It is based on establishing the natural organization model that corresponds to a business. The organization by objects and roles allows organizing the business processes as a unified field to achieve the goals established by a strategy.
The object driven organization is the adaptive model that allows transforming strategies into an object driven architecture. It is a natural organization for institutionalized businesses.
Institutionalization fosters, on the one hand, timeless strategies in order to ensure the permanence of a business and, on the other hand, short-term strategies to adapt to the conjunctures of the environment.
The final objective is to transform a business strategy into a business organization emulating the organization of nature. Nature, and any complex adaptive system, is organized by objects. This is evident when one sees the ecosystem or the organs of a human body.
Integrating Objects in Business Processes
In the field of business, the object driven organization is based on the design of the business processes, integrating business objects to achieve the strategic objectives that have been established.
Objects are adaptive systems that have a concept that defines their purposes, have a value generating function and a quality assurance system that makes them reliable.
Only people who manage a process can use objects in a meaningful way. The example of an autopilot in an airplane makes this evident. An autopilot has limits where its use is functional and the pilot needs to reassume the process when these limits are being exceeded.
The Ontogenetic Map of the Unicist Object Driven Organization (UODO)
The goals that have been defined as possible by a strategic design are the input for the implementation of an object driven organization. These goals include a qualitative and quantitative definition in order to maintain the adaptability of the system.
The maximal strategy of the strategic objectives influences the roles that need to be defined and the minimum strategy defines the efficiency of the system that needs to be achieved.
The business processes drive the maximal strategy of this model while the business objects sustain the minimum strategy.
The Maximal Strategy
The purpose of the maximal strategy is the development of an adaptive system to manage the processes that are needed to achieve the goals that have been established. UODO is a universal adaptive model that applies to any institutionalized activity to produce results.
When the purpose of developing an adaptive system to manage the processes has been clarified, it becomes necessary to establish the roles that need to be organized to deal with the efficacy of the business processes.
After the roles have been defined, it becomes possible to define the efficiency of the processes, which implies the organization of a system that works as the catalyst of the UODO.
This model needs to be based on the definition of roles and an efficient system to sustain the adaptiveness of the maximal strategy.
The Minimum Strategy
The minimum strategy of the UODO is given by the use of business objects that sustain the processes. The first step to be developed is the definition of the driving objects that allow the achievement of the goals.
After the driving processes have been specified, it is necessary to define the inhibiting objects to be used to focus on the processes in order to ensure the functionality of the results.
Inhibiting objects are installed to define the limits of what is acceptable or not. They allow individuals to focus the energy on what needs to be done.
When the inhibitors have been defined, it is necessary to install entropy inhibiting objects that ensure that the limits of the functionality defined by the processes are not exceeded. These entropy inhibiting objects are the entropy inhibitors of the model and sustain the functionality of the driving objects installed in the processes.
The object driven organization can be considered complete when the business objects are installed and work within the business processes that have been organized to fulfill the maximal and minimum strategies.
This process requires making destructive and non-destructive pilot tests to confirm the validity of the organization.
There are different levels of maturity of the UODO
Level 1) Conjuncture Focused
Level 2) Productivity Focused
Level 3) Quality Assurance Focused
Level 4) Results Focused
Level 5) Improvement Focused
Level 1) Conjuncture Focused
This level of organization is focused on solving the problems of the conjuncture. It is a short-term organization that is necessarily driven by the personal qualifications of the participants in a business process.
Each conjuncture is managed simultaneously as a threat and as an opportunity. There are no established roles for the participants. The relationships are managed based on subjective influences and the goal is to survive or take advantage of a situation.
There are no strategic goals established. This level of organization is driven by power and materialistic needs. This level cannot organize by objects and its evolution is basically driven by heroes.
The adaptive capacity of this organization is defined by the adaptive capacity of its members.
This level of organization cannot evolve to a superior level unless the organization is re-founded.
Level 2) Productivity Focused
This level of UODO is focused on improving the productivity. It organizes by objects in order to increase productivity and minimize costs.
Its main goal is to minimize the time of processes. It is based on installing business objects in functional organization processes in order to ensure their functionality and increase the speed of execution.
The timing of the processes is focused on the productive processes. The adaptive capacity of this organization is based on the use of mathematical tools that allow establishing patterns that are used to adapt to the environment.
This level of UODO is functional for massive production processes that need a low level of adaptiveness to the environment.
These organizations empower their adaptive capacity by the use of reliability systems and objective performance management systems. It allows managing stable markets and is based on operational strategies.
This level evolves to a superior level when the productivity that has been achieved allows managing a price leadership.
Level 3) Quality Assurance Focused
This level of UODO includes the preceding level and includes a quality assurance focus that allows introducing adaptive automation in the processes.
This adaptive automation includes a quality assurance system that allows establishing entropy inhibiting objects that avoid the loss of energy and the loss of the focus of the organization.
It is based on integrating the productivity of the preceding level with the quality of the processes. It includes the goals established by the strategic plan.
This level includes an incipient level of client orientation which drives the objectives of the quality assurance. It is natural for organizations that have a non-influential strategy, which requires influencing the environment through competitive prices and the quality of the products and services.
This level of UODO is based on a strong bureaucratic organization model compensated with an organization by objectives that allows members of the organization to participate in the establishment of such objectives. It is functional to operate in stable markets.
This level of organization evolves to a superior level when the quality and productivity of a company are the standard of the market or match the standards.
Level 4) Results Focused
This level of UODO includes the preceding level and is based on establishing a performance management system that allows monitoring the results of the company, the market and the shareholders.
This level establishes a strong focus on the market needs in order to ensure results. This focus implies establishing an efficient system that sustains the institutionalization of the company.
The people who participate in this company need to follow the strict rules of efficiency of the system, which need to be adaptive. This allows empowering the organization in order to manage the specific strategies that have been defined.
The level of adaptiveness is high and managed by the system. The system uses adaptive interfaces to manage the adaptive aspects of the business.
This level of UODO is based on a matrix organization that allows integrating the needs of the products and services with those of the market. It allows expanding markets when the organization has a dominant position.
This level of organization evolves to a superior level when the company establishes a dominant position in the market.
Level 5) Improvement Focused
This level of UODO includes the preceding level and is the most adaptive and effective type of organization. It is based on having an evolutionary model based on object driven process improvements.
Such improvements allow taking advantage of all the objects installed at the different levels improving them based on the changes that are needed to better adapt to the market and taking advantage of the new technologies that are available.
It requires integrating the non-adaptive aspects of the business that need to be upgraded in their efficiency with the adaptive aspects that need to become effective based on their efficacy.
The level of adaptiveness is adequate to the needs of the market, shareholders and stakeholders and its most significant characteristic is the organization by roles working as interdependent units.
The organization by roles empowers adaptiveness and allows optimizing processes. It requires having the necessary future scenarios in order to be able to plan long-term adaptive strategies. It also requires having established a universal strategic plan.
This superior level of organization needs to have corruption inhibitors in order to avoid its degradation.
Some considerations on objects
Objects are productive adaptive units that have a concept, an added value, the necessary quality assurance and a methodology to ensure the minimum strategy. To imagine an object please consider an automatic pilot in an airplane. It can be considered a “paradigmatic” object.
We would like to make a clarification of the difference between objects and things.
Objects only exist within a process. When they are not part of a process they are things.
Objects produce an added value for someone in the process. When they do not produce added value they are things. Things can be such in some conditions and objects in others. The definition of an “object” is functional to a value that needs to be achieved.
For example, a commercial car is an object if there is a driver, if not it is a thing. But if it is a collection car it is an object for the owner and for those who appreciate its value. For those who do not, it is just a thing.
In the world of abstract objects a rumor is an object if it achieves the expected value. News is an object if it has a use for the one who receives it.
That is why it has to be clarified that objects depend on a given functionality within a process. A stone might be an object if it has a use, if not, it is just a thing.
That is why only people who have a sound knowledge on a process can design the objects that are part of the process.
In order to reuse objects in other homologous processes it becomes necessary to have an expert knowledge. Without it no homologies can be understood.
There are different types of objects:
Driving Objects: To drive processes
Catalyzing Objects: To accelerate processes
Entropy Inhibiting Objects: To inhibit the entropy of business processes
Inhibiting Objects: To inhibit dysfunctional events in a business
Gravitational Objects: To influence the results of processes
Objects in Nature, Objects in OOP and Business Objects
This is a homology and comparison between: the characteristics of objects in nature, objects in OOP and business objects. It has to be considered that these three types of objects are homologous as objects but considering that they pertain to different environments:
Objects in OOP: Systemic systems
Unicist Business Objects: Adaptive systems
Objects in nature: The ecosystem
Objects in OOP
In “object-oriented programming” objects are basically entities that are integrated with the associated processing routines.
The idea of an OOP Object is defined by:
Identity: the property of an object that distinguishes it from other objects
State: describes the attributes and the data stored in an object
Behavior: describes the methods and functionality in an object’s interface by which the object can be used
Objects in Nature
The unicist ontogenetic map of a “biological entity” defines its structure and functionality in an environment.
The genotype defines the genetic structure of the entity that rules its evolution and generates the phenotype of the being.
The phenotype defines the morphologic, behavioral and materialistic characteristics of the entity.
Functionality defines the effectiveness of the phenotype measured as the consequence of the adaptation of the biological entity to the environment.
The biological objects in nature are homologous with the unicist objects in the field of complex adaptive systems. The functionality of a unicist object depends on the accuracy of the definition of its concept, its value generation system and the quality assurance the object needs to have included.
Comparison of Unicist Objects with existing types of Objects 3.1
Objects in Information Technology
Objects in Nature
Unicist Objects in Adaptive Environments
Mindset to Apprehend Objects
Dualistic Logic, Class Logic, Propositional Logic
Unicist Logic, Fuzzy Logic, Predicate Logic
Unicist Logic, Fuzzy Logic, Predicate Logic
Minimum Strategy
Maximal & Minimum Strategy
Maximal & Minimum Strategy
Programming Objects
The Organs of the Human Body
Commercial Objects
Species (Role)
Homologous Inheritance
Adaptive Method
Adaptive Method
Value Generation
Nervous System
Business Intelligence
Essential Characteristics
Ontogenetic Map
Unified Field Diagram
Critical Mass
Critical Mass
Main Markets
• Automobile • Food • Mass consumption • Financial • Insurance • Sports and social institutions • Information Technology (IT) • High-Tech • Knowledge Businesses • Communications • Perishable goods • Mass media • Direct sales • Industrial commodities • Agribusiness • Healthcare • Pharmaceutical • Oil and Gas • Chemical • Paints • Fashion • Education • Services • Commerce and distribution • Mining • Timber • Apparel • Passenger transportation –land, sea and air • Tourism • Cargo transportation • Professional services • e-market • Entertainment and show-business • Advertising • Gastronomic • Hospitality • Credit card • Real estate • Fishing • Publishing • Industrial Equipment • Construction and Engineering • Bike, motorbike, scooter and moped • Sporting goods
Country Archetypes Developed
• Algeria • Argentina • Australia • Austria • Belarus • Belgium • Bolivia • Brazil • Cambodia • Canada • Chile • China • Colombia • Costa Rica • Croatia • Cuba • Czech Republic • Denmark • Ecuador • Egypt • Finland • France • Georgia • Germany • Honduras • Hungary • India • Iran • Iraq • Ireland • Israel • Italy • Japan • Jordan • Libya • Malaysia • Mexico • Morocco • Netherlands • New Zealand • Nicaragua • Norway • Pakistan • Panama • Paraguay • Peru • Philippines • Poland • Portugal • Romania • Russia • Saudi Arabia • Serbia • Singapore • Slovakia • South Africa • Spain • Sweden • Switzerland • Syria • Thailand • Tunisia • Turkey • Ukraine • United Arab Emirates • United Kingdom • United States • Uruguay • Venezuela • Vietnam