Unicist Intelligent Business Compass
The unicist compass is a system to solve specific problems by managing the root causes of the functions and developing catalysts to accelerate processes. It allows making diagnoses and develop strategies, solutions, business objects and catalysts to accelerate the speed of growth of businesses, their processes and their markets.
The intelligent compass was developed at The Unicist Research Institute to build solutions in the field of adaptive business processes that are feedback dependent.
It approaches the unified field of businesses and their functions to manage their root causes and define what is possible to be achieved and how to make it happen.
The compass is updated using the Unicist AI to expand the knowledge based on the experiences of the system.
It provides solutions in the field of action that need to be adapted to the specific conjuncture of the processes involved.
Unicist Innovation Center – A Sharing Space
The Unicist Research Institute
NOTE: We invite you to invite your children or the children of your friends to participate in the “Empower your Freedom” program, that works as a catalyst for abductive reasoning processes. It is a non-profit program that has been designed for teenagers from 14 to 17 years old. This program demands 1-hour a week (including the 20-minute session on TWITCH). Access