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Invitation to the Next Stage: A Causal Approach to Business
This collaboration center provides information on functionalist technologies to users of the Unicist Conceptual Designer, enabling the management of a causal approach to business. A causal approach is essential when dealing with adaptive business functions such as strategy, product design, marketing, organizational processes, and automation design.
On the one hand, the users of the Unicist Conceptual Designer are supported by the counseling and coaching processes of the Unicist Virtual Advisor, which is based on generative AI.
On the other hand, they can access the open concepts and functionalist principles published in books that facilitate the building of ontogenetic maps of solutions available in the market.
The Unicist Virtual Advisor has been trained using a collection of over 120 books from the unicist library to manage the functionality of adaptive entities in the social, economic, and business fields.
Unicist Artificial Intelligence
The solutions developed can be supported by unicist decision support systems, based on unicist artificial intelligence, which uses the rules of unicist logic and the laws of the functionality, dynamics, and evolution of adaptive systems.
The causal approach to the real world, based on the unicist functionalist approach to science, was developed by Peter Belohlavek at The Unicist Research Institute. It has become universally necessary due to the 4th industrial revolution and AI.
The functionalist approach to business is supported by the functionalist knowledge provided by the Unicist Virtual Advisor.
The virtual advisor is based on the functionalist knowledge-base included in the Unicist Library, integrated by research-works and applications developed at The Unicist Research Institute, which includes 100+ books and 3000+ articles. These research-works began in 1976 and are ongoing.
Unicist Virtual Advisor
Access the know-how of the unicist functionalist approach.
Basic Research: The Unicist Functionalist Approach to Science - Research on Intelligence: Functionality of Human Intelligence – Social Research: Unicist Social & Economic Laboratory - Healthcare 4.0 - Unicist Future Research Lab – Business Research: Managing the 4th Industrial Revolution - Unicist Business Strategy - Unicist Functionalist Marketing - Unicist Functionalist Management - Unicist IT & Business Cobots - Unicist People Management 4.0 - Unicist Conceptual Engineering - Unicist Financial Strategies
The 4IR is the first market-oriented revolution that is based on managing the functionality of things. It requires managing the functionalist principles of processes and the use of synchronized binary actions to ensure market orientation and results. This consultation library will help to profit from the 4IR.