Daily Archives: October 25, 2021



Presentation of the Functionality of Neurosis

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We are pleased to present a breakthrough research that introduces new possibilities in the world to take advantage of the 4th industrial revolution.

The discovery of the functionality of neurosis provided the information that is needed to build contexts that foster functional behavior. It is not a therapeutic approach. We invite you to learn about the possibilities that were opened by the discovery of the functionality of neurotic behavior in the field of business and everyday life.

This knowledge was based on a research work that demanded more than 10 years of real applications using destructive tests until the functionality of the knowledge and its limits were confirmed.

The research work, that was developed at The Unicist Research Institute, was based on the triadic structure of the ontogenetic intelligence of nature that drives its evolution and explains the triadic functional structure of human intelligence and thus the functionality of neurosis or neuroticism.

This research is part of the application field of the Unicist Conceptual Psychology that deals with a functionalist, non-therapeutic, approach to human behavior to foster functional actions in everyday life.

As we mentioned, we invite you to learn about the possibilities that were opened by the discovery of the functionality of neurotic behavior in the field of business and everyday life.

Executive Committee
The Unicist Research Institute

The Unicist Functionalist Approach: The functionalist approach is based on the use of binary actions that are composed by two synchronized actions where the first one opens possibilities and the second one ensures results. The use of univocal actions only works in fully controlled processes or where the environment provides the second action that sustains it. Therefore, the use of binary actions is not optional when it is needed to ensure the generation of results. www.unicist.org
