The Weston Group




Installing an expansion-model in the Healthcare Industry

The expansion of businesses implies expanding their vital space. This requires having both a growth ethics and a growth ideology.

In order to grow, healthcare businesses need to have the capacity to expand the boundaries with a strong patient-orientation and need to be able to develop a competitive advantage that has to be perceived by the market.

Growth is based on an attitude, which is what appears on the surface of the integration of growth ethics and growth ideology.

Growth is an attitude that is perceived, in most of the cultures, as a taboo. Therefore, it needs to be justified with an additional value generation for the market and for the coming generations.

Installing an expansion-model requires a leader who represents this growth ethics and ideology and is able to transform them into operational procedures. This leader has to be strong because s/he has to overcome the opposition of the conservatives who will try to avoid the expansion of the business in order to sustain their comfort zone.

Business Architecture needs an integrative vision

The architecture of a business solution needs to be achieved with an integrative vision in which the individual sees the solution as a unified field, being capable of describing then the elements that integrate such solution.

This requires being able to face a reflection process. In the following lines you will have access to a research work carried out by a group of researches from Northwestern University, Drexel University, Philadelphia and Source Signal Imaging.

“People sometimes solve problems with a unique process called insight, accompanied by an “Aha!” experience. It has long been unclear whether different cognitive and neural processes lead to insight versus noninsight solutions, or if solutions differ only in subsequent subjective feeling. Recent behavioral studies indicate distinct patterns of performance and suggest differential hemispheric involvement for insight and noninsight solutions.”

Access the complete paper:

Winning negotiations start with an authority conflict

The authority conflict is the starting point that defines successful negotiations. Without this conflict, the negotiation does not begin. Those that disregard the importance of this stage are always re-opening negotiations without being able to stabilize their roles in it.

The purpose of the negotiation context is to produce an evolution conflict that allows building a complementation.

The active function to produce this evolution conflict is the existence of an authority conflict that is necessary to define the “value” of the parts involved in a negotiation.

After the authoritative role of the parts has been accepted an involution conflict begins. In this involution conflict each part tries to prevail over the other one and finally, the evolution conflict solving is possible after the need to “degrade” the opponent has finished and both parts accept their mutual values.

The negotiating attitude is what allows starting a negotiation by facing an authority conflict, followed by the need to avoid the involution produced by an involution conflict and ending with the building of a complementation that is implicit in an evolution conflict.

To deal with the nature of negotiations it is necessary to clarify the nature of conflicts that underlies.

It can be said that there are four basic conflicts between humans:

1) Evolution conflicts: These are complementation conflicts that result from the mutual difference between the parts.
2) Involution conflicts: These are the conflicts that result from the supplementation of the colliding strengths between the parts.
3) Authority conflicts: They result from the need of the parts to prevail in some field.
4) Absence of conflict: This is the consequence of needing to avoid conflicts because their consequences cannot be faced.

When the purpose to be achieved in a negotiation is clear, the authority role has to be the first main concern so as to be able to play an authoritative role in the negotiation.

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*Based on an excerpt from the book “Unicist Object Driven Negotiation” by Peter Belohlavek.

Unicist Tweetinar on ACOs and Patient Centered Management

Accountable Care Organizations are, among other aspects, a way to introduce Patient Centered Management in the healthcare business.

unicist patient centered organizationThe basics of medicine are patient centered. That is why the regulation of the activity focusing on patients is just a back to basics. Patient Centered Management is an object driven solution to structure patient orientation.

Electronic Patient Records are the paradigmatic sign of this approach. Electronic Healthcare records are their natural complement in order to include the aspects that deal with the diseases that are being considered.

Electronic Medical Records, being focused on medical activity, allow putting this patient orientation into action.

The EMR that are being fostered are the natural step to start with a structured patient orientation.

There will be a (one hour) Unicist Tweetinar on June 13 at 10:00 am (Eastern Time) on the ontology of Patient Centered Management and its integration in a system including EMR, EHR, EPR. It will be developed at

The Unicist Ontological Structure of Small Businesses

Five extremely successful growth programs with small businesses were the final test for the unicist ontology of small businesses.

Unicist Ontology of small BusinesessThe knowledge of their ontology allows small businesses to expand their activities without changing their nature. It also provides the limits of the expansion possibilities.

As it is self-evident the purpose of small businesses is profit. They are successful when their leaders are product/sales wizards meaning that they are able to influence their niche ensuring revenue.

At the same time they are investment reluctant. Any expenditure that has no necessary relationship with incomes is considered an investment and needs to be avoided. That is why they do not develop brands.

When they are involving they manage through cash-flow in order to ensure their survival. But successful small companies work with short term objectives and fully controlled operational action plans. The cash-flow is their final validation.

They use business objects basically to promote their products and services to generate revenue.

Organizations and their parts have a beginning and an end

The “Unicist Ontology of Organizational Equilibrium” describes the nature of organizational evolution. It is integrated by nine principles.

unicist-ontology-organizational-evolutionWe are presenting here one of the principles which is the one that rules the necessary action to develop maximal strategies to make business grow.

a) Every change of values implies the elimination of values, meaning that there is an end and a beginning.
b) Every organizational change implies a change of the values of the organization.
c) Organizations change from the outside to the inside and from top to bottom.
d) The results of changes need to be measured in the short and the long term.
e) The elapse of time makes the organizational structure of benefits obsolete.

Values are the materialization of ethics at an operational level. Organizations that seek for permanence need to die and rebirth with each change in order to adapt. No beginning nor change can exist if the ends are not accepted.

The apparent paradox is that the “end” is the energy conservation element. Beginning something new without finishing the preexisting organization is a utopia.

Learn more about the trend of ontology based solutions for businesses:

Healthcare businesses have to be adaptive as never before

Businesses are, by definition, adaptive systems that need to evolve in an adapted way in an environment. Therefore, knowledge is essential to manage businesses.

Ontology-of-the-knowledge-of-adaptive-systemsKnowledge implies having the necessary information to make decisions and implement them in order to generate a business.

Reliable knowledge can be achieved when the fundamental knowledge and the technical analytical knowledge have been acquired.

Fundamental analysis is the approach that defines the limits of the possibilities of the evolution of a given reality. Fundamentals define the boundaries implicit in the functionality of such reality.

Technical analysis deals with the cause-effect relation between “variables” that have been identified making a systemic compromise.

The discovery of the Unicist Ontology of Evolution and the structure of concepts that regulate the evolution of living beings and their deeds, established the structure for fundamental analysis integrating it with technical analysis in order to develop reliable knowledge to adapt in a smooth way to reality.

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Who can manage ontological solutions for Adaptive Systems?

Simple thinking is unicist thinking. To deal with unicist ontological solutions individuals have to need to produce results and have a basic solution in their minds.

unicist-thinkingAn individual can only apprehend an ontological algorithm to manage an adaptive system if s/he can recognize it.

To recognize it the individual needs to have the concept of a solution in order to be able to compare it with the solution provided by the ontological algorithm.

People who have problems and not solutions in their minds cannot recognize ontologies. They need to rationalize them, transforming them into rationalisms.

Unicist algorithms are only necessary to manage adaptive systems. They are unnecessary for administrative functions.

An analogy will explain the difference between both. An administrative system is a simple procedure that uses forward-chaining thinking approaches:

1 + 1 = 2 is a simple administrative system that is solved by knowing how the adding process has to be done.

On the other hand, adaptive systems are complex. Their elements are interdependent and the only observable behaviors are their results:

2 = ∞ alternatives. This means that an individual has to find the best solution that achieves the result. This implies working with backward-chaining thinking approaches.

Backward thinking implies being able to think from the end to the beginning. Consider a mounting line. It is the capacity of an individual to decompose the final “product” into its components.

Simple thinking is the key for business growth

Simple thinking in decision making can be described as integrating the necessary mental amplitude and depth of thought in order to focus on solving a problem. Having sound knowledge of a reality is a precondition for simple thinking.

unicist-ontology-simple-thinkingSimple thinking implies focusing on a solution and not being concerned about a problem.

It requires having assumed the responsibility of solving a problem.

Easy thinking implies using pre-concepts to make decisions. In this case “the answers precede the questions”.

Complicated thinking happens when individuals cannot apprehend a reality because they do not have the necessary mental amplitude, depth of thought and focus.

In this case they make a complicated rational construction or an oversimplification to avoid responsibilities.

When facing uncertainty an individual cannot begin thinking in a simple way. Simple thinking will allow her/him to solve the problem after having learned about that reality. Simple thinking can only be developed by those who have conscious experiences in a field. Benchmarking is a simple thinking process or an easy fallacious solution.

Successful benchmarking requires having experienced the homologous and analogous activities that are being benchmarked.

Simple thinking is the key for business strategies. Maximal strategies, which happen beyond the limits of the actual business, require simple approaches.

Learn about the trend of ontology based solutions for businesses at:

Solutions using Electronic Medical Records Ontology

The integration of  EMR with the mind of physicians has become an absolute priority in order to foster a meaningful use of  Electronic Medical Records. This requires developing ontological solutions that allow integrating the categories physicians have in mind with the categories and objects integrated in the system.

We are providing access to a paper can be extremely helpful to define the problem and develop solutions.

It was developed by:

-Regenstrief Institute, School of Medicine, and Center for Aging Research, Indiana University Indianapolis, Indiana
-IBM T.J. Watson Research Yorktown Heights, New York
-School of Computing and Information Sciences, Florida International University

“As the use of Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) becomes more widespread, so does the need for effective information discovery within them. Recently proposed EMR standards are XML-based. A key characteristic in these standards is the frequent use of ontological references, i.e., ontological concept codes appear as XML elements and are used to ssociate portions of the EMR document with concepts defined in a domain ontology. A rich corpus of work addresses searching XML documents. Unfortunately, these works do not make use of ontological references to enhance search. In this paper we present the XOntoRank system which addresses the problem of ontology-aware keyword search of XML documents with a particular focus on EMR XML documents. Our current prototypes and experiments use the Health Level Seven (HL7) Clinical Document Architecture (CDA) Release 2.0 standard of EMR representation and the Systematized Nomenclature of Human and Veterinary Medicine (SNOMED) ontology, although the presented techniques and results are applicable to any EMR hierarchical format and any ontology that defines concepts and relationships.

Access the paper at:

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