Coaching in the 4th Industrial Revolution
The discovery that the concepts people have in their minds, drive their actions and that the concepts and fundamentals that underlie business functions define the root causes of their functionality, expanded the possibilities of business management. Concepts can only be learned when an individual is exposed to real actions producing real solutions.
This drove to the development of the unicist reflection driven education that is based on an action-reflection-action processes where people apprehend the concepts while solving business problems using the ontogenetic maps of the business functions involved. It is a learning driven educational approach for managers and high potentials, where people receive the necessary information to solve the problems they are managing but the core of the learning process is driven by the counseling process, which is supported by a Unicist AI Monitor that guides the reflection process.
The 4th Industrial Revolution, named Industry 4.0, drove management to a superior stage. Industry 4.0 introduced adaptiveness in business processes to ensure customer orientation and business growth. The basic role of coaching is to empower the efficacy of organizations, groups and individuals which is necessary when dealing with adaptive processes that are complex and feedback dependent.
This changed business coaching and business education introducing artificial intelligence as a management tool. These intelligent tools are used by the coachees and the coaches to deal with the concepts of adaptive business environments.
Unicist Coaching 4.0 was developed to support the solution of complex problems or develop adaptive structural solutions. It uses a platform managed cooperatively between the coachee and the coach.
This platform is integrated by a simple Project Management System, the Unicist AI Monitor, and a Root Cause Library or a Knowledge Base.
Unicist Coaching 4.0 can be provided as an external service or an in-house system:
1) An external service for CXOs and CEOs.
The external service is fully focused on business growth. It provides support for the solution of complex problems, based on the knowledge of the conceptual structure of the solution. It allows building structural solutions where the management of the root causes of the problems is essential and a strategy is needed to introduce the changes that generate growth.
2) An internal platform and system to be used by the leaders of the organization.
Coaching is one of the natural roles of the formal leaders of an organization to ensure results in adaptive environments.
A core aspect of the coaching-role is to work as a catalyst to solve complex problems in adaptive environments. The use of intelligent tools empowers the management of the concepts that define the root causes of adaptive processes and guide the solution building process.
As the concepts people have, drive their actions, a core aspect of coaching is ensuring that the concepts of the members of an organization match the concepts of the adaptive business functions that are being managed. This is evident in sports.
The Basics
The Unicist Research Institute was one of the precursors of Industry 4.0 that provided the conceptual structure to manage complexity to deal with adaptive systems, and developed, among other things, the new stage of coaching.
Unicist Coaching 4.0, was developed to empower the adaptiveness of organizations introducing the concept of Industry 4.0 to empower their resilience and their customer orientation while increasing the productivity and quality of business processes to foster growth and increase profits.
The unicist coaching process has been designed to support the development of strategies and actions to manage the adaptive aspects of businesses for CXOs and business owners.
If you are not aware of the concept of Industry 4.0, you can begin by entering the Wikipedia at:
The Structure of Unicist Coaching 4.0
The unicist coaching processes require having an accurate diagnosis of the possibilities of the business. In traditional coaching processes, things happen during the meetings while unicist business coaching works as a catalyzing process that is based on projects. That is why in unicist coaching, things happen between the meetings. The core features of unicist coaching are:
The core of the “coaching processes” is the solution of specific problems.
The coaching process begins with the introduction of the coachee in the unicist strategy model, through the development of the strategy of the solution, guided by the coach.
The coachee and the coach manage, collaboratively, the Unicist System 4.0 that is a Knowledge System that allows finding the root causes of the business problems and defining and testing their solutions.
Both the coachee and the coach use the Unicist AI Monitor to manage the conceptual structures of the business functions involved in the coaching process and to develop the pilot tests of the solutions.
In order to ensure the functionality of coaching as a knowledge provider and a catalyst, the work of a “unicist coach” has to be an online activity. Personal external coaching hinders the possibility of working as a catalyst and tends towards a partnering model.
Coaching sessions every fortnight, that last between 20 and 30 minutes and are preceded by the use of a knowledge object to prepare the sessions.
- Access to a continuous counseling system.
- The coachee can also participate in a micro-clinic every fortnight to learn about the management of concepts and fundamentals. This activity is optional.
Unicist business coaching processes have a maximal strategy and a minimum strategy to ensure results.
The unicist business coaching agreements have a beginning and an end.
Introduction to Industry 4.0
Industry 4.0 implies introducing adaptiveness in organizations. Business functions are adaptive when their functionality is feedback dependent. The Unicist Research Institute was one of the precursors of Industry 4.0 through the development of complexity sciences to deal with adaptive systems and environments.
This concept applied to business requires managing the root causes of processes to ensure their reliability. This requires managing the concepts of the business functions involved.
The level of industrialization depends on the outputs that need to be produced by the business functions. Therefore, different levels of industrialization coexist in most organizations.
Industry 4.0 became possible due to the evolution of IT technologies, conceptual management and artificial intelligence. Its goal is to develop businesses as adaptive systems, which implies customer orientation and improving productivity and quality that naturally foster market growth and profit improvement.
The implementation of Industry 4.0 in business processes might include:
- The use of a strategic approach and business intelligence to plan and manage growth.
- The use of tools with artificial intelligence to manage adaptive environments.
- The use of conceptual management to define business functions.
- The use of conceptual design to develop business processes.
- The use of business objects to ensure the productivity and quality of business processes.
- The use of client centered management to ensure customer orientation.
- The use of market labs to monitor markets.
- The use of root cause management to ensure the reliability of results.
- The use of adaptive IT solutions.
Unicist Artificial Intelligence: The Unicist AI Monitor
Unicist Artificial Intelligence emulates the human reflection process to apprehend the concepts of complex adaptive systems and environments. The Unicist AI Monitor allows developing solutions and learning from the pilot tests of their implementation until their functionality has been confirmed. Its intelligence allows emulating solutions based on the unicist ontological structure of business functions using the rules of the unicist double dialectical logic that allow managing the dynamics and evolution of complex adaptive systems and environments.
The solutions are based on the ontogenetic maps of business functions that define their concepts and fundamentals. This information allows defining what is needed and comparing it with the actual state to define the actions that are necessary to achieve the established goals. The pilot tests of their implementation allow learning from the feedback.
The unicist artificial intelligence allows emulating the solutions of a complex adaptive system to build structural adaptive solutions. The use of the monitor requires managing the unicist strategy model, that emulates the intelligence of nature, to build maximal strategies to grow and minimum strategies to ensure results.
The main business applications are: Strategy Building – Business Intelligence – Business Process Management – Root Cause Management – Market Laboratories – Conceptual Design – IT Architecture Design – People Management – Business Scenario Building – Future Scenario Building – Business Education.
Unicist Coaching 4.0
Unicist Coaching 4.0 is focused on introducing the concept of Industry 4.0 in business management. It requires empowering the management of the adaptive business processes, which requires managing their concepts.
Unicist coaching 4.0 uses an Artificial Intelligence Monitor to help to apprehend the concepts that underlie business functions to ensure the adaptiveness of the business processes.
The coaching of adaptive processes requires, on the one hand, the use of a strategic approach to manage maximal strategies to grow and minimum strategies to ensure results. And on the other hand, it requires managing the concepts of business functions to manage their adaptive aspects.
The introduction of Industry 4.0 requires empowering the resilience of an organization to manage feedback.
The introduction of adaptiveness in organizations is a step by step process, that needs to generate economic benefits from the beginning. It needs to follow two basic rules:
- It has to be introduced from “the outside to the inside”, from the external needs to the internal needs, which implies starting with the functions that influence the environment.
- It needs to be managed from “top to bottom”, which implies the commitment of the management in this change.
The Concept of Coaching 4.0
The coaching-role includes a counseling aspect that provides guidance for the technical aspects of the solution building process. Therefore, the Unicist Coach assumes the role of a fundamentals provider to ensure the functionality of solutions.
The coach provides the necessary conceptual knowledge that allows managing the fundamentals of business processes to ensure the management of the root causes and achievement of the business goals that have been established.
Unicist business coaches provide conceptual knowledge by using knowledge objects included in the Root Cause Library and The Unicist System 4.0 that guide the coachees in the process of managing the solutions of business processes to produce results.
The business coaching agreements can be made based on fixed fees or might include success fees.
The Unicist Coaching Service
The Unicist Business Coaching service is based on the use and application of the Unicist Business Strategy to deal with the business functions of an organization. Unicist Business Strategy is an emulation of the intelligence of nature that drives the actions of all living beings establishing a maximal strategy to grow and a minimum strategy to survive. The Unicist business coaching sustains a strategic approach to business functions to develop structural solutions by managing the root causes of business processes.
The unicist coaching process has been designed to support the development of strategies and to manage the adaptive aspects of businesses for CXOs and business owners.
The unicist coaches provide the underlying concepts and fundamentals that, integrated with the technical and operational knowledge, allow managers to emulate business processes, manage the root causes of problems and develop solutions validated through pilot tests. Unicist coaching is the new stage of coaching based on the integration of the fundamentals of business functions.
The Framework
The concepts and fundamentals people have in mind drive their actions and define the root causes of the results they produce.
The Unicist Business Coaching is an upgrade in business coaching that includes the management of the concepts and fundamentals of a business. The goal is to provide support and technologies to CEOs, top executives and business owners to expand businesses.
Managing Business Concepts and Fundamentals
Unicist concepts and fundamentals define the root causes of problems and are the root drivers of solutions. They allow defining what is possible to be achieved and developing the maximal and minimum strategic actions and business objects to make it happen.
Unicist conceptual design uses the unified field of the functions of a project to define the processes and the maximal and minimum strategic actions that need to be developed to ensure results.
Conceptual Design of Solutions
The unicist conceptual design is used to ensure results in business processes, by managing the fundamentals of the solutions, defining the necessary functions that are integrated in the solution.
It includes the design of the roles that participate and the different types of business objects that are used to achieve the necessary results. The conceptual design ensures the functionality of the solutions.
The Unicist System 4.0
The coachee and the coach manage, collaboratively, the Unicist System 4.0 that is a Knowledge System that allows finding the root causes of the business problems and defining and testing their solutions. This system includes the Unicist AI Monitor to define the solutions of the problems that are being managed. The system is based on unicist concepts and fundamentals that define the root causes of problems and are the root drivers of solutions.