Unicist Object driven Technologies



DNA of Leadership: Breakthrough in the Research of Behavior

The discovery of the unicist ontological structure describes what can be defined as the genome (DNA) of leadership. The knowledge of its structure and the different categories of leaders allow defining the functionality of the leadership style of an individual and how s/he complements and supplements with others.

Leadership is based on the need to sustain one’s authority. But the participation of others is a condition of leadership. A leader is such because s/he is followed. Therefore, in terms of the unicist logic, participation is the active function of leadership and the energy conservation function is given by the power a leader has to impose her/his authority.

Shared objectives are the driver of leadership. Shared objectives precede the leader’s activity. Exceptions are new groups with no objectives. In this case, a creative leader is needed. Shared objectives are synthesized in the vision of a company or of a group.

Both the creative and the constructive leadership types are functional to develop maximal strategies. Maximal strategies requires democratic, authoritative and exemplarity driven leadership.

Both the authoritarian and the charismatic leadership types are functional to develop minimum strategies. Minimum strategies require a dualistic approach which includes authoritarian, charismatic and laissez faire leadership.

Authoritative paternalistic leadership is the catalyst for minimum strategies. When the catalyst is missing it works as an inhibitor of minimum strategies driving towards failure or inaction.

Diana Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.

Value adding: the key for learning processes

Learning processes in adults require the existence of a real problem to be solved. When there is no real problem to be solved, the learning process has no substance and the “knowledge” cannot be stored in the long term memory because it is meaningless.

Learning processes are based on the need to increase the value added to the environment so as to gain a better adaptive position for an individual.

But a learning context is required before a learning process begins.

The maximal strategy of a learning process is given by the need of improvement. The existence of a driver and the real need for improvement provides the will the individual “uses” as a catalyst in order to face and solve the problems of his/her learning process.

Achieving the minimum strategy implies paying the prices to ensure learning. The price to be paid is that the individual needs to leave things aside in order to access the comprehension of a new approach.

Learning implies leaving things aside. If the problem can be solved using the preexisting knowledge there is no need for learning because the problem does not exist. Therefore it is implicit in a learning process for unsolved problems that the individual leaves aside the preexisting approach and enters the comprehension of the new approach without cutting it down to what s/he knew.
Adults only do so when they really need to solve a problem. Improvement is the active function and learning the energy conservation function.

Only people who need to improve will be able to learn. People who enter in a learning process without having a real need to improve in order to solve real problems just enter in self-fulfilling activities.

Diana Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.

Unicist reflection changed the approach to complex problems

Before the Unicist Approach complex problems were approached dividing them into parts to transform them into systemic problems that could be managed through direct actions.

The Unicist Approached introduced the management of complex problems as unified fields based the knowledge of their ontogenetic maps and the technical analytical aspects that need to be considered after the fundamental solution has been found. This required developing a unicist reflection process to apprehend the nature of a problem and define the concept of its solution.

“Unicist reflection is an approach to complex human adaptive systems to understand their nature, define the possibilities to influence them, apprehend the algorithms that allow exerting influence and generate added value.

Unicist reflection has no relationship with other introspective approaches like religious introspection, transcendent meditation, yoga or other technologies that have been developed for different purposes.

Unicist Reflection has been developed to deal with complex human adaptive systems, such as businesses, to develop scenarios, diagnoses and strategies to achieve possible results.

The reflection process can be synthesized in the following steps:

0 – Focus on the solution1 – Dealing with projections
– Destructive pilot tests
2 – Dealing with Introjections
– Non-destructive – Destructive pilot tests
3 – Dealing with integration
– Non-destructive pilot tests
4 – Dealing with communion
– Results validation
5 – Dealing with the unified field”

Access it at: www.unicist.com/books-pages/en/unicist_reflection_en16s.php
First you need to register: http://www.unicist.com

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a global decentralized world-class research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. https://www.unicist.org/talents/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/turi.pdf

35th Anniversary of The Unicist Research Institute

June 1976 was the beginning of the research of evolution in the field of complexity science. It was focused on approaching the nature of reality which required an ontological approach to the basic research and an object driven approach in the field of application.

The research drove to the discovery of the ontogenetic intelligence of nature, the unicist ontology, the unicist logic, the complexity science research methodology and the human ontointelligence.

This provided the basic knowledge to develop more than 3,500 applicative researches in the field of individual, institutional and social evolution that were finished until September 2010. The research work is still ongoing.

We would like to share with you this celebration giving you access to the book on:

Unicist Ethics: The Ethics of Doers

We consider it will allow you to expand your boundaries in work and businesses.

You can access the book at: http://www.unicist.org/deb_doers.php

This anniversary is a very special one, because it follows a turning point in our global expansion that took place during the last year.

Executive Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is the pioneering organization in the field of human adaptive behavior ontological research. More than 3,500 ontological researches were developed since 1976 until September 2010 in the field of individual, institutional and social evolution.

Ontological research of personal turnarounds in business

A personal turnaround is a sort of “resurrection” made by an individual who enters in a superior stage.

The ontological research on personal turnarounds in business has been running for 10 years now and has included 23 individuals and the follow up of their evolution. This research is now in its final stage.

The publication of this post has been triggered by the need to foster the turnaround of four individuals, one is extremely young, two are middle aged and one is a senior. The conclusion of the research will be considered valid if the forecast of the four cases is accurate.

Many of the cases of turnarounds in business were triggered by the desire of achieving a superior level in terms of financials.

What became evident is that turnarounds are possible if individuals envision a new stage and their role, have changed the paradigms to deal with their environment and have “faith” (implying complete confidence in an authority).

They require a high level of self-confidence to launch a different stage and the capacity of doing the necessary amendments that allow “guilt free” closing of the previous state.

When these conditions cannot be fulfilled individuals degrade to a lower level. The financial trigger works often as a mind-trap hindering the upgrades.

Turnarounds are sustained by the generational responsibility of individuals. They become extremely difficult when the environment has a high level of individualistic components.

Personal turnarounds are necessary when needing to deal with a superior business ethics.

Personal turnarounds are  extremely rare.

Request more information: n.i.brown@unicist.org

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is the major research organization in the world in its specialty based on more than 3,500 researches in complexity science, until September 2010,  applied to individual, institutional and social evolution. The applicative researches are based on the discovery of the Ontogenetic Intelligence of Nature and the consequent Unicist Ontology of Evolution.

Discover the Magic of “Doing” the New Year…

Click on the image above to download your present for the New Year.

Executive Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is the major research organization in the world in its specialty based on more than 3,500 researches in complexity science, until September 2010, applied to individual, institutional and social evolution. The applicative researches are based on the discovery of the Ontogenetic Intelligence of Nature and the consequent Unicist Theory of Evolution.

Continuous Improvement: Awareness to foster personal evolution

The Unicist Standard (US) for Personal Conscious Evolution described by Peter Belohlavek defines the ontological structures and the taxonomies that can be influenced to foster the evolution of individuals. The US is integrated by the taxonomies to approach ontointelligence (the intelligence to apprehend the nature of a reality) and the fundamentals of the unicist reflection capacity and of conflict management.

To learn more, access a video on Youtube.

Access a Unicist Clip:

Request more information: n.i.brown@unicist.org

Diana Belohlavek
VP Knowledge Management
& Communication

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is the major research organization in the world in its specialty based on more than 3,500 researches in complexity science applied to individual, institutional and social evolution developed until September 2010. The applicative researches are based on the discovery of the Ontogenetic Intelligence of Nature and the consequent Unicist Theory of Evolution.

Human Limits to deal with adaptive systems, how are they managed?

The limits of human possibilities are described by Peter Belohlavek. Adaptive Systems are in permanent movement. Complexes’ objective is to avoid the adaptation process of individuals generating a parallel reality, creating a comfort zone to live in. To apprehend the nature of an adaptive system it is necessary to be able to integrate three aspects: a value adding attitude, the capacity to deal with ambiguity and the capacity to deal with the feedback, whatever this might be.

To learn more, access a video on Youtube.

Access a Unicist Clip:

Request more information: n.i.brown@unicist.org

Diana Belohlavek
VP Knowledge Management
& Communication

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is the major research organization in the world in its specialty based on more than 3,500 researches in complexity science applied to individual, institutional and social evolution developed until September 2010. The applicative researches are based on the discovery of the Ontogenetic Intelligence of Nature and the consequent Unicist Theory of Evolution.

What did the ontology of learning bring about in education?

The discovery of the ontology of human learning made by Peter Belohlavek opened the frontiers of knowledge to design educational processes, integrating both extremes: the learning of operational processes and the learning of strategic approaches to reality. The Unicist Standard for Learning fosters the conscious approach to reality to better adapt to the environment by increasing the added value delivered.

To learn more, access a video on Youtube.

Access a Unicist Clip:

Request more information: n.i.brown@unicist.org

Diana Belohlavek
VP Knowledge Management
& Communication

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is the major research organization in the world in its specialty based on more than 3,500 researches in complexity science applied to individual, institutional and social evolution developed until September 2010. The applicative researches are based on the discovery of the Ontogenetic Intelligence of Nature and the consequent Unicist Theory of Evolution.

Does the level of ethical intelligence change with maturity?

The discovery of Ethical Intelligence made by Peter Belohlavek demonstrated that ethics is an intelligence that evolves with the maturity of individuals. The Ethical Intelligence level defines the generation of added value, individuals’ influence on the environment, time management, the strategic planning capacity and the focus to produce results. The development of ethical intelligence depends on the evolution of the maturity of individuals.

To learn more, access a video on Youtube.

Access a Unicist Clip:

Request more information: n.i.brown@unicist.org

Diana Belohlavek
VP Knowledge Management
& Communication

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is the major research organization in the world in its specialty based on more than 3,500 researches in complexity science applied to individual, institutional and social evolution developed until September 2010. The applicative researches are based on the discovery of the Ontogenetic Intelligence of Nature and the consequent Unicist Theory of Evolution.