Unicist Double Dialectical Logic: A Universal Logic


The unicist double dialectical logic was developed to manage consciously the unified field of complex adaptive systems. Conscious reasoning allows developing fallacy-free decisions and actions to ensure the results of what intends to be achieved.

The purpose of consciousness is to discriminate reality in order to be able to differentiate the outside an individual needs to deal with, from the inside the individual uses to emulate the external environment. The different logical approaches define different reasoning structures to develop reliable solutions.

The unicist double dialectical logic is the natural logic to deal with adaptive environments and is the integrator of all logical reasoning patterns. It is homologous with the “category theory”, which is the mathematics that integrates the different mathematics by using a superior level of abstraction.

The Unicist Double Dialectical Logic is an emulation of the Ontogenetic Intelligence of Nature discovered by Peter Belohlavek. It emulates the intelligence and organization of nature and allows understanding the root causes and the unified field of processes, evolution and behavior.

This logic, which is based on human ontointelligence, allows dealing with the dynamics, evolution and nature of adaptive environments and provided the structure to build the unicist artificial intelligence. Non-adaptive environments are considered a “particular case” of adaptive systems.

Logic can be defined as the formalization of a fallacy-free reasoning process to solve specific categories of problems. There are as many logical reasoning patterns as there are different categories of problems that have been solved using a conscious reasoning process.

Ontointelligence is the human intelligence that allows discovering the concepts and fundamentals of things. It is integrated by an ethical intelligence, a strategic intelligence and the logical type of thought that allow managing a high level of abstraction and simultaneously a high level of concretion.

There are multiple logical patterns available to solve their homologous problems.

They can be classified based on the following categories: Propositional-logic approaches, Dualistic-logic approaches, Set-logic approaches, Fuzzy-logic approaches, Predicate-logic approaches and Integrative-logic approaches. The unicist double dialectical logic approach integrates them to deal with the dynamics, evolution and nature of adaptive systems and environments.

Triadic Functionality of Intelligence

The unicist double dialectical logic was created by Peter Belohlavek in 1986. Its application allowed its author to develop the structure of complexity sciences to study and deal with adaptive systems and environments.

It drove to the development of the unicist theory and to the discovery of the ontogenesis of evolution and established the basics to develop the unicist artificial intelligence. This logic provided the structure to develop the applied researches on social, individual and business evolution developed at The Unicist Research Institute.

Paradoxically, this unicist double dialectical logic requires both a superior level of abstraction to apprehend its structure and a superior level of operational thinking to apprehend the operation.

The use of the conclusions of this logical approach requires no abstractions, because they are self-evident. It only requires having experience in a specific action field.

Precedents of the Universal Logic

The unicist double dialectical logic goes beyond philosophy, and is a scientific approach to the drivers of behavior and evolution. The main epistemological precedents of the triadic and the double dialectical approaches can be found in:

  1. The triadic universal categories of Charles S. Peirce
  2. The fundamentals of learning processes of Jean Piaget
  3. The triadic structure and unified field of the TAO
  4. The conceptualization of Immanuel Kant
  5. The first principles of Aristotle

The Unicist Double Dialectical Logic

The unicist logic is a double dialectical logic that emulates the structure of the intelligence that underlies nature, which makes it belong to the field of complexity sciences and not philosophy. Paradoxically, this logic integrates the functionality of the preexisting logical approaches. The unicist thinking process allows emulating the double dialectical logic in mind in order to apprehend complex adaptive systems.

From Dualism to Double Dialectical Approaches

The dualism of neural functionality makes dualistic logical approaches become the natural way to deal with reality. This dualism is functional in operational environments, ruled by cause-effect relationships where the actors dominate the consequences of their actions.

Common sense is the consequence of having found recipes using dualistic logic. Common sense rules are pre-concepts that work as recipes for the one who uses them.

At an abstract level, truth tables are also the consequence of the use of dualism. In the field of dualistic approaches things are true or false, good or bad, etc.

The disjunction “OR” is the basic rule when dealing with dualistic approaches in operational environments. This makes people feel powerful because they establish the “OR” they need.

But when dealing with adaptive aspects of reality there is no possibility to define actions using a dualistic approach because the triadic structure of reality cannot be apprehended with a binary model.

The triadic structure of reality is defined by a purpose, an active function and an energy conservation function.

To apprehend this triadic structure with a binary mind it is necessary to be able to build a double dialectical approach in mind that emulates a specific reality.

This approach was named unicist double dialectical logic because it allows defining the unified field of adaptive systems in order to diagnose and influence them. It is based on the fact that in complex systems all the elements are integrated by the conjunction “AND”.

The Unicist double dialectical approach leaves behind the truth tables (True “OR” False) and replaces them with functional tables evaluating the functionality based on predefined purposes.

The unicist reflection process: action-reflection-action is the technology to be used to transform dualistic logical approaches into unicist double dialectical approaches in order to define complex adaptive systems.

This technology allows starting with the use of exclusive disjunctions “OR” and ending with the use of conjunctions “AND”.

This process requires that those who have decided to deal with complex problems need to be fully focused on producing results, have sound knowledge of the problem and have decided to influence it in an adapted way.

The paradox is that at the end the diagnoses and solutions found need to be transformed into operational “recipes” in order to make them manageable by ordinary people.

But it has to be considered that without being able to manage the triadic structure of complex adaptive systems, the diagnoses and solutions developed are either palliatives or fallacies that cannot produce meaningful results.

Unicist Logic applied to Reality

The dialectical logic of Hegel and Marx follow the natural dualistic operation of neurons (on/off). It is functional to rationalism.

The unicist double dialectical logic uses the dualistic operation of neurons to build a mental emulation of the structure of nature that allows dealing with the adaptive aspects of reality.

Unicist thinking is the name given to the process that allows building the double dialectical logic.

Unicist thinking allows emulating in mind the structure of adaptive aspects of reality in order to manage them. It provides the necessary operating system to manage adaptive systems to expand the boundaries of an activity and infer future scenarios in order to adapt.

Unicist thinking allows defining the nature of reality in a reasonable and provable way. It is based on double dialectical thinking in order apprehend nature emulating the ontogenetic intelligence of nature.

It is necessary to diagnose, build strategies and design architectures. It provides the structure to understand the fundamentals of an activity and integrate the fundamental knowledge with the technical analytical knowledge to make decisions.

The discovery of the unicist thinking approach is based on:

  • The discovery of the ontogenetic intelligence of nature that drives the evolution of living beings.
  • The discovery of onto-intelligence which is the human intelligence to adapt to the environment and is integrated by the ethical intelligence, the type of thought, and the strategic intelligence.

Unicist Thinking allows emulating the ontogenetic intelligence of nature using the double dialectical thinking. Its use is a demonstration that the dialectical approaches that Hegel and Marx developed to explain the evolution of human behavior are dualistic.

Complementation and Supplementation Laws

Unicist Thinking requires emulating in mind the complementary and supplementary relationships that integrate the double dialectic. The elements that are part of an entity in nature are integrated by supplementary and complementary relationships. There exist no other types of relationships in nature.

These relationships can be perfect or imperfect. When they are perfect the entity evolves in a stable way, when they are imperfect they generate a high level of entropy.

The purpose, the conservation function and the active function of a concept are integrated by logical rules which sustain their unity.

While the purpose and the active function are sustained by the supplementation law, the purpose and the conservation function are integrated by the complementation law.

Supplementation Law

It is a relation between elements with redundant purposes and active functions, having a different homeostatic element. One of the elements has a superior “myth” that challenges the evolution of reality.

Complementation Law

It is an interdependent relation between two elements, actions or ideas. Each one of these elements has what the other element requires and they both have a coincident homeostatic element.

Complements sustain the weaknesses of the purpose to avoid the entropy produced by the action.

When the homeostatic value can buffer the changes produced by the active function, the functionality/credibility zone is relatively stable. Learn more:

The Evolution and Involution Laws

When talking about evolution, we always refer to the evolution of a reality that is regulated by the multiple concepts organizing its “unified field”.

The Evolution Law

Evolution implies the existence of an ontological algorithm to achieve a purpose. The first step appears to be putting the purpose into action.

This implies a previous step: the understanding of the purpose. Then the first step is putting it into action. Without understanding no action is possible. The second step is then finding a way to optimize the energy; thus the energy conservation principle is applied.

The Involution Law

Involution begins at the same stage as evolution: understanding the purpose.

But when an individual cannot adapt to the environment s/he chooses to begin by conserving the energy in order to gain time to understand this reality. Learn more:

Examples of the Use of the Unicist Double Dialectics

Development of the Unicist Artificial Intelligence

The unicist artificial intelligence emulates the human reflection process to apprehend the concepts of complex adaptive systems and environments. It uses the rules of the unicist double dialectical logic and allows developing solutions and learning from the pilot tests of their implementation until their functionality has been confirmed.

The double dialectical logic is an emulation of the ontogenetic intelligence of nature that drives the functionality and evolution of complex adaptive systems and environments. The unicist artificial intelligence allows emulating the solutions of a complex adaptive system to build structural adaptive solutions.

The emulation of the reflection process of human intelligence requires two functions to make this possible: The learning function and the decision function.

The learning function allows confirming the functionality of actions based on the feedback of pilot tests.

The decision-making function of a UAI approach to reality, allows making automated decisions that work as conscious decisions based on the recycling though the learning function. Learn more:

The Double Dialectics of Strategy

The unicist strategy is a conscious planning process to achieve possible goals developing maximal strategies to expand one’s boundaries and minimum strategies to ensure survival. It integrates expansive and defensive strategies as a unit.

Double dialectical actions begin with maximal strategy actions, followed immediately by minimum strategy actions integrated by the need to achieve a pre-defined purpose.

The unicist double dialectical approach allows defining interdependent strategies that permit achieving the goal of growing in adaptive environments. It enables the development of stable actions to expand in the environment.

The double dialectical approach in strategy building includes the development of diagnoses to define what is possible to be achieved in order to build the consequent strategies.

The dualistic approach necessarily over-simplifies the strategy building process promoting independent actions to expand and to survive.

The Double Dialectics of Marketing

The unicist adaptive marketing process requires integrating both the active selling process with the “receptive” buying-decision processes that establish the limits of the possibilities of ethical marketing actions.

Double dialectical actions begin with maximal strategy actions, followed immediately by minimum strategy actions integrated by the need to achieve a pre-defined purpose.

The unicist double dialectical approach allows integrating the synchronicity of actions based on the nature of the buying decision process, which always includes the different shapes adopted by the “desire-duty-convenience” stages.

On the other extreme, the dualistic approach to marketing is based on the use of active selling actions and substituting the consideration of the buying-decision processes, with the exertion of power, which adopts all the shapes that are needed to “force” a buying decision.

The Double Dialectics of Country Scenarios

The purpose of an evolutionary country is the social scenario that ensures the transcendence for the following generations, providing the necessary educational basis to sustain equal opportunities within a context of social institutionalization that provides the security framework for justice.

Double dialectical actions begin with maximal strategy actions, followed immediately by minimum strategy actions integrated by the need to achieve a pre-defined purpose.

The economic scenario is driven by the generation of social added value. The economic scenario is sustained by growth, which works as the catalyst of the country’s scenario. The lack of growth works as an inhibitor and drives towards involution.

The purpose of the political scenario is to build the necessary social capital that sustains the social scenario.

It is driven by a judiciary system that ensures equal opportunities and the social mobility, which works as an entropy inhibitor of internal conflicts.

The Double Dialectics of the Tao

Both the Unicist Double Dialectical Logic (Unicist Logic) and the TAO (pathway) deal with the principles that underlie nature.

The Tao gave birth to one.
One gave birth to two.
Two gave birth to three.
Three gave birth to all things…..

Tao Te Ching – Lao Tzu

The symbol of Yin and Yang, representing the TAO, necessarily emulates the structure of the ontogenetic intelligence of nature and is homologous with the Unicist Logic.

The integration of Yin and Yang builds the triadic structure of the Unicist Logic. Both the TAO and the Unicist Logic explain the structure of the unified field of the functionality of a specific reality including its dynamics and evolution.

The active principle and the energy conservation principle are intrinsically opposite to each other, like yin and yang, but they are complementary in its effects.

Yang is homologous to the dialectics between the purpose and the active principle. It defines the active functionality of an entity.

Yin is homologous to the dialectics between the purpose and the energy conservation principle. It defines the energy conservation functionality.

The Unicist Research Institute

Country Archetypes Developed

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