Human Superiority Complex
Superiority complexes are based on superior functional intelligence implying a structural different attitude. Their feeling of superiority is transformed into a complex when they begin to use their superior functional intelligence in fields that cannot be managed with that approach. But their need of sustaining their superiority forces to try to do so. The result implies blaming the environment for the paradoxical outcomes.
While inferiority complex drive toward inaction in order to deny the reality that affects self-esteem, superiority complexes drive toward aggressive active action to destroy the bothering object.
Superiority complexes are implicit in the decisions taken by anti-intuition in a fearful environment using the anti-intelligence to destroy the object that is threatening the self-perception of superiority.
Extremely talented individuals develop this complex while they live immersed in a mediocre environment. Mediocre environment are those that not include respect and admiration to the members of the group that have the capacity to add higher value.
When the relation with authority doesn’t include respect and admiration talented individuals become marginal. “Nerds” are some of the names that degrade the talent of an individual and transform a factual superiority into a personal complex.
On the other hand, talented individuals who perceive that their skill has no social value develop an inferiority complex if they are socially rejected.
To avoid destruction they become aggressive to the environment. The aggression might be active when it their complex is not integrated with an inferiority complex or passive if they perceive inferiority when dealing with other fields than the one (or several) they are talented in.
Characteristics of the Superiority Complex
It is based on a physical advantage
- It influences all the activities of an individual
- It creates a personal fictive environment to solve problems using over-simplifying analogical approaches based on their specific talent.
- It is future focused to avoid the responsibility of present actions
- It uses omnipotence as a driver to avoid the feeling of inferiority
- It produces a selfish, envious and greedy behavior
- It produces a dualistic, antagonistic, analogical approach to reality
- It looks for the solution exclusively in the future
- It produces an obsessive taking, not giving, attitude
- It produces the distortion of the perception of threatening aspect of reality
The main difference is given by the fact that Superiority Complex driven individuals toward an active role in the environment. Thus they use to be aggressive using both active aggression and/or passive resistance as a way to attack the environment.
They do not work in teams. They are “solopreneurs”.
Peter Belohlavek
NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.