Unicist Cobots

Adopt Cobots in Strategy Building Processes

The unicist functionalist technology for strategy building is based on the use of the conceptual structure of businesses and the processes involved to ensure their functionality based on the possibilities that were defined in the business intelligence and scenario building processes that precede the strategy building.

The use of unicist logical inferences based on the data of indicators and predictors of business functions is done automatically and monitored by the participants in the strategy building processes.

The core differentiation of a cobotized strategy building process is that the design of strategies is based on intelligent logical inferences that allow building the structure of strategies where the binary actions, that transform fundamentals into actions, take place.

The major benefit of this approach is that it allows developing segmented strategies based on the characteristics of the different products and services to increase the influence on the market to foster growth and automate the use of binary actions.

The binary actions use catalysts to expand the possibilities for growth while they ensure the results that need to be achieved.

These binary actions include the use of business objects to generate results, save costs and ensure the quality of the processes.

Strategy Building Cobots include the management of three aspects:

1) Business Intelligence / Scenario Building

2) Competitive Strategy

3) Business Strategy

Business intelligence and scenario building are used to define possibilities, competitive strategy is used to differentiated value propositions, and business strategy is used to add value.

Unicist Strategy Cobots include the monitoring of strategies to learn from the feedback and ensure that human decisions are included when it is required.

Access: www.unicist-systems.com/unicist-business-cobots

Unicist Innovation Center – A Sharing Space
The Unicist Research Institute

NOTE: We invite you to invite your children or the children of your friends to participate in the “Empower your Freedom” program, that works as a catalyst for abductive reasoning processes. It is a non-profit program that has been designed for teenagers from 14 to 17 years old. This program demands 1-hour a week (including the 20-minute session on TWITCH). Access

The 4th Industrial Revolution requires a Conceptual Mindset

Industrial Revolutions foster and establish dominant mindsets to fulfill their purposes. A conceptual mindset is necessary to deal with the possibilities opened by the 4th Industrial Revolution in order to manage the unified field of business processes.

Mindsets of Industrial Revolutions

The discovery that the concepts people have in their minds, drive their actions and that the concepts and fundamentals that underlie business functions define the root causes of their functionality, expanded the possibilities of business management.

Therefore, conceptualization is the necessary mindset to deal with the 4th Industrial Revolution. It allows managing the unified field of business functions integrating the different aspects of the business processes including the restricted and wide contexts.

This stage requires managing the concepts of business functions to improve the adaptiveness of processes by being fully consumer/user/buyer oriented, increasing the productivity and increasing the quality to become fully reliable.

The conceptual mindset required by the 4th Industrial Revolution uses destructive and non-destructive pilot tests and uses an action-reflection-action process that includes the use of the unicist strategic approach to forecast, produce and ensure results.

The solutions are based on the ontogenetic maps of business functions that define their concepts and fundamentals. This information allows defining what is needed and comparing it with the actual state to define the actions that are necessary to achieve the established goals. The pilot tests of their implementation allow learning from the feedback.

Diego Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.

Facileness, the driver of Business Failures

The Unicist Research Institute researched 50 cases of startups in the US to define which were the root causes of their failures and how they could have been avoided. What was demonstrated is that the fundamentals of the business were mismanaged in all failures. Avoiding fundamentals is a core characteristic of facileness.

Polarities of the Unicist Evolutionary Approach

In all the cases, facileness, defined as the attitude of oversimplifying reality to minimize the energy consumed, demonstrated being the root cause of failures.

Facileness is an addiction that is installed in over-adaptive environments, which drives their stagnation and/or involution. This behavior is driven by the submission to the extreme beliefs of the participants of the group, their business is based on transferring risks and costs to others and is sustained by the avoidance of conflicts.

Facileness is necessarily short-term oriented and cannot deal with structural approaches, institutionalization, the root causes of problems or strategic approaches to businesses.

Proposing utopias, making shortcuts, subjectifying, “buying time”, lying and denying facts are typical actions in facileness driven businesses.

Facileness, as an addiction, is fully unconscious and develops the necessary defenses to maintain the status quo while following the extreme beliefs of the businessmen/women.

As an addiction, it creates a parallel reality in the world, where only those who share this addiction can participate as leaders. Evolutionary approaches cannot be accepted in facileness driven businesses because they work as mirrors exposing the real world.

Unicist Evolutionary Approach

The paradox is that the unicist evolutionary approach is the framework that ensures business success. This approach is integrated by:

  1. The use of maximal and minimum strategies,
  2. the management of the unified field of processes,
  3. the use of business objects,
  4. the conceptual design of solutions,
  5. the development of pilot tests to ensure results,

Minimizing facileness is a basic condition for business development and requires that the leaders of the business have an adaptive attitude, which means that they feel they can influence the environment while they are influenced by it.  It requires that reality prevails over beliefs. Facileness is for leisure, not for business.

You can access the Unicist Evolutionary Approach at:

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute has been, since 1976, the pioneer in complexity science research where the Unicist Evolutionary Approach was developed. It was one of the precursors of the Industry 4.0 concept.

Institutional Therapeutics to solve Structural Business Problems

Institutional Therapeutics is based on the Unicist Standard and is oriented to all those who are responsible for the increase of companies value, their growth and profitability using the necessary innovation to make this possible.

Medical practice has two different languages that are used by the physician: on the one hand, one to communicate with the patients, and on the other hand, another to communicate with colleagues.

Business Therapeutics practice also has two languages:

  1. The operational commonsense language for “patients”
  2. The technical analytical and fundamental language for “physicians”

Unicist Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute has been, since 1976, the pioneer in complexity science research to deal with adaptive entities and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of adaptive systems and environments. It was one of the precursors of the Industry 4.0 concept

Time Management and Time Drivers

Time is defined as the part of the lifecycle elapsed between facts. It is considered a functional measurement of actions. Chronological time is a conventional factual measure of lifecycles. The same chronological time has different meanings according to the length of the lifecycle of the participants of an event.

Time DriversTime management is the human capacity to organize actions fulfilling external objective needs (external time) and respecting the universal time implicit in a specific scenario within the limits of the internal time of an individual.

Adapted individuals are those who are able to manage their internal time requirements to produce the external actions on time.

Universal time

It is the time driven by the evolution of a certain environment, its entropy and irreversibility. Understanding the universal time of an environment defines the external limits of time management. Universal time has to be respected and it defines the general taxonomy of actions.

External time

It is the time that defines when “things” have to be functional and working. External timing is the human capacity to influence reality when it is needed to make things happen. In an activity or working context the external time prevails over the internal time within the limits of the universal time. “Work” has to be done where and when it is needed.

Personal time

It is the time needed by an individual to get ready to make external timing work. Internal time depends on the capacity of individuals. It includes the time necessary to use the reactive and active intelligence to make decisions within the limits of their ontointelligence. Frustration’s elaboration speed is the main inhibitor of internal time management.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.

Speed defines success in the business world

Speed is the basic condition for the success of artists, professionals or companies. The technological development, among other factors, made speed a central issue in business.

Power, considered from the Physics point of view and regarded as a universal concept, is defined by the quantity of work that is done in a unit of time.

P = Work/Time

If we take a look at the most successful artists, they are the ones that can produce their “work” (art) in a quantity of events that make them fast in relation to the market possibilities.

If we analyze the alliances that are made in the business world, they all include a search for speed beyond their possible complementation or supplementation of their products or services.

In business, speed depends mainly on the knowledge one has of what is being done. The one who better knows what s/he is doing is faster than the rest. And this standard of speed is given by the market, not by the individual.

In this sense, it’s important to bear in mind that the “survivors” in the business world need to stop or slow down the speed, since they do what they can instead of what is needed.

On the other hand, the central actors of a market search for an increase in speed to be ahead of their competitors and see first in the market what others have not yet seen. Speed depends on an attitude.

Diana Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm. https://www.unicist.org/ucu-en/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/turi.pdf

Psychopaths drive their environments towards involution

Psychopaths in leadership drive cultures, institutions, businesses and their members towards involution in order to prevail.

At an ontological level, a psychopath is a person that is driven by individual instincts achieving a destructive result for the environment to produce a state of pleasure based on materialistic, emotional and/or spiritual personal benefits.

Psychopathic leaders are smart enough to build the necessary fallacies and fallacious myths in order to avoid the perception or their manipulation and benefits.

They stimulate the involution of the cultures for their personal benefits. They cannot lead evolving cultures or transform involving into evolving environments.

As psychopathy is driven by instincts without the possibility of rational scrutiny, the pleasure it generates produces no guilt in spite of the damage the psychopath has caused in the environment.

Psychopathy is also the extreme case of anti-intelligence and anti-intuition because this behavior drives, in the long run, into a social destruction of its protagonist.

The instincts that drive psychopaths depend on their field of action. This case is the activity of psychopaths in the field of leadership.

Diana Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a global decentralized world-class research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. http://www.unicist.org

The Unicist Logical Approach to Strategy to make Businesses Grow

The unicist logical approach to strategy is based on managing businesses as adaptive systems. It implies using the unicist logic to define the dynamic of a business including the restricted and wide scenario in order to forecast the natural evolution and what can be done to influence it.

Unicist Ontogenetic Map of StrategiesUnicist strategy is defined as the conscious action to influence an environment to achieve an objective. This objective implies growth. The procedure to develop a strategy is defined by the use of unicist logical tools based on the specific ontogenetic maps.

Therefore strategy implies being aware of the actual reality, understanding the implicit trends and knowing the threats and opportunities.

Conscious actions imply necessarily a trade-off. Individuals and institutions grow because they appropriate more energy than they deliver.

Therefore strategies are only successful in the long run when the procedure of strategies includes a solution to minimize the cost of the delivered value.

Strategies always include the following agents: the individual or organization, a “competitor” and a “client”. Competitors are those who are willing to occupy the same vital space. Clients are those who receive the added value one delivers. The client can be the whole environment as an entity or an individual.

Strategies include naturally two elements to adapt to reality: an active function to increase the vital space while adding value and an energy-conservation function to ensure the survival of the organization or individual.

Thus from an operational standpoint a strategy is basically defined by the integration of a maximal strategy and a minimum strategy to adapt to the environment.

Adaptation does not imply over-adaptation. Adaptation implies influencing the environment while being influenced by it.

Specific Strategy Building

Specific strategies are based on the input provided by the wide context scenarios and the restricted context scenarios.

These scenarios have to provide the information of the gravitational forces that influence the specific activity, the possibilities for developing them, the catalyst that may exist and the inhibitors that need to be avoided or accepted as limits for the strategy building.

Unicist Ontogenetic Map of Specific Strategy BuildingAn organization or individual is equilibrated when maximal strategies are being developed while minimum strategies are built to ensure the survival.

Maximal strategies are designed to expand the boundaries of an individual or organization, while minimum strategies happen within the boundaries of an organization.

That is why maximal strategies require dealing with uncertainty and risks and only a conscious knowledge of the unified field that integrates the wide context, the restricted context, the specific strategy and the architecture of the solution allows managing it.

To deal with maximal strategies it is necessary to have a high level of consciousness that allows dealing with backward-chaining thinking that allows envisioning the solution.

Backward-chaining thinking implies approaching a strategy with a hypothetical solution and beginning a falsification and validation process that allows building a final solution.

Minimum strategies are those that happen within the known boundaries of an individual’s or organization’s activity working in a context of certainty.

Therefore, in these types of strategies, only a medium level of consciousness is required. Minimum strategies are based on forward-chaining thinking that allows working step by step based on the known methods of a known field.

Segmentation of Strategies

Strategy BuildingThe four structural operational segments of strategies will be defined considering them as static. Each one of them develops a different type of strategy:

1) Surviving Strategies
2) Defensive Strategies
3) Dominant Strategies
4) Influential Strategies

These segments can be described in unicist standard language as follows:

1) Surviving Strategies

These are the strategies that aim to survive within the boundaries of an activity. They are based on a win-win approach that has to be managed as a zero sum strategy in order to avoid appropriating value from the environment. These strategies are natural for marginal activities developed by people who work at the “border” of their environment. The price they pay is that surviving activities have no critical mass that sustains them. Therefore they need to be continuously active in order to ensure survival. They need to work 24/7.

2) Defensive Strategies

They aim to defend the boundaries of their activity against true threats. They are based on establishing the necessary operational and control systems to defend the “borders” of their activity. They are power driven because they need to exert power in order to defend their activity. They are focused on paying the necessary prices to sustain their business. The prices they pay sustain their survival and at the same time hinder their expansion. They work necessarily with strict zero-sum low cost, self-sufficient activities because they cannot trust others to defend their business.

3) Dominant Strategies

Dominant strategies are based on the influence the individual or the organization has in an environment. They are focused on developing the necessary value propositions that can be sustained with their influence. They tend to impose functional monopolies that allow them to establish the standard for their activities in the environment. They need to invest a high level of energy in developing their influence through image building and the exclusion of the individual or organizational competitors that do not accept their standards. They work with value adding strategies in order to legitimate their dominance.

4) Influential Strategies

They are based on exerting influence by improving the value proposition of their competitors. They are based on having the necessary speed to be “faster” than the competitors which allows them winning in their environment. Their value propositions are innovative and they are successful when they have the necessary critical mass to influence the environment. They are innovation driven in order to exert the influence of a higher value proposal. They naturally build alliances in order to obtain the necessary influence for their value propositions.


Maximal strategies are based on adding value to the environment while winning in the specific environment they work in and are sustained by the power they have to influence the context.

Maximal strategies define two positions in the environment:

  1. On the one hand, maximal strategies are natural to leaders that exert a dominant position in the environment.
  2. On the other hand, they are natural to influential individuals or organizations.

Minimum strategies are based on developing win-win strategies and paying the prices necessary to survive.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. http://www.unicist.org

The world is built by doers and enjoyed by followers

We invite you to download this free e-book on the “Ethic of Doers” which is sponsored by the Unicist Goodwill Network. Doers are individuals who make things happen. Therefore, more than ever before, it is time for doers in the world. The joy of doers is in the deed itself.

Download the e-book here: https://www.unicist.org/ucu-en/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/doers.pdf

Ethic of DoersDoers are very special individuals. They are basically individuals whose fulfillment is based on doing transcendent things.

They need to achieve what they have decided to do. When things cannot be done the easy way, they find the necessary path to make things happen.

But it can also be said that everyone is a doer in some field.

This role is taken by all those individuals that have the will and the decision to add value through their deeds.

Doing requires having inner freedom. Without inner freedom there are no doers, just slaves. That is why only people who seek for inner freedom can be doers.

…to oppose is easy
…to obey is simple
…to adapt is complex
…to be free is …..

To do things doers have two polar possibilities:

  1. On the one hand, they can approach problems analytically and operationally.
  2. Or on the other hand, they can approach problems based on their nature. And after the nature of a problem has been apprehended they use the analytical and operational approach.

Analysis allows the division of a problem into its parts until the parts can be managed operationally. When a problem is simple, the fulfillment of this analysis means that the problem’s cause-effect relations have been found. This analysis is functional for the solution of simple problems.

But when problems are complex they have open boundaries and their cause-effect relations are bi-univocal (A causes B and B causes A at the same time). In this case they can only be approached apprehending their nature and separating them into operational objects that function based on cause-effect rules.

This e-book is for doers who need to solve complex problems. Unicist technologies provide the tools to deal with the nature of problems.

Diana Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized world-class research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. http://www.unicist.org

Unicist Object Driven Business Strategy

The Unicist Strategic approach is based on the emulation of nature. The emulation of the organization of nature allowed discovering the DNA of organizations that is defined by the unicist ontogenetic maps of their functions and is materialized in the implementation of object driven business processes. These researches allowed developing the Unicist Object Driven Business Strategy.

Unicist Object Driven Business StrategyThe basics that sustain these developments were the discoveries of the Conceptual Economy, Conceptual Anthropology, Conceptual Psychology and the Unicist Logical Approach to Businesses.

Four types of objects were developed to manage business strategy.

  1. Commercial Objects
  2. Organizational Objects
  3. Adaptive IT Objects
  4. Learning Objects

1) Commercial Objects

They deal with the expansion of the boundaries of markets

2) Organizational Objects

They deal with productivity, quality and adaptive work processes.

3) Adaptive IT Objects

They deal with the information and communications processes.

4) Learning Objects

They deal with the adaptive behavior of individuals.

The object driven business strategies allow working in the field of what is possible to be achieved developing maximal strategies to expand boundaries and minimum strategies to profit.

Annex: Reality is driven by objects

Unicist ontology based technologies are materialized in objects that are installed within processes to produce optimized results.

Nature is organized by objects. It is these objects of nature that establish evolution’s point of reference. The appearance of new species, the disappearance of others, changes, evolution, and mutation of species are nothing but aspects of nature that may be approached today as of the Unicist Theory of Evolution which is based on the discovery of the Ontogenetic Intelligence of Nature.

For this approach to be economic, possible and certain as far as results go, it is necessary to have the appropriate knowledge. This knowledge may be either diffuse or structured in objects. When it is diffuse, it is permanently being scrutinized. When it is structured, it establishes cognitive landmarks that change as new operational knowledge is gained.

Humans use mental “pre-built” structures to approach reality. Object driven thinking is human’s natural approach to reality. Human mind approaches reality using cognitive objects.

A cognitive object is a structure that contains knowledge, an action procedure, the groundings of such object, and the opinion on which it is based.

When the conceptual knowledge of a given reality is reached we can structure cognitive objects that remain throughout the times and evolve slowly. The Unicist Theory of Evolution lays the necessary conceptual ground to construct stable and safe cognitive objects, which are required to forecast the reality whose knowledge they structure.

These cognitive objects allow the building of systemic, functional and operational objects to be installed within business processes. The cognitive objects also allow the adaptation process of objects to different non compatible environments.

The unicist approach is based on the use of object driven technologies.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm. https://www.unicist.org/ucu-en/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/turi.pdf