The unicist logical approach allowed defining the potential possibilities of a business. The discovery of the logical structures (named ontogenetic maps) that underlie the nature of individual, institutional and cultural behavior allowed modeling the adaptive aspects of reality.
The unicist logical approach uses these structures to emulate the dynamics of businesses based on their models.
Models are dead or live structures depending on the mind of the one who uses them.
The double dialectical approach allows emulating dynamic live models in mind. It requires having a rational knowledge of the ontogenetic maps and using the unicist reflection process to make them work by developing actions based on the use of grounded knowledge to assure results.
Empiricism is a dualistic approach to reality that does not suffice to expand the boundaries of businesses because it is necessarily based on past experiences.
The use of the unicist logical approach, that makes the emulation of reality possible, allows taking advantage of potential possibilities and increasing the speed of actions and energy saving, which makes it necessary to expand and upgrade businesses.
Access “The Functionalism of the Unicist Logical Approach” at:
The emulation of businesses in mind
The unicist approach implies being able to manage the unicist double dialectical logic. It made the emulation of nature possible and thus opened the doors for accurate diagnoses, scenarios, strategies and architectures that allowed defining the possibilities to produce results and make them happen.
It required going beyond the dualistic approach that hinders the emulation of evolution and limits human activities to static environments.
We invite you to enter into this approach at a personal level to empower your personal strategies.
If you are interested in learning about how intelligence deals with adaptiveness and complexity you can access:
Why go Beyond Dualism?
The neural functionality is dualistic. Neurons are “on” or “off”. Dualistic Dialectics vs. Double Dialectics is the battle between the disjunction “OR” and the conjunction “AND”.
The dualistic dialectics of Hegel and Marx transformed this dualistic approach into a social myth that provided an oversimplified perception of reality and a way to influence it. Both dialectics are fallacious because they do not emulate the structure of nature.
The dualistic thinking necessarily fosters a non-adaptive behavior that is driven by idealistic, ideological, materialistic, spiritual or egocentric needs. Dualism is necessary when personal needs prevail over functional adaptation.
The consequence of dualistic thinking is that people believe in a dialectical behavior. Adaptation becomes impossible when using dualistic thinking.
But dualistic dialectics has proven to be fallacious to understand and influence evolution. The unicist double dialectical logic allowed using the dualism of neural functionality but emulating the functionality of nature. In the short run, the benefit of using dualistic dialectics is that it transforms humans in judges of reality instead of responsible participants.
Why use the Unicist Double Dialectical Logic?
The unicist double dialectical logic uses the dualistic operation of neurons to build a mental emulation of the structure of nature that allows dealing with the adaptive aspects of reality, managing the integration of their double dialectical behavior.
Unicist thinking is the name given to the process that allows building the double dialectical logic.
Unicist thinking allows emulating in mind the structure of adaptive aspects of reality in order to manage them. It provides the necessary operating system to manage adaptive systems to expand the boundaries of businesses and infer future scenarios in order to adapt to them.
Unicist thinking allows defining the nature of reality in a reasonable and provable way. It is based on double dialectical thinking in order apprehend nature emulating the ontogenetic intelligence of nature.
It is necessary to diagnose, build strategies and design business architectures. It provides the structure to understand the fundamentals of businesses and integrate the fundamental knowledge with the technical analytical knowledge to make decisions. It is an upgrade that is up to you…
An Example: Unicist Leadership
The unicist approach to leadership is a process that allows leading people minimizing the energy that has to be invested to influence them. It is a role centered approach that uses roles as objects minimizing the necessary power to be exerted.
The unicist double dialectical approach allows managing groups as adaptive systems, forecasting their dynamics to be able to respond to their demand while being one step ahead in order to be able to be followed.
The dualistic approach transforms leadership into an over-adaptive process, where dominance, submission and opposition prevail. As dualistic approaches cannot define group dynamics, they need to “rigidify” the relationships in order to avoid individualistic-anarchic behaviors.
Dualistic leadership tends to transform participation into manipulation or submissiveness and non exerted power into power exertion which destroys group synergy.
Peter Belohlavek
NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.