The Scientific Foundations of Medicine

The objective of this document is to expose the possibilities that were opened by the unicist approach to develop therapeutics and drugs based on a “Learn and Confirm” methodology. It is a root-cause driven approach that expands the possibilities when dealing with complex environments.

This approach diminishes notoriously the cost of drug development and the time necessary to confirm their functionality.

The document you can download includes:

  • The Ontogenetic Intelligence of Nature and the Unicist Theory
  • The Scientific Foundations of Medicine
  • The Unicist Paradigm Shift in Sciences

The unicist approach is based on the Unicist Theory to manage complex adaptive entities as unified fields, integrating their underlying concepts, which define the root-causes of their behavior.

The Functionality of Medicine and its Curing Principles based on the Unicist Theory of Evolution

Medicine, as a science, was developed to exert influence on the evolution of individuals to solve involution processes that are a consequence of diseases or that trigger diseases. That is why the essential functionality of “curing/healing” is homologous to the functionality of evolution. This study establishes the necessary structural knowledge and the epistemological framework to empower the development of drugs and therapeutics, following the nature of evolution processes.

The Triadic Functionality of Medicine

Medicine, as a science, is materialized by two curing principles that were discovered by Hippocrates, which are homologous with the principles that regulate evolution.

These principles are “similia similibus curentur” (like cures like) and “contraria contrariis curentur” (opposite cures opposite). This defines the triadic functionality of Medicine.

This study does not include surgical medicine.

Both principles are materialized in functions. While the principle of “like cures like” works based on the use of external catalysts that provide the necessary energy focused on the need that has to be fulfilled to recover health, on the other hand, the “opposite cures opposite” principle is based on medical objects that are introduced into the system.

“Contraria Contrariis Curentur” – Opposite Cures Opposite

The “opposite cures opposite” principle uses systemic objects to cure. These systemic objects work within the system driving an action that inhibits the diseases and require an entropy inhibitor to manage the side-effects produced by the action of the inhibitor.

The functionality of Opposite Cures Opposite depends on the functionality of the supplementation of the curing object, which depends on the understanding of the disorder that is being cured.

The drugs that are developed based on this principle are defined by a driving object that defines the functionality of an inhibitor that ensures results and an entropy inhibitor that mitigates the entropy generated by the active actions.

The maximal strategy actions of the curing processes are developed simultaneously by the system, which allows restoring health.

“Similia Similibus Curentur” – Like Cures Like

The “like cures like” principle is homologous to the maximal strategy of the ontogenetic intelligence of nature and sustains the expansion while the “opposite cures opposite” principle is homologous to the minimum strategy of evolution and sustains the survival of the living being.  This principle is transformed into actions based on the use of catalysts.

These catalysts are consumed by the body until the system recovers the energetic balance that allows a physiological and psychological balance. It needs to be clarified that the spiritual balance is considered within the psychological balance. As the catalysts are not part of the system, they only influence the system through the extreme level of energy that is needed to recover balance.

The like-cures-like principle generates the elimination of the diseases by the action of the systems that are enabled by the catalyst.

Restoration of Health vs. Healing

The objective of medicine, from a scientific standpoint implies the restoration of health in a way in which the results of the restoration can be measured. All those aspect that cannot be measured might exist or not, but are not subject of discussion. In this conceptualization, the spiritual aspects are included in the psychic functionality.

It has to be considered that the aspects of medicine that deal with the flow of energy are very difficult to measure because of the wavelengths and frequencies involved.

Healing, considered as an improvement of the functionality of the wholeness of individuals, is not considered because, although it might be an objective, its achievement can still not be measured.

Although the functionality of both principles differs, the triadic functionality of curing processes remains as such, whatever the principle of curing is being used.

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