the book “Butterfly Companies and their cure”:  http://www.unicist.com

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became the major research organization in the world in the field of human adaptive systems. More than 4,000 unicist ontological researches were developed since 1976 until July 2011 in the field of individual, institutional and social evolution. They included the development of the unicist ontogenetic maps (DNA) of institutions.


Are ontogenetic maps necessary to design business models?

Business growth requires dealing with businesses as adaptive systems in order to be able to extend their boundaries.

Example of ontogenetic map for negociation design

Ontogenetic maps are a conceptual GPS to generate solutions in the field of businesses considered as human adaptive systems.

Ontogenetic maps describe the ontological algorithm of a function or the whole system. They describe the steps that have to be followed to influence businesses.

Ontogenetic maps are timeless and cross-cultural but their applicative content varies based on the available technologies and the characteristics of the environments.

The use of ontogenetic maps and their implicit unicist ontological algorithms is the input for business architecture making the building of a solid structure possible.

Business growth requires managing the ontogenetic map of the specific business and the ontogenetic map of economic growth.

We invite you to be our guest at the Unicist Library to access the collection of books on Unicist Business Architecture: http://www.unicist.com

Diana Belohlavek
VP Global Markets
& Market Labs

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is a pioneer in complexity science research. More than 4,000 unicist ontological researches were developed since 1976 until July 2011 in the field of individual, institutional and social evolution. They included the development of the unicist ontogenetic maps (DNA) of institutions.


Unicist Business Platforms include the ontology of growth

The unicist business platforms are based on the ontological algorithm for business growth. This is what makes the platforms work as virtual business units.

Business Growth is implicit in the architecture of a business. The context for structural growth is defined when the architecture has been designed. But it has to be considered that structural growth is in the details of the architecture and between the lines of the work procedures.

The unicist ontology of economic growth was discovered in 1989 after 10 years of research and country scenario building. Since then, its application to business growth drove to multiple experiences until it could be confirmed in 2011. The Unicist Research Institute used this ontology to grow from a pioneer in 1976 to where it is now.

The unified field of business growth, in unicist standard language, includes:

  1. A context for growth, which is defined by the implicit vision of a company.
  2. The economic growth algorithm: driven by technology, value generation and institutionalization.
  3. Synchronicity: driven by opportunity, critical mass and added value.
  4. Timing: driven by synchronicity, acceleration of actions and speed of actions.
  5. Action: driven by value adding displacement, focused energy and work.

The algorithm for growth allows, on the one hand, diagnosing the possibilities of structural growth, defining its strategy and implementing the business processes to build it.

On the other hand, it defines the possibilities of conjunctual growth. Conjunctural growth implies actions that only drive to the growth of revenue that cannot be incompatible with the above described unified field of the growth algorithm.

We invite you to be our guest at the Unicist Library to access the collection of books on Unicist Business Architecture: http://www.unicist.com

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is a pioneer in complexity science research. More than 4,000 ontological researches were developed since 1976 until July 2011 in the field of individual, institutional and social evolution, including the development of ontology based and business object driven solutions for businesses.


Global Launching: Intra-outsourcing of IT activities

Today we are launching the Unicist IT Business Platform to transform IT activities into business units including the use and development of business objects to increase the value added.

The evolution of hardware and software widened the possibilities of information technologies to provide peopleware, in terms of work processes that allow increasing notoriously the value generation and the competitive capacity.

The unicist natural organization integrated with business objects allows upgrading the IT activities transforming them into virtual business units.

This platform includes business objects for:

  • client centered management,
  • WS-automation,
  • unicist project management,
  • CRM,
  • object oriented costing (ABC spin-off),
  • continuous improvement,
  • reliability,
  • prototyping,
  • business architecture emulation,
  • life-cycle management.

The investment of the transformation is recovered within the first year.

We invite you to be our guest at the Unicist Library to access the book “Unicist Business Architecture”:

Executive Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is a pioneer in complexity science research. More than 4,000 ontological researches were developed since 1976 until July 2011 in the field of individual, institutional and social evolution, including the development of ontology based and business object driven solutions for businesses.


Time for business multiplication has come

The research in the field of human adaptive behavior allowed having a complete set of ontologies and business objects to develop business growth.

This triggers now the multiplication activities of the academic arm and the business arm taking advantage of the knowledge of the nature of cultural, institutional and individual behavior.

There are four types of businesses based on the objective characteristics of the activity or the subjective attitude of their leaders:

1) Difference making businesses
2) Dividing businesses
3) Adding businesses
4) Multiplying businesses

Difference making businesses are those where the revenue is made by sales and profit is produced by the buying of what is sold (e.g. small retail businesses). Threat: lack of growth.

Dividing businesses imply prevailing in the confrontation between something that exists and what is being proposed to buy (e.g. consultants). Threat: lack of credibility.

Adding businesses are those where something is being built based on objective value (e.g. industrial businesses). Threat: commoditization.

Multiplying businesses are those driven towards massive contagious expansion of the businesses (e.g. market driven businesses). Threat: inaction (nill).

The Unicist Research Institute is the pioneering research organization in the field of human adaptive systems, which allows building a multiplying business based on the expansion of our partners’ network providing business expansion to the markets.

Our business it to build businesses for our partners and their business is to build growth for companies.

Time for multiplication has come.

We invite you to be our guest at the Unicist Library to access the book “Unicist Business Architecture”:

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is a pioneer in complexity science research. More than 4,000 ontological researches were developed since 1976 until July 2011 in the field of individual, institutional and social evolution, including the development of ontology based and business object driven solutions for businesses.


The Nature of Universal Strategy

The nature of reality is described by the ontology that defines its functionality. Therefore ontologies are timeless and cross-cultural.

Strategy has its origin in military actions. Its etymology derives from “strategos”: the art of the general. Strategy has been applied to all uses where an influence needs to be exerted to achieve a goal.

A strategic approach is a must when dealing with complex adaptive systems like businesses.

The origin of the unicist ontology of Universal Strategy has been Sun Tzu, who has been the originator of a conceptual approach to strategy.

Invincibility depends on one’s self; the enemy’s vulnerability on him. – Sun Tzu, The Art of War. c.400-320 b.c.

The concept described by Sun Tzu allowed defining the hypothesis of the ontology of strategy, and its multiple applications allowed confirming it. The ontological approach makes strategies understandable, reasonable and provable.

If you are interested in managing the strategy of your activity we strongly recommend studying The Art of War. But you need to go beyond the operational meaning of his words and apprehend the nature of what Sun Tzu is saying.

We invite you to be our guest at the Unicist Library to access the book : “Unicist Business Strategy”:

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is a pioneer in complexity science research. More than 4,000 ontological researches were developed since 1976 until July 2011 in the field of individual, institutional and social evolution, including the development of ontology based and business object driven solutions for businesses.


Unicist Business Platforms to increase Growth and Profit

The objective of a Unicist Business Platform is to install a result driven organization model that allows ensuring the results of businesses to generate growth and increase profit.

It uses the Unicist Business Architecture to develop businesses as adaptive systems ensuring the results by the use of a high level of automation to transform the solutions that are developed by the prototypers into final systems to manage the business processes.

The differentiated aspects of the unicist technologies are the use of “Business Objects”, prototypers and automated processes to develop the systems. This ensures that the results of growth and profit improvement can be achieved.

The unicist organizational design uses prototypers to develop the prototype that is finally transformed into the system to be used in a business unit.

Access the White Paper on Unicist Business Architecture at:

Prototypers are extremely flexible operational units that are used in destructive and non-destructive pilot tests to define a prototype of an organizational process.

We invite you to be our guest at the Unicist Library to access the book : “Unicist Business Architecture”:

Diego Belohlavek
Expert System &
Business Platform Manager

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is a pioneer in complexity science research. More than 4,000 ontological researches were developed since 1976 until July 2011 in the field of individual, institutional and social evolution, including the development of ontology based and business object driven solutions for businesses.


Unicist Business Platforms structure Business Units

Companies have two customers: their market and their shareholders.

Unicist Business Platforms are integrated business processes that foster business expansion while covering the administrative aspects or integrating them within.

UBPs use unicist business objects to ensure the results of the work processes. Thus UBPs structure a business unit including its expansion, decision support, control and operational systems.

The maximal strategy is driven by the adaptive system including both the expansion and the decision support systems. This allows expanding the boundaries of a business and structuring it to make it stable.

As a business unit, it needs to be measured by results which include both growth and profit. The transformation of cost centers into business units implies that the business might have external and/or internal clients.

It has to be considered that the concept of transforming cost centers into business units is an extension of boundaries in itself.

We invite you to be our guest at the Unicist Library:  http://www.unicist.com

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is a pioneer in complexity science research. More than 4,000 ontological researches were developed since 1976 until July 2011 in the field of individual, institutional and social evolution, including the development of ontology based and business object driven solutions for businesses.

