Unicist thinking applied to decision making
The purpose of a decision making process is to be able to make decisions that are justified and grounded. This requires a unicist thinking process in order to be able to integrate justifications with foundations.
Decisions are produced because they are needed. When there is no need to decide, the decisions become just a utopia the individual has in mind to deal with reality.
That is why decisions exist when they are implemented. If not, they are just an alternative that will be considered when time for decision making comes.
To avoid fallacies with paradoxical results in decision making, we need to integrate justifications with groundings, avoiding the exertion of power to impose one’s justifications.
Free access to a Peter Belohlavek’s video presentation on decision making: http://www.slideboom.com/presentations/72885/What-is-Unicist-Decision-Making%3F
You can find information on Unicist Thinking in the Unicist Business Search Engine: http://www.unicist.com
Request more information: n.i.brown@unicist.org
Your comments are welcome.
Diana Belohlavek
VP Unicist Knowledge Manager
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