Daily Archives: September 23, 2023



Press Release: Discovery of Manipulation-Inhibitors to Ensure the Functionality of Relationships at Personal, Social, or Business Levels

Manipulation is a childish mechanism adults use to profit from others. It’s also a means to satisfy desires or sidestep problems they would rather not confront. Children naturally resort to manipulation to obtain what they desire when achieving it is beyond their capacities. It serves as a natural way to influence their surroundings.

Children’s manipulation involves two steps to acquire something. The first step broadens the possibilities for acquisition, and the second involves claiming what they seek. Manipulations rely on two synchronized actions, making them appear akin to the unicist binary actions used in dealing with adaptive environments. However, they function as “anti-binary actions” because their aim is to gain benefits, whereas unicist binary actions create value.

Until children learn to speak, manipulation is their instinctive means of fulfilling their needs. Psychopathic manipulation in children begins once they have assimilated some ethical rules, yet they seek to exploit their environment to meet needs beyond their basic ones.

The objectives of the research, spearheaded by Peter Belohlavek, spanning experiences with psychopathic manipulators and psychopaths from 1976 to 2012, were to:

  • Uncover the ontological structure of psychopathic manipulation and identify signs and symptoms for early detection of manipulators.
  • Craft entropy-inhibiting objects that counteract manipulative actions. By 2023, the development of manipulation-inhibiting objects was finalized and incorporated into the 50-year transgenerational social evolution program.

For adults, psychopathic manipulation is a regressive, childlike tactic that capitalizes on the target’s greed and envy. Therefore, manipulation is effective only when an individual cannot process or overcome their feelings of greed and envy. This is why mature individuals are often resistant to manipulation.

Manipulators prey upon the unresolved vulnerabilities of their targets. The introduction of transparency-objects effectively addresses the manipulation issue in scenarios where psychopathy isn’t a clinical condition.

Psychopathic manipulation is a dynamic wherein one participant orchestrates actions to dominate and create a dependent relationship with the manipulated, leveraging the dependence they foster. This dynamic involves emotional manipulation, transitioning the dependence into a rational manipulation process, giving the manipulated party the illusion of future benefits aligning with their greed.

Instituting transparent relationships serves as a barrier to manipulation.
Learn more: https://www.unicist.net/economics/manipulation-is-a-long-term-business-killer/

The Unicist Research Institute
