The unicist compass is a system to solve specific problems by managing the root causes of the functions and developing catalysts to accelerate processes. It allows making diagnoses and develop strategies, solutions, business objects and catalysts to accelerate the speed of growth of businesses, their processes and their markets.
The intelligent compass was developed at The Unicist Research Institute to build solutions in the field of adaptive business processes that are feedback dependent.
It approaches the unified field of businesses and their functions to manage their root causes and define what is possible to be achieved and how to make it happen.
The compass is updated using the Unicist AI to expand the knowledge based on the experiences of the system.
It provides solutions in the field of action that need to be adapted to the specific conjuncture of the processes involved.
Unicist Innovation Center – A Sharing Space The Unicist Research Institute
NOTE: We invite you to invite your children or the children of your friends to participate in the “Empower your Freedom” program, that works as a catalyst for abductive reasoning processes. It is a non-profit program that has been designed for teenagers from 14 to 17 years old. This program demands 1-hour a week (including the 20-minute session on TWITCH). Access
The unicist functionalist technology for strategy building is based on the use of the conceptual structure of businesses and the processes involved to ensure their functionality based on the possibilities that were defined in the business intelligence and scenario building processes that precede the strategy building.
The use of unicist logical inferences based on the data of indicators and predictors of business functions is done automatically and monitored by the participants in the strategy building processes.
The core differentiation of a cobotized strategy building process is that the design of strategies is based on intelligent logical inferences that allow building the structure of strategies where the binary actions, that transform fundamentals into actions, take place.
The major benefit of this approach is that it allows developing segmented strategies based on the characteristics of the different products and services to increase the influence on the market to foster growth and automate the use of binary actions.
The binary actions use catalysts to expand the possibilities for growth while they ensure the results that need to be achieved.
These binary actions include the use of business objects to generate results, save costs and ensure the quality of the processes.
Strategy Building Cobots include the management of three aspects:
1) Business Intelligence / Scenario Building
2) Competitive Strategy
3) Business Strategy
Business intelligence and scenario building are used to define possibilities, competitive strategy is used to differentiated value propositions, and business strategy is used to add value.
Unicist Strategy Cobots include the monitoring of strategies to learn from the feedback and ensure that human decisions are included when it is required.
Unicist Innovation Center – A Sharing Space The Unicist Research Institute
NOTE: We invite you to invite your children or the children of your friends to participate in the “Empower your Freedom” program, that works as a catalyst for abductive reasoning processes. It is a non-profit program that has been designed for teenagers from 14 to 17 years old. This program demands 1-hour a week (including the 20-minute session on TWITCH). Access
The unicist standard language was developed to manage the functionality of the real world. It allows defining and describing the concepts and fundamentals of things, which are defined by their ontogenetic maps. The use of this language is necessary to read these maps and their use to build the necessary binary actions to make things happen.
It is a universal language like mathematics. Like musical language, it has its own semiotics, semantics, and grammar. The unicist standard language is a conceptual language that uses natural language and the unicist logic to define ontogenetic maps that describe the functionality of adaptive environments.
Unicist standard language allows dealing with the concepts of things, emulating the way they are stored in the brain, and translating them into natural language to define actions that can be communicated to people who do not manage the concepts of a specific field.
The unicist standard language has its grammar, syntax, and semantics, and can be shared with anyone who can read the language. It was created by Peter Belohlavek to describe, define and manage the functionality, dynamics, and evolution of adaptive environments.
Both mathematical language and unicist standard language emulate solutions in different fields, using different codes. They are both a sort of metalanguage that is integrated with other languages to work in the real world. Data-based AI uses mathematical language while fundamentals-based AI uses unicist standard language.
The objective of this information is proving an initial guide to use ontogenetic maps in the business world. It provides the grammar and the semantics that establish the framework to use the functionalist approach.
It is required that the participants understand the ontogenesis of this approach, which is the discovery of the structure of the ontogenetic intelligence of nature and the consequent unicist logic that emulates the intelligence of nature.
Unicist Press Committee The Unicist Research Institute
The discovery of the structure of the functionality of biological and behavioral catalysts allowed developing business catalysts which are necessary to accelerate processes and drive the evolution of businesses.
Behavioral catalysts are needed to ensure the sustainability of business processes. The acceleration of the processes they produce, depends on the specificity of the catalysts. There are generic, systemic, specific and conjunctural catalysts. The more conjuncture oriented the catalysts are, the higher the level of acceleration they produce and the shorter their lifecycle is.
Business catalysts are process accelerators that allow ensuring the functionality and evolution of adaptive business functions.
The researches made at The Unicist Research Institute demonstrated that the evolution of living beings, social entities and businesses require the use of catalysts. Therefore, the success of sustainable businesses fully depends on the use of catalysts.
For example: While 100% of the successful marketing actions were sustained by catalysts, 100% of the failures had insufficient catalysts. The use of catalysts is a must in marketing.
All developed cultures and expanding businesses use catalyzing objects. Some of the paradigmatic examples in the business world are: IBM, Pfizer, Bayer, Shell, etc.
This is an introduction to the Unicist Theory of Functionality, developed by Peter Belohlavek at The Unicist Research Institute, that introduced a simplification in the development of solutions in adaptive environments. It allows making a logical approach to the real world, developing the functional structures of solutions and the operational processes to make them happen.
The following discoveries were the milestones of the development of the theory of functionality: complex systems research method (1980), functionality of human ontointelligence (1984), the ontogenetic intelligence of nature (1998), the unicist ontology of biological systems (2012) and the unicist ontology of wide and restricted contexts (2017).
The Synthesis
The Unicist Theory of Functionality affirms and demonstrates that there is nothing in the universe, which is part of a system, that does not work with a purpose, an active and entropic function, and an energy conservation function. This structure works through unicist binary actions (UBA) that produce the functionality of any entity or process, whatever its kind. The unified field of an entity or process needs to be managed to ensure its functionality.
The following form of the synopsis of the guiding idea of the functionality of an entity provides the idea of how this information is used.
We invite you to participate in a virtual 20-minute lecture on October 13, 2021 at 2:00 pm ET that will be led by Peter Belohlavek
The triadic structure of the atom, defined by the proton, the electron, and the neutron, is an example of functionality in physics. In the presentation of the Unicist Theory of Functionality you will also find multiple applications in physics such as the functionality of the plane, the electric motor, etc.
In genomics, you will find its triadic functionality in all its functions. E.g., nucleotides, integrated by sugar, nitrogenous base and phosphate; amino acids integrated by hydrogen and amine and carboxylic acid groups; codons that are a specific sequence of three consecutive nucleotides that is part of the genetic code.
Epigenetic functions work as inhibitors or catalysts that affect the behavior of genes.
From Microcosmos to Macrocosmos
The unified field of the macro and the microcosmos is beyond the operational solutions developed in physics and needs to be found at the functional level of the “system”.
The microcosmos is the active function and the macrocosmos is the energy conservation function while the purpose is blurred or subject to speculation or religious beliefs.
The macro and the microcosmos are evident in social and economic systems, where family and society or microeconomics and macroeconomics are, respectively, the active functions and the energy conservation functions of the systems that have evident purposes.
From Univocal Actions to Binary Actions
Univocal actions work in controlled environments where the natural reactions can be inhibited. But it has to be considered that the triadic functionality of any system requires that there are two synchronized actions that, on the one hand, integrate the active function with the purpose, and on the other hand, integrate the energy conservation function with the purpose. Synchronized actions include the reaction as part of the system. This behavior applies to any adaptive environment, including the social, economic and business fields.
In the field of business, binary actions are two synchronized actions that aim at the same purpose. Every business function is defined by a triadic structure that defines its purpose, its active function, and its energy conservation function. The active function, aiming at the purpose, and the energy conservation function, sustaining the same purpose, are the binary actions in businesses.
Here you can find a series of unicist binary actions to generate value that are evident, which are benchmarks you might use:
Increasing productivity (UBAa) + Ensuring quality (UBAb) = Value generation
To generate results, the synchronicity of binary actions requires beginning with UBAa, which are active function actions, and then developing UBAb that are energy conservation actions.
From Human Intelligence to Fundamentals-based AI
Unicist AI became possible due to the functionalist approach to decision processes. It is a fundamentals-based intelligence that emulates the reasoning process of human intelligence and includes two functions to make this possible: The learning function and the decision function. The subjective bias of data-based AI is solved using this fundamentals-based AI.
Unicist AI allows developing different types of functionalities according to what is needed.
There are basically 4 types of functions, which are homologous to human decision-making processes, that are being emulated: the descriptive function, the diagnosing function, the predictive function, and the prescriptive function.
From Human Work and Robots to Cobots (Collaborative Robots)
The business application of Cobots is based on the development of the fundamentals-based AI and the binary actions that ensure the generation of results. Cobots use functional rules to build empirical solutions. They are not based on empirical rules.
Cobots became possible due to the IoT that provided the resources to introduce them in work and business processes. They became necessary in organizations that decided to enter the adaptability and customer orientation fostered by the 4th industrial revolution.
From Individual Intelligence to Collective Intelligence
Individual intelligence works with the triadic structure of the intelligence that underlies nature. The adaption process of humans is sustained by the ontointelligence that drives the intentions of individuals, the reactive intelligence that drives the reactions of individuals to the stimuli of the environment, and the active intelligence that drives the functionality of the actions necessary to adapt.
The concepts people have in mind drive their actions. In this context, collective intelligence is the filter of experiences that allows storing concepts in the long-term memory of an individual.
It is the individual intelligence in action that builds a bridge between the archetypes and lifestyles of cultures and the social, institutional, and individual behavior.
Individual intelligence is always enhanced or inhibited by the lifestyle of a culture and the myths of groups, which are driven by the fundamentals of the cultural archetype. Therefore, collective intelligence drives empathy and allows building binary actions.
From Functional Time to the Synchronicity of Actions
Functional time is the space of lifecycle that elapses between facts. A lifecycle defines the distance between the initial stage and the final stage of something, which defines the meaning of time based on the facts that are functional in this space.
The definition of the functionality of time refers to the triadic structure integrated by the acceleration of actions, the speed of events and the synchronicity that needs to be achieved.
Contribution of the Theory of Functionality
This theory introduced a functionalist approach to the real world that allows developing the functional structures of solutions and the operational processes to make them happen.
Unicist Press Committee
NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute (TURI) is a world leader in its segment. Since 1976, it has been specialized in complexity sciences applied to the research on the roots of evolution and its application to social, institutional, business and individual evolution.
Time management is part of the functionality of ethical intelligence. Ethical intelligence is the “deepest” driver of human intelligence and defines the true intentions of a person. It is the main unconscious driver of human actions. It can only be measured by the consequences of the actions of an individual.
Its main characteristic is that it evolves or involves driven by the maturity of an individual. A just-born baby needs to be driven by survival ethical intelligence while a mature person that has achieved a high level of adaptiveness in the world would be driven by conceptual ethical intelligence. There is also a collective ethical intelligence that drives social behavior and is implicit in the archetype of a culture.
Time management is one of the skills that are driven by ethical intelligence. The higher the level of ethical intelligence the wider the scope of the actions and individual can plan.
On the one end, people who are driven by the need to survive can only work here and now. On the other end, people can manage timeless strategies when they are driven by conceptual ethical intelligence. These skills expand driven by the maturity of people.
The development of strategies, anticipating what will happen, expands the ethical intelligence of an individual. Only psychopaths or sociopaths, who use manipulation as a tool, can anticipate actions to profit from others without adding value. We recommend using the unicist strategy designer that will help you to anticipate and plan binary actions in any adaptive environment.
Research Committee
NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute (TURI) is a world leader in its segment. Since 1976, it has been specialized in complexity sciences applied to the research on the roots of evolution and its application to social, institutional, business and individual evolution.
We are living in times which not only affects our business and personal lives now but it will also transform the way we do things in the future. The challenge from a business perspective is dealing with the unknown.
What impact is this currently having on businesses and how will it impact their future.
Unicist Research have been working on this very problem since 1976 conducting research and then applying it to businesses to overcome extreme setbacks such as the 2008 depression.
Their applied research removes the uncertainty of the unknown to help businesses define minimum and maximum strategies to be successful in the world.
Through education, businesses can adopt and apply these strategies to be successful and overcome the challenges which otherwise lie ahead.
Don´t take our word for you, you can experience the power of this approach yourself. Engage in our Virtual Testing lab and experience how this unique approach can help your business.
Simon Warman-Freed Partner
NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute (TURI) is a world leader in its segment. Since 1976, it has been specialized in complexity sciences applied to the research on the roots of evolution and its application to social, institutional, business and individual evolution.
Industrial Revolutions foster and establish dominant mindsets to fulfill their purposes. A conceptual mindset is necessary to deal with the possibilities opened by the 4th Industrial Revolution in order to manage the unified field of business processes.
The discovery that the concepts people have in their minds, drive their actions and that the concepts and fundamentals that underlie business functions define the root causes of their functionality, expanded the possibilities of business management.
Therefore, conceptualization is the necessary mindset to deal with the 4th Industrial Revolution. It allows managing the unified field of business functions integrating the different aspects of the business processes including the restricted and wide contexts.
This stage requires managing the concepts of business functions to improve the adaptiveness of processes by being fully consumer/user/buyer oriented, increasing the productivity and increasing the quality to become fully reliable.
The conceptual mindset required by the 4th Industrial Revolution uses destructive and non-destructive pilot tests and uses an action-reflection-action process that includes the use of the unicist strategic approach to forecast, produce and ensure results.
The solutions are based on the ontogenetic maps of business functions that define their concepts and fundamentals. This information allows defining what is needed and comparing it with the actual state to define the actions that are necessary to achieve the established goals. The pilot tests of their implementation allow learning from the feedback.
Diego Belohlavek
NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.
The unicist
unified field method was developed to define what is possible to be achieved
when dealing with specific adaptive systems or environments. The objective of
this method is to define the framework for solution building processes.
This method
provides the necessary information that ensures the possibility of developing
reliable maximal strategies to grow and minimum strategies to ensure results.
It is the first step of any complex problem-solving approach.
The Functionality of the
The unicist
unified field method was developed to discover the possibilities of influencing
an environment. The knowledge of possibilities defines what is possible to be
done in a specific environment.
Therefore, the
unicist evolutionary approach to reality begins by defining what is possible to
be achieved before defining what wants or what needs to be done.
The unicist
unified method is a 3-step method that allows defining the possibilities based
on the capacity of envisioning a specific field of the environment and the
technological and social trends that drive its evolution.
The three steps are:
Define the conceptual
structure of the field of actions (category)
Emulate the functionality and
trends of the category in mind
Define the possibilities of
the empty spaces that are found
The Unicist Research Institute
NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute has been, since 1976, the pioneer in complexity science research to deal with adaptive entities and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of adaptive systems and environments. It was one of the precursors of the Industry 4.0 concept
The unicist approach to future research uses logical inferences based on the unicist double dialectical logic that was developed based on the discovery of the unicist ontogenetic intelligence of nature that regulates its evolution. These developments began in the 80’s and were led by Peter Belohlavek at The Unicist Research Institute.
It was a step by step discovery based on the apprehension of the nature of social phenomena entering afterwards in the institutional and individual evolution. Its integration with biology and physics was the final stage that was achieved.
This approach is based on the fact that future and past are not symmetric. This is the case of all the environments that are evolving or involving. The past and the future are only symmetric in stagnated environments.
The objective of the unicist approach to future research is to define a future scenario in order to adapt and influence it.
When an individual “looks back” at the history, the events that occurred are reasonable, understandable and logical. Therefore when approaching the future what is required is having the “logic” that is evident when analyzing the events of the past.
The building of future scenarios is based on the fact that the structure of the unicist ontology of a specific environment needs to be found in the past and that the facts of the present are used to infer the future.
The unicist approach to future research is based on inferring the future based on the laws of evolution established by the ontogenetic intelligence of nature, which allowed developing the unicist ontology of evolution.
This allows building reliable future scenarios.
The Unicist Research Institute
NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute has been, since 1976, the pioneer in complexity science research to deal with adaptive entities and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of adaptive systems and environments. It was one of the precursors of the Industry 4.0 concept