Complexity research



The Unicist Methodology to Research Human Adaptive Systems

The observation room for the Market Labs has been launched. It allows newcomers to become acquainted with the unicist complexity science research methodology. The Market Lab research is coordinated by Diana Belohlavek.

The methodology

There is a general research methodology that has to be followed to define the validity of a unicist ontological structure that is needed to deal with human adaptive systems.

The basic steps are:

  1. Develop the hypothetical structure of the ontology.
  2. Analyze the ontology and divide it into sub-ontologies following the laws of complementation and supplementation (only when necessary and possible).
  3. Define observable results that need to be considered to validate the ontology.
  4. Define the application fields of the ontology to validate its functionality.
  5. Develop the applications beginning with destructive and non-destructive pilot tests to forecast reality.
  6. Develop at least five experiences in the application field differing completely one from the other.
  7. Develop forecasts of at least three periods with full certainty.
  8. Restart the research process every time a deviation occurs.

Pilot Testing

Unicist Ontologies are omnipotent fantasies unless they have been tested. The testing of ontologies implies testing their functionality and requires a precise design of the tests. The “trial and error” use of objects is not a pilot test.

Pilot tests are the drivers of the unicist reflection processes. Pilot tests have two objectives:

  1. Falsification of knowledge
  2. Validation of knowledge

1) Falsification – Destructive testing

Falsification, in the field of complex problems, implies finding the limits of the validity of a given knowledge. To do so, it is necessary to develop experiences in homologous fields until the limits of validity are found. It defines the unified field that can be apprehended.

The falsification process is a destructive test for knowledge that is applied to realities with incomplete homologies. The destruction occurs when a condition is found to demonstrate the fallacy of the knowledge.

2) Validation – Non-destructive testing

Validation implies the factual confirmation of the validity of knowledge. Validation is achieved when knowledge suffices to exert influence on a reality in a predictable way.

Unicist Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.


Acknowledgement to Institutions, Companies and Individuals for their participation in unicist researches

The development of the Unicist Standard was possible due to the participation in the research of hundreds of institutions and companies and thousands of individuals since its beginning in 1976.

As it is known, complexity research has to be developed in the “real world” and doesn’t allow making artificial experimentation.

Thus, more than 3,000 researches on unicist ontological structures of reality could be finished giving birth to the Unicist Standard.

Thank you all…

Peter Belohlavek

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