Binary Actions

Adopting the Unicist Functionalist Approach to the Real World

The functionalist approach is based on the use of unicist logic. The objective of this document is to invite future leaders to adopt the functionalist approach that allows using a strategic approach to the real world and designing the operational processes that drive the evolution of the activities that are being developed.

The research on the functionalist approach to the real world included the research on human intelligence and was led by Peter Belohlavek at The Unicist Research Institute. The next stage of the research works is the development of IT applications based on the use of Unicist AI to help in the research process of the functional structures.

Different research works have demonstrated the functionality of the amygdala, the hippocampus, and the prefrontal cortex. This functionality provides the physiological framework of the functionalist approach:

The functionality of anything that is part of a system has a purpose, an active function, and an energy conservation function.

Now there is neural evidence that three dimensions organize mental state representation: Rationality, social impact, and valence.  It demonstrates the functionality of what has been named collective intelligence that drives human decisions and actions.

The functionalist approach is strongly influenced by the action of the hippocampus that influences the management of episodic memory, the past and the future, and is the access to the long-term memory, which builds concepts and makes them accessible. It has to be considered that human actions are driven by the concepts people have in mind.

The function of the trisynaptic circuit of the hippocampus is well known and can be found in open documents. Dealing with the future necessarily includes the functions included in the hippocampus.

The function of the amygdala dealing with ambiguity, anger and frustrations establishes a sort of context to deal with the functionality of things. The management of conflicts includes the participation of functions included in the amygdala.

The function of the prefrontal cortex influences cognitive control, decision making and actions, which drive the purpose of functional thinking processes. Defining the functionality implies having cognitive control over the operation, which comprises functions included in the prefrontal cortex.

The Learning of the Unicist Functionalist Approach

The past professional education has been centered on the management of the operationality of things. But the educational models that deal with operational aspects require introducing an educational model that allows dealing with the functionality of things.

The research works on the functionality of the human brain provide the physiological information on how people deal with functionality. It provides the physiological explanation of the use of the unicist logic to manage the functionality of things.

Unicist Logic

Even though the way the brain learns to deal with the functionality is implicit in the research works on the functionality of the brain, this knowledge has not been transformed into educational systems that allow people to influence the evolution of the operationality of human actions.

The unicist educational model, focused on an action-reflection-action process, established the way a functionalist approach needs to be learned, which is based on stimulating the activities managed in the amygdala, the hippocampus, and the prefrontal cortex.

The functionalist approach differs from the operational approach and requires multiple experiences until the neural circuit that is needed becomes part of the long-term memory of an individual. It allows dealing with the triadic structure of things and the consequent integration of binary actions to manage them.

The use of unicist functional design and unicist cobots is a way to install the functionalist approach and allows people to use it here and now.

Unicist Innovation Center – A Sharing Space
The Unicist Research Institute

The Unicist Functionalist Approach: The functionalist approach is based on the use of binary actions that are composed by two synchronized actions where the first one opens possibilities and the second one ensures results.


Learning to Build Unicist Binary Actions

The unicist binary actions are a way to go beyond dualism by developing an approach to adaptive environments that emulates the intelligence of nature.

Dualism is natural, because neurons are “on” or “off”. Dualism is evident and can be observed in the fact that any univocal action generates a reaction. But dualism inhibits adaptability, it is only functional to deal with static environments where a superior level of power can be exerted to make things happen.

The discovery of the triadic structure of the ontogenetic intelligence of nature, integrated by a purpose, an active and entropic principle and an energy conservation principle, allowed understanding the functionality, dynamics and evolution of nature and adaptive environments.

The approach to adaptive systems, which have open boundaries, requires using a strategic approach to manage their evolution that ends in synchronized binary actions to achieve the objectives that were established as being possible.

Adaptive systems are driven by binary actions, which are synchronized actions that, on the one hand integrate the actions of the active function, and on the other hand, include the actions of the energy conservation function. Both binary actions are focused on the purpose of the adaptive system.

The research developed at The Unicist Research Institute demonstrated that any adaptive system and environment (living being or artificial construction) is driven by binary actions. Some examples will help to grasp the idea:

  1. The active function and the energy conservation function of the intelligence of a tree drive its growth and survival.
  2. Lift and propulsion make airplanes take-off and fly.
  3. The cover and the back-cover define the functionality of the packaging of a book.
  4. The music and the lyrics of a song define its aesthetics.

Universally known examples of binary action are:

  • Efficacy + Efficiency = Effectiveness
  • Empathy + Sympathy = Personal influence
  • Participation + Power = Leadership
  • Marketing + Sales = New customers
  • Productivity + Quality = Value generation

The use of binary actions to manage adaptive environments is a must. This implies profiting from the influence of the context and/or building the necessary binary actions that allow influencing without generating reactions. It requires understanding a specific system, which is described by the unicist ontological structure that defines its functionality.

Apprehending Unicist Binary Actions

The building of binary actions requires accessing the functionality of processes going beyond dualistic empirical approaches. The discovery of the binary actions that are implicit in riddles and metaphors simplifies the management of adaptive systems and environments. It is the first step to learn about unicist binary actions, after the examples of the binary actions have been apprehended:

The unicist functional knowledge provides the structural approach to manage adaptive systems and the unicist functional design simplifies the building of the necessary strategies and binary actions to foster evolution and ensure results.

Building Unicist Binary Actions

The Unicist Functional Designers developed at The Unicist Research Institute, which manage the concepts and fundamentals of business processes, allow defining their functionality and developing binary actions to foster growth and ensure results.

Binary actions are implicit in the functional structure of adaptive systems. Binary actions work at an operational level and their integration is driven by the purpose of the system. The building of binary actions requires experiencing their use and developing the necessary pilot tests and destructive tests to confirm their functionality.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute (TURI) is a world leader in its segment. Since 1976, it has been specialized in complexity sciences applied to the research on the roots of evolution and its application to social, institutional, business and individual evolution.


The Difference between Unicist Binary Actions (UBAs) and Manipulative Binary Actions (MBAs)

The Unicist Strategy is a value adding strategy while manipulation is its anti-concept that is driven by the need to control the environment to obtain benefits. Therefore, manipulative actions are the anticoncept of unicist binary actions. While the manipulative binary actions aim at controlling the environment, the unicist binary actions aim at generating added value. This is the difference between MBAs and UBAs.

Unicist Binary Actions

Double Dialectical Behavior is natural and “automatic” in any complex adaptive system. Perhaps it needs to be clarified that adaptive systems are those that are dominantly feedback dependent.

The discovery of the structure of the concepts that underlies these systems allowed understanding how these binary actions drive the evolution of such systems.  The use of unicist logic allowed defining, designing and using unicist binary actions to implement adaptive strategies.

Unicist binary actions integrate the actor with two synchronized actions including, on the one hand, the maximal strategy to foster growth and, on the other hand, the minimum strategy to ensure survival.

Unicist binary actions respond to the needs of the nature of what is being managed and therefore generate no reactions. The value generated by these binary actions demonstrates their functionality.

Binary actions are not such, but manipulations, when they are used to profit from the environment. Generating value and profiting from the counterpart is the pathway of unicist binary actions.

Manipulative Binary Actions

Manipulations are non-conscious actions to control the environment and obtain benefits at the expense of others. The manipulations of children are a paradigmatic example.

While the purpose of manipulations is to profit from the environment, the purpose of unicist binary actions is to add value to the environment. That is why manipulations are the anti-concept of unicist strategy and its binary actions. .

Manipulations are sustained by the needs of the environment and are catalyzed by exposing the weaknesses that are implicit in the strengths of the counterpart.

The binary actions developed by manipulators are:

Manipulative Binary Action 1

MBA Type 1a) – Exposing the implicit weaknesses of the counterpart as real weaknesses.

MBA Type 1b) – Making an implicit or explicit ambiguous promise of satisfying the needs of the counterpart.

Manipulative Binary Action 2

MBA Type 2a) – Trying to appropriate value based on fallacious justifications.

MBA Type 2b) – Exerting power by attacking the implicit weaknesses of the counterpart until the value is appropriated.

The manipulation process doesn’t fail when the intuition of the manipulator allowed discovering the needs and the implicit weaknesses of the counterpart and the manipulator has the necessary energy to pursue until the benefit has been obtained.

There are adults who have the habit of manipulating and others who have the addiction of doing so. None of these people can use a strategic approach or use unicist binary actions to add value to the environment, because they understand that the value is added at their expense. The origin of the habits and addictions can be found in their early education.

Manipulators build all the fallacies that are needed to justify their actions. Therefore, exposing manipulators is meaningless. They just need to be ignored or left aside. Nevertheless, they generate conflicts in the environments in which they participate.

It has to be considered that manipulations are extremely effective in the social field and might become installed in the fallacious myths of a culture, diminishing the capacity for generating value in an environment.


Manipulative Binary Actions are dysfunctional because they don’t generate added value and therefore are not adaptive actions but over-adaptive actions of individuals to take advantage of the environment.

Working with adaptive systems and environments requires developing synchronized Unicist Binary Actions that include maximal strategy actions to grow and minimum strategy actions to ensure results.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute has been, since 1976, the pioneer in complexity science research where the Unicist Evolutionary Approach was developed.
