The Functionalist Approach to Business

This approach is based on managing the functionalist principle that defines the how and why of the functionality of things to define the binary actions that make things work. The functionalist principle gave birth to functional knowledge to manage the real world by integrating the know-how and the know-why of things.

The functionalist principle defines that there is nothing in the universe, which is part of a system, that does not work with a purpose, an active and entropic function, and an energy conservation function. Their interaction defines the functionality of the binary actions that produce results.

Binary actions are two synchronized actions that, one the one hand, open possibilities establishing a functional context and, on the other hand, close processes to generate results.

The discovery of the functional structure of binary actions made the systematic design of synchronized binary actions possible, which simplified and ensured the results of processes of any kind.

Unicist Strategy Master Program

This 10-month graduate program is for participants who have the necessary technical background in their field of expertise. The participants of this program are residents who solve real problems.

The Unicist Evolutionary Approach is a functionalist approach to the real world. Therefore, this program is based on the real applications of the participants using the unicist technologies that are learned through real applications guided by the professors of the program.

Unicist Strategy

The learning of specific technologies is based on the use of the basic bibliography and technical articles and is guided by the counseling process.

The program is driven by:

  1. Reflection sessions to access real case solutions.
  2. Counseling processes of the real applications of the participants.

Characteristics of the Program

  • Unicist Reflection Sessions:
    2 sessions every week (1-hour virtual sessions)
  • Learning through Applications
  • Learning by Teaching
  • Continuous counseling
  • Access to the necessary specialized documents
  • Learning Platform
  • Duration: 10 months

    Alternative Individual Program
    Counseling Driven Program:
    based on an individual agreement

The unicist reflection education model is based on the use of the unicist functional designers, protocols and methods that allow building solutions and strategies in adaptive environments. The reflection sessions drive the learning of adaptive solution building.

The Reflection Space

Modules of the Unicist Strategy Master Program

The modules include the technology that is transferred to the participants to develop business strategy. As part of our academic policy, the unicist technologies are provided to the participants under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. It implies that their origin is identified any time they are used (e.g. “unicist strategy, unicist maximal and minimum strategy, unicist binary actions, etc.”).

The modules are autonomous interdependent knowledge objects that have no correlation among them. Each module is developed in 8 reflection sessions.

Modules of the Program:

  1. Designing and developing binary actions
  2. Managing unicist logic to build and use rules
  3. Fluent reading of Unicist Standard Language (USL)
  4. Managing the complementation and supplementation laws
  5. Managing the involution and evolution laws
  6. Designing and using catalysts
  7. Finding or building gravitational forces
  8. Unicist reflection
  9. Destructive and non-destructive testing
  10. Conceptual Engineering


The participants need to access the basic printed books on:

Unicist Strategy

Unicist Conceptual Management

Unicist Riddles and Metaphors

The Work Space

Real applications integrate:

  1. Unicist Functional Design – The Use of Designers

  2. Unicist Ontology & Functional Knowledge

  3. Unicist Conceptual Engineering & Q-Method

Synthesis and Graduation

The 4th industrial revolution introduced business adaptability and customer orientation as a core value for business organization. Unicist strategy is a value adding strategy that emulates the intelligence of nature and allows managing businesses as adaptive systems.

In fact, businesses of any kind have been and will always be adaptive entities. As any natural or artificial adaptive entity, they are driven by the adaptive functionality of their processes. This adaptability is driven by:

  • Binary actions
  • Business objects
  • The use of catalysts

Unicist Binary Actions

1) The functionality of adaptive systems and businesses is based on the development of binary actions that are synchronized actions that avoid reactions from the environment by matching the concepts that underlie the system. The propulsion and the lift of an airplane are an example of how binary actions work. Binary actions are part of the nature of any adaptive system. Learn more

Unicist Business Objects

2) Adaptive systems, including businesses are driven by objects, which are encapsulated adaptive systems to generate results. The organs of the human body are an example of objects. The organization by objects is what makes businesses adaptive. Therefore, businesses have no variables because their functions are interdependent.
The use of variables to manage businesses is a palliative. Variables only exist in non-adaptive systems. The adaptability of non-adaptive businesses is personal efficacy dependent. Learn more

Unicist Business Catalysts

3) Adaptive systems, including businesses, are sustained by catalysts. Among the most well-known catalysts in biology are the enzymes that catalyze multiple processes to ensure the survival and evolution of living beings.
Catalysts expand the possibilities of the functionality of an adaptive system, while they accelerate processes by increasing the efficiency of their processes. The lack of catalysts or their insufficiency, kills businesses in the short or long-term. Learn more

The learning of unicist strategy is developed in residencies where the participants solve real problems and/or develop real solutions.


The graduation in this program requires that the participants be experts in their field of expertise. The expertise is measured in terms of the generation of results.

  1. Diagnose businesses and their processes
  2. Design and build unicist strategies
  3. Design and install process catalysts
  4. Design and install business objects
  5. Define and design binary actions

The sequence of the learning of these processes is inverse, beginning with the simplest and ending with the most complex processes:

  1. Define and design binary actions
  2. Design and install business objects
  3. Design and install process catalysts
  4. Design and build unicist strategies
  5. Diagnose businesses and their processes

Both the learning and the graduation processes are driven by real applications that are developed by the residents. 

Real Case Solutions

The graduation is based on a real case developed in an organization in the field of the participant´s specialization. The real case of individual participants is based on the use of external (not internal) information of a company and the final document is then delivered to the company.

This real case is a proof of the functionality of the knowledge of the participants. The participants have three opportunities with different companies until the necessary level of functionality has been achieved. The companies evaluate the solutions based on their utility.

In the case of the corporate participants, the business cases might be the development of real solutions in the company in which they are working.

Main Markets

• Automobile • Food • Mass consumption • Financial • Insurance • Sports and social institutions • Information Technology (IT) • High-Tech • Knowledge Businesses • Communications • Perishable goods • Mass media • Direct sales • Industrial commodities • Agribusiness • Healthcare • Pharmaceutical • Oil and Gas • Chemical • Paints • Fashion • Education • Services • Commerce and distribution • Mining • Timber • Apparel • Passenger transportation –land, sea and air • Tourism • Cargo transportation • Professional services • e-market • Entertainment and show-business • Advertising • Gastronomic • Hospitality • Credit card • Real estate • Fishing • Publishing • Industrial Equipment • Construction and Engineering • Bike, motorbike, scooter and moped • Sporting goods

Country Archetypes Developed

• Algeria • Argentina • Australia • Austria • Belarus • Belgium • Bolivia • Brazil • Cambodia • Canada • Chile • China • Colombia • Costa Rica • Croatia • Cuba • Czech Republic • Denmark • Ecuador • Egypt • Finland • France • Georgia • Germany • Honduras • Hungary • India • Iran • Iraq • Ireland • Israel • Italy • Japan • Jordan • Libya • Malaysia • Mexico • Morocco • Netherlands • New Zealand • Nicaragua • Norway • Pakistan • Panama • Paraguay • Peru • Philippines • Poland • Portugal • Romania • Russia • Saudi Arabia • Serbia • Singapore • Slovakia • South Africa • Spain • Sweden • Switzerland • Syria • Thailand • Tunisia • Turkey • Ukraine • United Arab Emirates • United Kingdom • United States • Uruguay • Venezuela • Vietnam