unicist functionalist principle

40 posts

Unicist Functionalist Knowledge is Needed to Manage Adaptive Systems & Environments

Unicist functionalist knowledge is a type of knowledge that integrates the “know-how” of adaptive systems and environments with the “know-why” of their functionality. It is based on the understanding that adaptive systems have a functional structure that defines their purpose, active function, and energy conservation function.

Unicist Interest Group Building is the New Stage of Social Networks to Expand Business Markets

Interest group building is a powerful marketing tool that can be used to expand markets. By understanding the needs and desires of your target audience, you can create interest groups that are focused on satisfying those needs and their latent needs. This can lead to increased brand awareness, customer loyalty, and ultimately, sales.

The Use of Unicist Business Objects allows Introducing Adaptive Automation and Enhancing Business Efficiency

Unicist Business Objects are autonomous, reusable encapsulated, and automated adaptive systems that are designed to produce a predefined result in a process. They include binary actions to ensure results. The use of business objects in adaptive business processes increases energy efficiency by up to 30%.

The Unicist Functionalist Principles are Used to Manage the Roots of the Functionality of Business Processes

The functionalist principles define the essential functionality of things and allow accessing the root causes of problems.
The functionalist principle defines that there is nothing in the universe, which is part of a system, that does not work with a purpose, an active and entropic function, and an energy conservation function, which define its unified field.

The Unicist Logic allows modeling Functionalist Principles and define the Functionality of Things in the Real World

The Unicist Logic is a synthetic logic that emulates the ontogenetic intelligence of nature and its maximal strategies to grow and minimum strategies to survive.
It was developed to validate the triadic functionality of natural and artificial complex adaptive systems and to design and build binary actions to manage them.

The Knowledge of the Structure of Abstract Thinking gives access to the Roots of the Functionality of Things

Abstraction involves incorporating a fresh element of reality into an individual’s consciousness. It is a synthetic thinking process that disregards information that does not define the functionality of things. But individuals cannot truly be conscious when they do not seek to add value to the environment. Conscious behavior is driven by value-adding ethics.

The Concepts People Have in their Minds Drive their Actions, that is Why they Work as Behavioral Objects

The purpose of the research on the functionality of concepts was the breakthrough that made individual and social behavior predictable. The finding of the functionalist structure of concepts and the discovery that conscious concepts are stored in long-term memory made their use in decision-making manageable.

The Introduction of the Functionalist Principles Provided the Structure Needed to Manage the Functionality of Businesses

This debate deals with the introduction of functionalism in business behavior.
Functionalism was introduced to approach the understanding of social phenomena and now, after the unicist technologies were developed, it can be applied in adaptive environments like social, economic, and business ecosystems.

The Unicist Logic Structures Abductive Reasoning to Manage the Functionality of the Real World

The unicist logic provides the structure and rules for abductive reasoning that expands the possibilities for developing functional solutions in adaptive environments.
This logic is based on the discovery of the ontogenetic intelligence of nature that allowed defining the unicist functionalist approach to deal with the real world.

Managing the Functionality of Human Conscious Intelligence Integrating Reactive-, Active-, and Ontointelligence

Conscious intelligence is defined by the ontointelligence that defines the purpose that needs to be achieved, the reactive intelligence that manages the stimuli, and the active intelligence that supports the development of structural solutions.
It uses languages as codes for the reasoning processes that include abductive, inductive, and deductive reasoning.

Unicist Functionalist Economy Defines the Structure of the Functionality and Dynamics of Economic Ecosystems

On the one hand, functionalist economy establishes the concepts of the actions to be developed, respecting the boundaries of the specific cultural archetype that defines what is legitimate in an environment and what is not.
But, on the other hand, it considers introducing catalysts as necessary to expand the power of work.

Functionalist Anthropology Defines the Functionality of Social Ecosystems and their Possibilities for Evolution

The unicist functionalist anthropology gave birth to the use of the functionalist principles of social functions and processes that allowed defining and managing the fundamentals of social behavior to foster evolution.
It was developed to understand cultures and find the drivers and catalysts of their behavior to generate actions to foster their evolution.

The Functionalist Approach to Microeconomics-driven Development Fosters Transgenerational Evolution

This 50-year project aims at introducing a microeconomic approach to work as a catalyst in societies that opens possibilities and accelerates social evolutionary processes.
This Project is ongoing, based on fully sponsored educational activities for next-generation leaders. It is open to associations, chambers, non-profit organizations, executives, and professionals to participate in the project for the benefit of all, who can reshape it according to their needs and beliefs.

Personal Strategies are Successful when they are Value Adding Oriented, and so Are Business Growth Strategies

This debate deals with the universal basics of strategy building that apply to personal, social, and business strategies. The unicist strategic model is an emulation of the strategy implicit in the intelligence of nature, which has a maximal strategy to grow and a minimum strategy to ensure survival.

Unicist Roles and Object-Driven Organization is the Natural Business Model in the 4th Industrial Revolution

This debate will give you the basics of the unicist role and object-driven organization to design business functions, unicist binary actions, and the consequent business processes and business objects that allow businesses to enhance efficiency.
It simplifies process improvement by being focused on the improvement of the objects that are part of the processes which minimizes change resistance.