Learning to deal with Unified Fields in Business
When we talk about the ontogenesis of knowledge acquisition we mean the natural steps that need to be considered when learning or when a learning process for other is being designed.
Knowledge can only be acquired when individuals have made a conscious decision to learn something. Knowledge only exists when it is stored in the long term memory which requires being meaningful and useful.
While adapting to reality implies a high level of energy consumption, building parallel realities provides a feeling of comfort, making the individual feel in power of the situation in the short run.
The unified field needs to be approached following the natural steps to apprehend a specific reality and the possibilities the individual has.
We invite you to be our guest at the Unicist Library to learn about “Hyperrealism in Business”: http://www.unicist.com
Diana Belohlavek
VP Global Markets
& Market Labs
NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is a pioneer in complexity science research. More than 4,000 ontological researches were developed since 1976 until July 2011 in the field of individual, institutional and social evolution, including the development of ontology based and business object driven solutions for businesses.