Daily Archives: August 4, 2011



Unicist Business Platforms structure Business Units

Companies have two customers: their market and their shareholders.

Unicist Business Platforms are integrated business processes that foster business expansion while covering the administrative aspects or integrating them within.

UBPs use unicist business objects to ensure the results of the work processes. Thus UBPs structure a business unit including its expansion, decision support, control and operational systems.

The maximal strategy is driven by the adaptive system including both the expansion and the decision support systems. This allows expanding the boundaries of a business and structuring it to make it stable.

As a business unit, it needs to be measured by results which include both growth and profit. The transformation of cost centers into business units implies that the business might have external and/or internal clients.

It has to be considered that the concept of transforming cost centers into business units is an extension of boundaries in itself.

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Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is a pioneer in complexity science research. More than 4,000 ontological researches were developed since 1976 until July 2011 in the field of individual, institutional and social evolution, including the development of ontology based and business object driven solutions for businesses.

