Unicist Strategy: An Emulation of Nature

Unicist Strategy emulates the intelligence of nature and manages the functionalist principles of businesses and their functions to expand possibilities and ensure results. Its application increases the speed of growth of highly professionalized organizations by up to 50% and enhances energy efficiency by up to 30%.

The management of adaptive systems requires a strategic approach that facilitates managing their evolution. Operational approaches do not suffice. Businesses are paradigmatic examples of adaptive systems embedded in adaptive environments, and their results are feedback-dependent. Therefore, developing strategies based on the functionalist principles of a business is fundamental to ensuring results and sustainability.

Unicist strategy manages the functionality of adaptive systems and environments. The management of adaptive environments requires an adaptive approach to effectively manage their functionality, dynamics, and evolution. In plain language, adaptive systems can be described as feedback-dependent. These systems are complex and continuously evolving, necessitating the establishment of fixed points for effective management.

The fixed points that need to be addressed are, on one hand, the functionalist principles that enable their functionality and, on the other hand, the emergence, or the intended results. This is what the unicist strategy encompasses. The framework of unicist strategy is based on a functionalist approach to science and implemented using functionalist design.

To understand the functionality of the unicist strategy, one must apply it to a real case. Hypothetically speaking, the unicist strategy appears logical, obvious, and self-evident. Therefore, the only way to truly grasp its functionality is by addressing a genuine business problem. For support during this experiential phase, you can access an individual forum available at our Collaboration Center: https://www.unicist.org/scientific-collaboration/

The Breakthrough of the Unicist Functionalist Approach to Science

The unicist functionalist approach to science facilitated a grounded approach to the management of adaptive systems and their evolving characteristics. This is a breakthrough discovery developed by Peter Belohlavek at The Unicist Research Institute, which has made adaptability and evolution manageable.

This approach is based on the discovery of the triadic structure of the intelligence that underlies nature that defines the principles of its functionality and led to the development of the unicist logic that allows managing the intelligence that manages the functionality of “things”. This is groundbreaking approach facilitates the management of businesses as adaptive systems by harnessing the functionalist principles that drive their operation.

The Unicist Strategy is the methodology developed to handle businesses as adaptive systems by managing their functionality, dynamics, and evolution. In the business realm, adaptive processes are feedback-dependent and necessitate a strategic approach to manage their progression.

The unicist strategic method is rooted in emulating nature’s intelligence, guided by the functionalist principles that outline the know-how and know-why of an entity’s functionality. These principles pave the way for functional knowledge, integrating the know-how and the know-why of operations.

The functionalist principle defines that there is nothing in the universe, which is part of a system, that does not work with a purpose, an active and entropic function, and an energy conservation function. Their interaction defines the functionality of the binary actions that produce results.

Binary actions are two synchronized actions that, on the one hand, open possibilities establishing a functional context and, on the other hand, close processes to generate results.

The discovery of the functional structure of binary actions made the systematic design of synchronized binary actions possible, which simplified and ensured the results of processes of any kind.

This approach originated from the discovery of the triadic structure of the intelligence that underlies nature that defines the principles of its functionality and led to the development of the unicist logic that manages the functionality of “things”. The unicist logic describes the functionality, dynamics, and evolution of things and allows managing them.

Unicist Strategy is Based on the Functionalist Principles of Business Functions

Unicist strategy is based on managing the dynamics and evolution of functionalist principles. The functionalist principle defines that there is nothing in the universe, which is part of a system, that does not work with a purpose, an active and entropic function, and an energy conservation function. Their interaction defines the functionality of the binary actions that produce results.

Binary actions are two synchronized actions that, on the one hand, open possibilities establishing a functional context and, on the other hand, close processes to generate results.

The discovery of the functional structure of binary actions made the systematic design of synchronized binary actions possible, which simplified and ensured the results of processes of any kind.

This approach originated from the discovery of the triadic structure of the intelligence that underlies nature that defines the principles of its functionality and led to the development of the unicist logic that manages the functionality of “things”. The unicist logic describes the functionality, dynamics, and evolution of things and allows managing them.

Unicist Business Strategy: A Value-Adding Strategy

The unicist strategy emulates the intelligence of nature by developing maximal strategies to grow and minimum strategies to ensure survival. This strategy manages the root causes of processes to build catalysts to accelerate business functions. It uses UBAs -unicist binary actions- and objects to ensure the generation of value in complex adaptive environments.

Unicist Strategy: An Emulation of Nature

The discovery of the ontogenetic intelligence of nature opened the possibility of understanding and influencing nature and adaptive systems of any kind..

The emulation of nature, and its consequent unicist logic, were the basis for the development of the Unicist Strategy and its applications to all the fields of human activities that require a strategic approach. Thus, the maximal strategies to expand the boundaries and the minimum strategies to survive were established.

The discovery of unicist logic enabled the management of the functionality, dynamics, and evolution of things and provided a framework for the unified field theory in physics.

The unicist logic allowed transforming supplementation and complementation laws into strategic functions and binary actions that drive the maximal and minimum strategies making evolution reasonable, understandable, and predictable. Therefore, the simplicity of the unicist strategy is based on the emulation of the intelligence that underlies nature.

The Unicist Logic allows Developing Unicist Strategies

The Unicist Logic is a synthetic logic that emulates the ontogenetic intelligence of nature and its maximal strategies to grow and minimum strategies to survive.

It was developed to validate the triadic functionality of natural and artificial complex adaptive systems and to design and build binary actions to manage them. 

The unicist logic was developed to manage consciously the unified field of complex adaptive systems. Conscious reasoning allows the development of fallacy-free decisions and actions to ensure the results of what is intended to be achieved.

The Unicist Logic is an emulation of the Ontogenetic Intelligence of Nature discovered by Peter Belohlavek. It emulates the intelligence and organization of nature and allows an understanding of the root causes and the unified field of processes, evolution, and behavior.

The unicist logic establishes the integration of the triadic structure of any functionality, which is defined by supplementary and complementary relationships between the fundamentals.

Supplementation law

It is a relation between elements with redundant purposes and active functions, having a different energy conservation function. In evolutionary processes, the energy conservation function proposes a superior level of achievement that satisfies latent needs.

Complementation Law

It establishes an interdependent relation between two elements, actions, or ideas. Each one of these elements has what the other element requires, and they both have a coincident energy conservation function.

The unicist logic is the natural logic to deal with adaptive environments and is the integrator of all logical reasoning patterns. It is homologous with the “category theory”, which is the mathematics that integrates different mathematics by using a superior level of abstraction.

This logic, which is based on human ontointelligence, allows dealing with the dynamics, evolution, and nature of adaptive environments and provides the structure to build the unicist artificial intelligence. Non-adaptive environments are considered a “particular case” of adaptive systems.

The Past and the Future are not Symmetric

Unicist strategies are only necessary to deal with adaptive environments which, by definition, evolve.

As adaptive environments always deal with actions that have to happen in the future, the forecasting of future scenarios is the first step for developing unicist strategies.

But the past and the future are not symmetric. The past and the future are only symmetric in stagnated environments.

Without having a valid future scenario, the concept of Sun Tzu is not applicable.

“If you know the enemy and know yourself,
you need not fear the result of hundreds of battles.
If you know yourself but not the enemy,
for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat.
If you know neither the enemy nor yourself,
you will succumb in every battle.”
Sun Tzu

Inferring Future Scenarios for Strategy Building

The management of the laws of evolution allowed the development of a future research model that is based on finding the unicist ontological structures of a scenario in the past, and using the data of the present in order to infer the future.

The Unicist Approach to Future Research is based on the research of the unicist ontogenetic intelligence of nature that started at the beginning of the 80’s.

It was a step-by-step discovery based on the apprehension of the nature of social phenomena entering afterward in institutional and individual evolution. Its integration with biology and physics was the final stage that was achieved.

This approach is based on the fact that the future and past are not symmetric. This is the case for all the environments that are evolving or involving. The past and the future are only symmetric in stagnated environments.

The objective of the unicist approach to future research is to define a future scenario in order to adapt and influence it.

When an individual “looks back” at history, the events that occurred are reasonable, understandable, and logical. Therefore when approaching the future what is required is having the “logic” that is evident when analyzing the events of the past.

The building of future scenarios is based on the fact that the structure of the unicist ontology of a specific environment needs to be found in the past and that the facts of the present are used to infer the future.

The unicist approach to future research is based on inferring the future based on the laws of evolution established by the ontogenetic intelligence of nature, which allowed the development of the unicist ontology of evolution.

This allows for building reliable future scenarios.

Unicist Diagnoses to Build Strategies

From a conceptual point of view, diagnoses are made to forecast and exert influence on a reality. The level of the groundings upon which diagnoses are based defines its level of accuracy. Diagnoses necessarily include intuitive aspects when approaching new situations. The difference between diagnoses does not lie in the intuitive approach but in the processing of the information that intuition offers.

There is a need to segment the diagnosing processes in order to make them more accessible for the different levels of diagnosticians. Symptomatic diagnoses demand a lower level of knowledge and awareness than the diagnoses of the unified field of an adaptive system.

The segments are:

  1. Intuitive-analogical Diagnoses
  2. Descriptive Diagnoses
  3. Static Diagnoses
  4. Causal Diagnoses
  5. Conceptual Diagnoses

Intuitive-analogical Diagnoses

The intuitive diagnosis approaches reality from the subjective perceptions of an individual. It does not use groundings to validate intuition, just intuitive analogies.

Descriptive Diagnoses

They are based on a detailed description of the signs (facts) of the adaptive system within the limits of the symptoms defined by the responsible diagnostician or client.

Static Diagnoses

They are based on the development of a diagnosis comparing the signs with the categories of a standard or an ontogenetic map within the limits of the symptoms defined by the responsible diagnostician or client.

Causal Diagnoses

They are systemic diagnoses of the unified field of an adaptive system, in which a systemic compromise is made to deal with the functions of an adaptive system as variables. The limit of the diagnosis is the actual unified field of the adaptive system.

Conceptual Diagnoses

They are the diagnoses of the actual adaptive system and its possibilities for expanding, based on the ontogenetic maps that define its functionality. The limit of these diagnoses is the actual unified field and the possible expansion of the adaptive system.

Prescriptive Diagnosis

The integration of the different levels of diagnoses allows the development of prescriptive diagnoses. Prescriptive diagnoses establish the actions that allow achieving the goals established within the boundaries of actual possibilities. A typical application is the solution to complex problems in adaptive environments. It is based on developing homological inferences that allow integration of the functions that need to be established with the objects that provide the solutions. To do so it is needed to access the fundamental knowledge bank to find the solution.

It uses an abductive approach to define the hypothetical objects to be used, an inductive approach to monitor the pilot test of the solutions, and a deductive approach to validate that the objects provide a structural solution. This fundamentals-based approach defines the input to the strategy-building process.

Specific Strategy Building

Specific strategies are based on the input provided by the wide and restricted context scenarios.

These scenarios have to provide information on the gravitational forces that influence the specific activity, the possibilities for developing them, the catalysts that may exist, and the inhibitors that need to be avoided or accepted as limits for strategy building.

An organization or individual is equilibrated when maximal strategies are being developed while minimum strategies are built to ensure survival.

Maximal strategies are designed to expand the boundaries of an individual or organization, while minimum strategies happen within the boundaries of an organization.

That is why maximal strategies require dealing with uncertainty and risks and only a conscious knowledge of the unified field that integrates the wide context, the restricted context, the specific strategy and the architecture of the solution allows managing it.

To deal with maximal strategies it is necessary to have a high level of consciousness that allows dealing with backward-chaining thinking that allows envisioning the solution.

Backward-chaining thinking implies approaching a strategy with a hypothetical solution and beginning a falsification and validation process that allows building a final solution.

Minimum strategies are those that happen within the known boundaries of an individual’s or organization’s activity working in a context of certainty.

The steps to be followed to build a specific strategy are the following:

  1. Define the goals to be achieved based on the information of the wide context and the restricted context scenarios.
    A) Define the nature of the individual or organization to be followed.
    B) Define the trade-off the individual or organization has to do in order to achieve growth.
    C) Define the growth that has to be achieved.
  2. Define the hypothesis of the value proposition to be posed to develop the maximal strategies.
  3. Define what has to be won beyond the boundaries of the present activity.
  4. Define the influence that is necessary and available to develop the maximal strategy.
  5. Confirm the value proposition to be posed to expand the boundaries.
  6. Define the survival conditions for the individual or organization.
  7. Define the win-win approach to be done to put the minimum strategy into action.
  8. Define the prices to be paid in order to sustain survival.
  9. Confirm the conditions of survival of the individual or organization.
  10. Develop the necessary destructive and non-destructive tests.

The Ontogenetic Map of Business Strategy Building

The process consists of transforming each of the fundamentals of the specific strategy-building map into an operational process or object. This transformation requires having a sound knowledge of strategy building in adaptive environments: there are no univocal cause-effect relationships and root causes need to be known in order to manage the bi-univocal relationships among the entities that integrate the unified field.

While the drivers of a business strategy are the goals to be achieved, the authoritative role of a strategy is given by the recognized solution power of those who develop the actions. Goals can be achieved when there are trends to be followed, which establish the environment that allows saving energy by following them. Each of these fundamentals requires achieving the necessary threshold of energy to become possible.

Having a differentiated value proposition is what makes the development of maximal strategies for growth possible. These value propositions are acted out by the competitive advantage that has to be measured compared with the alternatives that are available in the environment.

When the competitive advantage has a functional approach, the asymmetric complementation with a negative slope is what allows transforming the existing differentiated proposition into a functional proposition that generates growth.

The development of minimum strategies to grow depends on having the possibility of achieving a profitable critical mass in the business. This means that it is necessary that one has the possibility of developing actions that satisfy extreme needs in the environment and has the necessary level of influence and credibility in such an environment to achieve the goals.

When this potential possibility exists, there has to be an action that satisfies urgent problems within the framework of the trends of the environment. The minimum strategy is confirmed when these fundamentals achieve the necessary threshold to work as a profitable critical mass.

The Strategic Approach to Adaptive Business Functions.

All adaptive business functions must be managed with a strategic approach to manage their functionality, dynamics, and evolution. This necessitates the use of ontogenetic maps of their functionalist principles to define the binary actions that enable their operation.

It is important to note that The Unicist Research Institute has researched the ontogenetic maps of the functions that drive businesses as well as social and economic environments. Examples of adaptive business functions include marketing, design, process organization, distribution, people management, customer relationship management, productivity, quality, adaptive automation, and more.

This process is facilitated by the use of unicist functionalist design, developed specifically for managing businesses and their adaptive functions. It combines a strategic approach to the dynamics of business functions and translates it into an operational approach using binary actions and business objects. This allows the development of marketing strategies, productivity strategies, human resources strategies, advertising strategies, distribution strategies, competitive strategies, etc.

Basic Types of Business Strategies

An organization or individual is equilibrated when maximal strategies are being developed while minimum strategies are built to ensure survival. Maximal strategies are designed to expand the boundaries of an individual or organization, while minimum strategies happen within the boundaries of an organization.

Specific Strategies

1) Surviving Strategies

These are the strategies that aim at ensuring survival within the boundaries of an activity. These strategies are natural for marginal activities developed by people who work at the “border” of their environment.

2) Defensive Strategies

They are based on establishing the necessary operational and control systems to defend the “borders” of their activity. They are power-driven because they need to exert power in order to defend their activity.

3) Dominant Strategies

They are focused on developing the necessary value propositions that can be sustained with their influence. They tend to impose functional monopolies that allow them to establish the standard for their activities in the environment.

4) Influential Strategies

They are based on exerting influence by overcoming the value proposition of their competitors. They are based on having the necessary speed to be “faster” than the competitors, which allows them to win in their environment.

Unicist Functionalist Design to Implement Strategies

The unicist functionalist design was developed to enhance the functionality of business processes based on the use of functionalist principles. We suggest experiencing the use of functionalist principles at a personal level.

 The unicist functionalist approach to the 4IR is based on the use of functionalist principles and binary actions using the Internet of Things and the Intelligence of Things that allow the development of intelligent systems.

The development of the unicist logic allowed managing the functionality and the use-value of things and gave birth to the Unicist AI that emulates the intelligence of nature and human intelligence.

Functionalist design implies managing the functional structure of the solution, based on the functionalist principles that define a process.

It ends with an operational solution that can be managed by anyone without needing to manage the functionalist principles of what is being done. It uses binary actions to simplify this process.

The unicist logic allows managing the root causes and developing binary actions that manage maximal strategies to grow and minimum strategies to ensure results. It is the approach needed to manage adaptability in the 4th Industrial Revolution

Roles in Functionalist Design Groups

The participative process includes three roles to simplify and accelerate the design processes:

  1. A coordinator to organize the development of the design processes.
  2. An ombudsperson who is responsible for ensuring the benefits for customers and users.
  3. A fallacy-shooter who is responsible for ensuring the testing processes.

Unicist Tactics: The use of Unicist Binary Actions

Unicist “tactic” transforms strategy into actions. It is based on the use of unicist binary actions (UBAs) that allow transforming the concepts included in a strategic approach into actions that ensure the achievement of results. There are two types of UBAs

  1. Asymmetric complementation builders
    These are UBAs that catalyze and drive the strategy based on the context.
  2. Symmetric complementation builders
    These are UBAs that catalyze and drive the strategy internally.

The characteristic of catalyzing processes in the social and business fields is that they need to exist before the process begins. They establish a sort of “framework” of the strategy that accelerates and ensures the functionality of a strategic approach in adaptive environments.

The use of UBAs is based on the use of ambiguous language that allows integrating the four types of UBAs in one object or the development of two objects, one integrating the asymmetric complementation building with the benefits assurance and another one that integrates the assurance of added value and the compromise that enhances the self-sufficiency of the counterpart.

The Use of Unicist Binary Actions to Manage Businesses and Military Tactics

Every action generates a reaction, this is a physical law and is the main problem when developing actions in the real world.

The Use of Unicist Binary Actions to Manage Businesses and Military Tactics

Therefore, binary actions are human natural responses to deal with environments that cannot be dominated. Unidirectional actions generate natural reactions, while adequate binary actions generate natural complementation.

Binary actions are part of the functionality of any system be it a natural system or an artificial system. They transform the functionalist principles, which define the functionality of things, into operational actions.

Unicist binary actions are two synchronized actions that are homologous to the binary actions implicit in military tactics. Tactic depends on the existence of a strategy.

Military tactics are binary actions that transform strategy into action. The graph you can see on this page will give you an idea of military tactics and the implicit binary actions.

In the case of unicist strategies, which are value-adding strategies needed to generate value in adaptive environments, the unicist binary actions are two synchronized actions that on the one hand, open possibilities and on the other hand ensure results (they are evident in sports like football and basketball).

Unicist binary actions make things happen.

Unicist Business Objects Driven Design

The object-driven organization is the adaptive model that allows transforming strategies into an object-driven architecture. It is a natural organization for businesses.

Objects are productive adaptive units that have a concept, an added value, the necessary quality assurance, and a methodology to ensure the minimum strategy. To imagine an object please consider an automatic pilot in an airplane. It can be considered a “paradigmatic” object.

We would like to make a clarification of the difference between objects and things.

Objects only exist within a process. When they are not part of a process they are things.

Objects produce an added value for someone in the process. When they do not produce added value they are things. Things can be such in some conditions and objects in others. The definition of an “object” is functional to a value that needs to be achieved.

For example, a commercial car is an object if there is a driver, if not it is a thing. But if it is a collection car it is an object for the owner and for those who appreciate its value. For those who do not, it is just a thing.

In the world of abstract objects, a rumor is an object if it achieves the expected value. News is an object if it has a use for the one who receives it.

That is why it has to be clarified that objects depend on a given functionality within a process. A stone might be an object if it has a use, if not, it is just a thing.

That is why only people who have sound knowledge of a process can design the objects that are part of the process.

In order to reuse objects in other homologous processes it becomes necessary to have expert knowledge. Without it, no homologies can be understood.

There are different types of objects:

  • Driving Objects: To drive processes
  • Catalyzing Objects: To open possibilities and accelerate processes
  • Entropy Inhibiting Objects: To inhibit the entropy of business processes
  • Inhibiting Objects: To inhibit dysfunctional events in a business
  • Gravitational Objects: To influence the results of processes

About Business Catalysts

Catalysts are objects that are naturally integrated into any living being. Among the most well-known catalysts in biology are the enzymes that catalyze multiple processes to ensure the survival and evolution of living beings. 

Adaptive business functions are regulated by driving, inhibiting, and entropy-inhibiting objects. Catalysts are objects that work as process accelerators that ensure the functionality and evolution of adaptive systems of any kind.

The catalysts are part of the restricted context of the process that is being catalyzed, while the gravitational objects are part of the wide context.

Some of the companies that use business objects and catalysts are Airbus, Amazon, Apple, BBC, Boeing, Dassault Systemes, Dupont, Ericsson, Facebook, General Electric, Google, Hilton, Honda, Hyundai, LinkedIn, Lufthansa, Mapfre, Mayo Clinic, Michelin, Novartis, Open Text, P&G, Pfizer, SAP, Siemens, Tata Motors, Toyota, Unilever, Walmart, Walt Disney World, and Youtube.

Pilot Testing of Strategies

The development of strategies necessitates confirming the accuracy of diagnoses and the effectiveness of decisions at each stage of the process. Strategies are omnipotent fantasies unless they have been tested. The testing of strategies implies testing their functionality and requires a precise design of the tests. The “trial and error” use of objects is not a pilot test.

Essentially, there are four stages that require confirmation:

  1. The scenario-building stage
  2. The diagnosis-development stage
  3. The strategy-building stage
  4. The organizational stage

Consequently, each stage demands the development of pilot tests to verify their validity. The final pilot test is a destructive test that establishes the boundaries of the strategy’s functionality.

Pilot tests are the drivers of the unicist reflection processes. Pilot tests have two objectives:

  1. Destructive testing of strategies
  2. Non-destructive testing of strategies

1) Destructive Testing

Destructive testing, in the field of complex problems, implies finding the limits of the validity of a given knowledge. To do so, it is necessary to develop experiences in homologous fields until the limits of validity are found. This testing defines the unified field that can be apprehended.

The falsification process is a destructive test for knowledge that is applied to realities with incomplete homologies. The destruction occurs when a condition is found to demonstrate the fallacy of the knowledge.

2) Validation – Non-destructive Testing

Validation implies the factual confirmation of the validity of knowledge. Validation is achieved when knowledge suffices to exert influence on a reality in a predictable way.

The non-destructive testing process is homologous to a non-destructive test in the field of material research. Validation implies cause-effect relations. Therefore, validation can only be applied to a simplified field of a complex reality.


The unicist strategy is necessary to influence adaptive environments. It is based on the generation of added value and also includes competitive aspects that deal with the management of competition.

The unicist strategy and the unicist tactics define the way to develop actions in adaptive environments in order to be able to influence the environment to generate results. They are based on the existence and functionality of appropriate processes to generate value. The design of UBAs requires managing the unicist evolutionary approach and the use of pilot tests to confirm their functionality.

The use of unicist AI, which is a fundamentals-based AI, facilitates the introduction of adaptive automation in business processes to manage binary actions and business objects. Its complementation with data-based AI, especially in the context of big data, reduces the subjective bias of automation processes, thereby enhancing the effectiveness of these processes.

The Unicist Research Institute

Main Markets

• Automobile • Food • Mass consumption • Financial • Insurance • Sports and social institutions • Information Technology (IT) • High-Tech • Knowledge Businesses • Communications • Perishable goods • Mass media • Direct sales • Industrial commodities • Agribusiness • Healthcare • Pharmaceutical • Oil and Gas • Chemical • Paints • Fashion • Education • Services • Commerce and distribution • Mining • Timber • Apparel • Passenger transportation –land, sea and air • Tourism • Cargo transportation • Professional services • e-market • Entertainment and show-business • Advertising • Gastronomic • Hospitality • Credit card • Real estate • Fishing • Publishing • Industrial Equipment • Construction and Engineering • Bike, motorbike, scooter and moped • Sporting goods

Country Archetypes Developed

• Algeria • Argentina • Australia • Austria • Belarus • Belgium • Bolivia • Brazil • Cambodia • Canada • Chile • China • Colombia • Costa Rica • Croatia • Cuba • Czech Republic • Denmark • Ecuador • Egypt • Finland • France • Georgia • Germany • Honduras • Hungary • India • Iran • Iraq • Ireland • Israel • Italy • Japan • Jordan • Libya • Malaysia • Mexico • Morocco • Netherlands • New Zealand • Nicaragua • Norway • Pakistan • Panama • Paraguay • Peru • Philippines • Poland • Portugal • Romania • Russia • Saudi Arabia • Serbia • Singapore • Slovakia • South Africa • Spain • Sweden • Switzerland • Syria • Thailand • Tunisia • Turkey • Ukraine • United Arab Emirates • United Kingdom • United States • Uruguay • Venezuela • Vietnam