Unicist Standard



Unicist Reflection-Driven Education in Teaching Hospitals in Business

Unicist Reflection-Driven Education is an educational approach that is based on the principles of the Unicist Theory, which is a theory of complexity that studies the evolution of adaptive systems, including human beings and their learning processes. It is used in Teaching Hospitals in Business where graduate participants solve problems while they learn.

Unicist Reflection-Driven Education emphasizes the importance of reflection as a cognitive process that allows individuals to integrate new knowledge and experiences into their existing mental models, or cognitive frameworks. Reflection involves critical thinking, analysis, and synthesis, and it enables learners to make sense of information, extract meaning, and apply knowledge in real-world contexts.

In Unicist Reflection-Driven Education, the learning process is designed to foster reflection as a central aspect of learning. Learners are encouraged to actively engage in the learning process, critically evaluate information, relate it to their existing knowledge, and apply it in practical situations. This approach aims to develop learners’ ability to think independently, critically, and creatively, and to foster their capacity for lifelong learning and adaptability in complex and changing environments.

Unicist Reflection-Driven Education also acknowledges the importance of emotions and values in the learning process. It recognizes that learners’ emotions, motivations, and values influence their cognitive processes and learning outcomes. Therefore, this approach seeks to integrate emotional and value-based aspects into the educational process to enhance learners’ engagement, motivation, and personal development.

Overall, Unicist Reflection-Driven Education is a functionalist and integrative approach to education that emphasizes the development of learners’ cognitive, emotional, and value-based competencies through reflection, critical thinking, and application of knowledge in real-world contexts. It aims to prepare learners to thrive in complex and dynamic environments by nurturing their capacity for adaptive learning and reflection.

The Learning Process Precedes the Teaching Process

In Unicist Education, the active function is attributed to the learning process, while the energy conservation function is attributed to the teaching process. This means that the emphasis is placed on the learner’s active engagement in the learning process as the primary driver of knowledge acquisition and integration.

Unicist Education recognizes that learning is an active, dynamic, and personal process that involves the learner’s active participation, reflection, and integration of new knowledge into their existing mental models. The learner is seen as an active agent in the learning process, rather than a passive recipient of information.

The role of the teacher, on the other hand, is seen as a facilitator or guide who creates the conditions for learning, provides resources, and supports the learner’s active engagement. The teacher’s role is not just to transmit information, but to create an environment that fosters reflection, critical thinking, and the application of knowledge.

Active learning is considered a crucial step in the Unicist Education process because it enables learners to construct their own understanding of the subject matter, relate it to their existing knowledge and experiences, and integrate it into their cognitive frameworks. Through active learning, learners become active participants in the educational process, developing their cognitive, emotional, and metacognitive skills.

Once the learner has actively engaged in the learning process and has constructed their understanding of the subject matter, the teacher’s role becomes meaningful in the energy conservation function. The teacher helps to reinforce and consolidate the learner’s understanding, clarify misconceptions, and provide feedback and guidance to further enhance the learning process.

Overall, Unicist Education emphasizes the active engagement of learners in the learning process, recognizing it as the primary driver of knowledge acquisition and integration, with the teaching process playing a supportive role in energy conservation and further enhancing the learning experience.

Unicist Reflection and Pilot Tests Drive the Learning Processes

Unicist reflection is a specific type of reflection that is driven by pilot tests, which are practical experiments or applications of the acquired knowledge in real-life situations. It is a dynamic and active form of reflection that involves actively testing and applying the concepts and principles learned in order to gain insights and refine understanding.

In the Unicist approach, reflection is not a passive process of abstract thinking or contemplation, but rather an active and practical process of testing and verifying the validity of the acquired knowledge in real-life situations. Pilot tests are used as a feedback mechanism to validate or invalidate the hypotheses derived from the acquired concepts, and to continuously refine the understanding and application of the knowledge.

Pilot tests can take various forms, such as real-world applications, simulations, case studies, or practical exercises, depending on the context and nature of the learning. They are designed to provide learners with opportunities to apply their knowledge, test their assumptions, and learn from the results. The feedback obtained from pilot tests serves as the basis for reflection and further learning, allowing learners to continuously improve their understanding and capabilities.

Unicist reflection, driven by pilot tests, is a powerful learning approach that combines theory and practice in a dynamic and iterative process. It allows learners to develop a deep and comprehensive understanding of the concepts and principles, while also gaining practical skills and capabilities through real-world application. By actively engaging in pilot tests and reflecting on the results, learners are able to integrate their acquired knowledge into their practical repertoire and achieve meaningful and sustainable learning outcomes.

The Need for Value Generation is the Context of Unicist Education

In Unicist Learning, the context is driven by the learner’s need to solve a real problem or effectively manage a situation for which they lack the necessary knowledge or skills. Unicist Learning is problem-driven and practical-oriented, emphasizing the application of knowledge in real-world contexts.

The learning process in Unicist Education is contextually relevant and focused on addressing real challenges and situations that learners encounter in their personal or professional lives. Learners are encouraged to identify, define, and analyze real problems or challenges that they need to solve or situations that they need to manage.

The contextual relevance of the learning process in Unicist Education serves several purposes. First, it motivates learners by making the learning process personally meaningful and relevant to their immediate needs and interests. Learners are more engaged and motivated when they can directly apply the knowledge and skills they are acquiring to solve their own problems or address real-life situations.

Second, the contextual relevance helps learners to develop practical and problem-solving skills, as they are encouraged to analyze, evaluate, and apply the knowledge in a real-world context. This allows learners to develop a deeper understanding of the subject matter and its practical implications, beyond mere theoretical knowledge.

Third, the contextual relevance of the learning process in Unicist Education fosters a learner-centered approach, as learners are actively involved in identifying their own learning needs, setting learning goals, and taking ownership of their learning process. This promotes self-directed and autonomous learning, which is essential for lifelong learning and adaptability in complex and changing environments.

Overall, the context in Unicist Learning is driven by the learner’s need to solve real problems or manage real situations, which makes the learning process personally meaningful, practical, and learner-centered. It encourages active engagement, problem-solving skills development, and self-directed learning, preparing learners to effectively apply their knowledge and skills in real-world contexts.

Functionality Precedes Operationality

Unicist Education emphasizes the management of the functionality of things, processes, or systems before delving into the operational aspects. This approach is based on the understanding that the functionality of a system, process, or thing determines its performance and results, and it is essential to have a clear understanding of the underlying principles and concepts before engaging in operational details.

Unicist Education recognizes that the functionality of things, processes, or systems is determined by their underlying structure, which includes the principles, concepts, and rules that govern their operation. By understanding the functionality and structure of a system or process, learners are better equipped to manage it effectively and achieve desired results.

The approach of managing the functionality before the operational aspects has several benefits. First, it helps learners develop a systemic and functionalist understanding of the subject matter, going beyond surface-level knowledge and acquiring a deeper comprehension of the underlying principles and concepts. This enables learners to apply their knowledge in a more integrated and coherent manner, leading to more effective management and decision-making.

Second, focusing on the functionality and structure of things or processes allows learners to identify the root causes of problems or inefficiencies, rather than just addressing symptoms or superficial issues. This promotes a more strategic and proactive approach to problem-solving and decision-making, leading to sustainable and long-term solutions.

Third, managing the functionality of things or processes provides a solid foundation for further learning and adaptability. Once learners have a clear understanding of the principles and concepts that govern a system or process, they can more easily transfer their knowledge to different contexts or adapt their approach to changing circumstances.

In summary, Unicist Education prioritizes the management of the functionality and structure of things, processes, or systems before delving into operational details. This approach promotes a systemic understanding, strategic problem-solving, and long-term adaptability, preparing learners to effectively manage complex and dynamic situations in a functionalist and integrated manner.

Managing Functionalist Principles using Conceptual Engineering

Unicist Learning involves accessing the functionalist principles of functions, which are defined by the concepts of what is being done, and then using the Unicist Conceptual Engineering process to design and develop functionalist solutions at both the conceptual and operational levels.

The Unicist Conceptual Engineering process is a methodology that allows learners to understand and manage the underlying concepts that define the functionality of a system, process, or thing. It involves identifying the essential concepts that determine the behavior and performance of the system, process, or thing, and then using these concepts to design functionalist solutions.

The functionalist design process focuses on understanding the concepts that define the underlying principles and rules that govern a system, process, or thing. These concepts are the “genetic code” that determines the nature and behavior of the system or process, and by understanding them, learners can gain deep insights into the functional requirements and possibilities of the system or process.

Once the functionalist principles and concepts have been identified, the Unicist Conceptual Engineering process involves designing and developing operational solutions that align with these principles and concepts. This involves creating operational designs and strategies that are coherent with the underlying functionalist principles and concepts, ensuring that the operational solutions are aligned with the overall functionality of the system or process.

By following the Unicist Conceptual Engineering process, learners are able to design and develop solutions that are not only effective in addressing immediate operational needs, but also aligned with the long-term functionalist principles of the system or process. This approach ensures that solutions are not just superficial fixes, but rather coherent and sustainable solutions that are in harmony with the underlying concepts and principles of the system or process.

In summary, Unicist Learning involves accessing the functionalist principles of functions through the understanding of concepts, and then using the Unicist Conceptual Engineering process to design and develop operational solutions that are aligned with these principles. This approach allows for a deep understanding of the underlying functionality of systems or processes and ensures that solutions are coherent, effective, and sustainable in the long term.

The Unicist Learning Approach is for Doers

In the Unicist approach, the learning process is driven by the feedback obtained from pilot tests. Pilot tests are practical applications or experiments that allow learners to test their understanding of the concepts and principles learned, and to gather feedback on the effectiveness and validity of their hypotheses.

The feedback obtained from pilot tests serves as a critical component of the learning process. It provides learners with real-world data and results that can be analyzed and reflected upon to refine their understanding, identify areas of improvement, and adjust their approach as needed. This feedback loop allows learners to continuously improve their knowledge, skills, and capabilities through an iterative process of application, reflection, and adjustment.

Pilot tests are designed to be dynamic and adaptable, allowing learners to experiment with different approaches, observe the outcomes, and learn from the results. The feedback obtained from pilot tests can reveal gaps in understanding, highlight areas that need further exploration, and provide insights into the practical application of the acquired knowledge. This feedback is invaluable for learners to refine their understanding and ensure that their knowledge is relevant and effective in real-life situations.

By integrating pilot tests and feedback into the learning process, Unicist education emphasizes a practical and results-oriented approach to learning. Learners are encouraged to actively apply their knowledge, gather feedback from real-world applications, and use this feedback to continuously improve their understanding and capabilities. This iterative feedback-driven process enables learners to achieve meaningful and sustainable learning outcomes that are directly applicable to their real-life situations.


Unicist learning is indeed focused on practical application and problem-solving in real-life situations. It is designed for individuals who have a genuine need to understand and manage the functionality of systems, processes, or things in order to achieve specific results or solve real-world problems. The emphasis is on developing practical skills and capabilities that can be applied in a professional or organizational context.

Unicist learning is not recommended for individuals who do not have a practical need or motivation to apply the acquired knowledge in real-life situations. It is not simply a theoretical or academic pursuit, but rather a pragmatic approach to learning that is intended to drive tangible results and outcomes. Therefore, if an individual does not have a genuine need to apply the acquired knowledge in practice, the learning experience may not be as meaningful or effective.

The Unicist learning approach is designed to engage learners in a process of meaningful rationalization, where they actively apply their acquired knowledge to real-world situations, analyze and reflect on the results, and continuously refine their understanding and skills. This practical application and feedback loop is a key component of Unicist learning, as it enables learners to develop a deep and comprehensive understanding of the underlying principles and concepts, and how they apply in practice.

In summary, Unicist learning is recommended for individuals who have a genuine need to apply their knowledge in real-world situations and are motivated to achieve tangible results. It is a pragmatic approach to learning that emphasizes practical application and problem-solving, and may not be as meaningful or effective for individuals who do not have a genuine need for real application.

Developed at The Unicist Research Institute
with the support of the Unicist Virtual Advisor

Unicist Education: The Adults’ learning process in complex adaptive environments

The learning context provides the framework that allows building a guiding idea to begin a learning process. The construction of the guiding idea of learning processes is the first stage to be fulfilled in order to make a learning process begin. Unfortunately, many adults prefer judging instead of assuming the role of a learner. Learning requires a personal decision that cannot be forced because adult people only learn what they need.

Learning ContextThe generation of a guiding idea requires that people are exposed to real value-adding actions and discover that they cannot achieve the necessary results with what they have.

The exposure of individuals to value-adding actions implies two alternative situations:

a) The individual can generate the necessary value.

b) The individual cannot generate it.

If the individual cannot solve the problem, there are two alternatives:

1) The individual is in a comfort zone and is not interested in acquiring a new knowledge to solve the problem.

2) The person needs and wants to learn to solve the problem.

Only the case b) 2) drives to a learning process. The design of learning processes needs to follow the unicist ontology of learning, which defines that, prior to a learning process, an individual needs to be exposed to a meaningful value generation process in order to be able to reflect on that experience and decide to learn or not to learn.

Unavoidably, the learning process in complex environments requires an action-reflection-action process that begins when the guiding idea of the learning objective has been defined. Meaningful guiding ideas sustain the success of learning processes.

Diana Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm. http://www.unicist.org/repo/#Unicist

DNA of Leadership: Breakthrough in the Research of Behavior

The discovery of the unicist ontological structure describes what can be defined as the genome (DNA) of leadership. The knowledge of its structure and the different categories of leaders allow defining the functionality of the leadership style of an individual and how s/he complements and supplements with others.

Leadership is based on the need to sustain one’s authority. But the participation of others is a condition of leadership. A leader is such because s/he is followed. Therefore, in terms of the unicist logic, participation is the active function of leadership and the energy conservation function is given by the power a leader has to impose her/his authority.

Shared objectives are the driver of leadership. Shared objectives precede the leader’s activity. Exceptions are new groups with no objectives. In this case, a creative leader is needed. Shared objectives are synthesized in the vision of a company or of a group.

Both the creative and the constructive leadership types are functional to develop maximal strategies. Maximal strategies requires democratic, authoritative and exemplarity driven leadership.

Both the authoritarian and the charismatic leadership types are functional to develop minimum strategies. Minimum strategies require a dualistic approach which includes authoritarian, charismatic and laissez faire leadership.

Authoritative paternalistic leadership is the catalyst for minimum strategies. When the catalyst is missing it works as an inhibitor of minimum strategies driving towards failure or inaction.

Diana Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.

Pleasure is what makes adaptive learning processes possible

In order to be able to learn new skills in the field of adaptive behavior it is necessary that the learning process be sustained by the pleasure obtained from using these skills.

The expectancy of a new pleasant experience and its confirmation during the learning processes is the driver for the learning of new adaptive skills.

The unicist object driven learning process design allowed developing a technology that allows integrating the use of a focused discipline and the achievement of results to provide a pleasant learning experience to the participants. The unicist learning objects are the core of this technology.

Without the expectancy of a new pleasant experience and its confirmation during the learning processes there is no possibility of learning new adaptive skills.

Frequently, adults consider that they know how to learn new skills based on the learning experiences they had in life. This is a fallacy that drives to avoid learning, by transforming the new skills into known fields, eliminating all what is new and adding what is needed to fit into the preexisting knowledge.

That is why the design of adaptive learning processes requires following the natural taxonomic steps that correspond to the subject that is being learned. As it is a field in which the participants have no knowledge, the learners need to have the discipline of following the steps established by the teaching authority.

There are two unpleasant aspects of these learning processes:

1) The learning of the foundations of the new skills in order to be able to integrate them in the long term memory.

2) The exercises to introduce new habits that are necessarily included in the learning processes.

1) New foundations require understanding aspects that are new and do not correspond to the rationality the learner uses to deal with the adaptive aspects of reality. This is painful because it requires leaving convictions aside and building a new structured knowledge of reality.

2) Exercising, which is a necessary aspect of any learning process, is the unpleasant aspect of learning processes. Participants need to develop the exercises which are necessary to introduce new habits knowing that when there is no pain there is no gain, because the individuals have to expand their mental boundaries.

People who avoid the learning of foundations and the exercising cannot learn.

That is why the learning of adaptive skills requires following a “brick by brick” process that allows having a pleasant experience with each brick and a full experience when the bricks are integrated into a building. A metaphor will provide the necessary idea of how this process needs to be built:


Diana Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.

Personal-role objects building in adaptive environments

Personal roles work as objects in adaptive environments because they allow integrating groups knowing the functionality of each member which permits building synergy and establishing driving, inhibiting and entropy inhibiting functions.

Personal-Role Object

The acknowledgement of these roles also allows adding external functions to the group to provide catalyzing and gravitational functions to accelerate actions and ensure their consistency.

Only people who accept that their value is in the role they play in a work process are able to design object driven organizations.

People who just develop their work by executing tasks can use objects as part of their work process but cannot lead these processes.

A personal-role object is a composite object, integrated by multiple objects that sustain the role. It has to be considered that objects are adaptive systems that have a concept, an adding value active function and a quality assuring energy conservation function.

These multiple objects are integrated in four functions:

  1. Objects to provide transparency
  2. Objects to provide the necessary “dressing”
  3. Objects to demonstrate the deeds
  4. Objects to demonstrate the utility

A personal role identifies the functional identity that an individual has and that the environment expects s/he will fulfill.

The personal role becomes an object when an individual truly assumed the full responsibility of what is expected in an adaptive environment.

The personal-role of individuals considered as an object is what makes them part of an adaptive environment.

Over-adaptive environments do not accept the existence of roles.  They transform the functionality of an individual’s role into subjectivism and duties that are managed by the manipulation of illusions, fears and guilt.

Individuals have multiple roles depending on the environment in which they act. From this point of view an individual who is alone and has no contact with the external environment, has no personal role. The integration with the environment is what makes the personal roles exist as objects.

Every object has a level of energy that defines its critical mass. This energy is defined by the functional aesthetics of the role’s added value, the personal influence an individual has and the credibility of the value proposal.

Diana Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. http://www.unicist.org

Teaching vs. Learning: the use of Unicist Learning Objects

Teaching is the cost of education and learning is the generated value. The use of unicist learning objects diminishes the cost and increases the value of what is being learned. A positive side effect is that learners assume the responsibility to adapt to the environment and not only to the teacher.

Learning ObjectsThe purpose of a learning object is to install an adaptive knowledge object in the mind of the learner. Learning objects build a bridge and integrate theory with practice that allow individuals to use them and recycle them if necessary.

This implies that the learning objects drive the accommodation process to accept new aspects that were not managed before and integrate these new aspects in mind through an assimilation process which requires storing this integration in the long term memory of individuals.

Learning objects are complex adaptive systems that have been designed to drive the learning processes of the learner without needing external support when working within functional learning environments.

A functional learning environment exists when there is a need of a specific knowledge to do something, the necessary capacities of an individual are available and accessible and the objects have the necessary authoritative role to be accepted.

Learning objects cannot work when these conditions are exceeded and then the participation of a counselor becomes necessary to substitute these objects by personal action. This is homologous to the autopilot of an airplane which needs to be substituted by the pilot when the conditions of the external environment exceed the possibilities of the object.

Diana Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized world-class research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.

The Unicist Logical Foundations of Jean Piaget’s Theory

Adaptation, accommodation and assimilation were terms used by Jean Piaget to define the learning process. It has been sustained that the adaptation process, which is the final goal of human intelligence, follows two complementary processes: accommodation and assimilation.

The unicist approach has been using these concepts since the eighties considering them as a neural entity individuals have to approach learning processes. Therefore they have, as any entity, a purpose, and active function and an energy conservation function.

The purpose of this entity is to adapt to the environment, because this is the purpose of any healthy human being.

The active function is given by the accommodation process, that is the process in which the mind has to accommodate itself to the evidence with which it is being confronted.

This process is extremely energy consuming because it demands moving internal structures to find a way to adapt to the external environment. The accommodation process is supplementary to the adaptation process meaning that it is redundant but having a superior solution to adapt to the environment.

The changes proposed by the accommodation process are limited by the assimilation process. The assimilation process is the energy conservation function that allows adapting to the environment. The assimilation process consists in the integration of the external environment in the mind without changing the concepts the individual has.

Assimilation and adaptation are complementary which means that the assimilation provides the information that is needed to adapt to the environment.

Adaptation, accommodation and assimilation define the essential structure of a learning process which is nonexistent if individuals cannot adapt to the environment because they need to over-adapt to it. Over-adaptation implies a submissive, dominant or oppositional attitude towards the environment.


There exists no complementation between the accommodation and the assimilation processes. They are integrated by the adaptation process. That is why when adaption does not exist there is no possibility that an individual learns.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized world-class research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. http://www.unicist.org

Research on People with Attention Disorder in Businesses

A research on adults having an ADHD condition was developed to define their possibilities to evolve in the business world.

“Professor Michael Fitzgerald, MD, of Dublin’s Trinity College, has examined the lives of notable achievers including Thomas Edison, Kurt Cobain, Oscar Wilde, Lord Byron, Jules Verne, Che Guevara, James Dean, Clark Gable, Pablo Picasso, Mark Twain and Sir Walter Raleigh. Based on his research, the professor believes all these high achievers had or displayed symptoms of ADHD.

People with ADHD have symptoms of inattentiveness, but they often also have a capacity to hyper-focus on a narrow area that is of particular interest to them. Clearly ADHD is not a guarantee of genius, but the focused work rate that it produces may enable creative genius to flourish.”

Three groups participated in the research which was based on the following hypotheses:

The limit between ADHD and focusing problems is an unknown field.

The capacity of focusing is driven by ethical intelligence which allows using the adequate brain waves to define and sustain a focus on a specific aspect of reality.

This condition is extremely functional when it is focused on the use of their core functional intelligence. https://www.unicist.org/talents/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/ontointelligence_en.pdf

The condition to expand their possibility of focusing depends on the expansion of their area of interest having the necessary functional intelligence to do so.

Being adults they have great difficulties to enter a new field starting a new learning process if it is beyond their hyper-focus area.

When the syndrome is installed the person rejects any stimulus that fosters the expansion of their present focusing area. They distrust the process and the people who manage it.

They function in an adapted way in their field of hyper-focus and are over-adapted in the rest of the fields of their activity.

They are extremely successful when their functional intelligence is adapted to a specific reality and they have a value adding ethical intelligence.

The groups included:

A)    3 Participants with hypothetical ADHD disorder.

B)    3 Participants with focusing problems.

C)    3 Participants with no focusing problems.

The stimuli provided were centered on dealing with the adaptive aspects of business and the tasks to be developed were:

Understanding the foundations of the unicist approach.

Understanding the homology between unicist business residencies and medical residencies.

Developing a learning contract to start with a learning program on the unicist approach.

These hypotheses have been provisionally validated and we invite non-profit research organizations to access the conclusions if they want to continue with the research. Please contact Peter Belohlavek at The Unicist Research Institute who personally developed the research.

Press Committee

Access the content of the book “The Unicist Ontology of Ethical Intelligence” at the Unicist Library:

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a global decentralized world-class research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. 

Unicist Innovations in Human Resources

The innovation of the unicist approach introduced the possibility of understanding human nature. It allowed defining that the long term memory works based on cognitive objects and that these objects, named concepts, determine the attitudes of people.

On the other hand, the discovery of ethical intelligence allowed discovering where the intentions of individuals come from and how they work. The following description will give the basics of the innovation.

The activities of the Unicist Confederation are expanding based on the introduction of the unicist ontology and business objects driven technologies.

The Object Driven Organization of the adaptive aspects of businesses is the technology included in all the “solutions” for business optimization.

The Confederation itself also uses business objects for its growth. These objects ensure the critical mass of the solutions it provides to the market. Business solutions require the use of driving, catalyzing and gravitational business objects.

1) The business objects are the drivers of the activity providing the solutions that generate significant energy savings and optimization of results to their users.

2) The unicist approach, including diagnoses, strategies and architectures of the solutions is the catalyst of the Confederation’s proposals.

3) The emulation of nature in business is the gravitational object that sustains the activities of the Confederation.

This approach segments the market. Basically, it can be said that the object driven approach is necessary for business expansion and convenient for business administration.

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a global decentralized world-class research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. https://www.unicist.org/talents/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/turi.pdf

Energy Saving in Business Management

Work implies producing a displacement of something in the real world. Every displacement generates a friction that needs to be managed.

When two people are doing something in a working environment and one of them produces work and the other is inactive, the friction produced is extremely destructive.

It produces a paradoxical situation because:

1) There is an extreme conflict if the friction is not eliminated.
2) If the parts are “lubricated”, there will be no friction but the person who is inactive will continue doing nothing.
3) The inactive person needs to judge what the other part is doing because that judgment sustains her/his self-esteem.
4) Finally, the one who does the work ends up being judged by the one who cannot do it and the conflict escalates to the maximal level.

Apparent movement is worse than inaction

Inaction appears often hidden behind apparent actions that are done without having assumed the responsibility for producing results. These apparent actions are based on fallacious decisions that produce negative results because they generate costs without adding value.

In this case they do not produce friction; they directly produce an “explosion” of the situation or an “implosion” of the actions.

If this conflict is not faced the natural trend towards minimum energy consumption (*) and inaction will prevail, eliminating both apparent actions and real actions.

To deal with this problem the nature of doers has to be understood in order to avoid their quitting. Access a free e-book on the Nature of Doers http://unicist.org/deb_doers.php

(*) In a closed system, with constant external parameters and entropy, the internal energy will decrease and approach a minimum value at equilibrium.

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Request more information: n.i.brown@unicist.org

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is the major research organization in the world in its specialty based on more than 3,000 researches in complexity science applied to individual, institutional and social evolution. The applicative researches are based on the discovery of the Ontogenetic Intelligence of Nature and the consequent Unicist Theory of Evolution.

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