Daily Archives: November 11, 2013



Invitation to Participate in our Global Organization

Unicist Logical Approach The Unicist Research Institute has a leading role in the market that deals with business expansion and with the solutions for the adaptive aspects of businesses.

We invite professionals to participate in this activity based on the knowledge of the “who is who” in this market. There are two different segments that need to be compared:

  1. The competition in the field of businesses.

  2. The competition in the field of superior education.

Here you can find an access to the information of the market:

Complexity Science Organizations

There are three main organizations in the world that are fully focused on complexity science and its application in the field of human complex adaptive systems.

We strongly recommend comparing their approaches to choose the one that is functional to your needs. We suggest beginning by accessing their institutional page to apprehend the concept of adaptiveness they manage:

Santa Fe Institute – Empirical approaches

New England Complex Systems Institute – Empirical approaches

The Unicist Research Institute – A unicist logical approach (based on a pragmatic, structuralist and functionalist framework)

Adaptive System Solutions for Businesses

The Unicist Confederation is now expanding worldwide providing unicist object driven technologies to deal with the adaptive aspects of businesses. www.unicist.net

Educational Alternatives

We propose you compare the differences between unicist education and professional education by accessing the information on the unicist logical approach and the approaches to cross-cultural businesses of four major Global MBAs (2 in the USA and 2 in the EU).

We recommend beginning with the social communication of the different proposals.

1) Harvard Business School

2) Stanford Graduate School of Business

3) London Business School

4) Insead – The Business School for the World

5) Unicist Corporate University – The Unicist Research Institute

Teaching Hospitals in Business

The Unicist Corporate University (UCU) is the academic arm of The Unicist Research Institute that is organized as a Teaching Hospital that develops business residencies. It is based on technologies that allow building cross-cultural strategies:

The UCU is now expanding worldwide installing In-company Corporate Universities to provide the unicist technologies to deal with the adaptive aspects of businesses. www.academic.unicist.org

Invitation to explore the business

If you are interested in participating please contact: n.i.brown@unicist.org

Executive Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. https://www.unicist.org/conceptual-thinking/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/turi.pdf
