The Unicist Cognitive System

The Unicist Cognitive System in business, manages the root causes, the dynamics and the evolution of the business processes it deals with. It was developed to manage businesses as adaptive systems to foster growth, process improvement, decision making, profit improvement and customer orientation. It takes advantage of the technologies included in the 4th Industrial Revolution and uses the knowledge of the concepts and fundamentals of the business functions to manage their root causes.

Industry 4.0

The 4th Industrial Revolution introduced adaptiveness in organizations. Business functions are adaptive when their functionality is feedback dependent. The Unicist Research Institute was one of the precursors of Industry 4.0 through the development of complexity sciences to deal with adaptive systems and environments.

Industry 4.0 introduced structural changes in business management that drove to the development of the Unicist Cognitive System. The Unicist Cognitive System is integrated by several autonomous systems that manage the different aspects of business processes to foster business expansion. The installation of these systems is developed through collaborative R&D processes that are based on “prototypes” which are provided by The Unicist Research Institute.

The Unicist Cognitive System is driven by:

  • The Unicist Strategy, to define what is possible to be achieved, develop maximal strategies to grow, build minimum strategies to ensure results and develop the necessary pilot tests to confirm the functionality of the solutions. Learn more
  • Unicist Conceptual Management, that allows defining business processes based on the conceptual structure of the business functions that define the root causes of their functionality. Learn more
  • The Unicist Artificial Intelligence, that allows emulating the business functions and their business objects to develop functional solutions while learning through pilot testing. Big data management is dependent on the quality of learning data sets, that is why it is subject to cognitive bias. The Unicist Artificial Intelligence has been developed to deal with complex adaptive systems, but it also avoids a bias to creep into Artificial Intelligence based on fallacious data sets. Learn more
  • The Unicist Root Cause Library, that gives access to the necessary ontogenetic maps to manage business functions, to build the Unicist AI Monitors and provides the necessary knowledge to develop solutions using the Unicist System. Learn more

Comparison Between IBM/Watson and Unicist

A comparison between the cognitive approach proposed by IBM/Watson and the Unicist System clarifies their differences and complementarities:

Aspect IBM/Watson
Cognitive Systems
Cognitive Systems
Purpose Reliable Solution Building Managing complex adaptive environments
Approach to Reality Univocal approaches with empirical confirmation Biunivocal approaches with empirical confirmation
Engine Mathematical and Logical Algorithms Unicist Ontogenetic Maps and Unicist-Logic Algorithms
Basic approach It emulates the dualistic human intelligence It emulates the triadic intelligence of nature and the triadic functionality of human intelligence
Pattern recognition Operational patterns Conceptual and operational patterns
Input It uses scientific and operational knowledge and data It uses conceptual, scientific and operational knowledge and data
Knowledge Building Univocal rules and empirical learning Double dialectical rules and empirical learning based on the ontogenetic maps of the concepts of things
Solution Building Based on patterns Based on root causes
Main Application Fields Data analysis, big data management, business applications, natural language understanding, knowledge discovery, visual recognition, speech to text and text to speech, translations, personality insights, tone analysis Social behavior, economic behavior educational applications, institutional applications, business applications, individual behavior, biological behavior, complex systems behavior.
Necessary Managerial Approach It is based on a systemic approach to reality It is based on a strategic approach to reality
Reliability of Knowledge Empirical Conceptual and Empirical
Knowledge Bases External knowledge bases Unicist root cause library and external knowledge bases


The Unicist System is integrated by:

Unicist Strategy Building Systems

Business Strategy System: It was developed to increase notoriously the speed of growth while ensuring the results to be produced. It is based on the emulation of the intelligence that underlies nature. It is for companies that are expanding the boundaries of their business. Learn more

Financial Strategy System: It was developed to establish financial strategies to ensure profit generation, value generation and cost management. It is based on the conceptual structure of the businesses. It is for companies where the role of stakeholders is separated from the role of shareholders.

Business Intelligence System: It was developed to provide the information of present and future scenarios to access the information for competitive, critical and structural intelligence. It is based on the conceptual structures that define business scenarios. It is for companies that assume a leading position in the market.

Business Performance System: It was developed to provide the information of the functionality and performance of the adaptive business functions and their processes. It is based on the development of the conceptual measurement and their KPIs. It is for companies who are focused on business expansion.

Unicist Organizational Development Systems

Root Cause Management System: It was developed to find the root causes of business functions which are defined by the underlying concepts and fundamentals to optimize the cost-value relationships and/or generate profit improvement. It is for organizations that already have a process improvement system. Learn more

Business Diagnostics System: It was developed to make fundamental diagnoses that allow managing the root causes of problems and build structural solutions. It is based on the knowledge of the fundamental structure of business functions. It is for companies that need to make partial or total turnarounds.

Organizational Strategy System: It was developed to establish the organizational strategy that allows integrating the business model of a company with the customer orientation and the personalized organization to empower value generation and reducing costs. It is based on an emulation of the organization of nature. It is for companies that need to optimize the generation of value.

Unicist Marketing Systems

Pilot Test Driven Market Lab System: It was developed to manage and monitor the root causes of buying processes to generate market growth. It is based on the discoveries that were made in the field of human behavior. It is for companies that are expanding their markets. Learn more

Marketing Strategy System: It was developed to increase notoriously the speed of market growth, building sustainable growth while expanding markets. It is based on the knowledge of the concepts and fundamentals of markets and of the compatible marketing models, which are based on the discoveries that were made in the field of human behavior. It is for companies that need to expand their markets.

Unicist People Management Systems

Superior Education System: It was developed for business education of managers and high potentials who need to have a strategic approach to manage businesses. It works as a “Teaching Hospital in Business”. It is based on the discoveries that were made on the functionality of human intelligence. It is for companies that manage their high potentials. Learn more

Talent Development System: It was developed to diagnose talents, based on the capacity of managing the fundamentals of business processes, and foster their evolution. It is based on the discoveries that were made on the functionality of human intelligence. It is for companies that manage their high potentials. Learn more

In-House Coaching System: It was developed to coach the management of the root causes of problems and develop structural solutions. Its activity focused on the projects, the business and the coachee. It is based on the use of the concepts that were researched. It is for organizations that have a systemic approach to businesses. Learn more

The Unicist Paradigm Shift: The DNA of Businesses

The Unicist Paradigm Shift in Business establishes the framework of the unicist approach to the 4th Industrial Revolution. It defines the different technologies and methodologies to be used to manage businesses as adaptive systems.

The discovery of the intelligence that underlies nature allowed emulating it, emulating its organization and emulating its evolution.

This drove to the discovery of the structure and functionality of concepts and fundamentals that drive human behavior and underlie things which define the root causes of adaptive environments.

This structure of concepts defines the DNA of organizations and adaptive systems that allowed managing the root causes of their functionality.

This upgraded business management, introducing a new stage in business diagnostics, future research, business strategy, business architecture and applying it to business process design. This approach established the conceptual structure of Industry 4.0.

The Unicist Research Institute


Country Archetypes Developed

• Algeria • Argentina • Australia • Austria • Belarus • Belgium • Bolivia • Brazil • Cambodia • Canada • Chile • China • Colombia • Costa Rica • Croatia • Cuba • Czech Republic • Denmark • Ecuador • Egypt • Finland • France • Georgia • Germany • Honduras • Hungary • India • Iran • Iraq • Ireland • Israel • Italy • Japan • Jordan • Libya • Malaysia • Mexico • Morocco • Netherlands • New Zealand • Nicaragua • Norway • Pakistan • Panama • Paraguay • Peru • Philippines • Poland • Portugal • Romania • Russia • Saudi Arabia • Serbia • Singapore • Slovakia • South Africa • Spain • Sweden • Switzerland • Syria • Thailand • Tunisia • Turkey • Ukraine • United Arab Emirates • United Kingdom • United States • Uruguay • Venezuela • Vietnam