Partners Program

3-Month Introductory Program for Research Associates

The three-month program for associates is based on the use of study groups and their participation during three months in the modules of the Unicist Master Program that are running.

The modules include the technology that is transferred to the participants to develop business strategies. As part of our academic policy, the unicist technologies are provided to the participants under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. It implies that their origin is identified any time they are used (e.g. “unicist strategy, unicist maximal and minimum strategy, unicist binary actions, etc.”).

The program provides participants with an access to the functionalist approach that allows using the unicist functional designers to insource unicist technologies in companies in the field of their expertise.

Participants need to manage Unicist Extreme Design, Unicist Conceptual Engineering, Unicist Logic and the Unicist “Q” Method to insource unicist technologies to solve real business problems.

They need to manage the unicist functionalist design in their field of specialization, which includes the scope of solutions they can provide and the specific markets they are specialized in. The study group they participate in, is homologous with the study groups of the unicist master program.

The Exchange Space

Educational Platform

The Study Groups

The study groups develop solutions managing the different business aspects using the Unicist Functional Designers (UFD). These groups are integrated by a coordinator, an ombudsman or woman and a fallacy-shooter.

Their studies are driven by the needs of knowledge generated by the use of the UFDs. The study groups are the way real applications are developed by the participants. They integrate the basics of the unicist functional design.

Each of the participants is the coordinator of the case s/he will be applying in the real world. The cases will be published after they have been applied.

The counseling is provided by a counseling committee coordinated by the Applied Research Department. The counseling is based on the feed-back of the pilot tests and the destructive tests.

These groups use the functional designer to ensure the management of the unicist ontology, functional knowledge, conceptual engineering, the “Q” method, and the use of languages that allow managing strategic approaches.

These groups integrate:

  1. Unicist Functional Design – The Use of Designers

  2. Unicist Ontology & Functional Knowledge

  3. Unicist Conceptual Engineering & Q-Method

  4. Languages in Conscious Reasoning Processes

The Work Space

Business Strategy Designer


The participants need to access the basic printed books on:

Unicist Business Strategy

Unicist Conceptual Management

Unicist Riddles and Metaphors


The graduation confirms the authoritative role of our research associates. The program ends with a solution delivered to a company of the market based on the use of the external information of the company. The functionality of the solution allows graduating. The companies evaluate the solutions based on their utility. The participants have three opportunities with different companies until the necessary level of functionality has been achieved.