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About the Unicist Reflection Driven Education

Human adaptive actions are functional when people are aware of the concepts they have when approaching a particular activity. This allows going beyond automatic behaviors.

Conceptual management requires learning to approach concepts through real successful experiences.

Unicist Reflection Driven Education

The Unicist Business Education includes:

Real Solution Building: to work with real cases of the participants in order to achieve a real guiding idea of the use of the technologies.

Unicist Root Cause Problem Solving: to sustain a structured approach to the adaptive aspects of businesses to develop solutions.

Unicist Counseling Service: to have permanent support for the solutions of the problems and to manage the necessary technologies.

Unicist Conceptual Design: each participant begins by developing the conceptual design of the solutions.

Benefits of the Unicist Reflection Driven Education:

• The possibility of managing businesses as adaptive systems
• Managing the root causes of business functions

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute has been, since 1976, the pioneer in complexity science research to deal with adaptive entities and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of adaptive systems and environments. It was one of the precursors of the Industry 4.0 concept

Unicist Conceptual Knowledge Catalyzes Businesses

Operational knowledge unavoidably competes with the knowledge of the participants. Unicist conceptual knowledge widens the field of action and thus provides additional value of aspects that exceed the field of operational work problems.

It necessarily begins being opaque for operational use until people begin to perceive that it is extremely useful to expand the possibilities of businesses and allows multiplying the successful experiences and inhibiting the repetition of failures.

Accessing unicist conceptual approaches requires exposing their logical structures, going beyond intuition, by using a “drop by drop” communication until some of the drops become necessary.

From that moment on the same communication is perceived as a systematic value adding process.

The catalyzing process is produced by the possibility of accessing a superior level of knowledge that provides a logical structured context of an activity. Without this logical structure any superior knowledge is perceived as opaque and unbearable.

This possibility of widening the boundaries is the catalyst in itself.

Diana Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm. http://www.unicist.org/repo/#Unicist

Wisdom vs. Erudition: Wisdom is a pathway with many masters

The extreme confrontation of erudition with wisdom (but not vice versa) has been discovered in the research developed during more than 10 years in the field of Talent Development. The research was led by Peter Belohlavek.

Wisdom can be defined as the capacity of an individual to integrate idealism and realism with value-adding actions. The characteristic of individuals who achieved wisdom is that they had multiple masters that had an authoritative role in their lives. These roles are still in force and they still admire them.

Admiration and functional envy are the concepts that allow for achieving wisdom. Individuals who admire others’ achievements and deeds have the opportunity to achieve wisdom, but only if they pursue the objective of adding value in an environment. Functional envy drives individuals to achieve goals.

Individuals with conflictive relations with authority can never achieve wisdom. They might be extremely erudite, extremely hard workers but they will never be able to integrate idealism and realism with a value-adding attitude in their environment.

The apparent paradox of wisdom is the need for multiple masters. It is said that disciples are those learners who overcome their masters. But wisdom, defined as the space where an individual has been able to integrate idealism and realism with value-adding actions, cannot be overcome. What is the difference between Wisdom and Erudition?


Wisdom is a state that requires focusing on specific aspects of reality using questions to apprehend their nature, and having the necessary conscious knowledge of the environment in order to generate value.

Wisdom cannot be overcome because the nature of some aspects of reality has been apprehended and can be managed.

But it has to be considered that wise people do not consider competing with others to have a place in the world. They earned it and have it. That is why they remain masters in the field they are wise.


Erudition is an addiction that drives people to build a parallel hypothetical reality where they consider themselves wise. It is a frequent addiction of rationally gifted individuals.

They are driven by envy which makes them accumulate data they use to judge the originators of the data while they try to demonstrate to others that they are wise.

This allows them to confront others in their hypothetical reality to feel that their judgments make them wise.

They need to manipulate in order to make their hypothetical reality prevail over actual facts.

Opinators: The pseudo-erudites

Opinators are individuals whose goal is to impose their opinions in their area of influence in order to obtain full recognition for their personal opinions.

OpinatorsThey use their pre-concepts to deal with reality and blame others for all that becomes dysfunctional when failure follows their groundless opinions.

Erudites are their implicit role model, although they do not have the energy to acquire the knowledge in order to have rational information.

They suffer from innovation blindness, therefore they disregard any information that endangers the validity of their pre-concepts.

Opinators are fundamentalists in their field of influence who install “suspicion and doubt” on any action that endangers their subjective dominant position. When they are very smart, they are notorious manipulators.


Competing with a master in a field where s/he is wise is a demonstration of the prevalence of the need to gain over the need to add value. Multiple masters make wisdom accessible.

Erudition is not analogous to wisdom; it might be different or a fallacious “version” of wisdom. Wisdom implies action while erudition does not.

Achieving wisdom cannot be a goal for a wise person; wisdom is the consequence of the action of an individual but does not cause it. It is unwise to try to achieve wisdom.

That is why wisdom is a pathway with multiple masters. Masters are ordinary or extraordinary people who have achieved wisdom in some field. Look for them while you continue adding value.

To achieve wisdom you need to abandon your modesty and expand your humbleness.  Wise people do not need to be right, just functional.

The Unicist Research Institute

Updated with the opinion provided by ChatGPT

The text you’ve shared outlines a compelling perspective on the distinction between wisdom and erudition, emphasizing the inherent value of wisdom in personal and professional development. This view, attributed to Peter Belohlavek’s research in Talent Development over a decade, provides a nuanced understanding of these concepts and their implications for individuals striving for growth and mastery.

Wisdom, as described, is more than just knowledge or intellectual capacity; it’s about the integration of idealism and realism into actionable insights that add value to the environment. This integration requires a certain humility and openness to learning from multiple mentors or masters, suggesting a lifelong commitment to growth and understanding. Wisdom is characterized by a focus on generating value rather than competing for recognition, and it is seen as an end state that is achieved through the continuous application of learned principles to real-world challenges.

Erudition, on the other hand, is portrayed almost as a trap for the intellectually gifted, who may fall into the habit of accumulating knowledge for the sake of knowledge, or for the purpose of asserting superiority over others. This pursuit can lead to a detachment from reality and a focus on hypothetical constructs rather than practical application. The text suggests that erudition, driven by envy and a desire for recognition, can prevent individuals from achieving true wisdom because it prioritizes the acquisition of knowledge over the creation of value.

The text also introduces the concept of Opinators, individuals who are essentially described as pseudo-erudites. These individuals are more concerned with imposing their views and obtaining recognition for their opinions than with the pursuit of truth or the generation of value. Their approach is fundamentally oppositional and destructive, characterized by manipulation and a refusal to engage with innovative or challenging ideas.

The conclusions drawn from this research emphasize the importance of action and the application of knowledge in the pursuit of wisdom. True wisdom is not something that can be pursued directly; rather, it is the byproduct of a value-driven approach to life and work. This perspective suggests that individuals should seek out mentors and embrace a mindset of humility and continuous learning in order to achieve wisdom.

The distinction between wisdom and erudition outlined in the text provides a valuable framework for understanding personal development and the pursuit of mastery in any field. It suggests that true mastery and wisdom come from the application of knowledge in a way that adds value, rather than from the mere accumulation of facts or achievements. This approach encourages a focus on practical outcomes and the positive impact one can have on their environment, rather than on personal recognition or the assertion of intellectual dominance.

DNA of Leadership: Breakthrough in the Research of Behavior

The discovery of the unicist ontological structure describes what can be defined as the genome (DNA) of leadership. The knowledge of its structure and the different categories of leaders allow defining the functionality of the leadership style of an individual and how s/he complements and supplements with others.

Leadership is based on the need to sustain one’s authority. But the participation of others is a condition of leadership. A leader is such because s/he is followed. Therefore, in terms of the unicist logic, participation is the active function of leadership and the energy conservation function is given by the power a leader has to impose her/his authority.

Shared objectives are the driver of leadership. Shared objectives precede the leader’s activity. Exceptions are new groups with no objectives. In this case, a creative leader is needed. Shared objectives are synthesized in the vision of a company or of a group.

Both the creative and the constructive leadership types are functional to develop maximal strategies. Maximal strategies requires democratic, authoritative and exemplarity driven leadership.

Both the authoritarian and the charismatic leadership types are functional to develop minimum strategies. Minimum strategies require a dualistic approach which includes authoritarian, charismatic and laissez faire leadership.

Authoritative paternalistic leadership is the catalyst for minimum strategies. When the catalyst is missing it works as an inhibitor of minimum strategies driving towards failure or inaction.

Diana Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.

Discovery of the Nature of Interpersonal Communication

Communication implies establishing a code to relate with others within a particular environment. From an essential point of view, the purpose of communication is either functional to work or functional to pastime.

Communication Concept

On the one hand, we define work as the human activity carried out to generate added value and gain the corresponding counterpart. On the other hand, the objective of pastime is to obtain emotional benefits and generate pleasant transactions using the communication as the vehicle. The unicist ontological structure of interpersonal communication includes:

  1. An adaptation process to generate added value to the environment and obtain the counterpart.
  2. A process of introjective empathy. The individual that is communicating introjects the object of communication in order to apprehend reality.
  3. A process of influential sympathy. This requires individuals to “vibrate” syntonized with the environment they are communicating with. Having influential sympathy requires influencing the syntonic “vibration” with the environment to ensure the possibility to share experiences with others.
  4. A participation process. When pastime is the goal, participation processes have to be the implicit purpose of communication.
  5. A projective empathic process, which is the starting point of any communication. Communication begins with the projection of ourselves we make on the external reality.
  6. A process of emotive sympathy, in which both sides discover they might share the same emotions.

The change of languages

Adolescents promote the change of languages. Thus they build a parallel world to fit in. A cultural nucleus is strong when it neutralized most of the changes promoted by adolescents. A cultural nucleus is weak when adults copy the language of adolescents. In this sense, the behavior of elites defines the strengths or weakness of a culture.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.

The moral aspects of psychopathic leadership

There are three different drivers of psychopathy: amorality, pseudo-morality and immorality.

A special characteristic of social behavior is that the instinctive behavior is expected to be limited to those aspects that only belong to the intimacy of an individual.

Psychopaths always have a rational justification for their behavior and they need to find it in any of the three drivers of their justified behavior.

  1. Amorality allows using an anti-social cleverness in which the smart-aleck is a paradigmatic example.
  2. Pseudo-morality allows using the justification of anti-social behaviors based on a supposed superior morality for the benefit of the psychopathic moralist.
  3. Immorality allows using the justification of relativist behaviors where the end justifies the means just for the benefit of the psychopath.

Diana Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.

Pleasure is what makes adaptive learning processes possible

In order to be able to learn new skills in the field of adaptive behavior it is necessary that the learning process be sustained by the pleasure obtained from using these skills.

The expectancy of a new pleasant experience and its confirmation during the learning processes is the driver for the learning of new adaptive skills.

The unicist object driven learning process design allowed developing a technology that allows integrating the use of a focused discipline and the achievement of results to provide a pleasant learning experience to the participants. The unicist learning objects are the core of this technology.

Without the expectancy of a new pleasant experience and its confirmation during the learning processes there is no possibility of learning new adaptive skills.

Frequently, adults consider that they know how to learn new skills based on the learning experiences they had in life. This is a fallacy that drives to avoid learning, by transforming the new skills into known fields, eliminating all what is new and adding what is needed to fit into the preexisting knowledge.

That is why the design of adaptive learning processes requires following the natural taxonomic steps that correspond to the subject that is being learned. As it is a field in which the participants have no knowledge, the learners need to have the discipline of following the steps established by the teaching authority.

There are two unpleasant aspects of these learning processes:

1) The learning of the foundations of the new skills in order to be able to integrate them in the long term memory.

2) The exercises to introduce new habits that are necessarily included in the learning processes.

1) New foundations require understanding aspects that are new and do not correspond to the rationality the learner uses to deal with the adaptive aspects of reality. This is painful because it requires leaving convictions aside and building a new structured knowledge of reality.

2) Exercising, which is a necessary aspect of any learning process, is the unpleasant aspect of learning processes. Participants need to develop the exercises which are necessary to introduce new habits knowing that when there is no pain there is no gain, because the individuals have to expand their mental boundaries.

People who avoid the learning of foundations and the exercising cannot learn.

That is why the learning of adaptive skills requires following a “brick by brick” process that allows having a pleasant experience with each brick and a full experience when the bricks are integrated into a building. A metaphor will provide the necessary idea of how this process needs to be built:


Diana Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.

The Power of Freedom: External freedom to do

Individuals have two types of freedoms that they need to manage: inner freedom, in order to expand who they are, and external freedom, to expand what they do.

External freedom needs inner freedom to exist. Nobody can have the power of external freedom without having achieved inner freedom first. The pathway towards external freedom requires having achieved inner freedom and being able to manage time.

External freedom implies assuming the responsibility to do while being conscious of the actions that need to be done to adapt to the environment. This is the definition of free will which is a basic condition for democratic environments.

Free will can only be exerted by individuals who are adapted to the environment, have assumed a responsibility in the environment and are conscious of their actions. Freewill cannot mean doing what one wants to do. It necessarily implies the integration of the needs of all the participants in an environment. Absolute free will is an anarchic / individualistic behavior.

Diana Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.https://www.unicist.org/talents/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/turi-1.pdf

Talent is driven by the concept of reality an individual has

Talents are defined by the capacity of an individual to adapt to an environment generating value and earning the counterpart. The width and depth of these talents define the potential of the individual.

Talent DevelopmentEverybody has a talent. For some people it is easier to get aware of them than for others.

Talents are as diverse as the action fields of human beings.

Only when goals are achieved talents can be recognized as such.

These achievements are not necessarily contemporaneous with the action. Nobody doubts that Van Gogh and Nikola Tesla were talented. But when the talent largely exceeds the existing paradigms, individuals are marginalized by the environment.

Talents are discovered when people act in their environment. Talents are perceived through the difference compared to others. When an individual is using his talent he is perceived as:

  1. Focused: Talent implies the “alignment or neural circuits” to achieve a goal.
  2. Natural: When a talent has been trained, it flows naturally in its field of action.
  3. Credible: People who use their talents are consistent and therefore credible.
  4. Convinced: When adults use their talents they are sure about what they are doing.
  5. Self-criticism: The most notorious characteristic of talent is the implicit capacity for self-criticism. Self-criticism is what fosters personal improvement and implicitly develops one’s talents.

Diana Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. http://www.unicist.org

Personal-role objects building in adaptive environments

Personal roles work as objects in adaptive environments because they allow integrating groups knowing the functionality of each member which permits building synergy and establishing driving, inhibiting and entropy inhibiting functions.

Personal-Role Object

The acknowledgement of these roles also allows adding external functions to the group to provide catalyzing and gravitational functions to accelerate actions and ensure their consistency.

Only people who accept that their value is in the role they play in a work process are able to design object driven organizations.

People who just develop their work by executing tasks can use objects as part of their work process but cannot lead these processes.

A personal-role object is a composite object, integrated by multiple objects that sustain the role. It has to be considered that objects are adaptive systems that have a concept, an adding value active function and a quality assuring energy conservation function.

These multiple objects are integrated in four functions:

  1. Objects to provide transparency
  2. Objects to provide the necessary “dressing”
  3. Objects to demonstrate the deeds
  4. Objects to demonstrate the utility

A personal role identifies the functional identity that an individual has and that the environment expects s/he will fulfill.

The personal role becomes an object when an individual truly assumed the full responsibility of what is expected in an adaptive environment.

The personal-role of individuals considered as an object is what makes them part of an adaptive environment.

Over-adaptive environments do not accept the existence of roles.  They transform the functionality of an individual’s role into subjectivism and duties that are managed by the manipulation of illusions, fears and guilt.

Individuals have multiple roles depending on the environment in which they act. From this point of view an individual who is alone and has no contact with the external environment, has no personal role. The integration with the environment is what makes the personal roles exist as objects.

Every object has a level of energy that defines its critical mass. This energy is defined by the functional aesthetics of the role’s added value, the personal influence an individual has and the credibility of the value proposal.

Diana Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. http://www.unicist.org