Unicist Education for CXOs
The Unicist Standard provides the unicist unified field method to manage the unified field of learning processes to ensure the achievement of results.
The Unicist Education was developed to empower the potential of individuals. Such potential is defined by the field of action in which the individual is aware of what is being done that allows him/her to develop expansive strategies to grow and defensive strategies to ensure results.
The discovery that the concepts people have in their minds, drive their actions and that the concepts and fundamentals that underlie business functions define the root causes of their functionality, expanded the possibilities of business management. Concepts can only be learned when an individual is exposed to real actions producing real solutions.
This drove to the development of the unicist reflection driven education that is based on an action-reflection-action processes where people apprehend the concepts while solving business problems using the ontogenetic maps of the business functions involved.
The unicist unified field method defines the steps to diagnose, build solutions and develop pilot tests to ensure the results of the learning agreements with the participants.
The Unicist Strategy introduced a paradigm shift in the strategic approach to economic, social, institutional and individual evolution based on the emulation of the intelligence of nature and the development of synchronic maximal strategies to grow and minimum strategies to ensure survival.
Strategy has been until now, an adaption of the concepts of military strategy. The discovery of the triadic intelligence of nature allowed understanding the genetic intelligence driven strategies used by living beings in order to grow and to survive.
This drove to the development of a triadic approach to strategies, developing maximal strategies to grow and minimum strategies to ensure survival, emulating the intelligence of nature.
This approach included the development of Unicist Tactics based on maximal strategy actions and synchronic minimum strategy actions that ensure the achievement of results in adaptive environments.
The Past and the Future are not Symmetric
Unicist strategies are only necessary to deal with adaptive environments which, by definition, evolve.
As adaptive environments always deal with actions that have to happen in the future, the forecasting of the future scenarios is the first step for developing unicist strategies.
But the past and the future are not symmetric. The past and the future are only symmetric in stagnated environments.
Without having a valid future scenario, the concept of Sun Tzu is not applicable.
“If you know the enemy and know yourself,
you need not fear the result of hundred battles.
If you know yourself but not the enemy,
for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat.
If you know neither the enemy nor yourself,
you will succumb in every battle.”
Sun Tzu
What is the Meaning of Strategy?
We define strategy as a conscious validated action plan to influence complex adaptive environments to generate predefined results based on the fact that in adaptive environments the past and the future are not symmetric.
Strategy is the “Art of the General”. The etymology of the word Strategy, from the Greek “strategos”: army leader, defines the nature of the role of the strategist.
The strategist is, by definition, the one who is responsible for achieving a predefined goal in a complex adaptive environment. Therefore, unicist strategy is for those who have assumed the responsibility for producing results.
There is a frequent semantic misunderstanding between strategy and tactics. We define that strategy is an adaptive plan to influence an adaptive environment where there are bi-univocal relationships between the elements that integrate the environment and the influencer.
On the other hand, we define tactics as the method to develop predefined actions where the cause-effects relationships are known, and the complex adaptive system has been transformed into a systemic system.
Unicist Strategy: An Emulation of Nature
The discovery of the ontogenetic intelligence of nature opened the possibility of understanding and influencing nature and complex adaptive systems.
The emulation of nature was the basis for the development of the Unicist Strategy and its applications to all the fields of human activities that require a strategic approach. Thus, the maximal strategies to expand the boundaries and the minimum strategies to survive were established.
The double dialectical logic allowed transforming supplementation and complementation laws into strategic functions that drive the maximal and minimum strategies making evolution reasonable, understandable and predictable.
Therefore, the simplicity of the unicist strategy is based on the emulation of the intelligence that underlies nature.
Different Functionality of Strategies
Five types of functionality have been defined:
- Subjective Strategies
- Operational Strategies
- Non-influential Strategies
- Specific Strategies
- Universal Strategies
Subjective Strategies
The Subjective Strategies are those strategies that are developed by solopreneurs and entrepreneurs who run an activity based on their personal beliefs in response to conjunctural needs.
These are the strategies developed by “butterfly organizations”, which are driven by the subjectivity of the owners. They survive based on the subjective influence the leaders have.
Their survival is continuously endangered. Subjective strategies are sustained by the stagnant survivor’s ethics.
This level of maturity is exceeded when the subjective approach allows establishing structural (institutional) relationships in the environment.
Operational Strategies
These are the strategies that allow developing operational activities in demand driven activities that have no differentiation.
They are the strategies of small entities that could exceed the level of subjective strategies. They use basically “freedom-fighting” strategies.
They are stagnated in a non-adaptive niche based on their know-how and are sustained by the survivor’s ethics.
This level is exceeded when such strategies are able to integrate the efficiency of methods with the efficacy of the leaders.
Non-influential Strategies
These are the strategies developed by the “followers” in an environment. They are functional when price strategies can be developed or when they are extremely focused activities.
They are the strategies of organizations that take advantage of the weakness of leaders and innovators.
They are sustained by value earning ethics and use basically “flank attacking” strategies. They have great difficulties to produce growth.
This level is exceeded when they are able to generate a differentiated value in the environment.
Specific Strategies
These are the strategies that integrate both maximal and minimum strategies that allow ensuring the permanence of an organization.
They are functional for most of the activities when the environment is not changing. They are the strategies of leaders and of those who establish the standards in some field.
They are able to expand in the environment based on the brand they naturally include. They use basically “dominant” strategies.
They are conservatives and do not develop long-term strategies based on the use of a value adding ethics.
This level is exceeded when such strategies begin to develop successful long-term strategies.
Universal Strategies
These are the strategies that are driven by future scenarios and innovation.
It is the natural strategy of all institutionalized organizations in changing environments.
They are functional for all activities but require a superior level of management that can deal with the future and the innovation of technologies using their capacity to influence the environment.
They tend to develop a superior critical mass that allows them to lead, establish standards and introduce innovations.
This level requires being driven by the ethics of foundations.
This is the superior level of maturity in strategies.
Pilot Testing of Strategies
Strategies are omnipotent fantasies unless they have been tested. The testing of strategies implies testing their functionality and requires a precise design of the tests. The “trial and error” use of objects is not a pilot test.
Pilot tests are the drivers of the unicist reflection processes. Pilot tests have two objectives:
- Destructive testing of strategies (Falsification)
- Non-destructive testing of strategies
1) Destructive Testing
Destructive testing, in the field of complex problems, implies finding the limits of the validity of a given knowledge. To do so, it is necessary to develop experiences in homologous fields until the limits of validity are found. It defines the unified field that can be apprehended.
The falsification process is a destructive test for knowledge that is applied to realities with incomplete homologies. The destruction occurs when a condition is found to demonstrate the fallacy of the knowledge.
2) Validation – Non-destructive Testing
Validation implies the factual confirmation of the validity of knowledge. Validation is achieved when knowledge suffices to exert influence on a reality in a predictable way.
The non-destructive testing process is homologous to a non-destructive test in the field of material research. Validation implies cause-effect relations. Therefore, validation can only be applied to a simplified field of a complex reality.
The Strategic Attitude
The strategic attitude is based on the integration of a value adding attitude and a value earning attitude, in order to adapt to an environment. Both the value adding and the value earning attitude are based on the individual’s ethical intelligence.
There are four different attitudes when dealing with strategic attitudes: Difference makers, Dividers, Adders and Multipliers.
Difference Makers
Difference makers have a natural talent to build subjective value in order to increase the valuation of what is being negotiated.
The value they earn is based on the building of a value earning process created upon the value of others. They are focused on actions driven by strong personal ideas of what they are doing.
They are those whose attitude to adapt to reality is based on a dividing attitude. They are natural developers of alternatives, arguments and any dualistic solution to create a reasonable doubt to generate an empty space in which to find a place to adapt.
They are natural analysts, ideologists and promoters of different solutions within conservative contexts.
They are those whose natural attitude is to add to a given situation. They are natural positive thinkers who build upon the existing reality.
They do not care to compete with others, because they use others’ ideas. They need to build within a secure environment without changing the category of what they are building upon. They are natural industrialists and doers.
They are those whose natural attitude is to find the roots of a given reality so as to be able to multiply the results in analogous and homologous fields.
Their capacity of perceiving homologies makes them multipliers. They need to find the nature of “things” in order to multiply.
They are natural discoverers and developers of new paradigms to use them to multiply results.
Conclusion: there are no strategies, just strategists
This does not mean that there are no objective aspects of strategy. It means that the necessary objective aspects of a strategy do not exist if they do not fit into the strategist’s mind.
Main Markets
• Automobile • Food • Mass consumption • Financial • Insurance • Sports and social institutions • Information Technology (IT) • High-Tech • Knowledge Businesses • Communications • Perishable goods • Mass media • Direct sales • Industrial commodities • Agribusiness • Healthcare • Pharmaceutical • Oil and Gas • Chemical • Paints • Fashion • Education • Services • Commerce and distribution • Mining • Timber • Apparel • Passenger transportation –land, sea and air • Tourism • Cargo transportation • Professional services • e-market • Entertainment and show-business • Advertising • Gastronomic • Hospitality • Credit card • Real estate • Fishing • Publishing • Industrial Equipment • Construction and Engineering • Bike, motorbike, scooter and moped • Sporting goods
Country Archetypes Developed
• Algeria • Argentina • Australia • Austria • Belarus • Belgium • Bolivia • Brazil • Cambodia • Canada • Chile • China • Colombia • Costa Rica • Croatia • Cuba • Czech Republic • Denmark • Ecuador • Egypt • Finland • France • Georgia • Germany • Honduras • Hungary • India • Iran • Iraq • Ireland • Israel • Italy • Japan • Jordan • Libya • Malaysia • Mexico • Morocco • Netherlands • New Zealand • Nicaragua • Norway • Pakistan • Panama • Paraguay • Peru • Philippines • Poland • Portugal • Romania • Russia • Saudi Arabia • Serbia • Singapore • Slovakia • South Africa • Spain • Sweden • Switzerland • Syria • Thailand • Tunisia • Turkey • Ukraine • United Arab Emirates • United Kingdom • United States • Uruguay • Venezuela • Vietnam