Human Mindset

Innovations expand the Human Mindset

Innovations are the cost to be paid by an individual who wants to access possibilities that were not available before. An individual approaches these innovations with the mindset s/he has but, paradoxically, innovations are such because they cannot be apprehended by the preexisting mindset. It needs to be expanded.

The mindset of an individual defines the mental structure s/he uses to deal with reality. When we say that an individual cannot apprehend an innovation, we mean that the individual cannot fully understand its concept, its functionality and its applicability unless s/he expands the boundaries of her/his mindset. This implies that the concept innovation refers basically to a specific person in a specific environment.

Therefore, the apprehension of innovations requires that the individual begins to learn about the innovation, which requires understanding the conceptual structure of such innovation, its functionality and its application. Innovations can only be apprehended after they have been experienced.

The Unicist Research on Human Intelligence

The research on human intelligence included multiple discoveries that allowed defining the functionality of the human mindset including how it deals with innovations. Some of these discoveries are:

  • Ontointelligence – The intelligence necessary to apprehend the nature of things, which is integrated by ethical intelligence, strategic intelligence and the logical type of thought.
  • Collective intelligence
  • Unicist thinking
  • Conceptual thinking

The Unicist Ontology of a Mindset

A mindset is integrated by the individual intelligence, the collective intelligence and the cognitive objects a person has in mind.

Individual intelligence

The mindset of an individual is integrated by the structure of the individual intelligence s/he has, which implies the integration of:

  • The reactive intelligence, is integrated by her/his IQ, the emotional intelligence and the capacity to manage frustrations.
  • The active intelligence, is integrated by conceptual intelligence, functional intelligence and intra-personal and interpersonal intelligence.
  • The ontointelligence is integrated by ethical intelligence, strategic intelligence, and the logical type of thought.

Collective Intelligence

Collective intelligence works as a catalyst and as a gravitational force for individual intelligence. However, collective intelligence can also work as an inhibitor of the actions that can endanger the rules of society.

Cognitive Objects

A cognitive object is a structure that contains knowledge, the action procedure, the groundings of such object, and the opinion on which it is based.

The knowledge is necessary to build an understandable description of a reality. The action procedure structures the usefulness of the knowledge.

1) Human Intelligence

Intelligence works showed the use of three layers to support human adaptive behavior. These three layers can be described as:

  • Reactive Intelligence, which has direct contact with the environment.
  • Active Intelligence, which sustains reactive intelligence when there is a need for a planning process.
  • Ontointelligence, which sustains active intelligence when the “apprehension” of the essence of a certain reality is required.


Intelligence´s Unicist Ontology
Reactive Intelligence

It determines the capacity to act in an adapted way when facing an unexpected situation.

It is characterized and measured by:

  • The emotional quotient (EQ)
  • The intelligence quotient (IQ)
  • The frustrations elaboration quotient (FQ)

Active Intelligence

It determines the capacity to plan actions in an adapted way.

It is characterized and measured by:

  • Conceptual intelligence: the introjective empathy and sympathetic capacity to influence.
  • Functional Intelligence: the type of intelligence of an individual (musical, logical-mathematical, etc.).
  • Linking Intelligence: the Intra-personal or Inter-personal intelligence.


It determines the individual’s capacity to apprehend the underlying concept in a complex situation.

It is characterized and measured by:

  • Ethical Intelligence: the functionality of the individual’s “rules”.
  • Strategic style: the way an individual faces the reality to which he seeks to adapt.
  • Type of thought: the individual’s mind mechanism used to solve the problems related to his adaptation to the environment.


2) Collective Intelligence

The discovery of collective intelligence allowed the building of a bridge between the archetypes and lifestyles of cultures and the social, institutional, and individual behavior. Individual intelligence is always empowered or inhibited by the lifestyle of a culture which is driven by the fundamentals of the archetype.

The Collective Intelligence Driver

Collective intelligence works as a catalyst and as a gravitational force for individual intelligence. However, collective intelligence can also work as an inhibitor of the actions that can endanger the rules of a society.

Collective Intelligence

Collective intelligence is the driver that allows building of intelligent synergy among the members of a society to better adapt to the environment.

It is easily noticeable in animals, such as ants and rats. It empowers their survival capacity and the expansion of their species.

Collective intelligence provides behavioral patterns that establish the cohabitation rules of society and define who is a member and who is an alien. It includes the transcendent and immanent aspects of behavior.

The collective intelligence is defined by the archetype of a culture and becomes materialized in its lifestyle.

Although different groups of a society might have different habits according to their possibilities, there is a common lifestyle defined by the collective intelligence that establishes the patterns of acceptable behavior. Those who do not follow these patterns are considered aliens.

Collective intelligence is the intelligence that allows social capital building and institutionalizing.

The level of collective intelligence defines the level of development of a culture. Thus the power of a culture is given by the functionality of its archetype in the environment. The Japanese culture is a paradigmatic example of collective intelligence.

Apprehending and understanding the nature of a cultural archetype is necessary whenever there is a need to develop an action to exert influence in an environment. If the acceptable patterns of behavior are not taken into account, the individual will be an alien.

3) Cognitive Objects driven Thinking

Humans use mental “pre-built” structures to approach reality

Object-driven thinking is humans’ natural approach to reality. The human mind approaches reality using cognitive objects.

A cognitive object is a structure that contains knowledge, the action procedure, the groundings of such object, and the opinion on which it is based.

The knowledge is necessary to build an understandable description of a reality. The action procedure structures the usefulness of the knowledge.

The foundations sustain the meaningfulness of knowledge. Foundations are the basis for integrating objects into a structure or network of objects.

Opinions are the “doctrine”, or secure knowledge, on which cognitive objects are built.

Long-term memory

Cognitive objects are stored in long-term memory and are accessed if the individual approaches reality in an adapted way.

Object Driven Thinking

The access of long-term memory requires a structural approach.

Intuition is an “automatic” response, which includes the information of the objects stored in long-term memory.

Let us consider an example: The way a chess master approaches a multiple-game party.

This case has been studied by different researchers that concluded that a master recalls the multiple objects s/he has in his/her mind to categorize the situation of the opponents.

The more situations s/he can recall and relate to diagnose a situation, the more flexible his/her approach to the real game and the more chances s/he has to win.

Long-term Memory is integrated by:

  • Episodic memory, is to recall personal experiences from our past.
  • Semantic memory, stores facts, information, concepts, rules, principles, and problem-solving skills.
  • Procedural memory, is to remember how to perform or employ a strategy.

These three types of long-term memory are integrated. They store the cognitive objects that people need to respond on time to influence an environment.

Knowledge Objects Storage

The objects stored in mind must fulfill several conditions:

1) They must include their conceptual structure to be meaningful.

2) They must be secure, to be reliable.

3) They must include the individual’s beliefs, to be remembered. When the individual’s beliefs are not included, they are forgotten.

4) They must include knowledge, which includes the possibility of application.

5) They must include groundings, which have to be reasonable, comprehensible, and provable.

6) They must include action procedures to make the objects useful.

A knowledge object is stored in the three types of long-term memory:

  • Episodic memory pictures the object’s functional experiences, which permit an analogical approach.
  • Semantic memory stores the idea of the concept, its structure and its mechanics.
  • Procedural memory contains the taxonomy to implement the actions that are included in the structure of the cognitive objects.


To deal with an innovation it is necessary to expand the boundaries of your mindset. Without this expansion all you can do is to adopt the different pathways “Innovation Blindness” offers.


Country Archetypes Developed

• Algeria • Argentina • Australia • Austria • Belarus • Belgium • Bolivia • Brazil • Cambodia • Canada • Chile • China • Colombia • Costa Rica • Croatia • Cuba • Czech Republic • Denmark • Ecuador • Egypt • Finland • France • Georgia • Germany • Honduras • Hungary • India • Iran • Iraq • Ireland • Israel • Italy • Japan • Jordan • Libya • Malaysia • Mexico • Morocco • Netherlands • New Zealand • Nicaragua • Norway • Pakistan • Panama • Paraguay • Peru • Philippines • Poland • Portugal • Romania • Russia • Saudi Arabia • Serbia • Singapore • Slovakia • South Africa • Spain • Sweden • Switzerland • Syria • Thailand • Tunisia • Turkey • Ukraine • United Arab Emirates • United Kingdom • United States • Uruguay • Venezuela • Vietnam