Professional participation in the Unicist Confederation
The Unicist Confederation is a multi-local, cooperative confederation. It is the business arm of The Unicist Research Institute (TURI), a pioneer in complexity science research that developed the unicist approach to businesses and became a world-class research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.
The positioning of research centers is objective; it depends on the breakthroughs produced and their added value to the market. Access TURI’s Brief:
More than 4,400 unicist ontological researches were developed from 1976 to July2012 inthe field of individual, institutional and social evolution. The main countries that originated these researches were: US, DE,UK, FR, JP, SE, CA, CH, IN, BR, AR, CAT, RU, CN, AU.
The Business
Unicist Confederation’s members install spin-offs of business object driven solutions for the adaptive aspects of start-up, medium and large companies.
The professionals who participate need to have the necessary technical-analytical and fundamental knowledge in order to deal with the adaptive aspects of businesses. Naturally, there are four types of professional attitudes: fundamentals driven, diagnostics driven, objects driven and results driven.
The market expansion is organized based on corporate and professional spin-offs. Corporate spin-offs are business units that are installed in companies to provide solutions for their markets and activities. The business units might be insourced or outsourced.
Unicist Press Committee
NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a global decentralized world-class research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.