Unicist Standard Language

The unicist standard language was created to access the nature of adaptive environments based on the unicist logic that defines their functionality, dynamics, and evolution. It is a universal language like mathematics that has its semiotics like musical language.

The unicist standard language has its grammar, and syntax, and can be shared with anyone who can read the semiotics of the language. It was created by Peter Belohlavek to describe, define, and manage the functionality, dynamics, and evolution of adaptive environments.

Both mathematical language and unicist standard language emulate solutions in different fields for the same purpose: emulating solutions. They both are a sort of metalanguage that is integrated with other languages in order to work in the real world.

Data-based artificial intelligence uses mathematical language while fundamentals-based artificial intelligence uses unicist standard language.

Functional languages are defined as integrative languages that are driven by unicist logic, a double dialectical logic. Operational languages are defined as dualistic languages to ensure the generation of predefined actions.

The Unicist Standard Language allows Managing Adaptive Systems

Adaptive systems are integrated by objects and have open boundaries that make them unmanageable using systemic approaches. The absence of variables and the existence of objects, which are adaptive systems in themselves, require managing the concepts that drive the functionality of the objects and of the system as a whole.

When seen from the outside, the functionality of adaptive systems with open boundaries appears ambiguous. When the intrinsic functionality is understood, using the unicist evolutionary approach, their structural behavior is predictable while the operational behavior is environment dependent. There is no intrinsic ambiguity when the concept of a system has been apprehended.

The Potential Energy of Languages

Languages have potential energy which is defined by their underlying logical structures that define their capacity to deal with the functionality of the real world. #Potential energy is energy that is stored – or conserved – in an object or substance. This stored energy is based on the position, arrangement, or state of the object or substance.”

The potential energy of languages is based on the energy of consciousness they enable. Languages are the code for conscious reasoning. Consciousness, driven by the ethical intelligence of individuals and accessed through the use of languages, is the basic source of personal potential energy.

It must be considered that accessing consciousness is an energy-consuming process. Therefore, individuals naturally use the language that matches their natural level of consciousness. This implies that access to superior levels of consciousness can be fostered by developing the language people use. The systematic use of Unicist Standard Language increases consciousness, personal potential energy, and thus the management of complex problems.

The potential energy of a language is homologous to nuclear energy which is the energy that holds together the nucleus of atoms. In the case of languages, it is the energy that holds together the nucleus of its logical models. The integration of the different logical patterns is what allows having the energy needed to help generate value.

The potential energy of unicist standard language is its capacity to help understand and manage the functionalist principles of things that manage the roots of the functionality of adaptive systems and environments. It allows managing unicist logic, unicist ontology, functionalist principles, binary actions, and objects in adaptive environments that can only be accessed at an operational level using systemic, analytic, or operational languages. As a general idea, unicist standard language allows dealing with complexity based on a causal approach.

The functional application of languages can be defined as:

  1. Syncretic/Operational Language = Operational activities
  2. Analytic Language = Analytic activities
  3. Factual Language = Systemic activities
  4. Synthetic Language = Conceptual activities
  5. Mathematical Language = Dealing with systemic activities
  6. Unicist Standard Language = Dealing with complex adaptive activities

The level of energy of languages depends on the level of complexity that their underlying logic can manage.

Levels of Potential Energy

Languages can be classified according to their levels of potential energy:

  1. Syncretic/ Operational Language (+)
  2. Analytic Language (++)
  3. Factual Language (+++)
  4. Synthetic Language (++++)
  5. Mathematical Language – In systemic environments (+++++)
  6. Unicist Standard Language – In complex adaptive environments (+++++)

The level of potential energy is empowered by the complementation of languages. The application of this superior level of energy requires remaining in the field of functionality of the basic language a person uses:

  1. Syncretic/Operational with Factual Language (++++)
  2. Analytic with Synthetic Language (++++++)
  3. Factual with Syncretic/Operational Language (++++)
  4. Synthetic with Analytic Language (++++++)
  5. Mathematical with Unicist Standard Language (++++++++++)
  6. Unicist Standard with Mathematical Language (++++++++++)

The complementation between syncretic/operational, analytical, factual and synthetic languages with mathematical languages ensures the value generation using these languages in systemic environments.

The complementation between syncretic/operational, analytical, factual and synthetic language with unicist standard language ensures the value generation using these languages in adaptive environments

Reality, Unicist Standard Language, and Unicist Logic

The unicist standard language is based on unicist logic, which is a double dialectical logic that emulates the ontogenetic intelligence of nature and regulates the functionality of any adaptive system.

The Unicist Dialectics, which is a double dialectical approach, allows dealing with adaptive systems managing the integration of their double dialectical behavior driven by binary actions.

With this double dialectical approach (purpose – active function, purpose – energy conservation function) one can understand the structure of an adaptive system and its evolution.

Unicist Dialectics is based on emulating adaptive systems, emulating the ontogenetic intelligence of nature (purpose, active principle, energy conservation principle).

Its application to adaptive systems made the emulation of individual, institutional, and social evolution possible.

Individuals who have the necessary functional intelligence and the will to add value to an environment, and can see the double dialectics, develop two different actions to ensure results: on the one hand, they impulse pro-action and on the other hand, they develop actions to ensure results. These are the unicist binary actions that make adaptive systems work.

The use of the unicist standard language is what makes functionality in adaptive environments possible.

Practical Applications:

  • Fundamentals-Based Artificial Intelligence: Unlike data-driven AI that uses mathematical languages, fundamentals-based AI systems use the Unicist Standard Language to deal with complex, adaptive activities.
  • Management of Complex Adaptive Systems: It is particularly useful in scenarios where systems are not just complicated by their nature but are also inherently adaptive, making them difficult to predict and manage using standard models.
  • Value Generation in Adaptive Environments: By leveraging the high potential energy of the Unicist Standard Language, professionals can effectively manage and contribute to environments that are characterized by constant change and adaptation.

The Unicist Research Institute

Main Markets

• Automobile • Food • Mass consumption • Financial • Insurance • Sports and social institutions • Information Technology (IT) • High-Tech • Knowledge Businesses • Communications • Perishable goods • Mass media • Direct sales • Industrial commodities • Agribusiness • Healthcare • Pharmaceutical • Oil and Gas • Chemical • Paints • Fashion • Education • Services • Commerce and distribution • Mining • Timber • Apparel • Passenger transportation –land, sea and air • Tourism • Cargo transportation • Professional services • e-market • Entertainment and show-business • Advertising • Gastronomic • Hospitality • Credit card • Real estate • Fishing • Publishing • Industrial Equipment • Construction and Engineering • Bike, motorbike, scooter and moped • Sporting goods

Country Archetypes Developed

• Algeria • Argentina • Australia • Austria • Belarus • Belgium • Bolivia • Brazil • Cambodia • Canada • Chile • China • Colombia • Costa Rica • Croatia • Cuba • Czech Republic • Denmark • Ecuador • Egypt • Finland • France • Georgia • Germany • Honduras • Hungary • India • Iran • Iraq • Ireland • Israel • Italy • Japan • Jordan • Libya • Malaysia • Mexico • Morocco • Netherlands • New Zealand • Nicaragua • Norway • Pakistan • Panama • Paraguay • Peru • Philippines • Poland • Portugal • Romania • Russia • Saudi Arabia • Serbia • Singapore • Slovakia • South Africa • Spain • Sweden • Switzerland • Syria • Thailand • Tunisia • Turkey • Ukraine • United Arab Emirates • United Kingdom • United States • Uruguay • Venezuela • Vietnam