Emulation of Reality



A Logical Approach to Adaptive Systems and Environments

The unicist logical approach to adaptive systems and environments allowed making them reasonable, understandable, predictable and manageable. This approach is necessary to solve problems and manage conflicts at a social, business and personal level.

The power of the unicist logic lies in its simplicity. It only requires reasoning in terms of maximal strategies and minimum strategies and of complementation and supplementation. It implies moving from a dualistic approach towards a functionalist approach.

It is based on the discovery of the functionality of the intelligence of nature that drove to the development of the unicist logic, which allows managing the functionality, dynamics and evolution of adaptive systems with open boundaries.

The unicist logic allows emulating nature by developing binary actions that manage maximal strategies to grow and minimum strategies to ensure results. It simplifies processes and actions by using objects and catalysts to ensure and accelerate the generation of results.

Unicist Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute has been, since 1976, the pioneer in complexity science research where the Unicist Evolutionary Approach was developed


The Mental Emulation Process

The final goal of an emulation process of a given reality is the definition of actions that ensure the achievement of results. We define reality as an external environment whose existence is given by a functionality within an adaptive system where the person who is emulating such reality is part of.

Mental Emulation Process

Human actions are driven by the concepts individuals have. Therefore, any action a person intends to do requires having the concepts of what will be done. This requires emulating in mind the functionality of the “external adaptive environment”, the functionality of the actions that are intended to be done and the integration of both aspects.

The purpose of an emulation is the construction of a mental model that has to be homologous, in functional terms, to the external reality that is being influenced.

It is necessary that the emulation process defines the idea of the concept that underlies actions. It needs to define the “what for” something needs to be done, the “how” it will be done and the “what” it is in itself.

An emulation includes the operational and unicist ontological aspects that allow building a model that represents the nature and operation of an action.

An emulation of a given reality to generate results requires having a previous knowledge of its functionality to be able to have an internal secure benchmark to begin with the emulation building process.

An external reality cannot be emulated if this knowledge does not exist. It has to be considered that the knowledge required is the knowledge of the category to which it belongs.

The mental emulation process includes the building of the mental model, defining its structural operational functionality and managing the underlying fundamentals.

It is necessary to recall that the fundamentals of a given reality define its genotype while the functional structure defines its phenotype. Both together allow emulating reality in a way where it is possible to define what can be achieved, how it can be achieved and how to make it happen.

The final purpose of a mental emulation is not the emulation itself but the achievement of structural solutions and operational results.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute has been, since 1976, the pioneer in complexity science research to deal with adaptive entities and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of adaptive systems and environments. It was one of the precursors of the Industry 4.0 concept
