Using the Unicist Standard to learn from Unilever

Unicist Object Driven Leadership is a back to basics. The concept of leadership is defined by the integration of Authority, Participation and Power. This is self-evident. But the question is: Which are the Fundamentals of Leadership?

In the following lines you will find an answer to the question posed in this blog last week:

Objects sustain the power of leaders avoiding to exert such power. In this sense, objects work as:

1) Drivers to make things happen
2) Catalysts to accelerate action
3) Inhibitors, working as a non-exerted dissuasion power
4) Gravitational forces of leaders’ authority

Using Unicist Object Driven Leadership you will be accessing a new world, which is at the same time a back to basics. It implies producing more results and being a natural leader in all those fields where you can integrate your personal action with the use of institutionalizing objects.

The basics of leadership

Leadership is based on the need to sustain one’s authority. The participation of others is a condition of leadership. A leader is such because s/he is followed. Therefore, in terms of the Unicist Logic, Participation is the active function of leadership and the energy conservation function is given by the Power a leader has to impose her/his authority. But this is a sort of paradox. The energy conservation function is given by the power the individual “does not use”. If the power is used it consumes energy and, in fact, a double amount of energy, because:

1) To impose something there is a need to exert power and consume energy.

2) When power is exerted, authority is being lost, because it means that the authority of the individual has not been accepted. And in this case, an additional amount of energy must be invested to reconstruct the value of the authoritative role.

Participation poses another paradoxical dilemma:

1) When the authority of the leader is extreme, for example a religious leader, the participation is not possible.

2) When the participation is extreme, there is no possibility to accept an authoritative role.

This solution is contraindicated for absolutist, subjectivist, fundamentalist and anarchic leaders.

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Diana Belohlavek
VP Unicist Knowledge Bank

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is the major research organization in the world in its specialty based on more than 3,000 researches in complexity science applied to individual, institutional and social evolution.

Unicist Strategy

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