The Triadic Functionality of Human Conscious Intelligence

Human Conscious Intelligence

This is a synthesis of the conclusions of the research on human intelligence that began in 1976. The final goal of the research was to find the intelligence that allows people to adapt to an environment, develop strategies to generate value and find how the evolution of intelligence can be stimulated. The research was triggered by the experiences of the author with wise people and people with extremely high intellectual quotients, and by experiencing that wisdom was not driven by a high IQ. The research was focused on understanding intelligence as a unified field and finding a way to enhance the functionality of conscious intelligence. 


Intelligence is defined as the output of the functionality of the human brain that allows adapting to an environment. The research on intelligence, led by Peter Belohlavek at The Unicist Research Institute, included monitoring the evolution of 102 individuals, among them 9 high IQ, 71 more than 20 years and 31 for more than 10 years. It allowed defining three different types of intelligence: the conscious intelligence, the genetic intelligence and the collective intelligence. It included also the discovery of the anti-intelligence that allows profiting from the environment while avoiding adapting to it.

  • The Conscious intelligence allows adapting to the environment which requires having the knowledge of the concepts of what is being managed. It is based on the use of the value adding ethical intelligence, the complemented strategic intelligence styles and the complemented types of logical thought. This intelligence is functional to influence the environment while being influenced by it. It is the internal “tool” for strategy building.

  • The Genetic intelligence uses the reactive intelligence (IQ, EQ, Speed of Resilience) and the natural functional and interpersonal intelligences to deal with the environment. It is sustained by the use of the surviving or value earning ethical intelligence and the use of the non-complemented strategic intelligence and types of logical thought. It is the functional intelligence for over-adaptive behavior where no strategic approaches are needed. The genetic intelligence is based on a dualistic approach that is functional in non-adaptive environments and sustains dominant, submissive and oppositional behaviors.

  • The Collective intelligence is the integration of the ontointelligence individuals have and the social intelligence included in the archetype of a culture that establishes the rules of interpersonal functionality. It works as a catalyst or inhibitor of individual intelligence depending on the environment and the matters that are being managed.  The collective intelligence  establishes the functional rules that drive team-work in a culture or specific environment.

  • The Anti-intelligence, which is given by compulsive automatisms that are driven by an analogical intelligence, is based on judging by the appearance of things and is sustained by an appropriative ethical intelligence. Anti-intelligence is fully unconscious and is used to manipulate. It is functional to take advantage of the environment. It becomes extremely dysfunctional in the environment when the users have a high IQ.

The Structure of Conscious Intelligence

Human intelligence works with the triadic structure of the intelligence that underlies nature. The adaption process of humans is sustained by the ontointelligence that drives the intentions of individuals, the reactive intelligence that drives the reactions of individuals to the stimuli of the environment and the active intelligence that drives the functionality of the actions necessary to adapt.

The process of intelligent conscious behavior begins with the definition of the intentions of the individual that are defined by the ethical intelligence. Unconscious intentions or automatisms cannot drive conscious behavior.

Reactive Intelligence

The reactive intelligence is driven by the emotional intelligence that defines and controls the purpose of the reactive behavior that it materialized in rational actions driven by the IQ. The entropy inhibitor of reactive intelligence is the capacity to overcome frustration, named “speed of resilience”, that defines the timing of the actions that drive the success of the use of this intelligence.

Active Intelligence

Active intelligence is managed by the concepts individuals have that drive their actions. It is transformed into functional actions by the necessary functional intelligence while the entropy inhibitor is given by the intra-personal intelligence that allows emulating the external reality in mind.

The reactive intelligence and the active intelligence are integrated by the ontointelligence that defines the roots of intelligent adaptive behaviors.

The conscious intelligence is based on the development of the complemented strategic intelligence and the complemented types of thought that allow adapting to the environment. Therefore, the understanding of ontointelligence is required to define the necessary complementations that need to be developed to make adaptiveness possible.

The Triadic Unified Field of Conscious Intelligence

The triadic structure of conscious intelligence integrates the ontointelligence, the reactive intelligence and the active intelligence to define, implement and monitor adaptive actions in the environment.

Ontointelligence is the deepest intelligence humans have and allows apprehending the nature of things to better adapt to the environment.

The purpose of conscious intelligence is to drive the adaptive process of an individual. This implies emulating reality in mind, defining the actions in the environment and ensuring that they achieve the objectives that were established.

The final objectives are established by ethical intelligence that defines the intentions behind the actions, drives the influence on the environment, establishes the focus of actions, allows defining a strategic approach and allows managing time and the timing of actions.

The strategic intelligence materializes the goals established by ethical intelligence and transforms them into processes that allow managing the implicit conflicts that occur when the environment is being influenced and the conflicts produced by the influence of the environment.

The logical type of thought defines the depth of thinking processes that allows managing the different levels of foundations beginning with the access to the empirical groundings.

Reactive Intelligence: The Maximal Strategy

Maximal strategies allow expanding the boundaries of the field of actions. It requires being able to react properly when the existing boundaries are surpassed.

The emotional quotient drives the relationship between the individual and the environment. It allows establishing operational goals and managing the operational unified field integrating the objectives of the individual and the possibilities of the environment.

The intellectual quotient allows apprehending the relations among the elements of reality that can be recognized based on existing knowledge. The IQ allows defining the systemic structure of reality when the boundaries are closed and allows defining univocal cause-effect relations.

The action beyond boundaries necessarily produces conflicts that generates frustrations. The overcoming of frustrations defines the speed of resilience that is necessary to react on time to the actions or reactions of the environment. This timing defines the success of the actions driven by the EQ and materialized by the IQ.

Active Intelligence: The Minimum Strategy

The active intelligence is driven by the concepts individuals have. The Individuals  actions are driven by the concepts they have, which might be functional or dysfunctional.

To ensure the functionality of concept, the individual uses the functional intelligences that allow dealing with different aspects of reality. The discovery that there are multiple intelligences and the detection of these functions is based on the actions of individuals allows defining the intelligence that is needed to generate results.

The functionality is sustained by the intrapersonal and interpersonal links individuals establish. The intrapersonal intelligence allows apprehending and managing the concepts of reality while the interpersonal intelligence sustains the relationships with people and roles in the environment.

Concepts can be apprehended and managed when the functionality and the bonds are managed. The management of concepts is the complement needed to ensure that the goals established by ethical intelligence can be achieved.

Language as the structure for conscious reasoning

Languages allow structuring the conscious reasoning process of individuals. Babies do have reasoning processes that are based on “intuition”, and have a very low level of abstraction capacity.  Abstraction evolves with the evolution of an individual.

The functionality of language, depending on the type of thought, sustains the human adaptation processes. It must be considered that language is based on dualistic thinking, which is natural to the human neural system.

That is why syncretic and analytic languages provide the security framework to communication.

On the other hand, factual and synthetic languages foster freedom-oriented approaches to integrate reasoning processes with the external reality.

The complementation of intelligences drives towards wisdom

Wisdom can be defined as the capacity of an individual to integrate idealism and realism with value adding actions. The characteristic of individuals who achieved wisdom is that they had multiple masters that had an authoritative role in their lives. These roles are still in force and the masters are still admired.

The Unicist Ontology of Wisdom

Admiration and functional envy are the concepts that allow achieving wisdom. Individuals who admire others’ achievements and deeds have the opportunity to achieve wisdom, but only if they pursue the objective of adding value in an environment. The functional envy drives individuals to achieve goals.

Individuals with conflictive relations with authority can never achieve wisdom. They might be extremely erudite, extremely efficient workers but they will never be able to integrate idealism and realism with a value-adding attitude in their environment.

The apparent paradox of wisdom is the need of multiple masters. It is said that disciples are those learners who overcome their teachers. But wisdom, defined as the space where an individual has been able to integrate idealism and realism with value adding actions, cannot be overcome.


Wisdom is a state that requires focusing on specific aspects of reality using questions to apprehend their nature and having the necessary knowledge of the environment in order to generate value.

Wisdom cannot be overcome because the nature of some aspect of reality has been understood and can be influenced.

But it has to be considered that wise people do not compete with others to have a place in the world. They earned their place in the world. That is why they remain masters in the field in which they are wise.

Ontointelligence: The Root of Conscious Intelligence

Ontointelligence is necessary to manage reality as a unified field. This is necessary when dealing with complex adaptive systems. The basic function of ontointelligence is to emulate the external reality in mind to be able to manage it. The purpose of emulation is the construction of a mental model that has to be homologous, in functional terms, with the external reality that intends to be influenced.

Human Ontointelligence

It determines the individual’s capacity to apprehend the underlying concept in a complex situation.

This is necessary to assume the responsibility for producing results when managing a complex problem.

It is characterized and measured by:

  • Ethical Intelligence: the functionality of the individual’s “rules”.
  • Strategic Intelligence: the way an individual faces the reality to which s/he seeks to adapt.
  • Type of logical thinking: the individual’s mind mechanism used to solve the problems related to his adaptation to the environment.

No subordinate, opponent or dominant individual can apprehend a unified field. This is a restriction posed by the individual’s own mind.

Operating in a unified field of a certain reality calls for a previous capacity to apprehend such unified field.

Even though the unified field of a given reality includes its most abstract aspects; there is no chance to actually apprehend it if it does not encompass its most concrete aspects as well.

When the understanding of a unified field exceeds the possibilities of an individual, it is necessary to divide it into its subsystems or objects.

Operation is the demonstration that one has apprehended the essence of a given reality.

The term “wisdom” stems from “the ability to do”.

Ontointelligence, Adaptiveness and Personal Strategies

It can be said that the level of ontointelligence an individual has defines her/his adaptiveness, which is acted out by the strategic capacity. It has to be considered that the use of ontointelligence is only possible if, at a level of reactive and active intelligence, the individual found a functional place in the environment.

Ontointelligence allows individuals to apprehend the nature of the environment they are dealing with and defines their adaptive behavior. Adaptiveness, as the purpose of human intelligence, is defined by the capacity of individuals to influence the environment in order to achieve an objective while being influenced by such environment.

1) Ethical Intelligence

Ethical intelligence is the intelligence that structures stable and dynamic rules that determine the action of individuals in their environment. It determines their capacity to add value, their influence on the environment and on others and their time management.

On the one hand, the rules are stable since they respond to a purpose that is defined by the level of ethics within which the individual acts.

On the other hand, the rules are dynamic, because despite the fact that individuals are at a certain level, they are capable of determining alternative strategies that satisfy the objective they are seeking within that level.

Ethics is defined as a set of rules that are functional to a situation and to a certain perception of an accepted moral, and are supported by a complementary ideology.

Five levels of ethics have been found that sustain the behavior of the individuals:

  • Ethics of survival
  • Ethics of the earned value
  • Ethics of added value
  • Ethics of foundations
  • Conceptual ethics

The higher the level of ethical intelligence, the higher the level of consciousness an individual needs to have.

Functionality of Ethical Intelligence

The Levels of Ethical Intelligence are Inclusive: the Following includes the Precedents

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Therefore the evolution of individuals’ ethical intelligence implies the increase of maturity which is based on higher levels of consciousness.

Ethical intelligence is the unique intelligence that has a structural evolution or involution process based on the maturity of individuals.

The exception is the stagnant survivors ethics which is the case of individuals who have built a parallel reality to stay.

Ethics of Survival

The ethics of survival is the type of ethics prevailing within the marginal areas of a culture or the marginal cultures.

Individuals that act according to this type of ethics exercises influence upon others who are in the same situation, based on survivor-pacts. Their time management is based on “the moment”, sustained by reactions based on intuition. They have a reactive tactical approach to reality. They focus on surviving and avoiding risks.

The Ethics of the Earned Value

This type of ethics seeks to add the minimal value possible to generate an earned value and to minimize costs in order to assure the subsistence level.

They are able to manage short-term problems. Short-term is the lapse between adding value and generating the corresponding earned value. They have a tactical active approach to reality. They focus on maximizing their benefits.

The Ethics of Added Value

This is the type of ethics that maximizes the added value to the environment seeking to optimize the relationship between added value and cost.

Such individuals manage the medium-term, which is the time to transform knowledge into added value. They develop medium-term strategies. They focus on the value they are adding.

The Ethics of Foundation

The ethics of foundation is used by individuals that consider that added value is secured by knowledge.

Such individuals manage the long-term, which is the time span between discovering a concept and transforming it into useful knowledge. They develop long-term strategies. They focus on the knowledge they are acquiring.

The Conceptual Ethics

This is the intelligence used to maximize the added value by using a high level of energy to materialize the need to give.

Individuals behaving according to this type of ethics exert influence on the entire environment because of their energy. They manage universal time that is the time of the cycles, with no time limitations.

They do not take into account their own existence. They develop strategies using the available, possible and expected forces. They focus on achieving the truth.

The Stagnant Survivors Ethics

Stagnant Survivors are individuals with a complex driven behavior that sustains the parallel reality they live in and the responsibility avoidance they need to exert to be in a comfort zone.The paradox is that their comfort zone is a conflict zone for those who surround them.

The stagnated status is based on a fallacious utopia that justifies their actions and forces them to exert power while they appropriate the value they need to feel comfortable. The justifications are built upon fallacies to sustain their actions, beliefs and needs.

2) Strategic Intelligence

The strategic intelligence establishes the individual’s approach to reality. The strategic intelligence operates as strategic styles. Strategic intelligence defines the natural approach to face conflicts. Therefore it defines the natural structures to deal with a reality when an adaptation is required.

Strategic intelligence is conditioned by the individual’s goals in life. Everyone has a natural goal and, when having achieved maturity in some field, acts complemented with others in order to face a conflict. Nevertheless if the situation is overwhelming, individuals turn back to their natural intelligence without complementing with others.

The discovery of human strategic intelligence was possible thanks to the research of the life histories of volunteers and the validation based on the history of 10 different battles and more than 30 commercial strategies of international organizations.

This discovery has a significant added value for those who develop personal, political or commercial strategies. Understanding the strategic intelligence of those involved in strategic analysis, increases the objectivity of the conclusions and increases the quality of the conclusions.

The knowledge of the strategic intelligence of competitor’s leaders makes the anticipation of their actions possible.

To develop their particular strategic intelligence, individuals have four possible roles in this structure.

  • The place of the freedom fighter
  • The place of the flank defendant
  • The place of the frontal
  • The place of the empty space occupier
  • Freedom fighters earn their place breaking rules.
  • Flank defendants earn their place attacking the weaknesses of the members of the environment.
  • Frontal seeks to impose their own rules, exerting their power on the members of the environment.
  • Empty space occupiers establish the conditions so as to open a place among the members of the environment.

This synthetic description includes all the types of strategy adults use to adapt. Those who think that they can overwhelm their own unconscious with a rational effort, just use the same strategy they developed in childhood.

This barrier can only be avoided accepting one’s strategic intelligence and operating based on its characteristics.

Adolescence is a turning point in the development of strategic intelligence. Depending on how adolescence is “resolved”, strategic intelligence matures or stagnates.

Those who cannot surpass an adolescent approach to reality cannot be aware of their strategic intelligence. In this case strategic intelligence become unconscious and dominate the personal, institutional and social behavior of the individual.

Anarchic or authoritarian based cultures avoid their members to resolve their adolescence. They need to maintain their member in the stage of childhood. Only strong cultures foster adolescents’ evolution. Adolescence behavior fosters the change of the existent reality.

Strategic intelligence functions as a stereotype when adult individuals maintain an adolescent approach to reality. In this case they cannot perceive their own strategic intelligence and project their weaknesses on others.

3) Types of Logical Thinking Processes

A logical thinking process is applied intelligence, guiding the active adaptive behavior of individuals. Therefore cultures foster the types of thought necessary to adapt to a certain environment.

Principles of the Level of Logical Thinking

There are a set of principles that indefectibly occur in the development of thinking:

  1. The level of thinking is limited by the person’s identification model and the overcoming of that level brews guilt in that subject.
  2. The level of thinking is developed according to the individuals’ exposure to reality, by looking for the mechanisms that solve the problems they face.
  3. A change in the reality stimulates a change in the model of thinking; to the extent that it is deemed necessary, stable and in that the individual counts on an identification model as of which to begin.
  4. A change in the level of thinking implies a modification in the individuals’ personality as of the way in which they solve the problems that reality subjects them to.

Types or Levels of Logical Thinking Processes

The conceptual structure of how humans approach reality to solve problems was developed based on the conceptual model described in the “Unicist Theory of Evolution”. It describes both dualities individuals use to apprehend reality.

1) On the one hand, reality is approached either with a hierarchical logic or with a relational logic. They both have different levels of integration and they imply different personal values.

Hierarchical logic is related to the human need of security. The hierarchical structure itself hinders analytical mistakes. But relational logic implies synthetic thinking, induction. It implies personal freedom where everything can be related.

2) On the other hand, reality can be approached with a dualistic thinking approach or with an integrative thought.

Unicist thinking implies the integration of reality in its oneness. It implies comprehending reality accepting being part of it although one might be observing.

The integration of these two dualities defines four sets of different thoughts which are: The operational, the functional/analytical, the scientific and the conceptual.

Operational Thinking

Operational thinking is related to the facts-oriented-action. An individual using predominantly this type of thinking uses synthetic/syncretic thinking (relational logic), within the conditions of dual thinking (what is correct vs. what is incorrect).

This is how the operational level seeks responses to problems. In order to operate the individual tries to assimilate the problems to those he already knows and uses methods, as in the previous case, as if he were dealing with a “recipe”.

Ego, and consequently its security, is set on the solution applied.

Functional / Analytical Thinking

In functional/analytical thinking, actions are geared by ideas. Functional/analytical thinking is determined by hierarchical logic as far as analysis goes. It seeks solutions through existing information pursuant the corresponding discipline.

The ego of those that predominantly use the functional/analytical thinking is set on the science or on the technique they handle, where their security relies on.

Scientific / Systemic Thinking

Scientific or systemic thinking is related to the action oriented to understanding the structure of the reality, basically using hierarchical logic, but in terms of an integrative thinking (where reality is but one).

The one who predominantly uses this type of thinking is the one who, when faced with a problem of reality, relates sciences to find a solution. Scientific thinking will, in this way, seek the inclusion of different professionals for the development of one solution to the problem.

The security of the individual relies on the integration of sciences.

Conceptual Thinking

Conceptual thinking is related to the action steered toward understanding the reality in its essence, fundamentally by using relational logic within a concept of reality integration.

The individual that predominantly uses conceptual thinking uses conceptual models to approach reality, seeking to avoid the conflict between what is apparent and what is real by way of abstractions.

Conceptual thinkers seek for understanding the functionality beyond this conflict through the inclusion of concepts within the principles of nature or laws of nature.

Functionality of Conceptual Reasoning and Analogical Reasoning

Unicist abductive reasoning is necessary to build solutions in adaptive environments. Abductive reasoning, as defined by C. S. Peirce, is a process based on analogical reasoning. The unicist abductive reasoning is based on the integration of conceptual reasoning and analogical reasoning.

Unicist abduction consists in inferring solutions based on experiencing, not observing, the actions of the active and energy conservation functions of any adaptive environment.

This abductive process is based on using conceptual reasoning to apprehend the fundamentals that underlie these actions and analogical reasoning to manage the analytical and operational aspects of the solutions.

These conceptual and analogical reasoning processes imply using the deductive reasoning to define actions and inductive reasoning to validate their functionality. These processes need to be developed following synchronic and integrated steps:

Conceptual Reasoning

1) Abducing the fundamentals that underlie the actions of the adaptive environment to make them reasonable, understandable and provable. It requires transforming them into double dialectical actions. Conceptual reasoning uses the unicist double dialectical logic to explain the functionality of “things”.

Analogical Reasoning

2) Defining the specific univocal actions to achieve results.
3) Developing the necessary destructive and non-destructive tests to confirm the functionality.
4) Implementing the actions following the necessary synchronicity.

Aprioristic fallacies are unavoidable if both conceptual and analogical reasoning processes are not integrated.

Intelligence and Brain Waves

The conscious complementation process to sustain the functionality of intelligence requires the use of a unicist reflection process. Unicist reflection requires having a final picture in mind, which means that the solution has to be emulated. It requires positive thinkers; individuals who see the bottle half full, not half empty.

The reflection process can be synthesized in the following steps:

Specific Problem Solving

0 – Focus on the solution

1 – Dealing with projections
– Beta brainwaves suffice
– Destructive pilot tests

2 – Dealing with Introjections
– Alpha brainwaves are needed
– Non-destructive – Destructive pilot tests

Universal Problem Solving

3 – Dealing with integration
-Theta brainwaves are needed
– Non-destructive pilot tests

4 – Dealing with communion
– Gamma brainwaves are needed
– Results validation

5 – Dealing with the unified field

Each level of reflection triggers a different level of brain waves. Unicist reflection has no relationship with other introspective approaches like religious introspection, transcendent meditation, yoga or other technologies that have been developed for different purposes.


The discovery of the triadic functionality of intelligence, that is based on the triadic functionality of the ontogenetic intelligence of nature, introduces a structural shift in the understanding of human adaptive behavior and enhances the development of educational programs towards driving people to assume a proactive role in the environment.

As human actions are driven by the concepts they have, conscious behavior begins by accepting that the concepts of what is being done have to be known. The discovery that ethics is in fact an intelligence that defines human intentions and evolves in the maturity process of an individual increased the level of transparency of human actions.

This opens the black-box of human behavior increasing the possibility of enhancing conscious behavior, by complementing the strategic intelligence and the logical type of thought,  that increases the level of adaptiveness of individuals which increases efficacy, the level of value generation and complementation in the environment.

Efficacy can be defined as the capacity of producing results responsibly. Since adaptive environments are continuously evolving and require a dynamic approach to deal with them, efficacy, in adaptive environments, requires having a strategy to ensure the production of results.

The conscious intelligence of individuals defines their adaptive capacity, that is materialized by the strategies they use to influence the environment while being influenced by it. It applies to any field of human actions.

The different levels of strategy -operational, non-influential, specific and universal- are inclusive and require achieving superior levels of consciousness. The synergy generated by the collective intelligence, in institutionalized environments, allows building strategic committees that permit integrating intelligences to build a functional strategy.

The basic condition to manage adaptive strategies is defined by the functionality of the ethical intelligence, that is required to manage a specific environment.

When the ethical intelligence used, is consistent with the one required by the environment, individuals are able to use their conscious intelligence to exert influence. If the ethical intelligence is not consistent, the development of the unicist reflection process, driven by destructive and non-destructive pilot tests, allows solving the problem and assuming an influential role.

The recovery of the brain after strokes demonstrated that only actions develop neural functions. This applies to any adaptive behavioral learning, which requires an action-reflection-action process.

Thinking allows using the intelligence an individual has, but hinders the development of new complementary functions to exert more influence while being influenced by the environment.

That is why thinking is functional when the level of adaptiveness of an individual suffices, while the development of a higher level of influence requires investing the necessary energy, in an action-reflection-action process, until the brain is able to emulate the new functions and to transform these emulations into results.

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