About Peter Belohlavek

Peter Belohlavek, born in Zilina, Slovakia, is the creator of the unicist functionalist approach to science and the discoverer of the functionalist principles of things that were applied to the evolution of adaptive systems of any kind, whether they are living beings or artificial entities.

Peter Belohlavek

The applications include the evolution of social, economic, individual, and business environments. He is a scientist dedicated to researching the functionality, dynamics, and evolution of adaptive systems. He is also the founder of The Unicist Research Institute and The Unicist School.

He discovered the ontogenetic intelligence of nature, which defines the root causes of evolution, and ontointelligence, which defines the root causes of human intelligence. These discoveries were the basis for the development of the functionalist principles, unicist logic, and the unicist theory to deal with adaptive systems of any kind. The unicist logic and the laws of evolution of the unicist theory enabled the development of unicist AI, which is a fundamentals-based AI to manage adaptability.

His activity has focused on finding the roots of evolution and applying them to the real world to generate additional value through the simplification of things. His basic education is in economic sciences.
To address evolution and its application to the real world, he supplemented his education with research-driven guided studies in Psychology, Epistemology, Physics, Anthropology, Economics, Education, Sociology, Biology, and Management. His studies are ongoing.

His scientific works have been synthesized in more than 150 books that integrate the “Unicist Library”. These works drove to the creation of The Unicist School with +100,000 followers in 56 countries.

The Core Elements of the Unicist Theory

The Unicist Theory comprises the following main discoveries and developments:

  • The Ontogenetic Intelligence of Nature describes the essential structure of nature that drives its functionality and evolution.
  • The Unicist Logic enables emulation of the triadic structure of the ontogenetic intelligence of nature using a unicist double dialectical approach to manage the functionality, dynamics, and evolution of adaptive entities.
  • The Unicist Ontology defines the entities of the real world based on their functionality.
  • The Unicist Ontology of Evolution establishes the basic rules of evolution and involution.
  • The Unicist Ontogenetic Maps describe the unicist ontogenetic algorithm of adaptive systems and environments.
  • The Unicist Functionalist Principle defines the structure of the functionality of any entity that is part of a system based on a purpose, an active function, and an energy conservation function.
  • The Unicist Binary Actions are two synchronized actions that make functionalist principles work.
  • The Unicist Conceptualization establishes the process of apprehending the concepts that represent the unicist ontology of an entity using unicist logic.
  • Functionalist Knowledge integrates the knowledge of the know-how and know-why of things.
  • Unicist Objects are adaptive systems that integrate adaptive systems to drive their functionality.
  • The Unicist Ontological Research provides a framework to research adaptive environments and validate them using Unicist Epistemology, which is based on the use of destructive tests.
  • Unicist Ontological Reverse Engineering establishes a research method to discover the functionalist principles that underlie adaptive systems.

Scientific applications of the Unicist Theory that expanded the boundaries of existing sciences by solving their complex aspects:

The unicist ontology is a paradigm shift that enables an understanding of the functionality of the real world. It defines the nature of things based on their functionality within the adaptive systems to which they belong. This functionality determines the causality of events in the real world, which is itself an adaptive system.

In Scientific Research - 1980: Development of a unicist ontological methodology for complex systems research, substituting the systemic approach to research adaptive systems. 2014: The integration of the unified field of macro and micro behavior. 2015: Development of the destructive and non-destructive tests to research adaptive environments. 2021: Discovery of the universal functional structure of things. 2024: Integration of the unicist laws of evolution. 2024: Discovery of the functionality of atoms as adaptive systems.

In Life Sciences - 1988: Discovery of the functional structure that regulates evolution and the unicist ontological structure of living beings as a unified field. 2006: Discovery of the unicist ontological algorithm of evolution and involution. 2008: Discovery of the two types of integration, complementation and supplementation, of elements in complex adaptive systems. 2012: Discovery of the unicist ontology of biological entities. 2013: Confirmation of the unicist ontology of viruses. 2014: Discovery of the ontological structure of chronic diseases. 2014: Discovery of the structure of therapeutics. 2015: Discovery of the ontological structure of health. 2016: Development of the Scientific Foundations of Medicine. 2021: Discovery of the unicist ontology of the DNA.

In Complexity Sciences – 1998: Development of the unicist ontology emulating the ontogenetic intelligence of nature. 2003: Discovery of the anti-concepts that work as antimatter. 2006: Development of objects to manage human adaptive systems emulating the structure of nature. 2011: Discovery of the unicist ontology of complex adaptive systems. 2014: Discovery of the behavior of objects in complex adaptive systems. 2015: Discovery of the essential opposition but operational complementation between the active function and the energy conservation function of concepts. 2017: Discovery of the unicist ontology that integrates the wide and restricted contexts. 2017: Discovery of the origin of root causes in adaptive environments.

In Information Sciences – 2002: Development of unicist ontogenetic based ontologies replacing the empirically structured ontologies. 2014: Development of unicist adaptive robotics. 2015: Development of prototypers. 2016: Discovery of the nature of conceptual design. 2018: Discovery of the ontogenetic map to emulate the unified field of adaptive environments. 2018: Development of the unicist cognitive systems. 2019: Development of XD-Expert Systems. 2021: Development of business cobots. 2024: Development of functionalist expert systems.

In Future Research and Strategy - 1984: Modeling of the ontological structures that allow inferring the evolution developing the ontogenetic maps of human adaptive systems. 2014: Confirmation of the functionality of ethical intelligence in future research. 2015: Discovery of the unicist ontology of personal strategies. 2016: Discovery of the nature of entrepreneurial strategies. 2017: Discovery of the double dialectical tactics. 2019: Discovery of business catalysts. 2022: Discovery of the structure of risk management.

In Logic - 1986: Development and formalization of the integrative and the unicist logic. 2013: Functionality of Dualistic Logic in complex environments. 2013: Discovery of the structure of aprioristic fallacies.

In Anthropology - 1986: Discovery of the “invariables” of human behavior. 1997: Discovery of the double dialectical behavior. 2008: Discovery of the anthropological lifestyles. 2010: Discovery of the institutional and social viruses. 2012: Discovery of the integration of ontogeny and phylogeny. 2012: Discovery of the stagnant survivors’ role in societies. 2012: Discovery of the unicist ontological structure of aptitudes, attitudes and intentions. 2013: Development of the unicist ontology of cultural adaptiveness & over-adaptiveness. 2014: Synthesis of Conceptual Anthropology.2014: Discovery of the Cultural, Institutional, Individual and Social Archetypes. 2015: Discovery of the functionality of rationalism and subjectivism as social and individual addictions. 2016: Discovery of the nature of innovation processes. 2017: Discovery of the context of social dysfunctional utopias. 2017: Discovery of social catalysts. 2022: Discovery of the structure of individual purposes. 2023: Discovery of the ontological structure of comfort zones .

In Economic Science - 1989: Discovery of the unicist ontological structure of Economics. 1998: Discovery of the unicist ontological algorithm of the price elasticity of demand. 2004: Discovery of the ontogenetic structure of economic models and their functionality. 2011: Discovery of the ontology of currency and inflation. 2012: Discovery of the ontology of the industrialization level. 2012: Discovery of the unicist ontology of the overcoming of scarcity. 2012: Pricing of Futures and Options. 2012: Discovery of the unicist ontology of speculative manipulation. 2014: Synthesis of Conceptual Economy. 2015: Discovery of the unicist ontology of economic freedom.

In Political Science - 1990: Development of the ontological algorithm and the ontogenesis and phylogeny of ideologies and their functionality. 2013: Development of the unicist ontology of Social, Economic and Political Democracy.

In Social Sciences - 1993: Discovery of the collective unconscious and the unicist archetypes of cultures. 2012: Discovery of the role of stagnant survivor elites in the stagnation of segments or cultures. 2016: Discovery of the nature of social networks. 2020: Discovery of the unicist ontology of evolutionary constructivism. 2020: Discovery of the nature of counter cycle building. 2024: Discovery of the unicist ontology of empathetic and sympathetic attributes, actions, and objects.

In Linguistics – 2004: Discovery of the unicist ontological algorithms of natural, ambiguous and figurative languages and the unicist ontology of words. 2014: Development of semantic objects. 2015: Discovery of the ontological structure of subliminal communication. 2020: Discovery of the unicist ontology of the evolution of languages.

In Mathematics - 1996: Development of the conceptual basis of interdependent, dependent and independent variables. 2014: Development of the mathematical foundations of reality indicators.

In Philosophy - 1994: Development of the unicist ontology integrating philosophy, science and action in a unified field. 1997: Refutation of Hegel’s and Marx’s dialectics and the formulation of the laws of the double dialectics.

In History - 2000: Development of a historical analysis methodology based on the unicist double dialectics.

In Cognitive Science - 2001: Development of a methodology to construct knowledge with existing information through an integrative logic. 2002: Development of the unicist reflection methodology to deal with the nature of reality. 2006: Discovery of the object driven organization of mental processes and the development of cognitive objects. 2008: Development of the ontological algorithms of fundamental analysis. 2013: Development of the unicist ontology of erudition and wisdom (observers vs. participants). 2014: Discovery of the structure of the emulation of reality. 2015: Discovery of the unicist ontology of conceptualization. 2018: Discovery of the triadic functionality of conscious intelligence. 2018: Development of the Unicist Artificial Intelligence. 2020: Discovery of the unicist ontology of functional knowledge. 2021: Development of the unicist theory of functionality. 2022: Discovery of the structure of decision rules.

In Education - 1979: Discovery of the ontogenetic algorithms of learning which has given scientific sustainability, amongst others, to Piaget. 2014: Discovery and development of learning objects. 2015: Development of Reflection Driven Education. 2016: Discovery of the nature of learning by teaching. 2023: Discovery of the ontological structure of conceptual learning.

In Psychology - 1984: Discovery of human ontointelligence to deal with adaptive systems. 2003: Discovery of the unicist ontological structure of fallacies, the functionality of anti-intelligence and anti-intuition. 2004: Discovery of the double dialectical thinking process. 2005: Discovery of the unicist ontology and evolution laws of human essential complexes. 2011: Discovery of the unicist ontology of conscious behavior. 2012: Discovery of the unicist ontology of complementation of thinking processes. 2012: Discovery of the unicist ontology of psychopathy. 2014: Discovery of the structure of subliminal decision-making. 2014: Synthesis of Conceptual Psychology. 2015: Functionality of concepts as behavioral objects. 2016: Discovery of the nature of human metamorphosis. 2016: Discovery of the functionality of thinking processes. 2017: Discovery of the context of personal dysfunctional utopias. 2017: Discovery of the nature of self-criticism. 2021: Discovery of the functionality of neurosis. 2022: Discovery of personal potential energy. 2023: Discovery of the ontological structure of mental abstraction processes. 2024: Discovery of the unicist ontology of conjunctive reasoning. 2024: Discovery of the unicist ontology of polymathic intelligence.

In Semiology - 2012: Discovery of the unicist ontology of semiosis as a complex adaptive system. 2015: Development of semiotic role objects. 2017: Development of the semiotic research groups. 2022: Discovery of the semiosis of music.

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The Unicist Research Institute