Unicist Cobots



Unicist Talent Development: Research on the Genesis of the Strategic Style

The research works carried out at The Unicist Research Institute on the roots of human intelligence included the study of the behaviors that define the different functionalities of intelligence in the adaptation to the environment. This work included not only research on the nature of Strategic Intelligence but also included research on the nature of Ethical Intelligence and the Type of logical thinking an individual uses to apprehend the nature of reality.

The life history of volunteers was researched seeking how they had developed their strategic style. We were surprised when we found out that the individuals’ strategic style began with their first adaptive actions when they were born.

A just-born child enters a hostile environment where he/she has to find the way to find a place and evolve. All the places in the world have an owner. That is why they have to find a way to take their own.

The just-born develops a personal characteristic to search for a place. The approach he/she uses to search for a place is the strategic style. In order to approach hostile environments adults use the same strategic style they developed when just born.

This research opened new adjacent questions that influence the adaptive process of the just born. Is he/she the first child? If he/she has an elder brother there is a place that has been already occupied. Then he/she needs a different one. Is he/she an “expected” child or not? Are their parents living together?

There are countless circumstances the just-born child has to face to find a way to develop. Strategic styles define the way individuals adapt to conflictive environments. Operationally, they take different shapes. But their objective is unique: to ensure an adapted place in the world.

The Strategic Styles

Strategic styles are related to life plans. Each individual has a natural objective in life. When individuals mature in a specific field they complement with others to confront difficulties in the search of their plan. Nevertheless, if they cannot overcome difficulties, they return to their natural strategic style.

In the following lines a synthetic description of the functional strategic styles will be described:

Freedom fighter

The freedom fighters are utopia-driven individuals, highly individualistic. They look for a “pertaining group”. From their point of view institutions are utopias, but groups are not. Freedom fighters are change agents in institutions. They oppose to existing ethics proposing a new ethical approach to reality. They are usually leaders that are followed by those who share their utopia.

Flank Defendant

Frank defendant individuals use their judgment to generate the need for a new solution and, having found the solution, occupy the empty space opened by their judgment. They are an excellent professional when they have the will to learn and keep themselves updated in their field of action. In this case, their knowledge enables them to propose new solutions and innovations to improve an organization.


The frontal individuals are naturally functional to the institution they integrate: they are an “institutionalizer”. They look for effective operational solutions using a direct approach to the environment. They deliver a high added value in situations where results depend on human actions.

Empty-space occupier

The empty-space occupier is the one who aims at adding value in a field no one is doing so. It is a necessary approach for entrepreneurs, successful innovators and creators.


The research work showed that individuals’ behavior include all the strategic styles. But in case of extreme stress, individuals use their natural dominant style.

Being aware of one’s strategic intelligence makes complementation with others easier. Avoiding uncertainty permits avoiding stereotypical behaviors.

Models, like this one, facilitate a logical but imperfect approach to reality. Thus, uncertainty is transformed into a manageable risk. This way, individuals can empower their skills and complement with others.

More information on the Roots of Human Behavior:

Diana Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.

About the Unicist Reflection Driven Education

Human adaptive actions are functional when people are aware of the concepts they have when approaching a particular activity. This allows going beyond automatic behaviors.

Conceptual management requires learning to approach concepts through real successful experiences.

Unicist Reflection Driven Education

The Unicist Business Education includes:

Real Solution Building: to work with real cases of the participants in order to achieve a real guiding idea of the use of the technologies.

Unicist Root Cause Problem Solving: to sustain a structured approach to the adaptive aspects of businesses to develop solutions.

Unicist Counseling Service: to have permanent support for the solutions of the problems and to manage the necessary technologies.

Unicist Conceptual Design: each participant begins by developing the conceptual design of the solutions.

Benefits of the Unicist Reflection Driven Education:

• The possibility of managing businesses as adaptive systems
• Managing the root causes of business functions

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute has been, since 1976, the pioneer in complexity science research to deal with adaptive entities and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of adaptive systems and environments. It was one of the precursors of the Industry 4.0 concept

Adaptive Systems have no variables, they are driven by objects

Unicist ontology-based technologies are materialized in objects that are installed within processes to produce optimized results.

Nature is organized by objects. It is these objects of nature that establish evolution’s point of reference. The appearance of new species, the disappearance of others, changes, evolution, and mutation of species are nothing but aspects of nature that may be approached today as of the Unicist Ontology of Evolution which is based on the discovery of the Ontogenetic Intelligence of Nature.

Complexity Science Research

For this approach to be economic, possible and certain as far as results go, it is necessary to have the appropriate knowledge. This knowledge may be either diffuse or structured in objects. When it is diffuse, it is permanently being scrutinized. When it is structured, it establishes cognitive landmarks that change as new operational knowledge is gained.

Humans use mental “pre-built” structures to approach reality. Object driven thinking is human’s natural approach to reality. Human mind approaches reality using cognitive objects.

A cognitive object is a structure that contains knowledge, an action procedure, the groundings of such object, and the opinion on which it is based.

When the conceptual knowledge of a given reality is reached, we can structure cognitive objects that remain throughout the times and evolve slowly.The Unicist Ontology of Evolution lays the necessary conceptual ground to construct stable and safe cognitive objects, which are required to forecast the reality whose knowledge they structure.

These cognitive objects allow the building of systemic, functional and operational objects to be installed within business processes. The cognitive objects also allow the adaptation process of objects to different non-compatible environments.

Unicist Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute has been, since 1976, the pioneer in complexity science research to deal with adaptive entities and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of adaptive systems and environments. It was one of the precursors of the Industry 4.0 concept

Unicist Residencies

The participants in unicist residencies develop real solutions for the organizations they belong to. They assume the responsibility for developing functional solutions to the problems they are dealing with.

Participants use the Unicist Reflection Process and its implicit pilot testing technologies to develop solutions in the unicist residency. Unicist counselors support this solution building process.

The access to the root causes of problems requires the use of an action-reflection-action process to apprehend the concepts and fundamentals of the problems. This is a pilot test driven reflection that allows accessing structural sustainable solutions.

These solutions are built using the unicist strategy driven root cause management that allows finding the root causes of problems, defining a solution and developing destructive and non-destructive pilot tests until the functionality has been confirmed.

Unicist Residencies are homologous to Medical Residencies

The development of unicist residencies was influenced by medical education because both approaches deal with complex environments. Medical residencies deal with the cure of patients in the Teaching Hospitals while the “residents” learn to manage an expertise.

The activities of Teaching Hospitals in Medicine and the Teaching Hospitals in Business have the same goal, solving problems, but are totally different in their operation because the unicist residencies need to deal with the concepts and fundamentals of the problems to access their root causes, which is not the case in Medicine.

Diana Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm

Building the Guiding Idea in Adults´ Learning Process

The Research on the Ontology of Human Learning developed at The Unicist Research Institute showed that the development of the guiding idea in the learning process of adults is the decisive step to begin the learning process. If there is no clear guiding idea, the learning process does not even start.

The Unicist Ontology of the Guiding Idea of Adults' Learning

The guiding idea of what is being learned is defined by providing an essential answer to the following questions in relation to the object of learning:

What is it?

The definition of the category of the “thing” that needs to be apprehended is the first step to apprehend its nature.

What is it for?

The “What for” of a concept that an adult aims to learn sets the functionality of what is being learned. If the learner truly understands the “what for” of something, the information on this functionality could be used in the future as it would be stored in the long-term memory associated with a concrete use and added value.

What is the differentiation within the category?

Once the essence of an object of learning is apprehended (what is it?) and the functionality of this concept is known (what is it for?), then the individual needs to approach the differentiation of this object of learning with other objects within the same category. Adults are only willing to learn if they know that the solution is “the best of the class”.

The Building of the Guiding Idea: The Key to Learning

The building of the guiding idea is the starting point for any learning process. Learning is one of the most freedom oriented actions. No one can truly force anyone to learn, no one can truly stop anyone from learning. For this learning process to take place, the learner makes an individual decision.

When the guiding idea is not defined, the learning does not begin, when the 3 questions are not validated, and are taken as truths, preconcepts and fallacies prevail, but when they are answered and taken in functional terms, a new door opens for the learning of adults.

And as Sun Tzu stated: Every battle is won or lost before it is even fought. The answer given to the essential questions of “What is it?”, “What is for?” and “What is the difference with others in the same category?” define the success or failure of the learning process.

Conceptual Management – A Logical Approach to Businesses


The conceptual approach to business requires that people need to know “why” something is happening. This is unnecessary at an operational level, but is a basic question when dealing with strategic approaches. The “know why” is driven by a logical approach to businesses that allows managing their concepts making them reasonable, understandable and provable.

Unicist Ontology of Conceptual ThinkingWhen the boundaries of a business are being expanded, individuals need to apprehend the concept that is behind its operational aspects in order to influence a new environment. This implies apprehending the ontology (nature) of its concept and its dynamics.

On the one hand, the conceptual approach to business became possible based on the discovery of the structure of concepts, defined by a purpose, an active and entropic function and an energy conservation function, which allowed apprehending the nature of facts and actions (unicist ontology).*

On the other hand, the discovery that the concepts people have in mind work as behavioral objects that drive their behavior made this conceptual approach necessary to deal with strategic approaches.

The Origin of Conceptual Thinking

The endless “Why?” question posed by children (nearby 3 years old) is what allows establishing the neural network needed by a person to apprehend and manage concepts. This process starts when children begin to look for the origin of those things they are interested in.

This endless “why” questioning has three main benefits:

  1. It sustains the development of the neural network that allows dealing with the origin of things and not only with the operational aspects.
  2. It expands the language of the child driving her/him to deal with an implicit integrative, fuzzy and predicate logic.
  3. It provides the “why” that allows children to approach their games, which develop their systemic thinking approach.

Conceptual diagnoses, conceptual design and conceptual management became possible using the unicist logical approach, which made “concepts” tangible and provided the structural functional approach to develop business diagnoses, strategies and architecture.

*Based on the research on Conceptualization developed by Peter Belohlavek at The Unicist Research Institute.

The Unicist Research Institute

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.


Unicist Conceptual Knowledge Catalyzes Businesses

Operational knowledge unavoidably competes with the knowledge of the participants. Unicist conceptual knowledge widens the field of action and thus provides additional value of aspects that exceed the field of operational work problems.

It necessarily begins being opaque for operational use until people begin to perceive that it is extremely useful to expand the possibilities of businesses and allows multiplying the successful experiences and inhibiting the repetition of failures.

Accessing unicist conceptual approaches requires exposing their logical structures, going beyond intuition, by using a “drop by drop” communication until some of the drops become necessary.

From that moment on the same communication is perceived as a systematic value adding process.

The catalyzing process is produced by the possibility of accessing a superior level of knowledge that provides a logical structured context of an activity. Without this logical structure any superior knowledge is perceived as opaque and unbearable.

This possibility of widening the boundaries is the catalyst in itself.

Diana Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm. http://www.unicist.org/repo/#Unicist

Unicist Superior Education in Business

“It is easier to avoid complex problems than to learn to manage them.”

Superior Education deals with adults

A learning context is required before a learning process begins. Learning processes in adults require the existence of a real problem to be solved. When there is no real problem to be solved, the learning process has no substance and the “knowledge” cannot be stored in the long term memory because it is meaningless.

Adults Learnng ContextThe maximal strategy of a learning process is given by the need of improvement. The existence of a driver and the real need for improvement provides the will the individual “uses” as a catalyst in order to face and solve the problems of his/her learning process.

Achieving the minimum strategy implies paying the prices to ensure learning. The price to be paid is that the individual needs to leave things aside in order to access the comprehension of a new approach.

Learning implies leaving things aside. If the problem can be solved using the preexisting knowledge, there is no need for learning because the problem does not exist.

Therefore, it is implicit in a learning process for unsolved problems that the individual leaves aside the preexisting approach and enters the comprehension of the new approach without cutting it down to what s/he knew.

Adults only do so when they really need to solve a problem. Improvement is the active function and learning the energy conservation function.

Only people who need to improve will be able to learn. People who enter in a learning process without having a real need to improve in order to solve real problems just enter in self-fulfilling activities.


When these conditions are unfulfilled, learning processes are driven by evaluation and qualification systems, substituting the goal of improving real actions by overcoming an obstacle in order to obtain a personal benefit.

When these conditions are given a genuine learning process can begin.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.

Active inaction destroys relationships and businesses

Active inaction works as an “ethical business virus” that destroys any productive relationship in organizations. Active inaction is a natural defense in the case of cultures and people who are not able or willing to assume the responsibility for generating added value. It is part of the lifestyle in underdeveloped environments. See:

Active InactionA paradigmatic trigger for active inaction is “innovation blindness”. People who are affected by “innovation blindness”, need to install the virus of “active inaction” to blame others for what they cannot “see”. See:

It adopts infinite shapes that are driven by the need of avoiding responsibility for results and are sustained by the actions of transferring costs and risks to others.

As it is known, people who do not manage the concepts of what they are doing cannot know what is possible to be achieved. Therefore, they cannot assume the responsibility for producing results.

Active inaction destroys personal relationships in organizations and works as an “ethical business virus” that seeks for the destruction of the ethics of an organization. Those individuals that install this “virus” have the feeling of impunity that is sustained by the fact that “they did nothing”. See:

To sustain their impunity, they seek for accomplices in order to demonstrate that their inaction is not their problem, but a problem of the organization. Through this “accomplice pact” the virus can expand instantaneously in organizations.

It needs to be clarified that inaction, in a world that is moving, is an action in itself. It is the unique action that produces an extreme friction provoking the “implosion” of what is being done and the destruction of the ethics of the organization.

All actions, with exception of the “active inaction”, can be “lubricated” in order to have a smooth productive process. It is impossible to support something that is not being done.

That is why “active inaction” is unacceptable in the business world.

Diana Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.

The Unicist Ontology of Language

Language as a driver and inhibitor of human intelligence

The objective of the research was to find a way to forecast human behavior based on the use of languages and to define the natural languages necessary to approach different realities in different contexts. Language can be defined as a system of communication and of reasoning which makes use of representations, metaphors and grammar. Language is the code that humans use in conscious thinking processes that allows them emulating reality in mind. The research on languages and semiotics  began at the end of the seventies at The Unicist Research Institute.

The Unicist Ontology of Language

Facts and future human actions are implicit in the use of language.

It is also the mask of a culture’s ethics. A language is both an individual expression and the expression of the culture in which an individual lives and tries to adapt.

The ethics that underlies a culture is represented in the structure of the use of the language, in colloquial expressions, in the aphorisms of such language and in its metaphors.

This synthesis introduces the unicist ontology of language that is used in the development of behavioral forecasts.

A language may be rationally filtered, it can be self-censored or it can be foreseen in its hypothetical consequences.

But the implicit unicist ontology of language cannot be hidden if the one who is hearing truly listens.

Language as the structure for conscious reasoning

Language as Reasoning StructureLanguages allow structuring the conscious reasoning process of individuals. Babies do have reasoning processes that are based on “intuition”, and have a very low level of abstraction capacity.  Abstraction evolves with the evolution of an individual.

The functionality of language, depending on the type of thought, sustains the human adaptation processes. It must be considered that language is based on dualistic thinking which is natural to the human neural system.

That is why syncretic and analytic languages provide the security framework to communication.

On the other hand, factual and synthetic languages foster freedom-oriented approaches to integrate reasoning processes with the external reality.

Language as the code for communication

Communication is the most evident function of a language. Internal or external actions of an individual or groups of individuals are implicitly promoted by communication.

Communication ConceptThe unicist ontological structure of interpersonal communication includes:

  1. An adaptation process to generate added value to the environment and obtain the counterpart.
  2. A process of introjective empathy. The individual that is communicating has to introject the object of communication in order to apprehend reality.
  3. A process of “influential-sympathy”. This requires that individuals have to “vibrate” in a syntonic way with the environment. Having “influential-sympathy” requires exerting influence on the syntonic “vibration” with the environment to ensure the possibility to share experiences with others.
  4. A participation process. When pastime is the goal, participation processes have to be the implicit purpose of communication.
  5. A “projective-empathic” process, which is the starting point of any communication. Communication begins with the projection of our beliefs on the external reality.
  6. A process of “emotive-sympathy”, in which both sides discover that they might share the same emotions.

Language as the ethical mask of a culture

Ethical Intelligence Language is the central tool of a culture. That is what we call its “ethical mask”. The habits and myths are subjacent in a language, including the functional projective and introjective mechanisms that are used by the culture.

A language that is used in different cultures has divergent attributes influenced by each culture’s social ethics.

Ethics establishes the rules of reasoning processes and sustains communication. The ethical mask of languages establishes the link between language and ethics. This establishes the type of the complementation of the participants of a communication process.

A communication between peers requires managing the same level of ethics.

There is a language for each level of ethics. The ethical mask materializes the utopia implicit in each level of ethics.

The Unicist Ontology of the Functionality of Words

Interpersonal written or spoken language requires the use of words which, according to their meaning, define the functionality of communication.

This description explains the functionality implicit in the use of words.

Words’ FunctionalityThe results of this research help individuals to diagnose reality based on the facts implicit in what is said.

Conceptually, based on their meaning, there are four different “types” of words:

  1. Empty words: are those words that have no rational meaning in the context they are being used. They have multiple non structured meanings with no shareable purpose. Adjectives that have no adverbial function are empty words.
  2. Hollow words: are those words that are able to integrate in a unique sense the meanings given to them by emitters and receivers. In these words there is an implicit tacit purpose underlying.
  3. Full  words: are the words with a unique irrefutable meaning for those involved in a communication process. They are the solid container where hollow words fit in.
  4. Ambiguous words: are the words having two different meanings. One of the meanings is functional to the communication process and the other is dysfunctional.

The Unicist Ontology of Ambiguous Language

It is a language functional for the description of essences in order to approach the integration of reality in its possible oneness. It uses relational logic to operate in the field of ambiguity.

Ambiguous LanguageIt allows simplifying reality by approaching it using homologies. Ambiguous language and synthetic language are used as synonyms. When synthetic language is used properly, receivers are able to apprehend the essences of a situation, fact or action.

Ambiguous language is necessary to influence adaptive environments. Ambiguous language has no value in the field of operational problems.

The objective of ambiguous language is to generate added value based on a dialogue within the limits of the available information on the problem being faced.

There are two different types of dialogues when using ambiguous language: the dialogue with the facts and the dialogue with the people who are participating in the solution.

Pilot tests are the way to dialogue with facts using ambiguous language.

The Unicist Ontology of Figurative Communication

The use of language in a communication requires accepting the fact that in order to do something there has to exist real consensus.

Figurative Communication Words are naturally filtered before they are spoken or written. This filter can build the necessary fallacies to think that some communication is happening while in fact a different communication is occurring.

That is why communication can only be measured in the results produced by the real consensus.

The achievement of real consensus might imply knowing the structural differences between the parts that are communicating. In this case it allows knowing the consequences of the differences.

The use of figurative communication allows avoiding the dysfunctional filtering of communications, providing messages that drive naturally towards real consensus.

That is why people who cannot assume a responsibility of something, cannot understand figurative communication.

The purpose of figurative communication is to achieve real consensus which means achieving a rational, emotional and conceptual consensus.

Achieving real consensus requires solving the conflicts that are generated by interests, needs, beliefs, lack of knowledge, etc.

The Unicist Ontology of Messages

The purpose of a message is to deliver information. This purpose is achieved by adding value to the receiver and the energy conservation function is given by the credibility of the message.

MessageThe “maximal strategy” of a message is sustained by the value it adds. The “minimum strategy” is given by its credibility.

The value added allows the message to be remembered. The meaningfulness of  data is a condition in order to store them in the long term memory of an individual. The information might be remembered, but it can only be used if it is meaningful.

A message is an object that needs to be carefully defined if the message has multiple users or receivers. When it is a univocal message, the design has to respond to the possibilities that the information included can be decoded by the receiver.

Information without credibility cannot be integrated unless it is based on a stimulus of human weaknesses. Gossip is an example of this case. The lack of credibility generates doubt in the mind of the receiver and doubt provokes inaction.


The conscious ideas an individual has are structured using the reasoning framework of his language and using the semantic and the syntax that represent the language’s intrinsic logic.

From an ontological point of view there are two types of linguistic structures to deal with communication and reasoning:

  1. “Backward chaining”, which approach reality from the end to the beginning.
  2. Forward chaining, which approach reality from the beginning to the end of the process.

Both approaches have to be used in order to have a non-fallacious perception of reality.  Languages have different functional structures depending on their backward or forward orientation.

The syntax of a language defines the natural approach of a culture in order to adapt to reality. .

In every language there is an implicit reasoning structure. Therefore there are languages with attributes for artistic expression, for hard-sciences, for soft-sciences, for dualistic philosophies, for integrative philosophies, and so on. The language in which assertions are expressed, generates the cultural preconceptions on their validity.

Academic Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.